Products That Wellness Girls Swear By

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

If you’re interested in wellness, you’ll know that there are certain products that can help you along your journey. These enhance your self-care routine and make it easier for you to get closer to your goals. 

But what products should be on your radar? What really works? Let’s take a look. 

Incense Kits
What you eat is important, but so too is what you smell. It turns out that your olfactory receptors - the tissues that detect odors in your nose - can massively influence how you feel. 

Have you ever noticed how much better everything seems when you have fresh flowers in your apartment or you burn a scented candle? It’s not just the placebo effect. These fragrances can really change your mood and make you feel so much better. 

Essential Oil Diffusers
On a similar theme, you might also want to experiment with essential oil diffusers. These pipe cold steam mixed with essential oils into your rooms, filling them with beautiful fragrances. Try adding essential oils such as lavender and peppermint for greatest effect, or use a CBN tincture.

Bathing Salts
The range of Epsom bathing slats on the market today is tremendous. There are so many options available for people who just want to unwind, relax and feel at peace. 

The best salts are those that combine essential oils, releasing them as you soak in the tub for added effect. 

Silk Pillowcase
Regular cotton pillow cases are okay. But if you really want to experience comfort and avoid bed face in the morning, then you’ll want to opt for silk. Because the fabric is so soft, it is naturally anti-aging. It doesn’t cause your face to crease like regular pillows do. 

Rosemary Roll On
Rosemary is a wonder herb that reduces inflammation, elevates mood and even makes you live longer. You can now get it in the form of a roll on oil that you can put on your hands, under your eyes or parts of your body that ache. 

Matcha Tea Kit
Matcha powder is ground young green tea leaves. It is widely known for its potent anti-aging and longevity effects. It is also high in certain amino acids that scientists believe can boost your mood and leave you feeling fresh. 

Kombucha is a fermented drink that contains healthy cultures. It’s having a moment in the wellness community because of its ability to improve people’s gut health. 

Kombucha comes in many delicious flavors, so just pick your favorite. Opt for low-sugar options. 

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has been a hit in the wellness community for many years. The reason is pretty simple: this impressive vinegar is able to reduce blood sugar levels and may even assist with weight loss. It’s also good for increasing insulin sensitivity among people with type 2 diabetes. 

Ashwagandha Powder
Ashwagandha is an ayurvedic herb that seems to reduce both stress and anxiety in people prone to it. It also helps with focus and may even make you more productive at work. Thus, if you’re prone to stress, you should try it. 

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Eat Your Way To Better Health

Candy WashingtonComment
Photo: Unsplash

Photo: Unsplash

Hi lovelies,

Every year, more than 12.7 million people worldwide are diagnosed with cancer. 600,000 people die from the disease every month. The guidelines of the American Cancer Society are not based on one study or another. The guidelines were written by a panel of experts in cancer research, cancer prevention, epidemiology, public health and health systems policy, and reflect the latest scientific evidence. Alcohol and smoking are very unhealthy habits that can contribute to the cause of cancer.  It is recommended that men limit drinking alcohol to no more than two servings per day and women to one serving. There are plenty of types of cancer, from breast cancer, to melanoma and mesothelioma

It’s all about the diet
Studies show that people who consume more vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants are at lower risk of developing cancer. The recommendation is to consume these substances through food and not through supplements. Vegetables and fruits It is recommended to eat at least 2.5 cups of fruits and vegetables a day and a variety should be maintained every day. Eat vegetables and fruits at every meal and as snacks. When drinking fruit juice - choose products that contain 100% fruit. Limit the amount of high-calorie sauces. Calcium-rich foods may reduce the risk of colon cancer. There is also evidence that high calcium intake through supplements or foods increases the risk of prostate cancer. Women, on the other hand, are at risk for osteoporosis. So the recommended amounts for women are 1,000 mg / day for people aged 19-50, and 1,200 mg / day for people aged 50 and over.

How about coffee? According to recent studies, there is no evidence that drinking coffee or consuming caffeine increases the risk of cancer in general. In addition, it has been found that drinking coffee reduces the risk of developing violent prostate cancer. Dietary fiber is important!  Good sources of dietary fiber are legumes, vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Recent studies suggest that eating foods high in dietary fiber is associated with a reduced risk of developing various cancers. Most notably colon cancer. These findings are why the organization recommends consuming foods and not necessarily fiber-supplemented supplements. Garlic is another key ingredient!  Several studies suggest that an ingredient called allium found in garlic and other vegetables in the onion family reduces the risk of certain types of cancer. These include stomach and bowel cancers. Only a little evidence suggests that this ingredient as a dietary supplement reduces the risk of developing cancer. Therefore it is preferable to consume garlic in its natural form. Currently, there is no evidence that genetically modified foods are harmful to human health either. Or they increase or decrease the risk of cancer. Since these foods have only recently begun to be marketed, there is still no solid evidence for their safety and long-term effects. It is best however to eat fresh as often as possible. Your body craves fresh fruit and veg and it will serve you well for general health in the future.

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3 Ways To Manage Chronic Pain

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Chronic pain is defined as pain that constantly lasts for 12 weeks or more. Whereas acute pain often has a definite cause and can be dealt with instantly, perhaps with medication, surgery, or longer-term care such as help from top bionics companies, chronic pain is much more challenging to cure because a diagnosis can be hard to pin down. This can mean that sufferers have to live with their pain for many months, perhaps even years, before it can be reduced or eliminated – if this can happen at all. 

When this is the case, that pain will need to be managed if the sufferer is to lead any kind of normal life. Here are some ways that chronic pain can be treated in order to allow the person suffering from it the best chance of living, if not comfortably, then at least reasonably. 

Meditation And Relaxation 
Learning how to meditate and incorporate deep breathing techniques into everyday life can help with chronic pain. This is because it allows the body to relax, and in some cases, this can reduce the pain. A tense body with tight muscles will often feel pain more acutely, so when you are relaxed, the pain can feel less. 

There are many different ways to meditate, so it is important to find the one that suits you best – often, the only way to do this is through trial and error. There are some common techniques, however, that would benefit everyone (not just those suffering from pain but those who want to relax more in general as well) to learn. One of these is deep breathing; find a quiet location where you can sit or lie in a comfortable position and imagine a spot just below your navel. Breathe in, keeping that spot in mind so that it expands. Then breathe out again slowly and carefully. You can also clear your mind of thoughts and chant a mantra (out loud or in your head). 

Although not everyone who suffers from chronic pain will be able to exercise, if you can, then you absolutely should because it will make you feel a lot better. When you exercise, your body releases brain chemicals known as endorphins. These chemicals improve your mood and make you happier, and they also help to block pain signals. 

Exercise also makes your muscles stronger, which means you are less likely to be injured and cause yourself more pain. On top of this, exercise can help to keep you at a healthy weight, control your blood sugar levels, reduce your chances of developing type two diabetes and heart disease (and even some cancers) and help to stave off depression. So exercising is a good idea whether you suffer from chronic pain or not. 

Talk About It 
If you can find a support group full of people who are going through the same thing you are, whether that group is a physical one you travel to each week or so or whether it’s online, that can help immensely in managing your pain. You will feel less alone, knowing that other people are going through exactly what you are, and you can ask them questions and get health tips from them about how they cope. You can also give tips yourself which will make you feel good for helping others. 

