6 Tips for Finding the Energy to Live the Life of Your Dreams

Candy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

Deep down, we all have some idea of just what our “dream life” would look like, if we could just click our fingers and have whatever we wanted materialise front of us at once.

For some people, a dream life would mean a large house in the countryside, regular nature walks, and less involvement in the everyday rat race that seems to take up so much of the attention of society at large.

For other people, a dream life would be more or less the opposite; a life spent living in a penthouse apartment in the city, with a high-powered and energetic career, and all sorts of active nightlife activities to participate in.

One thing is for sure, though: getting the life of your dreams will always inevitably require insight, planning, goal setting, and work. In other words, getting the life of your dreams requires you to have, and expend, a good deal of energy.

Although we don’t often think about it that way, our own personal energy stores are among our most valuable resources. For someone who is chronically fatigued, exhausted, and overworked, the possibilities for exploring any ambitious goals rapidly diminish, and life becomes just a day-to-day cycle of keeping things ticking along as they are.

While chronic fatigue isn’t something that affects everyone, just about all of us could benefit from having some ways of increasing our energy levels, in the pursuit of our dream lives.

Here are a few tips for finding the energy to live the life of your dreams.

Make sure that you address any nutrient deficiencies you may be experiencing
Perhaps the first cause of major fatigue and loss of energy, is nutrient deficiencies.

In developed countries, in this day and age, it might seem strange to talk about nutrient deficiencies. After all, food is everywhere, most people aren’t starving, and on the contrary, obesity is a major and growing epidemic.

There’s a difference, though, between getting plenty of calories in, and getting all the right vitamins and minerals. In fact, deficiencies in things such as vitamin D, and magnesium, are extremely common, with some estimates suggesting that the majority of people are actually deficient in these, and other, nutrients.

The thing is, nutritional deficiencies can ruin your health, your well-being, and your energy levels to an extreme degree – and what’s more, you may not know, for years, that you actually have those deficiencies at all.

Dr Rhonda Patrick is a strong advocate for taking vitamin and mineral supplements, regardless of what your diet looks like. Doing this, in addition to eating balanced meals, might give you a major boost to your energy that you didn’t even know was possible.

Remove yourself from painful situations, and take proactive steps to alleviate chronic pain
It follows reason that, if you are dealing with chronic pain, your energy levels will tend to be dramatically lower.

Ongoing pain takes a serious toll on the body and the mind. It saps motivation, makes optimism and positivity very difficult, and also ensures that stress hormone levels are chronically elevated and that the body’s normal processes – including digestion and immune function – are unable to operate in the way they should.

Sometimes, dealing with chronic pain will mean using dry herb vaporizers and an appropriate range of supplements. At other times, it will mean undergoing a medical procedure that you’ve been putting off. Sometimes, it will mean simply removing yourself from a harmful situation, or from a set of self-destructive habits that you have fallen into.

The better able you are to remove yourself from painful situations, and to take proactive steps to alleviate chronic pain, the likelier you will be to experience a significant boost your energy levels.

Start giving sleep the respect it deserves
For one reason or another, it’s quite common for people to treat sleep as some kind of luxury that they can safely make do without when it comes to finding more time for work, or even just for evening entertainment.

Sleep, though, is actually anything but a luxury. It’s a vital necessity that your body needs in order to function properly.

Going without sleep for long enough will kill you. Meanwhile, chronic sleep deprivation – even just  in terms of getting a couple of hours less per night than you need – will ruin your health in all sorts of ways, including disrupting your blood sugar regulation, creating a chronic stress response in the body, reducing mental function, increasing the likelihood of cancers, weakening the immune system, and more.

If you want more energy in your life, it might be that what you really need to do is to start getting more sleep every night.

If getting out of bed every morning is a struggle, that’s a sign that you aren’t getting the restful sleep that you need, in the amounts that you need.

Tidy up and organise your home, and pay proper attention to your personal presentation
It’s just difficult to feel energetic and motivated to do much of anything, if your home is totally topsy-turvy, cluttered, and generally disorganised.

A messy home environment always contributes to feelings of apathy. You know that you have a lot of different chores to get done around the home, but the messier everything gets, the more reluctant you are to actually set things in order.

Among other things, this can leave a lot of your emotional and psychological energy tied up in the state of your home, and can make it difficult to even justifying doing much of anything else. “Why should I start spending time and energy on that project, if I haven’t even tidied up the house yet?”

In a similar way, the state of your personal presentation can significantly influence how you feel, and how energetic you are likely to be.

To put it simply; when you dress in a way that makes you feel good about yourself, you will just be much more likely to actually feel like getting things done, in general.

Give yourself a good reason to get out of bed each morning – set yourself goals that genuinely motivate you
Energy isn’t all physical – a good deal of it is also psychological, and is connected to your mindset about certain things.

As you can probably imagine, there aren’t very many people out there who are “energetic” about getting out of bed each morning, when they know that they will have to do all kinds of things that day that they absolutely hate.

On the other hand, people who are genuinely looking forward to what the day holds, are usually a good deal more energetic. Just think about kids on Christmas morning.

To give yourself a good reason to get out of bed each morning, set yourself goals that genuinely motivate you. Even if the day will contain unpleasant chores, you’re sure to feel a lot more driven if you know you’re working toward something meaningful.

Reward yourself for positive and productive acts
If you constantly try to bully yourself into doing things that you really don’t want to do, then, sooner or later, it stands to reason that your energy levels are going to falter pretty significantly.

Instead of doing that, try to motivate yourself to get things done, by rewarding yourself for positive and productive acts.

Next time you have a big project to get through, don’t just rely on sheer willpower and grit to get you through. Instead, motivate yourself by deciding that you will have a nice meal, or go out with friends, when it’s done.

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Three Ways The Modern Age Is Making Us Ill

Candy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

Living in the modern age is - in so many ways - a vast improvement on the past. We’ve got more information at our fingertips, it’s easier to travel, and we as people are more free than ever to live the lives we want. It would be churlish, surely, to complain about being born into this digital age. Wouldn’t it?

