What Are The First Steps To Take Better Care Of Your Mental Health?

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

When it comes to your mental health, you need to stay on top of it. But what can you do if you have never considered your mental health to be important? There is no time like the present so now is the time to take charge of your emotions and mental health. Here are some of the first steps you can take to help you master your mental health.

Avoid drugs and alcohol
If you find yourself reaching for a drink when the going gets tough, you need to stop and ask yourself why you are doing this. Alcohol and drugs might appear to be a way to get a break from the drama of your life but this temporary fix can have lasting effects on your mind and your body. The use of drugs and alcohol have been linked to mood disorders such as depression and mental illness. If you realise that you can’t function without reaching for something, you might have an addiction. Always seek help if you believe that this is happening to you. The sooner you get help, the sooner you will feel better.

Talk about your feelings
One of the most interesting things is how our brains world. Our feelings can be abstract ideas that we can’t seem to get a hold of, but once we start labelling them and talking about them, they are easier to control. If you think your negative feelings are becoming too much despite talking about them, you might need to visit an evaluation and treatment center to help you take control of your feelings. It can be scary to talk about how you are feeling but it does get easier the more you do it.

Spend time with your friends and family
Human beings are social creatures, even introverts have to spend some time with other people from time to time. Getting out and seeing people is a great way to get things off your mind. You never know who will be happy to talk things out with you. However, if you are going to have a heart to heart with people, make sure it is with the ones that you trust. The last thing you need is to bare your soul to someone who has no intention of helping you. In fact, if you have any toxic people in your life and you are concerned about your mental health, you might want to avoid spending time with these people as they will only make things worse.

Eat well
Have you ever heard of the term hangry? This is when you are hungry and feeling cranky. Eating well can help you feel so much better about yourself. However, you need to be mindful of what you are putting into your body. If you can, eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to ensure that your body is getting the vitamins and minerals that it needs. Sometimes your body just needs that boost from food to help level out your moods. A brain supplement like Cogniultra and Vyvamind can also support mental clarity and balance.

Tips About Taking Care Of Your Body After A Workout Injury

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Do you know what to do after a workout injury? To help with your recovery process and get back into shape as quickly as possible, here are some of the most important tips that every person should know about taking care of their body after a workout injury.

1) Follow A Healthy Sleep Routine 
The effects of a workout injury don't end with the actual activity. If you injure yourself during your daily routine, it is important to take care of yourself to ensure that you are healthy and ready for another day at the gym. In addition, it's crucial that when you aren't working out or trying to fix up your injury, you allow enough time for a restful sleep every night. Getting around seven hours of sleep per night will help reduce swelling in your body and provide ample energy so that you can start back up again tomorrow! Also, make sure that when bedtime rolls around, there isn't too much noise or light shining into your room - this could prevent a deep REM cycle which leads to feeling exhausted all throughout the day! 

2) Go For A Relaxing Massage 
If you are having trouble finding time to see a doctor, make sure that your massage therapist knows what happened. A professional will learn how to handle the situation and provide relief for swollen tissue or other areas causing pain. Massages also help encourage blood flow throughout your body, which means oxygenated cells all over! This allows for faster recovery times between workouts as well as stronger muscles overall. It's important that massaging isn't too painful during the first week after an injury, so talk with your provider about their techniques, especially when it comes down to stretching out any knots in sore muscle tissues. 

3) Make Use Of Medical Straps
For some, braces or other types of support will be necessary to help keep your muscles stable. You can easily find these at any pharmacy or medical supply store for a meager price! These are especially important if you have an injury that could hinder your ability to walk correctly. For example, if you have a shoulder injury, a self taping rotator cuff might be an excellent option. 

4) Cryotherapy Is The Way To Go 
One of the newest trends in treating injuries is cryotherapy, which allows for ice water to be shot onto your skin at extremely cold temperatures. This not only helps reduce swelling but also stimulates blood flow throughout the area to promote faster healing! Make sure that you are using this treatment two or three times a day. If you don't have access to this type of therapy, then try alternating between hot and cold compresses every 20 minutes instead until you can get into seeing a professional. 

In conclusion,  if you have a severe workout injury, the best thing you can do is stay calm and take care of yourself with these four tips. 

How To Cope With A Fear Of The Hospital

Candy WashingtonComment

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Hi lovelies,

A fear of hospitals, known as nosocomephobia, is quite a common fear that many people experience. It is also sometimes known as white coat syndrome. Patients who suffer from nosocomephobia will experience a sudden spike in blood pressure, as soon as they walk into a hospital. 

In some cases, this fear of being at the hospital can come alongside other common fears, such as tomophobia (fear of surgeries), pharmacophobia (fear of medicine), or latrophobia (fear of meeting a doctor). 

These phobias can be hard to cope with, and the anxiety can feel very overwhelming. However, you shouldn’t allow your fear to interfere with you getting the medical care that you need to care for your health or discourage you from seeing your doctor and getting the right care of medication. If you are struggling with a fear of the hospital, here are some useful tips to help you cope and get the care you need, no matter how scared you are. 

Believe In Your Doctor
You should be able to trust in your medical care provider and their abilities. If you feel as though you can trust them and the prescribed medical advice they give you, this can help in lowering your levels of anxiety. If you can’t trust your doctor, it might be wise to seek a new one. If a negative experience has put you off, it might also be worth getting advice from a medical malpractice attorney. Being aware that you are under the care of a skilled doctor should help you take control of your worries. Instead of feeling scared, you should work to affirm the trust and gratitude you feel for a good doctor, and other medical staff, and others who work in the hospital. 