It might also be a good idea to speak to a mental health professional, especially if you are experiencing the signs of depression as well as chronic pain, since depression is one of the many side effects that chronic pain can bring. Remember that when you ask for help, it is not a sign of weakness – if it is going to make you better and give you a better quality of life, then it is essential. 

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How To Make A Decision On What Improvements To Make

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

When it comes to your body, you have to know that you’re totally in control. And while it’s so important to practice self-love and love who you are, it’s okay to want to be your very best too. As you start to age, it’s natural that you may want to make some changes and improvements to help you feel amazing. But how do you make a decision on what to do? Let’s take a look at some of the ways that you can work that out.

Understand Your Motive
First of all, you really need to understand the reasons for why you want to do this. Think about what makes you feel insecure. If it's a comparison or something superficial – forget it. But if there is something that has been lingering, and you want to do this for you, take it more seriously.

Do Your Research
From here, it’s also a good idea to do your research. It’s not always easy for you to just make a decision. Instead, you may find that it helps if you can take a look at what’s going on in the medical world, especially anything legal affecting it like Dr. Derek Steinbacher lawsuit, and then make your choice. You’ll often find that you find a set person or procedure that you feel most comfortable with.

Often, a range of advice blogs can help you keep up on the latest products you may wish to use for self-care too. You may wish to peruse this blog for the smartest wisdom on how to care for yourself and your personal plans in life, while visiting speciality advice columns, like the Instafloss Blog, can help you learn how to use certain health products in the best manner, as well as figure out which are best for you to use. The more you can do this, the more informed you feel when it comes to making future improvements.

Organize Your Finances
But then also, you’re going to want to take a look at your finances too. You need to make sure that this is something that you can afford. Think about what you’ve got saved and what you can put towards things. If you want to look at financing options, do that too. Just make sure that this is a feasible option for you.

Ask For Advice
And don’t be afraid to ask your friends and family about it too. They know you best and it’s natural for them to want to have some kind of input here. They may help you to make the decision that’s best for you.

Think On It
Of course, you also have to acknowledge that any changes you make to your appearance are going to be permanent. And so, you have to think about whether or not this is something that you really want to do. You have to do it for the right reasons and really be sure of it. So don’t rush into anything too quickly. Really think about it. Even for a year. It’s much better for you to be sure that this is what you want to do and that you won’t have any regrets.

Making changes to your appearance can be such a big thing to do. And although you should really love yourself how you are, for who you are, that doesn’t always happen. And so, it is a nice idea to invest in yourself if it does help your self-esteem and confidence. But you have to be sure that this is the right thing to do.

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Top Ways to Improve on Your Feminine Hygiene

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

It's not a topic that most people want to talk about, but it's something you should take care of. There are many different feminine hygiene products on the market today, so how do you know which one is right for your personal needs?

In this blog post, you will learn ways to improve your feminine hygiene and keep yourself feeling fresh and confident throughout the day.

Always Keep Your Underwear Dry
Always keep your underwear dry and change them at least once a day. The more often you change it, the better since bacteria can develop quickly on damp fabric that you don't wash regularly. 

Wear Cotton Underwear to Absorb Sweat and Keep Your Dryer

If you are prone to having dampness in your panties, wear a style that is made of natural fibers such as cotton so they can help wick away moisture from the skin more effectively than synthetic fabrics do. This will also allow for better circulation, which keeps things dryer.

Bathe or Shower Daily
It's essential to wash your body with soap and water regularly especially after working out. This helps keep the vagina clean, which can prevent odor-causing bacteria from growing there. In addition, you should thoroughly dry off after showers or baths to get rid of any moisture that might be left behind before getting dressed again.

Ensure Regular Change of Sanitary Towels
Change your sanitary towels regularly, depending on the level of activity. If you're sitting at home doing nothing but watching TV or reading a book, then changing them every day is probably too often. 

But if you are moving around and running errands most days of the week, you'll want to change your tampons more frequently than just once a day. If you will be sitting in the car for more than an hour, it's best to use sanitary liners.

Buy Tampons That Fit Your Flow
Tampons come in two sizes: regular and super absorbent (or "S"). Super absorbent tampons can hold three times as much as a regular tampon, which is helpful if you have a heavy flow. 

But be cautious not to use these for more than six hours at any one time because they can promote vaginal dryness that may lead to irritation and infection.

Steer Clear from Feminine Scented Products
Do not wear scented products. Instead, find the right scent for you with unscented organic cotton pads, tampons, and liners to avoid irritation from artificial fragrances that can cause allergies or sensitivities.

Avoid deodorants and find an alternative like a natural lavender spray or powder if desired instead of deodorant.

Wipe the Right Way
Wipe from front to back. Use an unscented organic disposable wipe or toilet paper if possible for a fresh and clean feeling after using the restroom.

Avoid Wearing Tight Clothes
Keep your clothes loose-fitting to avoid trapping in any bacteria or dust. Tight jeans are stiff on the clitoris, so it may be wise to wear a looser cut panty and frequently change throughout the day.

Avoid tight garments that may irritate by rubbing against sensitive tissue during daily activities like running errands or even walking dogs.

As a female, you must practice these tips to ensure proper feminine hygiene. Use this blog post to learn more and take the correct initiatives.

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How Can You Treat Your Senses Right?

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Taking care of your five senses is a huge part of your regular healthcare. From keeping your teeth and gums clean, to wearing glasses to improve your sight, to simply turning down the music to protect your ears, you’re always doing something to keep your senses in optimum condition

However, that’s not where your care should stop! While you don’t have to go above and beyond for the senses that make up so much of who you are, there are some great things to do to treat them right every now and then. Here’s what you need to know. 

Give Your Eyes a Rest
Your eyes need a rest much more often than you expect! You don’t just need to get a full 8 hours every night when you go to bed - it’s a good idea to also keep lights low/out of the eye, even when reading, and to wear eye protection whenever you head outside on a sunny day. These are both good habits to commit to make sure your eyes are working to the best of their ability. 

If you’re someone who uses a computer a lot, try to take breaks of at least 20 seconds for every 20 minutes you’re looking at a monitor. It’s also recommended that you try to blink more often to prevent strain from occurring too frequently. You can even undergo blinking exercises to keep your eyes as moist as possible. 

Get Your Ears Checked
Getting your ears checked is a big part of taking care of your health, even if you hear little about it on a regular basis. After all, you’re young, and your hearing is at a prime level, right? Well, you can’t quite be sure of that until you get your ears checked. 

For those over 18 and under the age of 60, once a decade is a good time frame for checkups. Anyone under or over this age bracket will have to go more frequently, but hearing tests are completely non-invasive. And let’s not forget that there are major benefits of treating hearing loss, so make sure your ear worries are seen to straight away to really treat your senses right! 

Make Good Use of Lotions
Your skin, and your sense of touch, also need a lot of looking after. And even if you wash frequently and keep your skin well aired and exfoliated, it’s another good idea to use lotions to help your skin feel smoother and softer. 