Well, yes and no. While we certainly have advantages in the present that people in the past would have loved to have, nothing is ever as simple as it seems, and living in the modern age has its drawbacks. For all that we have the conveniences of a 2020 lifestyle, we also have all the unintended consequences of so many years of progress. In a number of surprising ways, living in the modern era might even be making you ill. Surprised to hear it? Well, read on and you’ll see…

We can’t switch off like we used to
It will come as little or no surprise that mental illness is one way in which the modern age threatens our health. Chief among the problems engendered by living in 2020, is the fact that we are expected to be “on” all the time. If you have a job and a cell phone, then there is a real chance that you’re linked to your job 24/7 - with some employers expecting you to monitor, read and reply to emails even when you’ve “finished” for the day. This leads to extreme stress. Imagine for a moment you were never allowed to leave the office - now ask yourself if this “always on” lifestyle is really that much different?

The modern world is shiny and loud
Okay, so the terminology in the heading may be unscientific - but it’s true. As urban sprawl grows, it is becoming harder and harder to find somewhere to live away from bright lights and noise. The more light you’re seeing, the harder it is to wind down, and even when you do fall asleep you’re not getting the quality of shuteye that you need. Additionally, signs are that people living in cities are more prone to hearing loss, needing to seek out solutions from and similar thanks to constant loud noise. The bright, shiny modern world has been shown to impact health concerns like blood pressure and even cognitive performance.

We’ve become too reliant on some forms of medicine
Modern medicine is a wonder. There are treatments that can bring people back from Stage 4 cancer to being free of the illness, while a condition such as HIV, which was once considered an existential threat to mankind, is now largely manageable. This is good news, and most medical advances are along these lines - by and large, we have more to thank modern treatments for than we have to curse.

However, as noted at, the existence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is something that we need to reckon with. Patients have, for too long, been too willing to ask for antibiotics for simple viruses that they won’t even cure - and doctors too willing to prescribe them thanks to time pressure and overwork. Antibiotics are only ever going to be effective in treating bacterial infection - and even in cases of such infection, should probably only be prescribed when the issue is more acute. If we use them for any minor concern, all we do is make antibiotics less effective when they’re really needed.

The above are some examples of how, just because we live in the modern age, we’re not somehow luckier than the generations that went before. We have our own issues, and they’re real - but just like with the problems of past generations, we’re working on curing them, too!

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Is There A Subject You Wish You Knew More About?

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

When you leave school, your time for learning isn’t always over. You may find that you actually wish you could learn a lot more after you graduate, like in these three subjects.

First of all, if you’re someone that has always wanted to learn a language, you may find that this is what you need to start doing. And if you wish you could speak a second one, you have options. You could use one of the apps that are now available, or take a course online. Or you could hire a tutor to help you.

Are you arty? Do you love the idea of learning more about art or starting to become a trained artist? The you may find that you want to go to art school. Now, you can do this in two ways. You may find that you can go to formal art school and get your bachelors or masters degree, or you might even want to consider going to a local school and doing some part-time classes just for fun.

Finally, if you’re interested in history, then you’ll be glad to know that there are a range of ways that you can learn a lot more about it. Not only can you read up on different topics and rent books from the library, but you can also look to take a course too. For more information on military history, and specifically information on the cost of different wars, just take a look at the below infographic.

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5 Mindfulness Tips For Beginners

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Mindfulness is the art of developing a state of awareness. This can be achieved by certain relaxation techniques, some more straightforward than you might think. Once you have found peace in your mind it will spread to make you happier overall. It’s a great way to reduce stress in the hectic world of today. Here are five simple tips to get you started. 

1. Meditate
This is an important feature of mindfulness practices. Find somewhere quiet, sit down and clear your mind. Many people use a mantra, this is a phrase you can repeat every day to train yourself to think positively. Try getting some Japa Mala Beads to help with the healing process. If you haven’t had much experience with these things, watch a video tutorial to find out how you can teach yourself to meditate. 

2. Appreciate your own company
Studies have shown that being alone from time to time can be very beneficial. Try taking yourself off the grid for an evening, warn your friends and family so they don’t worry and you can get the peace and quiet you deserve. This will give you the time you need to reflect and regulate your emotions, thus making you more able to deal with emotions and social situations. Relationships with others will improve as a result. Go out for a walk, dinner alone, or to see a movie. Think of it as a special evening, as you would with your partner. 


3. Spoil yourself
Treat yourself to some nice flowers for your bedroom that will boost your mood. Buy yourself more little gifts, like candles and chocolates. Book a spa day, or simply go for a facial or massage. Give yourself a makeover, go to the hairdresser’s or have your nails done. Make the new you feel fresh and confident. 

4. Get away
There are plenty of options to take a little trip without spending too much money. Look up local hidden gems near you, such as quaint villages or nature reserves. If you’re lucky enough to live near the coast, how about a day at the beach? Get active and try out nearby hiking or cycling routes. Contact with nature will definitely help you to gain perspective. Try out your new found meditation skills in the woods or a meadow. If you live near natural water, the ocean or a lake, sit and listen to the sounds of the waves and wildlife. 

5. Don’t worry about the future
Mindfulness is being able to avoid negative thoughts and worrying about the unknown. Instead think about the amazing things you’ve already achieved in your life, and how far you’ve come. Write down a list of your accomplishments, whether they may be career or family related, or other significant moments in your life. It’s important for you to try to get some perspective. Be thankful for what you have today and try to live your life to the fullest, it’s the only one you’re ever going to get. 

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Take Charge of Your Oral Health

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Your oral health can dramatically impact your overall health. Infections and bacteria in the gums can spread to other parts of your body and have been linked to dementia, kidney disease, and diabetes. It is essential to take care of your teeth and mouth. Here are some tips to keep your mouth as healthy as possible. 

An important thing to keep in mind about good oral health is it is built on consistency. Without constant attention, there is no way that your mouth can stay healthy. Brushing should happen twice a day and flossing at least once. You probably remember to brush your teeth in the morning when you get ready for the day because it is part of your routine, but brushing before be can sometimes get overlooked. A lot of germs and plaque occur during the day, and it is important to clean it all off your teeth before going to bed. To help with this, create some routine to get ready for bed just like you do to get ready for work. Make sure brushing your teeth is a part of it, and it will not get forgotten. 

Proper Brushing
If you are not brushing your teeth the correct way, then what is the point? Brushing should clear your teeth and gums of all food, germs, and plaque. Any plaque left on your teeth can harden, making it harder to clean off. Germs left on your teeth can cause inflamed gums and infections. You should take your time brushing your teeth and not rush through it. You should brush in small, gentle, circular motions until every tooth has been covered. Be sure to pay attention to your tongue as well. Plaque can build up on your tongue and cause bad breath and infection. 