Make Up Your Mind
Feeling convinced in yourself is an important step in overcoming a fear of the hospital. Understand how a doctor can help in treating the problem that you have and believe that hospitals are the right place to recover. Listen to the nurses. Cooperate with staff, and take your medications when you’re told to. 

Know What’s Wrong
Talk to your doctor to get more information about your health issue. Educating yourself about the condition, the treatment, medication, and rehabilitation could calm you down and help you to feel more relaxed. Remember that reading online could have the opposite effect. Avoid negative stories and scare-mongering! 

Get Help
If you are frightened of the hospital and put off visits, talk to someone about it. Try breathing exercises or meditation to help you relax. Eat well, spend time with your loved ones, take up a creative hobby, and stay productive to ward off negatives about seeing the doctor.

Get Organized
If you are going to the hospital for surgery, make some plans to help you to have a faster recovery. Pack your favorite books and movies to distract you, and take some familiar essentials like tissues and moisturizer to help you to feel more at home. This will help to take your focus away from your fears and feel more relaxed and calm. 

4 Reasons You Are Constantly Exhausted

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Are you worried that you constantly feel exhausted? Here are some of the problems that you could be facing here. 

Poor Sleep
First, you should think about ensuring that you are getting the right amount of sleep each night. Do note that this isn’t just about when you go to sleep. It’s also about ensuring that you get the right quality of sleep. Think about looking at some of the issues that can disturb your sleep. For instance, it’s possible that you are struggling with issues such as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can be an issue because it will stop you breathing multiple times through the night. This is going to mean that you wake up feeling completely drained of energy. If you are struggling to sleep there are natural meds that you can get such as melatonin which are available from a typical prescription delivery service. 

Diet Trouble 
Next, you should explore diet issues that might be causing problems that are leaving you feeling exhausted. Diet trouble can be an issue because it can leave your body without the things that you need. You could, for instance, have a vitamin deficiency. If your body doesn’t have the right vitamins then it’s always going to struggle to function the way that it should. The good news is that it’s easier than ever to get the vitamins that you need in your diet. You can get supplements to boost your numbers here. These can be taken in pill form so they are perfect for an active lifestyle where you are constantly on the go. 

Mental Health Issues 
Do note that some people can find that they feel exhausted because they have mental health issues. If you are struggling with mental health problems, you can feel completely drained of energy. That’s why it could be worth speaking to a mental health professional if you are experiencing trouble here. A cognitive therapist can help get to the root cause of the problems that you are facing here. You might also want to consider trying calming exercises if you find that your problems are tied to anxiety. Meditation could help a lot here. 

Stagnant Lifestyle
Finally, it’s possible that you feel tired simply because you are not doing enough throughout the day. This can cause a couple problems. First, it can mean that by the time you need to go to bed your body isn’t actually tired enough to sleep. This can cause a poor level of sleep as discussed above. You might also find that you struggle because your body gets used to not doing much. So, the moment you try anything that causes any level of exertion you feel immediately sleepy and drained of energy. This can lead to problems in your professional and personal life. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you can take to ensure that you don’t always feel exhausted and drained of energy. If you explore the right options here, then you’ll never feel like it’s a struggle to get through the day. 

How To Boost Your Self-Esteem This Fall

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

When this time of year appears, the weather is usually quite cold, the daylight hours are drastically reduced and you work hard in the build up to Thanksgiving and Christmas vacation. You probably put your own well-being aside and forget that you need some pampering and relaxation time. So if you find yourself wondering when was the last time you did something for yourself then here are some examples of what you can do to boost your own self-esteem this fall.  

Maintain A Skin Care Routine  
It’s more important than ever to have a daily skincare routine to prevent your skin from drying out. This is more likely to happen in the cold winter months so try to use some lovely skin products that will gently hydrate and moisturize your skin to keep it looking healthy and glowing. It will also help you feel confident in yourself if you take good care of your skin. 

Buy Some Nice Jewelry Pieces 
There is something about buying a sparkly item of fashion or Irish jewelry that feels exciting and as though you are treating yourself to something luxurious. So have a look online or go to the shops so that you can buy yourself something brand new which will compliment your fashion choices. You will feel like a million dollars even if the jewelry isn’t. 

Declutter Your Bedroom 
Your bedroom should be a haven of tranquility so you want to ensure that it feels relaxing and cozy around this time of year. It can be easy to build up items from the past year but it is a good idea to try and declutter your room after each season. This will help you reorganize and tidy the space around you, so that you prevent yourself from accumulating lots of items that will only clutter up your bedroom. 

Have Time To Yourself
This is especially true if you do not live by yourself. You need to have some quiet moments to yourself, for your own sanity. So whether it is chilling on the sofa with a hot beverage watching netflix, reading a book, doing some yoga exercises or having a hot bath, do what you enjoy and savor the quiet bliss. 

Plan Events In Your Social Diary
If the weather is bleak, chances are your mood will be too. So to ensure you can get through the cold, dark, fall nights, make some plans in advance so that you have something to look forward to. It will help you feel a bit more optimistic if you know you have various different meetups to look forward to when you are having a down day.

Want The Secret To Weight Loss? Try Strength Training

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Most people get the wrong idea about strength training and cardio. They assume that cardio helps you lose weight while strength training will give you big muscles and make you stronger. So, if you're looking to lose weight and tone up, you just need to do lots of cardio, right? Actually, that's not the case and the reason a lot of people struggle to lose weight is that they don't realize the importance of strength training. 