From regular, lightweight moisturizers, to deep and enriching conditioners, try to give your skin a bit of a treat at least once a week. And you can rub moisturizers in at any time, even if you’re away from your regular skin care products - if you can’t find one specifically for people on the go, invest in a dry skin variety. 

Treating your senses right is a big part of healthcare, and it’s a form of self care that’ll really make you feel good. 

Self-Care 101: 4 Ways to Cope With Stress During COVID-19

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

The pandemic has affected everyone, and the challenges you’re facing can be overwhelming, stressful, and also cause strong emotions to people of all ages. Health precautions to curb the spread of the pandemic like social distancing are important, but they can cause feelings of loneliness and isolation. This can cause stress and anxiety, which is why you should learn some simple ways to cope with stress healthily.

Get enough sleep and rest
One of the problems that most people are facing during these unprecedented times is not getting enough sleep. Not sleeping well can make you more tired, more irritable, and less energetic. To prevent your worries from interfering with your sleep, you should set aside some time during the afternoon and write down your worries. If you write down your worries and compartmentalize them, they won’t interfere with your sleep.

It is also a good idea to protect your sleep from technology. Nowadays, it’s very easy for people to just lay in bed scrolling over negative news stories or chatting on various social media platforms. However, engaging in this habit right before bedtime can interfere with the ability of your body to relax and fall asleep.

Retain a healthy diet
Stress can affect both your eating and metabolism. This is why you should be mindful about triggers that may cause the urge to stress eat. Therefore, if you’re prone to emotional eating, start by identifying the triggers and be prepared. Part of being prepared is to keep healthy snacks around that will help nourish your body. Such snacks will help regulate your blood sugar and keep your body stable.

Take frequent breaks
It’s natural for humans to want to have control over their lives, and now is the time when you have to learn to manage not being in control. While it’s essential to always stay updated with news on recent developments, the negative news can get overwhelming. Therefore, you need to find a balance. In fact, the generic/naked news can even affect your health. 

In addition, it’s imperative to control the media that young children are exposed to. Therefore, only expose your kids to age-appropriate information. When possible, it’s a good idea to physically and mentally disconnect yourself. You can do this by playing with puzzles, tackling a project, go treasure hunting, start reading a new book, or play a board game.

Exercise regularly
Although we are encouraged to social distance and gyms have been closed down, it’s possible to engage in aerobic exercises like running, walking, playing with your kids or pets, and hiking. Aerobic exercises can help your body release endorphins, which can help you maintain a positive attitude and boost your mood. In addition, there are other exercises that you can do in the comfort of your home. For instance, try yoga and stretching, which can help to calm your body and mind.

Bottom Line
Are you feeling stressed, afraid, or anxious amid the pandemic? It’s unclear how much longer the pandemic will last, and such feelings are understandable. However, you can eliminate stress by getting enough rest, maintaining a healthy diet to detox your body, taking frequent breaks, and exercising regularly.

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4 Non-Mediocre Ways You Can Promote Healthy Living

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Consistency can help you lead a better and healthier life because good health isn’t something you achieve within a day. Instead, it is a habit you must adapt and stick to regardless of limiting factors such as lack of motivation, time, finances, and giving in to temptations.

Exercising, getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, and drinking water are all part of promoting a healthy lifestyle. But for some, this may seem like mediocre efforts. This is because there are other better and more practical ways to promote healthy living.

In this post, healthy living applies to your physical, mental, social, and financial wellbeing. Read on to find out how to foster good health in these aspects of your life.

Purge Negative Relationships from Your Life
One excellent way to foster healthy living is ridding yourself of negative people from your life. In other words, you should cut ties and connections with people that do not challenge you to be a better version of yourself.

Such people could either influence you to make the wrong decisions or do not provide the proper support. It could be your work or school friends, family members, or someone you have a romantic relationship with.

You should then figure out how to find new people, create new bonds and maintain the right circle of friends. You can achieve this by moving to a new place or becoming more active on social platforms. And if you are interested in finding new love, you may want to consider freechatlines for gays to experience gay dating without any restrictions.

Foster Good Mental Health
To foster healthy living, you should find ways to promote good mental health. Your mental state is one key area you must prioritize throughout your life as it significantly affects your overall health. It affects how you think and act, make decisions and cope with life.

If you experience stress, worry, anxiety, and other mental conditions, it is time to find ways to solve them. You can do so by learning a few easy ways to help deal with mental issues solely or seek help from counselors and friends.

Boost Your Physical Health
To foster excellent and healthy living, you need to be in the right physical state. Sure, you can eat healthy food, get enough sleep, and exercise to improve your physical health, but it will all be in vain if you hold on to several bad habits.

For instance, if you continuously eat junk food, smoke, and drink excessively, it can be strenuous to achieve good physical health. Other habits to drop include carrying heavy items, drinking a lot of coffee, and many others.

Stabilize Your Income
Lastly, to foster healthy living, you must promote your financial health. Lack of enough cash to cater to various things in life can cause mental distress, ultimately affecting your physical state. For instance, if you worry too much about not paying your bills, it can lead to a lack of appetite, which means a weaker immune system, affecting your body.

The above tips are a guarantee to foster healthy living. Consider all of them to promote your life from all angles.   

Tips To Enhance Your Health in 2021

Candy WashingtonComment
Photo by Steve Momot from Pexels

Photo by Steve Momot from Pexels

Hi lovelies,

If you have to go through many peoples' new year resolutions, good health is usually one goal. And, it's even a matter of grave concern with the ravaging coronavirus pandemic. 

Tables of life have turned upside down with the recent happenings. You can no longer question but abide by the health protocols to lead a healthy life. Staying safe is the only statement running in media headlines.

You'd wonder what to do at a crucial time. Besides social distancing, wearing masks, taking the Covid-19 vaccines, and many more, here are other tips to enhance your health in 2021.

Have a positive mantra
Having goals that need accomplishment in life is challenging, more so the implementation part. However, when there's an affirmation that you repeat daily, it will significantly affect your mental health and wellness. In addition, this will boost your inspiration each day to complete a specific task and stay motivated in the process. 

Keep salt away from you
With a desire to have good health, salt can be detrimental to your health. Ensure you only add salt to give your food taste while cooking. Always have the salt at the pantry to avoid the temptation of reaching it often. Instead, use other beneficial herbs and spices to add flavor to the food. If you practice this, you'll overcome salt addiction and lead a healthy life. 

Exercising doesn't require that you have a lot of weight or a thick wallet to afford a trainer. You can choose to walk maybe 2km, jog or replace the elevator with stairs. Provided you're putting your body into action; it will ensure that blood is pumped and flows throughout your body, making you energized. 

You never know; such exercises can reveal to you painful areas in your body needing attention. If you have chronic pain, you can get services from to help you regain yourself through their pain management program.

Do challenging mental activities
Having yourself challenged mentally is good for your mental health. Begin taking activities that protect and impact your brain positively. Think about Sudoku, reading, crossword puzzles, chess, or other things that can keep your mind active. Doing such activities will keep laziness at bay and lower the chances of having dementia or Alzheimer's.

Appreciate everything around you
When you embrace everything around you, an optimistic world will present itself to you. For example, just smelling a flower down the street can make you feel better and be happy. Not to say hugging your puppy or checking on the less privileged in the community. Instead, learn to appreciate people and everything in your surrounding. Doing this will make you happy and healthy! 