Dental Implants
If you need to have teeth replaced for any reason, then you have a few options open to you. You should consider dental implants, though, because they are more durable, act like regular teeth, and have a longer lifespan than other methods. A dental implant surgeon can answer questions you have about how dental implants will affect your life and overall health. 

Choosing the right toothpaste is important to your oral health as well, as experts like Artistic Smiles can confirm. Your primary focus before has probably been flavor or whitening power, but what you should be focused on is whether it contains fluoride or not. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by killing germs and creating a barrier for your teeth that protects them from buildup.

No oral health routine is complete without flossing. Most people think flossing is only to get pieces of stuck food out of teeth, so they don’t see it as that important. This is not true. Flossing does much more than that. It not only clears teeth of leftover food, but it also reduces plaque in hard to reach places, lowers inflammation, and stimulates the gums. Flossing may be hard for some people like young children or people with arthritis. There are premade flossers and other help available so you can still reap these benefits.

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4 Signs Your Relationship Is Bad For Your Health

Candy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

Listen, far be it for us to tell you to get out of your relationship. But if it's bad for your health, on either a physical or an emotional level, then you need to put yourself first. Your life matters, and while you may be able to resolve things with your partner, it might also be that you need to sacrifice your relationship for the protection of your health. 

Here are just some of the signs that suggest your health is being put at risk.

#1: Your partner is physically abusive
Okay, so this is the obvious one when it comes to your health, and if it's true in your case, then serious questions need to be raised about your relationship. You deserve to be in a loving relationship, where the only touch you receive is caring and delicate. You don't deserve to be knocked around by another, even if they do make repeated apologies after doing so. There is some advice here on getting out of an abusive relationship, so have a read, and then research organizations in your area for professional advice and support. 

#2: Your partner brings down your self-esteem
Your partner should make you feel special and loved. They should talk to you with kindness and respect. But if you are dating a narcissist who cares more about his life than your own, and if your partner belittles with you degrading words that make you feel less than you are, then it's important to question your relationship. It might be that a conversation is in order, as once your partner knows how much damage they are doing to your confidence levels, they might have the impetus to stop. But if they don't, and if they continue to bring down your self-esteem, in any way, then for the sake of your mental health, it is worth getting out of there.

#3: You are being encouraged into bad habits
If your partner drinks too much, takes drugs on a regular basis, or eats foods that are not conducive to good health, then you may be tempted or asked to indulge in such things yourself. Needless to say, there is nothing positive about any of these things, as your health will suffer, and you might fall prey to those addictions that your partner could be suffering from. Be mindful then, and try to seek help for yourself and your partner if you can. There are counseling groups and addiction treatment programs available to help you, so follow the link and look for others in your area. You might also encourage your partner into better lifestyle habits. However, if he is reluctant to get help, and if your willpower isn't strong enough to protect yourself, then it could be time to end the relationship.

#4: You feel like you're walking on eggshells
If your partner is calm one second and angry the next, you will understandably be nervous around them. And if you're scared to say something in case it fuels his anger, then you will start to suffer from anxiety and fear. This is no relationship to be in. If your partner accepts help for his anger issues, then fine. Counseling groups will be available. However, if he sees nothing wrong in his behavior, and if you continue to walk around on those proverbial eggshells, then, for the sake of your mental wellbeing, you should consider the viability of the relationship.

For more advice, please seek support from organizations in your area who will be able to help you. After all, you deserve to be healthy in your relationship, and not have your health put at risk because of another. 

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7 Simple Style Tips to Make You Feel Strong and Powerful

Candy WashingtonComment
Image from Pexels - CC0 Licence

Image from Pexels - CC0 Licence

Hi lovelies,

“When you look good, you feel good.” That is a statement you hear continually as a woman. You realize now that there is a lot of truth within this phrase, but you don’t know how to implement it into your life. Whether you want to have a more comfortable wardrobe or you want to land that dream job you’ve just applied for, the way you dress can have huge impacts on your mindset and perceived persona. To make things sound less complicated, ultimately this means that you can feel strong and powerful if you make the right style choices. You might think that this sounds like an outlandish claim, but there is so much truth to this. Let’s delve deeper into the magic methods that will help you to unleash your inner boss babe.

1. Get To Know What Suits You
First of all, you need to learn to love your body type. Understanding your shape and knowing what looks amazing on you will be a complete game changer when it comes to adopting a stronger style. There are so many fashion tips on Joyfully Styled that will help you to discover what kind of clothing you suit. You may also want to ask the advice of a friend if you’re unsure what actually looks good on you. Make sure they are totally brutal and honest with you; it will help you to achieve your desired look in the end.

2. Statement Accessories
You can really make a statement when you choose the right accessories. You don’t need to be an expert, you just need to know exactly what matches up with the outfit you’re wearing. From oversized handbags to chic sunglasses, there are so many amazing ways to incorporate powerful accessories into your everyday wardrobe.

3. Chic Shoes
Always choose your shoes wisely as they can make or break your outfit choice. Even when you don’t know what type of fabulous footwear to choose, it can be made a whole lot easier by sticking with a favourite one or two pairs that are already in your closet.

4. Dress For Your Mood
Never underestimate the power of dressing for your mood. You will feel so much more authentic and real if you stay true to who you are. With that being said, when you’re feeling a bit low, dressing confidently will be able to uplift your mood instantly. Some red lipstick and a pair of power boots can skyrocket your confidence instantly.

5. Know The Occasion
When you are completely clear on the occasion you are dressing for, it will become so much easier to adapt your style. You need to know exactly how to dress for the occasion you’re attending. Whether it’s a fancy black tie event or it’s a fun and flirty date. Familiarize yourself with the venue, check the weather and look up pictures on Google to see what other people wore to that same event. You will be able to grab instant inspiration if you approach it from this angle.

6. Comfort Is Key
You never want to compromise your comfort; even if you love the shoes, the pain just isn’t worth it. You can’t be a strong and independent woman if you’re hobbling around in stilettos that just don’t suit you!

7. Mix and Match
You don’t need to go out and spend a fortune on new clothes. You can handpick a couple of forever items and mix and match them as much as you like. For example, if you find the perfect pair of jeans buy them in two or three colors. Then find a power blazer that makes you feel super sexy. Team this combo with a couple of different tops and you instantly have about five or six outfits that look completely different. Mixing and matching is absolute magic, especially if you’re on a budget.