Why Is Strength Training Important For Weight Loss?
Strength training helps you lose weight faster because it burns more calories than cardio, even when you're resting. It's also harder to overtrain when you do strength training instead of cardio, so it prevents burning out and gives you more energy for the day. Strength training builds lean muscle which boosts your metabolism and makes you burn fat in all areas of your body, not just the ones where fat accumulates first (i.e., stomach). 

Weight loss is about losing inches, NOT pounds! If your measurements are firming up but the number on the scale isn't changing much yet--don't worry! You'll still see results before other people will because they're likely looking at weight instead of inches. When you are building muscle, your weight won't change that much but you will be healthier and look better. 

As your muscle mass increases, your base calorie burn also increases. This means that you will gain weight much slower and it's so much easier to maintain your weight. One of the biggest weight loss mistakes people make is failing to focus on building muscle. 

How To Get Started With Strength Training For Weight Loss
If you're just starting out, you don't need to go overboard because you will end up injuring yourself. All you need is some simple resistance training equipment like dumbbells or resistance bands. Start with a few basic exercises that you can find here.

It's important that you train all areas of your body equally to avoid muscle imbalances. Even if you hate working out your legs, for example, you still have to keep up with a regular routine.

Eating right is also crucial when weight training. If you don't get enough protein in your diet, your muscles will not be able to repair themselves. You should consider using supplements from companies like BPN to ensure that your body can recover properly. If you don't get your diet right, you will not be able to build muscle and you risk injuring yourself. 

How To Improve Your Performance When Strength Training
There are no shortcuts when strength training but there are some things you can do to improve your performance.

You can improve your performance by increasing the amount of weight you lift gradually. You should always have a spotter to help you with heavier weights but try not to rely on them too much because lifting yourself is better for your muscles!

When you're doing bodyweight exercises, challenge yourself every time and see if you can do it with good form. The higher number of reps doesn't mean that it's a harder workout--you just have to find the proper resistance for each exercise. 

Strength training will keep your metabolism going much longer than cardio because there is no rest period between sets. If you are using lighter weights or high reps, consider resting longer in between sets so that you really burn fat fast without injuring yourself.

If you are serious about maintaining a healthy weight, you need to add strength training to your routine. 

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How To Become A More Centered Person

Candy WashingtonComment
Image by Avi Chomotovski from Pixabay 

Image by Avi Chomotovski from Pixabay 

Hi lovelies,

Being centered is a great trait to have. Although not everyone is centered around the clock, it is possible to become a more centered person. How? Use this guide to discover how to become a more centered person.

Practice mindfulness
A key to finding your centered self is to practice mindfulness. Mindful practices involve any that help you focus and find your inner peace. For some, this could be yoga and meditation. For others, it could be exercise or dancing. Whatever brings you happiness, self-love, and gratitude will help you become a more centered person.

Use spiritual practices
Spiritual practices, like mindful practices, are ones that can help heal a person and give them good energy. They are known to provide benefits for both the mind and the body. 

For instance, using stones for healing power and adding greatness to your life can help you achieve a greater sense of gratitude and centeredness. Using a white buffalo stone can help you acknowledge that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, so long as you stay focused. The white buffalo stone meaning is abundance and manifestation, which translates to assuring people that they do not need to struggle to survive. When you use this stone and believe it in its meaning, you will understand that good thing are to come.

Use herbal remedies

Using herbal remedies, such as CBD oil for anxiety, can help relieve your negative emotions and change them for positive ones. 

Herbal remedies promote calm and focus, which can help you achieve a greater sense of centeredness. Simply using CBD oil or adding lavender to your evening tea can help increase focus and inner peace. 

It is common for most of us to live fast-paced lifestyles due to the expansion of technology. Although it can’t be helped, it can be managed. Instead of living fast-paced every minute or every day, set yourself reminders to sit and breathe. Breathing is the best way to bring your nerves down, release tension from your body, and become more centered. 

You can use breathing practices, like meditation, or simply sit and breathe for five to ten minutes to reap the benefits.

Do less
Most people feel the need to be busy all of the time. But, can you remember how calm and great you felt the last time you did less? Well, you can maintain that sense of calm by simply taking on less. 

You are only one person and can only take on so much. Thus, reduce your workload or lifestyle schedule to be able to focus more, take life slowly, and become more centered. 

To stick to doing less in life, you will need to learn to say no more. It can be hard to say no to things, especially if you feel that you have a responsibility. But, saying no can free up your time and free up space in your mind, which will result in a more centered self.

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Health and Wellness Hacks to Make the Most of Right Now

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Try to make sure you do as much as possible to focus on improving your health and well-being this year, and there are a lot of things that you need to make the most of here. Try to come up with some of the best ways of being able to look after yourself, and this is something that you have to make the most of as much as possible. You have to come up with some of the best ways of helping you make your life better as much as possible. 

So, you are going to need to focus on improving your life and boosting your health as much as possible in 2021, and this means taking the right steps to make the most of this. Now, there are a lot of ideas and steps you can take that are going to help you enjoy your health and wellness as much as possible, so you need to try to make sure you focus on these hacks to improve your well-being as much as you can.
Ease Your Anxiety
You have to make sure you do as much as possible to help you ease and improve your anxiety as much as possible, and there are a lot of elements that can play a role in this. Improving or easing your anxiety and making sure you protect your mental health and wellness is really important. There are plenty of fantastic ideas that play  apart in helping you make the most of this, and CBD oil is something you can use for anxiety in order to be able to help you look after your mental health and wellness. 