Spare time for self
Despite having demanding schedules, sparing time for yourself is vital. This is the time you should devote to enjoying what you like the most. If it's singing or dancing, do it. If you have to go for a leisure walk or hang out with friends, ensure you have it to live a stress-free life!

Having a healthy life doesn't require you to have huge spending but the right mindset. If you haven't been abiding by your routines, start doing that or if you have to give up certain habits, drop them. That way, you will fully realize your goal of a healthy life!

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4 Practical Things You Can Do To Help Prevent & Minimize Stress

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Stress is an unavoidable part of life. However, the good news is there are things we can do to minimise stress or reduce its impact. Indeed, by following the suggestions in the post below you can learn how to not let stress in your daily life get you down. Keep reading to find out what they are. 

Exercise regularly 
Exercise is one of the best ways to both prevent and minimize stress. This is because it works on both the body and the mind, allowing stress that is trapped to be processed and moved through and out of our experience. 

Additionally, exercise is a brilliant way to trigger the production and release of happy hormones like endorphins. Hormones, that can help raise our mood and so make up much less vulnerable to stress. 

Get organized 
Stress is often caused by overwhelming, and one way to stop yourself from getting overwhelmed in life is to take a more minimalist approach. However, what most people don't realise about minimalism is that it's not only about buying and owning less but also about keeping the things you do have better organized so you can access them whenever you need them. 

This is good advice for the things you own in the real world and your digital life. For example, as well as cleaning out your closet, be sure that you aren't clogging up your online and cloud storage facilities with unnecessary documents, and assets.  

Indeed, a little research into how to better manage and control your space online is well worth the time. The reason being you won't have to ever worry about running out of storage or not being able to find the things that are of value. 

Partake in your hobbies and passions 
The last thing that we often think we should do when we are stressed and busy is to take some time for ourselves to do something fun. However, it is important to remember that doing fun things is how we charge up our psyche, and if we don't have enough fun, it's easy for our motivation to empty quickly. Something that in turn will make things much harder and more stressful. 

The funny thing is that sometimes in as little as 10 minutes devoted to doing something we love, we can begin to feel the benefits. So, with that in mind, be sure to plan regular breaks into your day for mini art projects, dancing, or just getting out into the garden to be among nature. 

Spend some time with your furbaby
Whether it's their happy-go-lucky outlook on the world, or the oxytocin that interacting with pets provides, one thing is for sure spending some time with your fur buddies is a great remedy for stress. 

Feel free to cuddle up together under a blanket and watch your favorite box set, or how about coming up with some fun games to keep your cat/dog/fish/ lizard amused? You’ll certainly be calmer and happier for it, and so will they! 

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The Most Iconic Black Civil Rights Activists And What We Can Learn From Them

Candy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

The US has a long history of racism, with Black Americans being on the receiving end of oppression. Many civil rights leaders have been instrumental in making life different for blacks. While Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is the most popular among them, several others served as pillars of strength during the struggle phase. Each was a hero in their own way, and their contributions cannot be overlooked. Here are some of the most iconic Black civil rights leaders and the lessons they taught the world.

Martin Luther King Jr
Martin Luther King Jr. was renowned for his non-violent methods, which earned him the Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 35. The most iconic moment in his life came when he delivered the "I Have a Dream" speech at the 1963 March on Washington. He went to prison 30 times for unreasonable charges as he stood against inequality and injustice. His non-violent approach made him a real-life hero for millions around the world.

Malcolm X
While Dr. King was known for his non-violent stand, Malcolm X belonged to the other school of thought. He believed that one should adopt any means necessary to defend oneself. He wanted a separate country for African Americans where they could claim their power and rights. His approach was aggressive, but his lesson encouraged millions of blacks to protest against oppression.

Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks was called the mother of the American civil rights movement. Her journey as an activist began when she was arrested and convicted for refusing to leave her bus seat for a white man. Her popularity lives on as it is easy to spot someone in a nah rosa parks shirt on the streets of America even today. Her immense faith in freedom and inequality brings lessons for the younger generations. She dared to raise her voice against oppression, which is why she has a special place in the hearts of blacks.

Harriet Tubman
Another female Black activist who deserves a special mention is Harriet Tubman. She was called the “Moses of her people,” and served as a guerrilla soldier, nurse, scout, and spy in the Union Army in the Civil War. Tubman was also the first African American female to serve in the military. She was an inspiration for many as she helped 70 enslaved people gain freedom through a network called the Underground Railroad.

Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass came a long way as an activist, escaping slavery to become one of the prominent leaders of the abolitionist movement. He strongly condemned the practice of slavery in the country and took a strong stance on issues such as women’s rights and Irish home rule. Douglass was also an acclaimed author and public speaker, and his works inspired followers decades later during the Civil War and beyond.

These iconic American black rights activists occupy prominent places in world history. But the movement was not confined only to the US. Great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela raised their voices against the oppression of blacks around the world.

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Simple Steps to Take Better Care of Yourself

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

The coronavirus and Covid-19 pandemic has impacted all sorts of areas of our lives. But one that it has brought to light is the sheer importance of our health and wellbeing. Many of us have seen just how quickly our health can be taken from us and have resolved to do what we can to keep ourselves in the best shape possible. This, of course, will entail focus on both mind and body - physical health and mental health. This can sound like a gargantuan task to tackle. But don’t worry. There are a number of steps you can take to maximise your health and wellbeing. Here are just a few, taken at random, that you might want to try out!

Cut Out Bad Habits
The first thing you can do when looking into self care is to kick bad habits that are impacting your health or wellbeing. The vast majority engage in some sort of activity or behaviour that is less than ideal for us and the same majority of us can take steps to eliminate this behaviour from our life and improve our overall lifestyle. Of course, there are countless bad habits out there. But let’s take a look at a few of the more common ones to get started.

Excessive Sugar Consumption
Sure, sugar isn’t the worst substance in the world. In fact, when eaten in moderation and as part of a balanced diet, it can be fine for you. The issue is that nowadays, we’re encouraged to buy all sorts of sweet treats on a day to day basis. Sugar is also included in many meals or snacks that it doesn’t really need to be in. This means that many of us end up eating way too much sugar on a day to day basis. Whether that’s through fizzy drinks, juices, sugar added into hot drinks, cakes, biscuits, chocolate bars, sweets or anything else, the majority of us need to cut this amount in our diets down! When it comes down to it, sugar can significantly damage our teeth, causing ongoing issues with our oral and dental health. It provides the bacteria in our mouth with easily digestible energy, resulting in cavities and decay. On top of this, sugar is generally nutritionally void, meaning it fills us up without providing our bodies with the nutrients they need. The good news is that cutting out sugar can be simple. Switch unhealthy snacks for healthier alternatives, such as sugar free options, vegetables or - if you want something sweet - fruit, which contains natural sugars.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption
Seeing as drinking is a legal activity in the majority of places, and seeing as many of our social lives tend to incorporate activities that involve drinking, the majority of us think that it’s a completely fine activity to engage with. Sure, you can be fine having a drink here and there. But it’s important to remember that alcohol is a toxin and that consuming too much of it or consuming it on too regular a basis can cause major damage to your body. Issues can range from liver damage to a weakened immune system and more. Of course, alcohol is an addictive substance, so if you’re struggling to give it up, this isn’t too much of a surprise. The good news is that there are countless means of support out there that will help you to wean yourself off alcohol and improve your life in general. Some great options include support groups and helplines. Support groups, in particular, allow you to meet others in a similar position to you and share stories, tips and other advice. If you are still struggling, you may want to consider a rehabilitation center like Enterhealth. Here, you will find yourself professionally assisted in your journey to recovery.