You don’t have to be going for a job interview to dress powerfully; you could literally be taking your dog for a walk in the park. Ultimately, you need to adopt a style that suits your lifestyle and your personality. If you don’t feel completely comfortable in what you’re wearing, you aren’t going to feel able to conquer the world. Make as many or as few changes as you need to in order to find your sense of style. Hopefully these ideas will help you to tap into your inner goddess so that you can shine on the outside, no matter how you’re feeling internally.

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What to Look for in Medical Providers

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

When you're looking for a new healthcare provider, you want to choose one that will take care of you. Once you have decided who is best for your needs, it would be inconvenient and time-consuming to find someone else if you're not happy. There are many things that you might want to consider when making your choice, from how good the time management is to how highly the doctors are regarded.

Look for In-Network Providers
For many people, the first stage of finding a new healthcare provider is to get a list of in-network providers. By choosing a doctor who is within your insurance provider's network, you can avoid paying more than you need to. You can call your insurance provider and ask them for a list of in-network providers to get you started.

Read Reviews
As with any service, it's worth reading the reviews before you decide if it's right for you. Good reviews for a medical provider will tell you about the experiences of current and former patients. It's also worth asking friends and family members if they have any recommendations or experiences with a provider that you are already considering.

Consider Tools and Technologies for Providing Care
If you're someone who likes to choose services that are up to date, consider asking about the tools and technologies providers use to deliver patient care. The right tech can help you to access your patient records more easily, make and control appointments online, provide information about your health to your doctor, and more.

Infographic Design By Bradley University
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How to Be the Best Version of You

Candy WashingtonComment
Image from Pixabay

Image from Pixabay

Hi lovelies,

It’s not easy trying to live in the modern world. There are many different influences in your life which seem to be contradictory and mean that sometimes it is difficult to proceed. In addition to that, we have busy lives, trying to juggle working, family, friends, a social life. It is not easy. Many people allow bad habits to form, and they become so ingrained in life that there appears to be no way out. As time goes by, you may lose yourself, and who you want to be, more and more as you struggle to keep up with all the responsibilities you have lumbered upon yourself. None of this is conducive to you being the best version of you. You may be great at helping out other people, but what about yourself? Eventually, you are going to have to stop one way or another. Here are some tips to help you become you again.

Finding time for you is vital for your mental and physical health. You have to be able to get away from the mad world out there and melt into the world of your own. That means no phones too. Allow yourself to reconnect with what you want, and rediscover your wants and needs. These things are always there at the back of your mind, repressed that you will always have a sense that something is wrong unless you address them. Deep down, you already know the best course of action, it is a matter of unearthing it and accepting it. You may find that a little meditation can go a long way in helping you switch off and find yourself. In essence, time out is the only way for you to find you.

Start making healthier choices
Whoever you are, and no matter how healthy you think you are, there is always something you can change to improve your health and well-being. It could be that you spend far too much time on social media, which has a detrimental effect on your mental health. However, it could be that you are overweight and need to start eating healthier. Start by making better decisions in the supermarket. Buy more fruit and vegetables and less chocolate and cakes. Plan meals in advance instead of relying on drive-throughs and takeaways. It is up to you how you do this, but making good food choices is a great way to make you a better version of you. Also, start exercising. Start by walking more and upgrading over time. If you are determined to be better, you will out in the required effort, and you will see results in terms of your mental health as well as your physical. This is because exercise is a great mood enhancer. 

Stop leaving things for tomorrow
How many time have you said, ‘i'll do it later’ but later never comes? We all do it, but if you become proactive and think, no I’m calling the optometrist now, for example, you will feel so much better. Imagine how much better you will feel when you finally get those womens glasses you have needed for months and can actually see. There is nothing more important than your health. Also, what can you do around the house, decluttering is an excellent way to make you feel better. A clear out is good for the soul, decluttering can be seen as a Zen meditation, so get clearing for your mental health now.

Start a hobby
Is there anything that you want to try? Or do you have a natural gift at something but never use it? Starting a hobby can take you back to that state where anything seems possible. If you really enjoy the hobby, you will find that you enter a flow state where nothing else exists except for the project you are working on. This can be a huge booster to your sense of self-worth as you are achieving something for you. 

Learn to relax
Don’t allow small things to get you down. Bad things happen every day, but you need to be able to see it for what it is, unimportant in the grand scheme of things. The reality is, if you allow every little thing you get you down, you are going to be ill-equipped to deal with the big things. Stop worrying about other people and things you cannot change. You cannot force things in life. All you do is push things away if you try too hard. So, relax, put your feet up and allow the world to come to you.

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Physical Changes For A Healthier Mind

Candy WashingtonComment
Photo: Pixabay CC0 License

Photo: Pixabay CC0 License

Hi lovelies,

Healthy body, healthy mind. It’s the oldest cliché in the book, but it is one that deserves a great level of attention. This is especially true if you’ve previously shown symptoms of depression, anxiety, or related conditions. 

There are several physical changes that can have a direct impact on your mindset and mental health. Here are five of the best options at your disposal. 

#1. Regular Exercise 

A Lean Life increase in physical activity can be a huge step towards getting the physique that you crave. This will subsequently produce a spike in self-confidence, which is great for your mental health. The release of endorphins during workouts can improve your well-being during and after the sessions. Whether it’s cardio, strength training, HIIT, or playing sports doesn’t matter. Regular exercise will improve your health on a mental note as well as a physical one.

#2. Good Diet

Regular exercise goes hand in hand with a healthy diet. Nutrition doesn't only aid your body image, though. Feeding your body the right stuff can actively promote physical wellness from the inside. In turn, the lack of digestive problems, low energy, and related issues should boost your mental health. Ultimately, feeling good on a physical level is sure to have a huge impact on your mental wellbeing. Best of all, this is a simple switch that can bring rewards in a matter of days. 

#3. Better Sleep 

It’s very easy to overlook the value of a good night’s sleep. In reality, though, it is arguably the single greatest upgrade anyone can make. Various steps can be taken to achieve this goal, such as relaxing before bed and not using your smartphone in bed. The increased energy and other physical rewards will put you in a brighter mood. Similarly, this is a particularly useful method for keeping stress at bay. Given that this is the most common issue to attack mental health, the benefits of a good night’s sleep should not be ignored. 

#4. New Smile 

A winning smile is truly the greatest asset that anyone can possess. It redefines your entire look in an immensely positive. The positive responses that are sure to follow from friends, relatives, and colleagues will boost your mindset. Cosmetic oral surgery is an upgrade that brings greater improvements than virtually every other task. In many cases, the visual rewards are supported by restored function. As far as investments into your health and image are concerned, this is ideal. 