Change Your Diet
Changing and improving your diet is one of the best things that you need to keep in mind when it comes to making the right choices for your health and well-being. There are a lot of elements that you should be focused on, and this is something that you should be looking to make the most of. However, there are a lot of ideas that play a part in helping with this, and you need to try to help change and improve your diet as much as you possibly can. 

Get Your Body Looked At
You have to try to work on doing the best things that you can to improve and look after your body, and this is something that you have to try to make the most of as much as possible. There are a lot of ideas that play a role in helping you make the right decisions, and you need to try to come up with some of the best ways of helping you to get your body looked after. This means you need to consult people like spine surgeons in order to treat any injuries you might be experiencing. 

Make sure you choose the right steps that will help you to improve the best ways of being able to help you come up with some of the best ways of helping you achieve health and well-being. You have to make sure you take steps in order to help you focus on being able to boost and improve your health and well-being, and this can make such a big difference to the way you live your life. 

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More People Are Improving Their Physical Appearance: Here Is How To Join This Trend

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Trying to find a way to be more attractive and join the latest trend? There is no need to go under the knife; you can just undergo some physical appearance improvements. With so many people going through this transformation, it's hard not to want to do it too. Here’s how you can improve your physical appearance without any invasive procedures.

Lose Weight If You Need To
Losing weight is the most common trend among people improving their physical appearance. It’s a popular self-care method to get you pumped t d more towards positive living. Losing weight is possible by limiting your daily calorie intake and increasing your daily physical activity.

The first step is to have a good look at the food you usually eat, see if it's possible to limit its amount of calories by removing some ingredients or replacing one with something more healthy options.

The next step is physical activity; if you are not very active now, it's time to change this aspect of your lifestyle. Pregnant women should talk over with their doctor before starting an exercise routine, but there are plenty of other alternatives for everyone else out there.

Get Your Hair Done Regularly
People are starting to notice that it's effortless for you to go out with your locks looking fabulous. It doesn't matter what type of hair you have; there is a way to make it always look its best. So if you want more people asking you about your hair, it's time to get those locks looking beautiful.

On the other hand, if you’re bald or have thinning hair, you can get hair loss treatment for a full circle transformation. 

Buy New Clothes 
One of the most popular trends today is improving your physical appearance. Men and women are more conscious about how they look, both in public or with friends at home. This trend is even increasing among young people because it has become a lifestyle.

Buy new clothes, from the basics to special items for specific occasions or events you have been waiting for months. In addition, there are many stores where young people can buy affordable clothing.

Hit the Gym
Joining a gym is not very expensive, and you can use it as many times as you want, so even if your budget is tight, this might be the best option for you. Typically, there are no contracts involved when joining a gym, unlike other fitness services, which require long-term commitments of at least 12 months. In addition, the monthly payment for most gyms is not very high, so you won't have to worry about spending a lot of money.

Be Active Physically and Mentally 
Many people are more aware of their physical appearance, and they want to improve it. This is why more and more people become interested in activities that allow them to stay fit: running, swimming, hiking, or even playing sports. There is a wide variety of outdoor and indoor exercises available for you.

Another thing worth mentioning is how important it is to maintain the right mental health status to improve your physical appearance. It means that you need to motivate yourself and not give up easily when challenges come your way. So, while keeping your mind clear and calm, achieving the best result is possible if you are persistent.

Feed Your Body With the Proper Nutrients 
One thing that you can do to improve your appearance is to take care of what you eat and how much nutrients you put into your body. If the food that people eat does not have a lot of vitamins, it will be harder for them to get better results when they start exercising.

Additionally, people must eat as few carbs as possible and focus on consuming protein instead. This way, they will feel more energized throughout the day and also be able to see results faster after working out or doing other kinds of physical activities.

Invest in High-Quality Skincare Products 
The popularity of skincare products is growing exponentially. More and more people are taking care of their skin, using creams that reduce wrinkles or acne scars while bringing the glow back to the face. If you also want to improve your physical appearance, you should consider investing in high-quality skincare products. These can be pretty expensive, but they will last for months, and the results are worth it.

Smile More Often
Smiling is one way of improving your physical appearance. It is also a great way to show your happiness and cheerfulness. People who smile tend to look more attractive and inviting than those who have a frown on their face.

Smiling also has different benefits, so if you want to join the trend, you shouldn’t neglect this simple action. For example, smiling can help fight stress because when people smile, they trigger specific muscles that send signals to their brain to release relaxing hormones. Smiling also helps boost your self-confidence because it is more likely to feel better about yourself when you look good.

If you are intrigued about the subject of improving your physical appearance, then do not hesitate to read the blog post above. It is an excellent source of information that will offer you tips and tricks for achieving this goal without spending too much time or money.

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Does CBD Oil Work Well For Anxiety?

Candy WashingtonComment
Photo: Unsplash

Photo: Unsplash

Hi lovelies,

We all suffer anxiety from time to time. We work busy lives and when we are working hard or working on our entrepreneurial projects, things can become a little tough to deal with. CBD oil is extracted from the cannabis plant, in order to isolate the active ingredient in it. CBD is actually a compound found in the cannabis plant and is the second major ingredient in the plant, preceded by THC. In recent years, the use of this oil has become more common among people and many studies have shown it does work to assist your health in many ways. 

What do the studies state? 