Come Up With a Skincare Routine
Now, this may sound like an unnecessary step, but coming up with a skin care routine can help you in so many ways. Our skin is the largest organ in our body and by taking better care of it, you can feel better, remove issues such as acne, help issues such as psoriasis or eczema and generally feel more confident. Now, coming up with a good skincare routine is a multi step process and can feel time consuming. But once you’ve got it figured out, you can continue to purchase the same products on repeat and the skincare steps will simply become routine. Here’s all you need to know to achieve this!

Identify Your Skin Type
The first step that anyone should take when coming up with a skincare routine is to identify your skin type. This will make all the difference, as it will allow you to understand your skin and the products that it requires to thrive and glow. Now, there are all sorts of different skin types out there, but most can broadly be placed into one of four categories. These categories are “normal” skin, dry skin, oily skin or combination skin.

  • Normal skin - when we talk about normal skin, we don’t mean it’s the most common type of skin. Instead,  is generally the skin type that most people deem most desirable. Normal skin is generally balanced and doesn’t tend to have any issues such as oiliness or dryness in any areas. It is also not prone to spots.

  • Dry skin - another type of skin that people commonly have is referred to as dry skin. With this one, the clue is in the name. You may find that your skin is dry, flaky or feels tight occasionally. This is due to the skin producing lower levels of sebum than it needs to look balanced.

  • Oily skin - oily skin tends to have the opposite problem to dry skin. When you have oily skin, your skin produces excess levels of sebum. This can result in large, visible pores as well as a greasy or slick appearance.

  • Combination skin - another common skin type is combination skin. This is essentially a skin type that combines elements from all of the skin types outlined above. Some areas may be dry, some may be oily, some may be balanced.

Choose Your Products
Once you know your skin type, you can start to choose products that work for it. This, of course, is likely to take a little experimentation. You may find that some products work for you and some don’t. It’s always a good idea to read reviews before buying anything. This can include blog reviews and customer reviews. This will give you a good idea on the skin types that the product works well with. Most people opt for a:

  • Cleanser

  • Exfoliator

  • Toner

  • Moisturiser

You may also want to look into masks, peels, primers and other products to complement your skin routine later down the line.

Commit to Your Routine
Of course, a routine requires - well - routine. You need to stick to your skincare routine in order to see the results you desire. This generally means cleansing your skin morning and night, following this with toner and a moisturiser. Some people opt for daytime moisturisers to apply in the morning and night time moisturisers to apply before going to bed. Stick to it and you should see results before you know it!

Focus on Your Mental Health
In the past, mental health had somewhat of a stigma attached to it. But nowadays, thanks to progress in the fields of science and medicine, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that a significant number of people do struggle with their mental health at some point or another in their lives. We’re also growing more and more aware of what to do when experiencing mental health struggles and where we can seek support and assistance.

Practice Mindfulness
Managing your mental health on a day to day basis is important. If you’re not experiencing mental health problems, you can still practice mindfulness to help with emotional strain or stress. There are plenty of tutorials and apps that can guide you through this process.

Contact your GP
If you are experiencing symptoms of mental health issues, you should reach out to your doctor straight away. Medical professionals are constantly developing new and improved ways of alleviating the symptoms of a number of mental illnesses. They will be able to speak to you, diagnose any conditions you may be experiencing and get you on the path to management and recovery. Often, this is through the prescription of medication, therapy or a combination of the two approaches.

Be Aware of Support Groups and Helplines
As well as your doctor, there are countless other resources you can draw from and people to help you. These range from support groups to helplines and even mental health charities. There’s plenty of information out there and a huge number of people who want to listen to you and help you in any way they can.

Sure, we haven’t taken a look at every aspect of your health and wellbeing that you should be focusing on. But for now, the information provided above should help you to get started on the right path on your journey to self care.

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Paying It Forward: Learning To Be a More Caring Person

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

In the modern-day, the notion of self-care is all around us. And while it's easy to see that everybody needs to be aware of how to look after themselves properly, one of the biggest setbacks of this attitude is that we're not “paying it forward.” Learning to be the most caring person you can be is about getting that balance between understanding they have to look after yourselves while also making sure that you are not being inherently selfish. You don't have to be someone with ideas above your station, or a rich philanthropist to be caring for other people. There are small ways that you can develop compassion for others, so let's show you some simple approaches that can make a massive difference.

Addressing Your Career Choice
Naturally, a career is one of those areas that can make a massive difference to our quality of life and outlook. To be a caring person, many people think that the shortcut is to go into nursing will be in a doctor. But to be the most caring person you can be is about your dress in your career choice and seeing if it does a line with your values. 

We are all aware of the Florence Nightingale approach to looking after people, and we think that this could be the most ideal way to be a caring person, however, we must remember that if we want to be a caring individual in the medical profession, it's about the entire package that we present. This means that we address components of our mindset and not just convey a caring attitude, but also our exterior, so that we have a very strong framework. And we can do this by addressing how we look. 

In the nursing profession, there's a lot to be said for how you present yourself, and this is why the image, right down to the uniform you wear, is paramount. There are women's medical uniforms from Uniform Advantage and styles of outfits that will help to convey to a person that you are someone who is to be trusted. We have to think about this in terms of image because we naturally have inbuilt systems in our minds that stop us from trusting people because we don't like how they look. If you want to be a caring individual, you can certainly go into a caring profession, but this means you have to address the experience. This goes right down to the body language you convey.

Using Your Body Language in the Right Ways
We all have that impression of someone instantly as to whether we can trust them or not. If you feel that you have a lot to offer, whether it's in the medical profession, or in life, you must consider how to use your body language effectively. You can tell if someone is compassionate in a matter of seconds, but you need to turn the mirror onto yourself and see if you convey compassionate body language. There are courses that can help you, such as the Stanford Compassion Training course, but the very simple things you can do to make yourself more compassionate in your body language boils down to three simple things.

  • Turning towards the speaker. We make the cardinal sin of purely turning our head to face someone; when we are supposed to be listening and exuding compassion, we need to position our entire body to face the person talking to us.

  • Using open body language. Address how you are sitting right now. Are you sitting with your arms and legs crossed? Do you have a distraction in your hands, such as your cell phone? Open body language is an excellent way to show someone that you are listening to them, which means that they will have that unconscious signal that you care. 

  • Using approach signals. Approach signals mean not leaning back from the person who is talking to you. When you are aware of the signals you give out that link with your instinct to withdraw or avoid, this boils right down to your subtle levels of body language. You may not think you are giving off these signals, but it's about being aware all the way down to your very minute body language signals.

