How to Be the Best Version of You

Candy WashingtonComment
Image from Pixabay

Image from Pixabay

Hi lovelies,

It’s not easy trying to live in the modern world. There are many different influences in your life which seem to be contradictory and mean that sometimes it is difficult to proceed. In addition to that, we have busy lives, trying to juggle working, family, friends, a social life. It is not easy. Many people allow bad habits to form, and they become so ingrained in life that there appears to be no way out. As time goes by, you may lose yourself, and who you want to be, more and more as you struggle to keep up with all the responsibilities you have lumbered upon yourself. None of this is conducive to you being the best version of you. You may be great at helping out other people, but what about yourself? Eventually, you are going to have to stop one way or another. Here are some tips to help you become you again.

Finding time for you is vital for your mental and physical health. You have to be able to get away from the mad world out there and melt into the world of your own. That means no phones too. Allow yourself to reconnect with what you want, and rediscover your wants and needs. These things are always there at the back of your mind, repressed that you will always have a sense that something is wrong unless you address them. Deep down, you already know the best course of action, it is a matter of unearthing it and accepting it. You may find that a little meditation can go a long way in helping you switch off and find yourself. In essence, time out is the only way for you to find you.

Start making healthier choices
Whoever you are, and no matter how healthy you think you are, there is always something you can change to improve your health and well-being. It could be that you spend far too much time on social media, which has a detrimental effect on your mental health. However, it could be that you are overweight and need to start eating healthier. Start by making better decisions in the supermarket. Buy more fruit and vegetables and less chocolate and cakes. Plan meals in advance instead of relying on drive-throughs and takeaways. It is up to you how you do this, but making good food choices is a great way to make you a better version of you. Also, start exercising. Start by walking more and upgrading over time. If you are determined to be better, you will out in the required effort, and you will see results in terms of your mental health as well as your physical. This is because exercise is a great mood enhancer. 

Stop leaving things for tomorrow
How many time have you said, ‘i'll do it later’ but later never comes? We all do it, but if you become proactive and think, no I’m calling the optometrist now, for example, you will feel so much better. Imagine how much better you will feel when you finally get those womens glasses you have needed for months and can actually see. There is nothing more important than your health. Also, what can you do around the house, decluttering is an excellent way to make you feel better. A clear out is good for the soul, decluttering can be seen as a Zen meditation, so get clearing for your mental health now.

Start a hobby
Is there anything that you want to try? Or do you have a natural gift at something but never use it? Starting a hobby can take you back to that state where anything seems possible. If you really enjoy the hobby, you will find that you enter a flow state where nothing else exists except for the project you are working on. This can be a huge booster to your sense of self-worth as you are achieving something for you. 

Learn to relax
Don’t allow small things to get you down. Bad things happen every day, but you need to be able to see it for what it is, unimportant in the grand scheme of things. The reality is, if you allow every little thing you get you down, you are going to be ill-equipped to deal with the big things. Stop worrying about other people and things you cannot change. You cannot force things in life. All you do is push things away if you try too hard. So, relax, put your feet up and allow the world to come to you.

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