According to studies conducted in recent years, the use of the CBD substance is not dangerous to humans and is not addictive. Great for people who want a simple solution to their busy lives and stresses. In addition, according to these studies, CBD has medicinal properties that help with, among other things, epileptic seizures, pain relief, schizophrenia, diabetes and cancerous growths. At the end of 2017, the World Health Organization announced that it supports this working assumption that it is a safe substance to use. Meanwhile, the use of CBD is gaining impressive momentum, with more and more patients finding the cure for various symptoms. In recent years new studies on the subject have published that CBD has abilities to deal with anxiety treatment and reduce their symptoms. 

Evidence can now be found of people suffering from, for example, water anxiety (hydrophobia), those who have taken CBD and reported a quick solution to the phenomenon! Early studies from 2011 that examined the effect of CBD on social anxiety, found that taking a high dose of the oil significantly improved their social functioning. 

How does CBD help deal with anxiety?

In fact anxiety is a general name for a variety of symptoms like fear, nerves and general imbalance. These symptoms are most often manifested through anxiety and depression. They can hinder daily life significantly. One of the most notable benefits of CBD oil is the fact that it can alleviate anxiety and soothe it. You can look deeper into a CBDistillery to learn more.

In general, a solid oil for anxiety improves the overall feeling of the patient and helps them to manage the day incubator easily and with almost complete control. In addition, it reduces tension and prevents muscle spasms and cramps and even reduces their amount. By taking high doses, this oil soothes and improves your mood. In addition, it significantly improves sleep quality. 

How is CBD oil consumed? 

The most common method of extraction today is in solution, which in relation to other products is the assumption that it contains the purest CBD. The CBD oil in the solution is consumed using drops under the tongue, when it can also be combined with drinks or food. The second method of extraction is CBD concentrate, which contains the strongest dose of CBD. The concentrate is very convenient to consume, as it is absorbed faster in the body.  

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Is Your Gym Ready For An Accident?

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

When you’re learning to run a gym, you don’t want to think about what can go wrong. However, if you fail to consider the very likely possibility that, at some point, someone is going to hurt themselves (or maybe someone else) while training, you could be making any potential accidents much worse. Here’s how to make sure that you’re aware of the risks and doing what you can to manage them.

Ensure safe gym usage as best as possible
Wiping down equipment and making sure that it’s stable and ready to use is important. Similarly, you should deploy safety signage throughout the gym ensuring that people use workout areas and equipment as safely as possible, demonstrating proper form or any hazards that they should be aware of. You can’t ensure that everyone acts as properly and wisely as they should, but you can reduce the likelihood of some accidents by ensuring everyone is informed and aware of the risks.

Actively correct misuse of machines
People are going to use machines wrong, no matter how many signs you have. As such, you should make sure that all of your floor staff is aware of how every machine on the floor is to be operated. They should be able to pinpoint misuse and correct customers to ensure they’re not more likely to hurt themselves.

Keep a fully stocked first-aid area
If someone does get hurt in the gym, then you should be ready and able to help as best as possible. This means making sure that you have a first aid section or even just a first aid kit that is fully stocked with things like wound dressing equipment, bandages, ice packs, scissors to cut through fabric if necessary, gloves, and so on. Otherwise, you could be hampering your ability to help those who get injured.

Ensure your team is trained in first aid
Most people can clean a wound and apply some dressing, but it’s a good idea to make sure that you or members of your team are trained in first aid so that you’re able to calmly and systematically handle any injuries that do happen on your property. Even knowing the difference of when you can and can’t move someone who has been injured can be critically important for their outcomes.

Protect your business, too
The best outcome is that you prevent injuries or are able to treat them and mitigate any long-term damage. However, if accidents do happen, you have to make sure that your gym is protected. CCTV can help ensure that you capture footage of any accidents so that you don’t have to accept liability if it’s the gym-goer’s fault. However, you should also have the correct insurance to protect you against the costs of injuries on your property that are your liability.

Fitness is physically strenuous and gym equipment can be potentially dangerous. Don’t bury your head in the sand. Make sure that you’re well equipped, trained, and prepared to handle accidents that might happen in your gym.

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The ABCs of Looking and Staying Attractive

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Looking and staying attractive is something that many people want to do, but it can be challenging. It takes time, effort, and knowledge to look good. But the great thing about looking good is that once you start feeling confident in your appearance, it will show on the outside too. Here are some tips for how to look beautiful from head-to-toe:

Start by Working on Your Confidence

If you do not have a good level of self-esteem it can be difficult to feel attractive. 

There are some great tricks for helping boost your confidence and techniques for improving how much attention you receive from others - both things which contribute to feeling more confident about your appearance.  

When you feel good about yourself, others can see it too- you will be more attractive to people in general. With confidence comes a stronger voice and increased charisma. People like to follow those who seem like they're having fun and in control of the situation. 

Take Good Care of Your Hair

It is easy to neglect the condition of your hair, but it takes only a couple minutes every day to make sure that you are keeping it healthy. You can even try out stress-free styles if this whole routine with shampooing and conditioning is too much trouble for you. 

Hair is one of the first things people notice about you, so it's important to take good care of your hair. Avoid washing your hair every day and instead opt for dry shampoo or baby powder between washes if necessary. Also, skip brushing or combing wet hair as this can lead to breakage. Instead, use a wide-tooth comb after showering while using conditioner in order to detangle knots without causing further damage. 

If you find this process is overwhelming, consider hair extensions that can last you for months and are easy to maintain. 