When you become aware of your body language, you can slowly start to make the shift to giving these little signals to get the person that will reassure them. If you feel high levels of compassion for someone, you will shift into these postures. But if you really are trying to make a concerted effort to make yourself more caring, you can fake it till you make it. Assuming these positions will make it easier for you to form a connection with someone. 

Additionally, you must remember the importance of your connecting gestures, such as facial expressions, smiling, head nodding, as well as your eye contact. When you are listening to someone, you need to maintain eye contact, but without gazing deeply into their eyes or staring them down. Think about a soft focus on the triangle that is created by the person's eyes and mouth, as this allows you to take in the person's full facial expressions.

Taking the First Step
Something that we all may feel somewhat reticent in doing, but taking the first step, whether it's something as simple as filling someone's glass of water, or getting the cutlery out to lay the table, the little things are all about the initiative, but it shows that you are caring about the grand scheme of things. We live in an age where we can almost feel that we shouldn't step too far forward into someone's metaphorical sphere because we worry we are overstepping the mark. But it's these simple things that can highlight to others that we care about their needs. 

At the same time, taking the first step becomes an automatic behavior. Some people like to take the initiative, but it's about making sure that you are doing it in the right way. If you try to take charge of something, this can imply that you are somewhat domineering. But when you are someone who is not necessarily used to this, or you feel that you need to step back from a situation, it is a very welcome behavior because you are contributing more to the situation.

Learning to Give Without Expecting Anything 
If we live a life where we are surrounded by people who constantly expect things from others, we shouldn't berate ourselves when we get into that frame of mind as well. Once we've recognized that we start to become passive-aggressive, or we give things to others and expect something in return, no matter how little it is, we have to remember that when we give to others, we should do it with clear intentions. We give because we want to help others. 

These days, one of the best methods to help people without giving anything back is about the situation that impacts all our lives. When we see people constantly breaking the rules with regards to keeping their distance, not wearing masks, and so forth, we can think that we shouldn't bother either because nobody else cares. But the reason we wear a mask is to protect others. This is such a simple thing, but no matter how selfish everybody else is out there, this is the crux of giving some sort of help to others without expecting anything in return. It's very easy to become frustrated with everyone when we are doing our best but nobody's pulling their weight. But we have to remember that if we are doing our bit, this is all that matters. When you start to give to others, give because you want to help. 

It's so easy to give to others and expect something in return. Rather than expecting them to do a favor for you, be forthright in your intentions. Give something to someone who you will never expect to see again. This is that idea of paying it forward. But this is going to be a way to throw out some good into the world. We can easily think that we're not going to reap the benefits of it, but that is not the point. Much like medical professionals who do the job to save lives, they don't expect people to come back into the hospital with praise, flowers, cards, and chocolates. Because it's what nurses and doctors do!

It’s Not About You
To be the most caring person you can be, you've got to have a sense of compassion that acts more than talks. If you know someone that needs help, you can find out what you need to do to help them, or if there is nothing you can do, you could connect them with others who can help. It's about those small acts that make a big difference. And if you want to be the most caring person you can be, stop thinking about it being to do with you.

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Find Real Happiness With These Top Tips

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Happiness isn’t usually something you can find. It’s more of a state of mind. Being happy is for the now, not for the future. However, with that said there are things you can do to help attain it. Things you can shift in your life to ensure that now is a happier place to be with less worries and more things to cheer on. It varies from person to person because of course, everyone is different. What might give you something to be happy about might not do the same for someone else. Maybe you’re triggered by health and they are by success. That’s why it’s dangerous looking at someone else's life and trying to emulate it because you might not get what you want out of it whatsoever. Trial and error might be needed too...however, simply trying might help you get to where you need to be in terms of happiness.

Focus On Your Image
If you feel uncomfortable, if you don’t like what you see and you can’t reconcile with it then maybe you need to do something about it. If you’re happy in your body, then try something else. If you’re thinking about weight loss then there are multiple avenues to take. For a start, you might consider a light diet. You could also look into various forms of exercise. If you do both at the same time you’re bound to lose weight. If you get to the point where you’re happy about your body then happiness will certainly come more easily. The key is to ensure that you don’t get obsessed with it. Get yourself to where you need to be in terms of your starter goal and stop there.

Eliminate Health Concerns
Health concerns pose huge worries on those with them. Not only that, but the concerns themselves can cause pain and discomfort which can kick happiness out of the realms of possibility. So do all you can to get rid of them. It might be the case of using a massaging gun to eak the ache out of sore muscles. Maybe you can’t see properly and it’s starting to really annoy you enough to get that eye test. Deal with them head on, don’t push them under the carpet because they could just get far worse and end up costing you more in terms of time and money.  Without health concerns, you can focus on what matters most. 

Chase The Dream
Maybe you’re stuck in a little bit of a lul...wanting to leave your job and do something which gets you sufficiently excited instead of something which fills you with worry or sadness. Maybe you want to go it alone and start your own side hustle. Perhaps you have a great social media following you want to monetise. It might be a case of going back to college to study a course which can open up a whole new world in terms of career. The key is to take action. The simple act of moving towards your dream can help your happiness because you know you’re doing the right thing...better than just hoping something will happen to you. Being proactive, not reactive is the key.

Start A Business
Many people don’t like the thought of working for others and want to push into the world of business. It isn’t an easy route, but it’s a route that can give you a lot of happiness over time. Especially when you start knocking on the right doors and making some money. If you’ve always wanted to set up your own business instead of working for someone else then start to take the right steps towards it. Your journey will be a tough one with multiple hiccoughs along the way, but that’s part of the fun. As long as you hold some resilience, you’ll be fine. 

Make Time For Friends
Life gets busy and it can be really tough to make time for friends. However, it has to be done. Start booking in meets. Thinking of things you can do together and going ahead with planning it. They’re someone to talk to. Even if you’re talking nonsense and telling each other Chuck Norris jokes or poking fun at each other. Ultimately, they’re people who care about your happiness as much as you do. Having those special people to bounce ideas off and talk things through with is really important. They can make the difference between a happy life or a sad one. The key is in realising that you have to put the effort in. The relationships won’t just look after themselves. Even if you live far apart there’s nothing wrong with a phone call or chatting to them on facetime, as long as you make time. 

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A Simple Guide to Contouring Your Body

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

When thinking about getting our body into a certain shape, you've probably come across the term “contouring.” Ultimately, it's a way of sculpting your face and your body to make it look more defined using some subtle techniques with makeup and skin toner. But it's not that straightforward to do right. When you are contouring your face, you can use various types of makeup techniques, but how can you apply this to your body? 

Preparing Your Skin
When you are getting ready to contour your body and make sure that you've cleansed, moisturized, and exfoliated your body. It's important to use a gentle body scrub in the shower to get rid of any dead skin cells and make sure that you use hydrating body lotion.

Contouring Your Body
When it comes to contouring your body, you've got to break it down in terms of body parts:

Contouring Your Chest
While you may think that a breast implant and boob job will do the job fine, if you're looking for a little extra lift, you can place contouring cream or powder in a V-shape around your cleavage. This will boost the look of your breasts. 

Contouring Your Abs
It's not something you may need to do every day, but if you want to show off your stomach, for example, if you are wearing a low-cut top, you can contour by drawing a line down the middle of your stomach, and from there, you can add muscles on either side, creating a 2-pack, 4-pack, or 6-pack. 

