Easy Ways to Protect Your Senses

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Being able to hear clearly and enjoying perfect vision is something that many people take for granted. However, hearing and vision issues are incredibly common. Figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) state that disabling hearing loss affects 466 million people worldwide, and that figure is expected to rise over the coming decades.

Hearing and vision loss are often associated with older adults but can affect people of all ages. Your hearing and eyesight are two of your most vital senses and play a crucial role in everyday life. Each day your hearing and vision help to keep you safe, able to perform everyday tasks, and allow you to interact with other people. Therefore, being proactive and protecting your senses is crucial. Want to know how to keep your hearing and eyesight functioning at their best? Here are some tips to help:

Protecting Your Hearing
While some people are born with hearing loss, for others, their hearing ability gradually reduces overtime or is caused by environmental factors. If you are a music fan, protecting your ears is essential. Listening to your music at full volume or watching live music can take its toll on your hearing and cause hearing loss or tinnitus. To protect your ears, you could try wearing noise limiting headphones to avoid the temptation to increase the volume beyond a safe level.

Protecting Your Vision|Your eyes come under all kinds of strain every day. After a long day at work, you may even feel the effects for yourself as it manifests into a headache caused by eye strain or irritated streaming eyes. Fortunately, there are ways to relieve this discomfort. If you have prescription glasses, ensuring that you wear them exactly as the optometrist advised should help. Taking regular breaks to allow your eyes a change of scenery should help to counter the impact of too much time staring at your computer screen.

If you work in a role that exposes you to chemicals or materials that could damage your eyes, it is vital to ensure that you use the recommended safety equipment. Your employer should provide goggles or face shields to help you stay safe and protect your eyes.

Don’t Forget Your Check-Ups
Getting a hearing test is something that everyone should do regularly, especially if you have noticed any changes in your hearing ability. Hearing loss can develop so gradually that you might not even notice it until it has become a pretty big issue and impacting your daily life. Early detection of hearing loss is vital. When hearing loss is discovered early, it will enable you to get the treatment you need right away and help prevent your hearing from worsening. 

Scheduling eye exams regularly is also essential. Modern life can be pretty harsh on our eyesight, especially as many people spend a lot of time looking at screens for work and home. Getting your eyes tested regularly can help diagnose potential issues and ensure that your eyes stay as healthy as possible.

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