Invest in a Facial Care Routine

Your skin is the largest organ on your body. Taking care of it should be a top priority, but so should looking good while doing so. A facial routine doesn't have to break the bank or take up too much time in your day-to-day life. 

Try out natural remedies or do-it-yourself beauty recipes like lemon and honey, egg white masks, and cucumber slices for tired eyes to give your skin a boost. 

If you are looking for some high-end options, try Clinique’s retinol facial night cream, which works wonders on fine lines while fighting acne. In addition, a facial routine is sure to give you healthy and glowing skin.

Get Your Beauty Sleep

The body repairs itself, and its cells renew during sleep, so gettingClinique’senough of this essential restorative time is vital. Sleep also helps restore your energy levels for daily activities, which increases productivity during waking hours. 

Avoiding hydration before bedtime may lead to dryness or irritation. The best thing you can do throughout your busy day is drink plenty of water. 

Drink and Eat Well

You have to eat healthily and drink water. This will help you maintain a good weight, boost your immune system, reduce stress levels, increase energy levels for daily tasks, and provide the body with much-needed nutrition. Also, do not believe all those proclamations that eight glasses are enough; drink as much as you need.

If you don’t like plain water or feel hungry after having some tap water, try adding mint leaves into the mix – they make up for great taste enhancers without any side effects on overall wellness. Drinking tea can be another excellent idea because numerous types of herbal infusions are both delicious and health-friendly.

Workout To Improve Your Body Image

Get to the gym. You do not need a personal trainer, although it's nice to have one if you can afford it or get free sessions from signing up at certain gyms. At a minimum, all you need is someone who knows what they're doing well enough that you don't hurt yourself and make sure your form is correct to avoid injuries at the gym. 

If there aren’t any trainers available, then YouTube has plenty of videos with exercises that will help improve body image.

Wear the Right Clothes

Clothes and style don't make the man, but they can certainly help you meet more people. As a general rule: wear clothes that suit your body type while simultaneously complementing each other with minimal effort. 

Most people have experienced purchasing new shoes only to find out the size printed inside isn't what was in the advertisement. The same is true with clothes: even if it's your size according to a men's clothing store or designer website, that doesn't mean you're going to fit into their 'one size' sizing scale. One way around this problem is by purchasing custom menswear from companies like Proper Cloth - they'll measure and send out exactly what would fit most accurately based on your desired measurements.

You Can Never Go Wrong With Red Lipstick

Red lipstick survived the test of time and is always a favorite. There’s just something about red that makes you feel confident, polished & glamorous.

Those who want to appear attractive should opt for red lipstick instead of light pink and brown tones. Red makes a face seem brighter and healthier overall while also making teeth look whiter. 

Love a Little Makeup

Makeup is a beautiful tool to accentuate your natural beauty and bring out the best in you. It’s not all about looking like a different person but instead enhancing who you already are.

If you’re going to use it, fine – but don’t overdo it. It doesn't have to be heavy or dark. In fact, most natural looks are attractive and sexy for women of all ages.


In conclusion, it is essential to look and stay attractive. You can accomplish this by choosing the proper clothing, grooming yourself appropriately, taking care of your skin's health, maintaining good body hygiene through acceptable bathing practices, and eating a healthy diet with adequate sleep each night. You should also make sure that you are doing everything you can on an emotional level to feel confident about who you are.

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How to Stay Healthy: Fatigued? Here are Tips

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

If you are feeling fatigued, there are many things that you can do to keep your body healthy and energized. 

Exercise Regularly
Staying active will not only give you energy but also give you a boost mentally! It's the best way to start your day on the right note! 

When you exercise, your bodies release endorphins which are very helpful in relieving stress. Exercise also increases the blood flow to your body and brain so you can think more clearly.

Exercising regularly is good to keep your body in shape and healthy. If you work a sedentary job, you need to move around the office occasionally and get some exercise. 

One of the best ways to keep your body healthy is by meditating. Meditation has been used for years to focus on oneself and be in tune with your body. It is a great way to stay healthy because if you are in tune with your body, it will be easier to tell when something isn't feeling right. 

Meditation is an easy method of reducing stress which can cause fatigue and other issues. It also teaches people how to listen to their bodies. If they meditate regularly, it becomes easier for them to know when something may not feel good or need attention.

This tip is a combination of all the others. Meditation is one way to reduce stress, which can lead to fatigue and other health problems. It also teaches you how to listen to your body. If you're meditating regularly, it's easier for you to know when something's off or needs attention.

Take Coffee Break
Coffee breaks are a great way to relax, rejuvenate and refuel. During coffee breaks, you can recharge your brains with new information for the afternoon.

A cup of coffee brewed with the best Nespresso tea pods is the best pick me up during these types of breaks; make sure you don't overload on caffeine since too much can keep you awake at night! If caffeinated beverages such as tea or soda are your go-to drinks during this time, try switching it out for water instead; hydration helps people feel more energized throughout their day!

Make sure that whatever drink choice you decide upon doesn't cause dehydration problems like sodas do. Instead, drinking enough fluids will help prevent fatigue (and other conditions) by keeping waste products flushed from the body.

When you are constantly fatigued, it is easy to forget about yourself. However, it would help if you took some time out for your coffee break. It will give you a chance to recharge and refresh before getting back into the game again!

Listen to Your Body
Listening to your body is a crucial component of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Many symptoms can tell you when your body is not operating the way it should be, especially if this symptom continues for an extended period and seems to worsen over days or weeks. 