Contouring Your Arms
If you are concerned with flab, you can bypass this problem by applying vertical lines of contour products along the hollow part of your biceps. But make sure you start by flexing so you reveal your muscles. 

Contouring Your Collarbone
You need to define your collarbone with a bronzer. If yours aren't visible, you need to shift your shoulders forward so they stand out. With your contour product, draw lines below and above each collarbone, and create two V-shapes between your collarbones. 

Contouring Your Legs
Applying bronzing cream on all of your legs will make for a slim look, and it's as simple as that!

Final Points
Remember to blend! One of the biggest mistakes we all make is forgetting to blend properly, and when we see harsh lines, this completely underwhelms our contouring effect. Using a make-up sponge in circular motions will create a seamless blend.

Adding highlights. Finally, you need to add a highlight, and after placing the liquid highlight on the high points of the areas you've gone toward, you start to blend it out, and this will give you the perfect opportunity to show off your newly contoured body.

We all need to remember that while contouring is a great tool to highlight what we've already got, we must remember to practice self-care so we feel great inside and out! Summer is upon us, so no doubt you are looking for ways to highlight your attributes. Contouring might be the missing ingredient!

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Learning To Love Your Own Nose

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

The nose is one of our most distinctive features. The side profile, the front, and the various other angles that our face can be seen from will almost always draw attention to the nose. Someone’s nose can be iconic and remind us of them, even if we can’t see them clearly. If you saw an image of a blurry side profile of Einstein, chances are you’d recognize him just because of his fleshy nose. Many of us don’t like our nose. It may be because of its size, shape, or features. However, we should drop this attitude because there are only one of our noses in the world and we should learn to love it, not disdain it.

Common beauty standard
If you’re into beauty magazines like Vogue, you’ll know that there seems to be a beauty standard that is forced onto society. The nose is a particularly hot topic because different people from different backgrounds are predisposed to having a certain nose type. If the beauty ‘standard’ is not their type of nose, it brings into question whether they are being left out or considered to be less beautiful. However, you should never ever allow a magazine to dictate what beauty standard you should follow. There is no standard of beauty, and there never has been or will be. Thankfully, modern women are shutting out beauty magazine editors’ opinions and doing their own thing.

Breathing easy
If you don’t like your nose, it may not be down to beauty. It might just be because of the basic function it is supposed to do, it doesn’t do well. Nose breathing problems are usually associated with a deviated septum. This is mostly genetic but it can be due to injury. The septum that provides the support for your nose has been bent one way or perhaps two ways. It limits the quantity of air entering into the nose and this can cause a feeling of breathlessness and annoyance. But, there is always rhinoplasty. What is rhinoplasty you ask? It's a very simple procedure whereby a little bit of the septum is cut out, so it can straighten and thus allow you to breathe easily. Your nose shape will not change if you don’t want it to.

Make it unique
The nose provides plenty of real estate for you to make it unique. Nose piercings can be a great expression of your personality and style. A precious stone can be quite an alluring fashion statement. Ruby, emerald or gold studs can actually make your nose a focal point. It can also be used to match your earrings and or necklace. So if you have ruby stones in your earrings, a ruby nose piercing would be a great way to have flow and continuity in your outfit.

Women should not have their hands bound by whatever beauty standards are fashionable to magazine editors. Learn to love your nose and who you are. Use it to your advantage by adding some glam to it and be proud of your side profile. 

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How Healthy Are Your Ears?

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

When we think of health and fitness, most people focus on the same things: diet, exercise and clothing size. While these things are important of course, there are so many other aspects to our health and wellness that are underrepresented, and one of those is hearing health.

If you have never had a hearing test or never even thought about if your ears are healthy, now’s the time to act. Even if you feel fine, seeing an audiologist to check up on your ears can never be a bad thing!

In this post we’ll go through how you can tell if you have ear trouble, and ways to protect your ears from damage!

Factors That Affect Your Ear Health
You might be surprised to know that there are countless factors that affect your ear health. These include…

  1. Your diet. Believe it or not, what you eat can actually affect your hearing health. Eating a range of fruits, vegetables, protein-rich foods and plenty of fibre helps cell regeneration, and can assist your body in fighting any bacteria that finds its way into your ear canal, thereby reducing the chances of infection!

  2. Your exposure to noise. If you listen to a lot of loud music or work in a loud environment, ear protection is essential.

  3. The amount of time you spend in water. If you are an avid swimmer who hits the pool most days, excess water can get into your ears and cause problems - so ensure you are using the right protection!

Symptoms Of Ear Trouble
If you think your ears are all good, you should still read these symptoms to check that you haven’t missed anything! Symptoms of ear-related health issues are…

  1. Hearing loss. Hearing loss symptoms include not being able to hear as well as you could, or a ringing or buzzing in your ears that feels constant.

  2. Discharge coming from your ears. Earwax is normal, but having an oozing discharge coming from your ears is a sign of infection.

  3. Ear pain. If your inner ear feels sore or painful, see your doctor as this could be a sign you have pressure in your ears that needs to be relieved.

Most ear health issues can be cleared up through a visit to your doctor, who can examine your ears and give you advice for how to take care of them better. Your ears, once damaged, are difficult to recover - so it is crucial that you use preventative measures, rather than reacting to issues that arise after the fact.

What To Do If You Experience Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can be pretty disorienting, no matter who you are. If you experience sudden hearing loss, make sure you see a doctor as soon as possible. If you are concerned about your hearing health, contact an audiologist for an appointment - this might feel inconvenient, but you’ll thank yourself later for taking good care of your precious ears!

Final Thoughts
Your ears are not something you think about often, but they are crucial organs that need to be cared for. Use our guide to help you keep on top of your hearing health!

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Self-Care In The Pandemic Summer- 4 Ideas To Pamper Yourself

Candy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

The summer of 2021 is here, but Canadians are still apprehensive about traveling to their favorite destination. Even as vaccines are here, the threat of new strains and resurging waves still looms large. It makes sense to postpone your summer travel plans, but you need not miss out on self-care. Consider pampering yourself with some incredible ideas this season because you will probably have some money to spare after doing away with the holiday plans. Here are some ideas you can try.

Spend a day at a luxury spa
You may not travel to your favorite beach destination, but you can still rejuvenate at a luxury spa in your city. Thankfully, spas and salons are operational in Toronto, so you have the most amazing self-care options if you want to spend a day at a spa or salon. Get a relaxing massage, soak in a hot bath, and bring the glow back with a therapeutic facial. Finish up the session with a makeover with a new hairstyle and beauty services, and you will experience a new lease of life.

Join an online fitness class
If you are an exercise freak and want to get back on track with your fitness schedule, gift yourself an online fitness class this summer. Personalized sessions with an expert trainer can cost a little, but they are worth spending on as you will love getting back in shape. You may even set up a home gym if you plan to skip gymming for the foreseeable future. There isn’t a better way to invest in self-care because this idea will make you happy and healthy.

Splurge on diamonds
When it comes to self-pampering, diamonds make the most incredible choice for women. You deserve them after a tough year, and you can probably spend since a vacation is not on the cards. Women living in Toronto are super-lucky because they can get the best options without spending a fortune. If you're in the Toronto area, visit Diamonds for Less to go ahead with the self-pampering plan. You can explore endless options in jewelry or even get custom options here.