#5. Make Time For People 

Habitual changes can have a huge impact on your life. Given that human interaction holds the key to your happiness, rebalancing your schedule can be key. It’s a physical upgrade to how your time is spent, but the rewards are mental. Whether it’s increased vacations, days out, or home date nights with your spouse is up to you. Either way, the happiness that these tasks can bring will undoubtedly enhance your life. Physically. Mentally. Spiritually. You’d be a fool not to capitalize. 

With mental health complaints becoming more common than ever, now is the time to take control of the situation. Even if it’s a preventive measure, you will not regret it. 

#6. Take Care Of Your Senses
You might not recognize it, but changes to your senses, that happen naturally over time, can affect your mental and emotional well-being more than you might think. For instance, people who have undiagnosed hearing loss tend to be more prone to social isolation, as it can lead to misunderstandings and communication problems which can be stressful to deal with, which a hearing test can help clear up. Similarly, if you’re not able to see as well as you could, it could force you to focus more at work, increasing your mental load, and causing a buildup of stress. Learn how to know if Lasik eye surgery is for you so that you can tell whether or not you could alleviate some of that strain. Otherwise, you could be causing yourself more stress than you’re even aware of, over time.

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What You Need To Know About Reading Palms

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

One of the world’s most ancient arts is palm reading. Yet, unless you know exactly how to do it, it can seem impossible. However, it’s important to make sure that you’re just reading the right lines. While there are quite a few that you could consider, there are four main ones. Those are;

Heart Line
Here, you’re going to want to look at the position, whether it’s broken or crisscrossed, and where it begins. This can tell you a lot of different answers. But then also, a short and straight line may say don’t give too much importance to love.

Head Line
This can say a lot about emotions and personality, such as realistic and logical, creative and imaginative, emotional, or a good decision maker. Just take a look at the infographic below to find out more.

Life Line
This line can say a lot about the life. A deep and long line can indicate vitality, whereas a straight line close to the thumb may signal fragility. If there are breaks, it may be that the person will experience a lot of change in their life.

Destiny Line
This is the fourth and final line to know. A deep line here can signal a slave of destiny. And it if starts near the life line it can suggest that the person is independent.

Interested to find out more about reading the palm lines and what exactly they mean? Just take a look at the infographic below.

Infographic Design By Ask Astrology
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Episode 18: Adult Bullies Do Exist Here’s How Not to Be One

Podcast, Self-CareCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Listen above to the latest episode or on iTunes, here.

In this episode, we discuss the fact that adult bullies do exist and I give tangible ways to ensure that you don’t become one. This episode is based off of my article that was published in The Candidly. 

It was your typical Tuesday in the life of an influencer. I was sitting at a fancy blogger brunch, surrounded by the familiar faces of my writer, editor, and blogger friends and acquaintances. As we pushed around the food on our plates and sipped on Rosé, I noticed the mumblings of a conversation between, Nina* and Jane*. 

Nina, “Yeah, the Kardashian’s made curves cool, but that trend is so over.” She then turns, laughs, points to me and says, “Haha, I mean, Candy has the biggest ass here!” My mouth went dry when the meaning of what she said had sunk in. Was she making fun of my body? Was she low-key calling me fat? Was she trying to make the others girl laugh at my expense? Was she exerting her position as the Alpha at the table? Is this was body-shaming felt like? It was clear that the answer was, ‘Yes to all of the above.’

I suppose she had expected the rest of the table to erupt into laughter with her, but when her mean-spirited dig was met with silence, she responded, “Oh, I mean, I wish my butt was bigger!” This back-handed follow-up comment really solidified her mean girl status. 

My friend Eva* looked at me and mouthed, “Are you okay?” I nodded that I was but that was a lie. Even though the other girls didn’t join in on making fun of my shape, I felt a hot wave of shame wash all over my body. I bit my lower lip in an effort to stifle the tears that were threatening to break free from my eyes. 

Here I was, an accomplished content creator surrounded by my industry peers at a professional event being reduced to feeling like a 12 year old girl in the cafeteria lunchroom that no one wanted to sit with. Weren’t we as adults, and especially as women, supposed to be evolved enough to not take pleasure in inflicting emotional and physical pain on others? Weren’t we supposed to know that bringing someone else down doesn’t bring ourselves up? Apparently not. 

When I got back home after the brunch, I started to think about the roots of adult bullying and what was causing another accomplished woman to feel the need to belittle another accomplished woman in the presence of others. But more importantly, I thought of tangible ways to ensure that I never became like her. That I never projected my own pain, hurt, and insecurities onto other people as a way to temporarily elevate my own feeling of being less than. After all, ‘hurt people, hurt people.’ 

So in an effort to repurpose the pain, shame, and embarrassment that I felt that day, I’ve pulled together a few key insights on how not to become an adult bully. 

Identify your own triggers and get some perspective
Getting clear on who you are and what makes you tick is imperative to harnessing your true strength and inner peace. When you’re able to be self-aware enough to know what areas in your life you still need to heal, then you’re able to identify when those triggers are being activated and address them with grace, love, and compassion, rather than lashing out at the nearest target. 

Usually people bully other people because something about that person or experience triggers a pre-existing insecurity or wound within that person. Until we are able to heal our own wounds, we’ll keep wounding others. Actively working on your own self-awareness can be scary, tough, and at-times exhausting, but healing your wounds and taking back your power to choose differently when triggered is the work that we must do in order to become whole, healed, and healthy human beings. 

Key Exercise: Mindfully notice when you feel shame, embarrassment, anger, resentment, and any negative feelings. Then journal about what was said, what happened, and what memories were brought up from past trauma that triggered those same emotions. Getting clear on the correlations between past trauma and present triggers will help you mature and grow emotionally. This way, you’re able to check yourself and moderate yourself, rather than project your own pain onto others.

Practice gratitude 
I know, I know. Gratitude has been a wellness buzzword for the past few years, but there’s a reason for that. When you are full of gratitude for what you have and for what is on its way to you, you cannot simultaneously hold space for jealousy, envy, or feeling less than, which is another root cause of bullying. 

We tend to want to tear other people down because we feel that there isn’t enough love, praise, money, attention, friendship, or whatever, to go around, so we want to make sure that we get it which means someone else has to go without. The feeling of scarcity or the feeling of being less than is a root cause of this faulty mentality which leads to the destructive behavior that manifests itself as bullying.

