What You Need To Know About Reading Palms

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

One of the world’s most ancient arts is palm reading. Yet, unless you know exactly how to do it, it can seem impossible. However, it’s important to make sure that you’re just reading the right lines. While there are quite a few that you could consider, there are four main ones. Those are;

Heart Line
Here, you’re going to want to look at the position, whether it’s broken or crisscrossed, and where it begins. This can tell you a lot of different answers. But then also, a short and straight line may say don’t give too much importance to love.

Head Line
This can say a lot about emotions and personality, such as realistic and logical, creative and imaginative, emotional, or a good decision maker. Just take a look at the infographic below to find out more.

Life Line
This line can say a lot about the life. A deep and long line can indicate vitality, whereas a straight line close to the thumb may signal fragility. If there are breaks, it may be that the person will experience a lot of change in their life.

Destiny Line
This is the fourth and final line to know. A deep line here can signal a slave of destiny. And it if starts near the life line it can suggest that the person is independent.

Interested to find out more about reading the palm lines and what exactly they mean? Just take a look at the infographic below.

Infographic Design By Ask Astrology
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