Invest in a wardrobe makeover
Nothing pleases a woman more than a wardrobe makeover, and now is the best time to indulge in one. You will probably hate athleisure wear after a year of working from home, but your workplace may open soon enough. Revamping your wardrobe is an excellent idea this pandemic summer if you want to show some love to yourself. Pick some bright blouses and trendy skirts for the office and invest in a couple of glamorous dresses for date nights because they are just around the corner. Don’t forget to buy some classy heels and matching accessories, as you will need them soon.

The year has been challenging for everyone, and taking a break is the best way to de-stress. If you cannot travel for one, get down to self-pampering this summer. These ideas will definitely work, so go ahead and embrace the one that fits into your budget.

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What Makes a Confident Person?

Candy Washington1 Comment

Hi lovelies,

There are plenty of things that contribute to living your best life. Your upbringing plays a big role, as does your general chemical makeup. Some people are just more predisposed towards energy and happiness than others. And then there’s the matter of confidence. This is an often underrated aspect of good living -- when you have it, you’ll feel much more capable that you’re able to take on the world and make your dreams come true. And when you don’t have it, well, the opposite will be true. 

While some people have a natural confidence, that’s generally not the case. The good news is that it’s always something that you can bring into your life. In this blog, we’re going to look at a number of factors that will push you in the right direction.

Individual Interests
Life can be a lot of fun. All you need to do is throw yourself into it, and you’ll be rewarded. While this is something that everyone should do, it’s also important that you carve out your own place in the world. If you’re constantly going with the flow and following the interests of society, then at some point, you might find that you don’t have enough to hold onto on your own. The people who were best equipped to handle lockdown were the ones who had their own interests to enjoy when the world was shut down. It doesn’t matter what your individual interests/sources of enjoyment are, so long as they’re your own. 

A Good Support Network
You don’t fully understand the importance of a good support network until you have one. If you have loving friends and family around you, then you’ll find it much easier to bounce back from setbacks. It’ll work in any setting, but let’s take, say, a breakup. If you feel alone, then you might begin to question yourself, your qualities, etc. If you have a solid group of people around you, then they’ll be there to build you back up, tell you how awesome you are, things like that. It becomes a metaphorical home base that performs a solid platform for you to grow.

In the Right Career
The details of our lives have, of course, a huge impact on how we see and feel about ourselves. The inner world you create is important, but the external factors have just as big a role. One of the biggest factors in our confidence levels is our work. If you’re in a career that you don’t like, or where you don’t feel challenged or thrived, then you might not lose confidence, but it won’t be as high as if you were in a fulfilling career. Staying in a job you don’t like is fine for a while, but if it’s going on for years and years, then it’ll be worthwhile taking the risk to switch to a career that you do like.

Healthy Living
An all-around healthy lifestyle helps to boost confidence in multiple ways. Perhaps one of the best ways it does this is by helping you to avoid the things that would otherwise bring your confidence down. People understand on a deeper level that eating fast food, not exercising, and drinking too much alcohol is bad for them -- and this understanding slowly erodes the confidence of the people who are doing those things. As such, an effective way to build yourself back up is to adopt some healthy habits. You’d be amazed at just how much of an impact cooking healthy meals and going for a run in the morning can do for your sense of wellbeing.

Looking Their Best
Related to healthy living is appearance. While how you look isn’t everything, it’s not completely unimportant. It clearly plays a role in how we see ourselves and how others see us. Healthy living will nudge your appearance in the right direction, but there are also other things you can do. For example, you can look at hitting the gym, body sculpting, and visiting a top-quality hair salon. Those three things alone could bring dramatic improvements. Other options include upgrading your wardrobe and getting the right skincare products.

Setting Challenges
The comfort zone sure is nice, but it can be a dangerous put to fall into. It’s better to be a little skeptical of doing the same old, same old, and trying to find new ways to push yourself out of your comfort zone. It can be scary but it’s nearly always worth it. 

There are two types of people -- those that want to achieve glory so that they can impress other people, and those that want to achieve glory for their own satisfaction. The latter are the confident ones, since they’re not looking for the approval of others, which will come and go. Even if you get approval from others for a short period, it can always be taken away. And then what? There’s no inner worth to hold on to.

Seeking Help 
Confidence isn’t the ability to do everything all on your own. A confident person recognizes that they need help from time to time. If you’re presented with a challenge that you don’t know how to complete, then reach out to people who can help you. It’s kind of like having a growth mindset. If you’re aware that you don’t know everything, then you’ll have the humility to reach out to people who can help you, when the moment calls for it. And of course, a confident person is willing to help others, since they know that they’re only in competition with themselves, rather than others.

Accepting of Flaws
Finally, perhaps the biggest -- and most important -- trait of confident people is that they’re aware of and accepting of their flaws and weaknesses. Confident people don’t have everything figured out -- they just know that there’s a way to get to the top of the mountain despite the weaknesses. It’s a way of trusting themselves, something that non-confident people (who can often have an unrealistic view of themselves) lack.

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Here's How To Preserve Your Health In Your Later Years

Candy Washington1 Comment

Hi lovelies,

If you want to ensure that you do remain healthy in your later years, then you need to make sure that you are taking action right now. Here are some of the options that you can explore here that should provide you with the fantastic level of support that you need. 

Take Care Of Injuries
First, you should make sure that you are thinking about long-term injuries. A big problem with long-term injuries is that they can get worse over time. A small, minor injury that was only barely painful can become a nightmare once you reach sixty. If you invest in the right treatment such as physiotherapy, you can avoid this potential issue completely and ensure that an injury doesn’t become far worse over time. Instead, you can make sure that your body heals properly. 

Use Supplements
It can be difficult to get everything that your body needs in your diet. One of the ways that you can handle this is by making sure that you are using the right supplements. The best supplements will provide the little boost that your body needs. Be aware that supplements come from a wide range of different suppliers and they don’t all provide an equal level of support. If you are worried about the quality of the supplements that you are using, then you need to make sure that you are checking the reviews carefully. 

Keep Active
Next, you need to make sure that you are taking steps to ensure that you do remain active in life. One of the ways that you can do this is by keeping up a steady exercise routine that doesn’t put too much strain on your body. For instance, you could think about trying something like yoga. Yoga has been shown to provide positive benefits to your body and your mind in the long term. Options like desk yoga will also guarantee that it’s easy to fit this option into your daily schedule.

Workout Your Mind 
Of course, it’s not just about exercising your body. You also need to make sure that you are exercising your mind. If you work out your mind, then you can guarantee that you don’t end up in a situation where you do see signs of cognitive decline in the later years of your life. This can happen. One of the ways that you can work out your mind is by ensuring that you are engaging in different brain teasers. Essentially, you just need to make sure that you engage in active activities rather than passive activities that don’t require you to switch on your brain. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key ways that you can look after your health in the later years of your life. If you take the right steps here, then you will be able to make sure that your twilight years really can be the best time of your life. You won’t be plagued by health issues that can impact your quality of living. Instead, you’ll feel as fantastic as you’ve ever been. 

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