Getting clear on the fact that who you are is enough, that you have intrinsic value and meaning, is the first step to healing the faulty mentality that you have to compete with others for love, attention, affection, friendship, and success. It’s the first step to focusing on our own life in a healthy way so that you no longer feel the need to bring others down in a false attempt to elevate your own ego.

Key Exercise: Forget about having ‘an attitude of gratitude’ actually practice and implement a lifestyle of gratitude into your daily routine. This means going beyond keeping a gratitude journal, but to changing the way you think, speak, and act both to yourself and others through the lens of gratitude. 

See below for a few tangible examples:

Old way: “I’m sorry I was late, I’m always running behind.”
Gratitude way: “Thank you for waiting for me.”

Old way: “I never have enough time to stop and fully take in what’s going on around me.”
Gratitude way: “I always have enough time. I’m thankful for all of the abundance around me, from the trees, the birds, the sun, and everything else in -between.”

Old way: “There’s only room for one person like me in my workplace/friendship group/etc.”
Gratitude way: “I’m thankful for surrounding myself with people who accept and include me as I am and I love doing the same for others.”

Old way: “Nothing ever works out for me. I have such terrible luck.”
Gratitude way: “Everything is always working out for me. All that comes to pass is for my greatest good. I consciously create my own luck.” 

Old way: “Who does she think she is? I’ll show her!”
Gratitude way: “I love seeing other women own their power in a clear and confident way. I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn from her and do the same.”

It is my sincere hope that you found value in my story and in my insights. If so, please comment and share. 

*Names changed to protect both the innocent and the guilty. 


I’m honored that you’re joining me on our journey to self-love, self-care, self-worth, and self-discovery. It is my hope that this podcast adds some joy, love, happiness, and actionable insights to your life.

If you haven’t already, be sure to pick-up a copy of Sugar Pills: 10 Days to Awaken Your Inner Power:, or grab it on Amazon Kindle:

You can also enjoy all of my favorite things to get your joy back with my Self-Care Starter Kit:

For more on practical self-care: 

Join me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter: @candywashington and check out my site,

Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes, here.

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Childhood Obesity Is A Ticking Time Bomb

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

While the rate of obesity among the adult population is reaching an all-time high, the same is also true of the child population. There are more kids with a BMI over 30 than at any point in US history. 

For people who understand childhood obesity, this stat is of tremendous concern. Researchers know that childhood obesity dramatically increases the chance that a person will develop chronic diseases in the future, like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. It also makes kids much more likely to remain obese for the whole of their lives. 

The effects of childhood obesity on the kids can be enormous. Larger children are at risk of being bullied, have a poor quality of life, and experience mental health problems. They are also more likely to suffer academically and get bad marks on their exams. 

More than 63 percent of overweight girls said that they experienced daily teasing or bullying compared to 30 percent of the general population of girls. 

So what's causing the epidemic of childhood obesity? As the following infographic shows, it's a multitude of factors. The main dietary contributors appear to be sugar intake and fast-food consumption. The average American child consumes around 19.4 teaspoons of sugar per day, which is about four times the recommended amount. Furthermore, approximately 34.3 percent of kids consume fast food on a typical day. 

Are you worried about the childhood obesity epidemic? If so, take a look at the following infographic. It charts the causes of the current epidemic and suggests what we can do as parents and a society to turn things around. 

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How to Change Your Diet for Good

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

People often view dieting as something that you do temporarily, often to lose weight. However, if you want to make permanent and long-term changes to your health, it's much better to change your diet for good. The question is, how do you make a permanent and healthy change to your diet?

Take Baby Steps
Trying to change your entire diet all at once is unlikely to be successful. If you try to do too much, you could soon give up because it feels too difficult. You can make a big change to your diet, but it makes sense to make one change at a time until you're happy.

Make Healthy Swaps
If you want to change your diet while keeping some of the things you love, making a few healthy swaps can really help. For example, you can swap butter for a more low-fat spread. Instead of having pasta, you might choose to have "spaghetti" made from squash or zucchini.

Be Realistic
Putting too much pressure on yourself to change your diet could mean you go right back to your old habits. Healthy eating doesn't have to mean no longer enjoying any of your usual pleasures. You can still allow for snacks and treats while having a balanced diet.

Ditch the Fad Diets
If there's one thing that won't help you change your diet for good, it's a fad diet. Most of them are designed for the short-term, and they're not sustainable for a more long-term diet. It's much better to find a balanced diet that you can maintain long-term.

Infographic Design By University of Southern California
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Episode 17: How to Create Healthy Personal Boundaries

Podcast, Self-CareCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Listen above to the latest episode or on iTunes, here.

In this episode, we discuss how to create healthy personal boundaries and why they are so important to your overall happiness and health. Establishing healthy personal boundaries is essential to forming and maintaining a positive sense of self, self-image, and your self-concept. 

Let’s first define healthy personal boundaries, and having healthy personal boundaries will translate into having healthy professional boundaries as well. It will positively affect all areas of your life.

The mental, emotional, and physical limitations that we create in order to protect ourselves from exhaustion, manipulation, violations, and abuse from others are our personal boundaries. Healthy boundaries empower us to establish who we are, what we feel, what we think, as individual people from the wants, needs, thoughts, and feelings of others. 

This doesn’t mean that we don’t respect the boundaries that other people have established for themselves, it just means that we honor ourselves as unique individuals and hold other people accountable to do the same. 

So, now that we know what personal boundaries are, let’s now discuss what they can do and remember that we must be willing and open to communicate in a healthy, direct, and honest way, with others what our boundaries are and honor that we are all unique individual human beings with our own wants, needs, preferences, desires, emotions, and voices. 

Creating, establishing, and enforcing healthy personal boundaries, is the way in which we let other people know how we want to be treated and it communicates to them that we have self-worth, self-value, and self-respect. It also lets them know that you define you and that you don’t let others determine the trajectory of your life and the way in which you feel about yourself. 

Setting healthy boundaries helps you to maintain your integrity as a human being, take ownership for your life, and to take your control back from anyone trying to encroach upon your free will as an individual. 


Know that you have a right to personal boundaries. 
You not only have the right, but you must take responsibility for how you allow others to treat you. Your boundaries act as filters permitting what is acceptable in your life and what is not. If you don't have boundaries that protect and define you, as in a strong sense of identity, you tend to derive your sense of worth from others. To avoid this situation, set clear and decisive limits so that others will respect them, then be willing to do whatever it takes to enforce them. Interestingly, it's been shown that those who have weak boundaries themselves tend to violate the boundaries of others. 