Don’t ignore any signs from your body - see them as important messages about how you need to take better care of yourself! It's worth taking some time out each day (even just five minutes) so that you can tune into what your body needs right now.

In conclusion, here are tips to keep your body in tip-top shape. It includes exercise regularly, meditating, taking coffee breaks, and listening to your body through symptoms such as fatigue. All of these will help you maintain a healthier lifestyle!

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Optimal Health Before, During, And After Pregnancy

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

In this post, you will find plenty of useful information on nutrition and health matters that you need to concern yourself with if you are a mom or you have a desire to be a mother in the future. This includes advice for those who are trying to conceive, as well as pregnant women, and those that have already given birth. While we cannot give you all of the details you need, we can go over the important areas that you need to look into when it comes to your health.

For those trying to get pregnant...
If you are trying to get pregnant, looking after your health should be a priority. The likes of Core Medical Group are great when it comes to helping people to achieve optimal health. 

Some of the things you should consider include giving up smoking and finding ways to de-stress, such as hypnotherapy and listening to relaxation CDs. It is also advisable to cut the amount of alcohol you drink while also maintaining a healthy weight. 

A polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition a lot of people have, and it is often linked to being overweight, and this can impact fertility and increase the risk of a miscarriage. Being underweight is just as damaging to your chances of falling pregnant as being overweight. 

These are all of the important health matters to consider when it comes to trying to fall pregnant. Putting your health first can significantly increase your chances of having a baby. 

For those who have fallen pregnant…
Once you have fallen pregnant, you will probably already be aware of the fact that there are a number of things you cannot eat. 

You should limit your caffeine intake to a maximum of 200 mg per day. You will also need to eliminate certain types of fish from your diet, as well as soft blue-veined cheeses and mold-ripened soft cheeses, pate, liver, and other foods that contain vitamin A, unpasteurized milk and dairy products, and raw meat.

If you have any concerns or questions during this stage, do not be afraid to ask your nurse. That is what she is there for!

For those who have given birth…
After you have given birth, you still need to make sure you get the right nutrients and eat well, especially if you intend to breastfeed. 

You will also probably want to shed a few pounds after putting weight on during the pregnancy, however, it’s important to lose this weight healthily. You can find advice on this and much more in lots of expert articles and guides online. However, one thing that we never recommend you do is to try and follow a crash diet in order to lose weight.

So there you have it: some tips and advice for women when it comes to pregnancy and giving birth. We hope that this has helped you to understand the different things you need to consider when it comes to your health and wellbeing.  

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Pamper yourself: Reasons You Need Self Care in 2021

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

We have all had one crazy year. Now into 2021, and things are opening up more and more every day. However, the world is still on edge with everything that has happened. It seems that there is no one way to decide on what is right or wrong anymore. Depending on whom you ask, things are either getting better or worse. No one can really decide on what is correct and what is not, but we can all agree that self-care seems to be an important part of life in 2021. 

Why Self Care Is More Important Than Ever

As the world becomes more stressful with constant pressure, it's essential to take time for yourself. Your mental health is vital during these unprecedented times, so self-care can help us reduce stress and enjoy life more. It helps us in making sure we are in a good place mentally and physically. It also allows us to focus on what is most important - our family, friends, and work. 

Who Benefits from Self Care?

Everyone. Even the most accomplished of us can benefit from self-care. People who are suffering from chronic pain or emotional instability need self-care. And those who are experiencing mental illness may need it the most, as they often feel isolated from other people due to their struggles with issues like depression or anxiety. This is worsened by the fact that we have been isolated from everyone for a year. While many of us are trying our best to keep ourselves sane throughout the year, many are still struggling. 

It's Ok to Pamper Yourself 

It might seem like pampering yourself may seem selfish. However, during times of great stress, pampering yourself is exactly what you should do. In order to reduce stress, taking some time for yourself and getting personal time is advisable. Leading therapists have proved that this can greatly help improve the overall well-being of those suffering from mental health issues. In addition to this, something as minor as getting your hair done, relaxing, or doing an activity can improve your self-esteem. Visiting a beauty salon or getting Botox can help reduce stress and improve your mental health and self-esteem.  

Self-Esteem Boosting Self Care Tips

Self-care is one of the best ways to build your self-esteem. When you take care of yourself, you feel better about yourself and think more positively about your abilities. It helps prevent self-destructive behaviors like eating disorders or substance abuse and enables you to deal with mental health issues like depression and anxiety. 

Some self-esteem boosting self-care tips include: 

  • Manage your stress levels: Stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or simply taking a break from work may help you feel more relaxed throughout the day.

  • Exercise: Even a little bit of exercise can help reduce stress and boost your mood

  • Take breaks: Taking breaks throughout the day will help keep you refreshed.

  • Talk to someone about what's going on in your life: Talking to someone about what's going on can help alleviate anxiety and help you feel better about what's going on around you. 

In the end, it is imperative for us to know how to help ourselves, treat our stress, and when to seek help when we find we can't handle things ourselves. 

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Don’t Fall Trap To These Weight Loss Mistakes

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

A lot of people struggle to lose weight. This is often due to a number of common mistakes. Below are just a few weight loss mistakes that you should avoid falling trap to. 

Choosing a goal that’s unrealistic/too vague
When setting a weight loss goal, many people make the mistake of choosing a goal that’s unrealistic or too vague. Such goals fail to motivate us because they’re not achievable or not clear enough.

