How to Change Your Diet for Good

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

People often view dieting as something that you do temporarily, often to lose weight. However, if you want to make permanent and long-term changes to your health, it's much better to change your diet for good. The question is, how do you make a permanent and healthy change to your diet?

Take Baby Steps
Trying to change your entire diet all at once is unlikely to be successful. If you try to do too much, you could soon give up because it feels too difficult. You can make a big change to your diet, but it makes sense to make one change at a time until you're happy.

Make Healthy Swaps
If you want to change your diet while keeping some of the things you love, making a few healthy swaps can really help. For example, you can swap butter for a more low-fat spread. Instead of having pasta, you might choose to have "spaghetti" made from squash or zucchini.

Be Realistic
Putting too much pressure on yourself to change your diet could mean you go right back to your old habits. Healthy eating doesn't have to mean no longer enjoying any of your usual pleasures. You can still allow for snacks and treats while having a balanced diet.

Ditch the Fad Diets
If there's one thing that won't help you change your diet for good, it's a fad diet. Most of them are designed for the short-term, and they're not sustainable for a more long-term diet. It's much better to find a balanced diet that you can maintain long-term.

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