Identify the actions and behaviors that you find unacceptable. 
Let others know when they've crossed the line, acted inappropriately, or disrespected you in any way. Do not be afraid to tell others when you need emotional and physical space. Allow yourself to be who you really are without pressure from others to be anything else. Know what actions you may need to take if your wishes aren't respected.

Trust and believe in yourself. 
You are the highest authority on you. You know yourself best. You know what you need, want, and value. Don't let anyone else make the decisions for you. Healthy boundaries make it possible for you to respect your strengths, abilities and individuality as well as those of others. An unhealthy imbalance occurs when you encourage neediness, or are needy; want to be rescued, or are the rescuer, or when you choose to play the victim.

*Signs of Unhealthy Boundaries

  • Going against personal values or rights in order to please others

  • Giving as much as you can for the sake of giving

  • Taking as much as you can for the sake of taking

  • Letting others define you

  • Expecting others to fill your needs automatically

  • Feeling bad or guilty when you say no

  • Not speaking up when you are treated poorly

  • Falling apart so someone can take care of you

  • Falling "in love" with someone you barely know or who reaches out to you

  • Accepting advances, touching and sex that you don't want

  • Touching a person without asking

*When we possess healthy personal boundaries

✔ We have improved self-confidence and a healthy self-concept

✔ We are more in touch with reality

✔ Are better able to communicate with others

✔ Have better more fulfilling relationships

✔ Have more stability and control over our lives

Remember: It’s never too late to work on establishing healthy personal boundaries. Everyday is a new day to begin again and become the strong, confident, whole, and complete person that you were born to be. 

* Note: Research for this podcast episode should be credited to Essential Life Skills from an article written by Z. Hereford and the starred sections are excerpts from the article. 


I’m honored that you’re joining me on our journey to self-love, self-care, self-worth, and self-discovery. It is my hope that this podcast adds some joy, love, happiness, and actionable insights to your life.

If you haven’t already, be sure to pick-up a copy of Sugar Pills: 10 Days to Awaken Your Inner Power:, or grab it on Amazon Kindle:

You can also enjoy all of my favorite things to get your joy back with my Self-Care Starter Kit:

For more on practical self-care: 

Join me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter: @candywashington and check out my site,

Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes, here.

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Small Health Improvements That Make a Big Difference

Candy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

There aren’t too many people out there that wouldn’t like to improve their health and fitness levels in one way or another. Alas, like all things that are valuable, this isn’t something that comes easily. If you want to get healthier, then you’ll need to work out at the gym multiple times a week and eat nothing but leafy salads. Or at least that’s what people think. In fact, it’s possible that you can greatly improve your health just by making a few lifestyle changes. We take a look at the ones that have the biggest impact below.

Get a Good Night’s Rest
It’s so much easier to stay fit and healthy when you’re well-rested. Poor sleep is responsible for a host of large and small health problems. On a day to day basis, you’ll find that you’re less inclined to exercise and spend time cooking a healthy meal, both of which will contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle. But there are bigger problems that a lack of sleep can bring too, including heightening your risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease, among others. You can push yourself towards a more restful night by looking at your pre-sleep routine. Cut out screen time, focus on meditation, and avoid alcohol and caffeine, and you should find it easier to reach the land of Nod.

Start the Morning Well
It’s hard to bring healthy habits into your lifestyle during the day. You’ve already got so much going on; it’s unlikely that you’re going to add extra activities into your schedule. Because of this, it’s important that you’re making the most of your mornings. This is a time of day when you can push your health in the right direction. If you have a hearty and healthy breakfast, practice ten minutes of meditation, go for a short run, and then take a cold shower, you’ll be on the right path. 

Learn to Cook
You could work out multiple times a week and still find that you’re unable to reach your fitness goals. If you’re not eating healthy meals, then you’ll always be fighting a losing battle. Some people think that cooking is especially difficult or time-consuming, but this is not the case! There are many, many easy to make meals that just require a few ingredients. Look up a few, and get used to being in the kitchen. Once you’ve got the hang of things, you’ll be able to make more complicated recipes. Aside from pushing you to eat healthier meals, you’ll likely find that you kind of enjoy the process of cooking. 

Healthier Lifestyles
If you’re going to push yourself to be fitter and healthier, then you’ll need to look at your lifestyle. It could be that you’re making a couple of fundamental errors that are having a detrimental effect on your health. Are you eating too many sugary snacks throughout the day, for example? They might taste good, but they’re not going to push you towards the healthiest version of yourself. And what about when you socialize, does that contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle? It’s best to reduce your alcohol intake, and to cut out cigarettes altogether. If you find this difficult, look at making subtle changes. Instead of smoking, you can take up vaping instead. Don’t worry if you’ve never tried it before -- this mvp 5 review mentions how the package includes everything you need to get started. You can reduce your alcohol intake by first finding social activities that are not based around drinking. If that’s not possible, alternate your alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic drinks -- it’s a trick that really works.

Small changes in your routine can make a huge difference. Many have discovered that replacing one habit with a healthier option brings numerous benefits. Short walks after meals or a few minutes of quiet time can help you feel more balanced. Swapping heavy smoking for vaping could help you shift towards quicker improvements altogether. Experimenting with small shifts in your daily habits might lead you to a healthier lifestyle that suits you better. Have a look for vapes online to find one for you.

Walking it Out
We drive more or less everywhere, don’t we? It’s convenient, sure, but it’s not good for our health. We were not designed to spend so much sitting down. We were designed to be upright! So whenever possible, look at walking instead of driving. It’s one of the most underrated activities there is, really! By incorporating walking into your daily life, you’ll be giving your body more of a workout than it would otherwise get, and you’ll be clearing your headspace too. 

Weekend Fun
Finally, take a look at spending more time in the outdoors, which can do wonders for our health, on multiple levels. Just being in nature has been shown to give our mental health a boost, for starters. There are also a lot of activities to do there that can improve your fitness levels. You’ll know what we mean after you go for a hike! 

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Get Waisted: How To Achieve The Perfect Silhouette

BodyCandy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

Fall fashion is all about that curvaceous, hourglass shape - belted wool jackets, nipped in jumper dresses and smooth LBDs - but all those layers can quickly look bulky if you don’t define your silhouette. Getting the most out of the season’s looks is much easier if you have a trim waist that you can emphasize with belted styles - buf if you struggle with that area of your body, it can feel easier said than done. Every clothing outlet from high end to mass retailer is showing corseted shapes, belted jackets and garments with a tailored waist, so use these top tips to get on board and feel and look your best in the new season pieces.

Get On Those Abdominal Exercises
Method one involves trying to get a more cinched waist through exercise. But forget hundreds of crunches - there are smarter moves to do in a tiny waist workout. Pilates moves like planks engage your core muscles to visually pull you in at the midsection and make everything look tidier. Find a plank challenge online and built it up slowly until you’re doing minutes at a time. Leg raises and bird dogs can combat a lower tummy droop and pull you in, or try stomach vacuuming exercises. You need to focus on your oblique muscles too - those at your sides, which will pull in the waist. Start a regime now and dedicate twenty minutes a night to a toning session to see real results. You will also need to make sure you’re eating a healthy diet - drinking lots of soda and eating salty snack foods will mean that your hard work doesn’t show.

Try A Waist Trainer
For more of a temporary solution, there is a huge range of control underwear available out there, including waist trainers. Although you shouldn’t wear one all the time, they can give you a bit of a boost in that special outfit - if you find yourself searching for tummy tuck videos here, perhaps it's worth trying one first. Using special latex materials or steel boning, these girdles such you in and create that beautiful hourglass shape. There’s also control pants like Spanx if you prefer something a bit less restrictive which will still create a smoother silhouette.

Adjust Your Diet
If you suffer from abdominal bloating, it could be that you need to address your diet before putting in lots of hard work at the gym. There are a few things which can cause this, so work your way through solutions until you find one that works for you. The first possibility is that you may be retaining water - if you tend to struggle to get into your jeans around a certain time of the month, this is likely to be the culprit. Natural water retention tablets and diuretics like dandelion tea can help-  and make sure that you’re drinking plenty of water too - your body will cling on to it if it feels dehydrated. The second option could be that you have a food intolerance - there are food sensitivity testing kits out there which you can use to be sure. If you notice that you always feel bloated and sluggish after eating bread and wheat-based food or sugary foods like lots of fruit, this could be the cause. If you do have a food intolerance, your stomach will usually return to normal within two to seven days of not eating whatever is causing the problem. Pot bellies can also result from an overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria in the colon. Try a probiotic supplements such as capsules, or fermented foods and drinks - kombucha, sauerkraut or kefir yoghurt are all high on the list, or you can get a probiotic drink to have each morning.

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*Photo credit for collaborative post: Image via Pexels - CC0 Licence

Swisse Australian Multivitamin Ultiboost Jelly Sticks Make US Debut

Body, Mind, LifestyleCandy Washington1 Comment

Hi lovelies,

I’m still on a natural high from a day full of wellness with Swisse Multivitamin! We enjoyed an invigorating workout with  celebrity trainer Luke Milton where we worked out our bodies through intentional movement.

Then we enjoyed a nourishing lunch followed by a nutrition panel with international model and yogi Ashley Hart, registered dietician Erin Palinski-Wade, and celebrity trainer Luke Milton. One of my favorite experiences was the guided meditation where we focused on our breathing and being comfortable in stillness.

We also got to enjoy the Swisse Australian Multivitamin Ultiboost Jelly Sticks in Beauty, Focus, and Immune. The jelly sticks are perfect for a boost while on-the-go and even when traveling. The flavored jelly sticks taste great and for more info on the jelly sticks, read below:

Swisse Ultiboost Jelly Sticks: Beauty Boost

  • Get the support you want, when you need it

  • Helps support healthy, radiant skin

  • Contains collagen, goji Berry Extract, Manuka honey, and Aloe Vera

  • Raspberry Rose flavor

Swisse Ultiboost Jelly Sticks: Focus Boost

  • Jellies are a fun and convenient way to get the support you want, when you need it. Just tear off the top and enjoy!

  • Helps support memory recall, concentration and focus

  • Contains cera-q, Yerba Mate & Green Tea extract

  • Blueberry Cherry flavor

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Episode 10: Ten Things Every Healthy Person Does Alone

Podcast, Self-CareCandy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

As an introvert, I love my alone time at-home, with just me, my books, tea, and a warm blanket. Taking time off to recharge my batteries and be with myself fills me back up and reignites my creativity.

But being alone in your apartment is pretty easy, but what about doing things on your own outside the comfort of your personal space? Are you able to do things that are usually reserved for social occasions without the security blanket of your squad?

If not, then I challenge you to do one thing on the list below each week to grow outside of your comfort zone and learn how to be comfortable in your skin while owning the space that you take up.











As always, I’m honored that you’re joining me on our journey to self-love, self-care, self-worth, and self-discovery. It is my hope that this podcast adds some joy, love, happiness, and actionable insights to your life.

If you haven’t already, be sure to pick-up a copy of Sugar Pills: 10 Days to Awaken Your Inner Power on Amazon, here:

Or grab it on Amazon Kindle, here:

You can also enjoy all of my favorite things to get your joy back with my “Self-Care Starter Kit,” here:

For more on practical self-care:

Join me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter: @candywashington and check out my site,

Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes, here.

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Episode 9: Five Ways to Stop Caring About What People Think

Podcast, Self-CareCandy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

Tired of letting comments, criticism, clap-backs, and shade get you down? Then listen to this episode of Sugar Pills: A Practical Guide to Self-Care and get your power back.

Five Ways to Stop Caring About What People Think

  • Know the difference between an opinion and a put-down

  • Don’t give away your power to choose (accept vs. reject)

  • Your opinion trumps all

  • Be mindful of your perspective - create space and observe

  • Don’t internalize other people’s insecurities - Ask yourself: “Do I agree with what these people are saying about me?”

  • Bonus: Are you projecting your own thoughts, fears, and insecurities onto what someone else said?

As always, I’m honored that you’re joining me on our journey to self-love, self-care, self-worth, and self-discovery. It is my hope that this podcast adds some joy, love, happiness, and actionable insights to your life.

If you haven’t already, be sure to pick-up a copy of Sugar Pills: 10 Days to Awaken Your Inner Power on Amazon, here:

Or grab it on Amazon Kindle, here:

You can also enjoy all of my favorite things to get your joy back with my “Self-Care Starter Kit,” here:

For more on practical self-care:

Join me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter: @candywashington and check out my site,

Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes, here.

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