An unrealistic goal usually involves trying to lose too much weight in a short amount of time. In most cases, you’re not going to lose 30% of your body weight in a year. It’s better to aim for 10% or 5% to start with. 

Vague weight loss goals tend to lack a specific time frame or tangible goal. Telling yourself you want to lose 2 stone is not a clear goal because there’s no time frame. Telling yourself that you want to lose 2 stone in 5 months is much clearer. 

Not tracking your progress
It’s important that you regularly keep track of your progress. Without tracking your progress, you’re likely to lose motivation but you won’t have a clear idea of how far you’ve come.

You can track your weight loss progress using a diary or an app. On top of tracking your weight, it could be worth tracking your exercise performance and your ability to stay on target with calories. Documenting your progress in detail will allow you to look back and feel proud of the small changes. 

Thinking you can lose weight without exercise or dieting
Some people think that they can lose weight solely by taking weight loss pills or by using a waist trainer. This isn’t the case - while weight loss pills like lipodrene ephedra can help you lose weight, they should be used as supplements to a healthy diet and exercise.

There is no lazy way to lose weight. Unless you develop a disease that causes you to lose weight (which is not a recommended weight loss strategy), you’ll likely have to change your diet and the amount of physical activity you do in order to see results.

Focusing on ‘weight loss’ and not ‘fat loss’
Sometimes ‘weight loss’ isn’t the factor to focus on at all. Sometimes, in our attempt to lose fat, we gain muscle. Muscle is about as heavy as fat. As a result, you can lose weight and gain an equal amount of muscle in two weeks and not see a difference in your weight.

While a weight loss goal is worth having, you should also set non-weight related goals alongside it such as trying to fit into a specific size of jeans or trying to reach a certain waist size. This will allow you to track whether you’re getting slimmer and not just lighter. 

Expecting results too soon
When taking measures to lose weight, you shouldn’t expect instant results. Sometimes the body fights back against our weight loss efforts, storing more calories as fat to make up for our change of lifestyle. You have to be persistent with a workout regime or diet before your body finally gives in and starts shedding the pounds.

How long should it take for you to start seeing results? Unfortunately, there is no universal time. Some people are able to see results after two weeks. For others it can take two months. In all cases, it’s worth giving yourself a few weeks. Don’t give in after the first weekly weigh-in just because you haven’t lost any pounds. 

Doing all cardio and no weights
You’ll burn more calories doing cardio than you will doing weight training. However, that doesn’t mean you should avoid weight training altogether. Weight training can help to vary up your workout and help you lose weight in other ways.

On top of burning calories while doing weight training, your metabolism is also boosted. Weight training also helps you to build muscle. The calories you digest are turned into muscle instead of fat. This allows you to effectively eat more than you would purely doing cardio without all the calories turning into fat. 

Drinking too many calories
When people think of a calorific diet, they tend to think of junk foods such as burgers, fries, candy, cakes and chips. In actual fact, many of the unhealthy calories we consume are within drinks. Soda drinks like Coca-cola, milky coffees containing syrups and alcoholic drinks like wine are all packed full of calories. 

When trying to fix your diet, don’t overlook these drinks. You may find that switching out half your drinks with water has a huge difference on your calorie consumption. 

Rewarding yourself with too many treats
If you’ve just done an intense workout at the gym, try to resist rewarding yourself with junk food. This type of treat could be undoing all of your hard work. 

You’re much better off finding treats that don’t involve pouring calories back into your body. Instead, reward an intense workout with a trip to the sauna, an evening of no housework or even a nap. 

Meeting your weight loss goal and then returning to your old ways
In the hopeful event that you do reach your weight loss goal, it’s important not to return to your old lifestyle. This will just cause you to pile the pounds back on again - and then it will be all for nothing. 

Weight loss has to involve some permanent lifestyle changes. This is something that many people fail to realise - getting slim isn’t a license to stop doing exercise and pig out again. This doesn’t mean that you have to stick to a strict exercise regime and diet for the rest of your life. Once you’ve reached your weight loss goal, you can ease off a bit. The key is not to ease off too much. You’ll still need to do some exercise and limit some foods. 

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Your Diet Is As Important As Your Training Program

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

There are few things more important in life than your health. This is why healthy living is so popular among people who want to live healthy and happily ever after. What you eat, supplements (available here, and how you train has a direct impact on your performance and body composition (how much fat vs muscle you have) which directly affect how healthy you are or can be.

Actually, healthy living is pretty simple despite being so popular because it works. There are a lot of foods that we think will help us reach our body composition goals faster or easier but finding out what is healthy does take a bit of research - unless you do what everyone else does and ask Google about your food choices... Ironically, even though first ´googling´ your food choices is popular, it may not be that healthy after all! 

Here are some examples of foods people think are healthy but aren't healthy at all:

It's easy to make, very tasty and healthy right? If it weren't for the fact that most people eat so much of it that their healthy lifestyle goes out the window just by enjoying a healthy dish such as pasta! Why? Because 1/3 of your healthy diet should be carbohydrates. That equals between 200-350g per day - depending on how active you are. One serving (100 g) of spaghetti or any other type of pasta contains about 35 g of carbs, which means one and not one and a half servings of pasta is already over the limit that should be in your diet. 

Wanna know what's healthy? Lots of healthy salads and vegetables (and healthy supplements).

Again, healthy right? It is actually the carbohydrate staple of millions of people around the world, used as a healthy alternative to pasta above. However one and not one and a half servings of rice is also over the limit that should be in your diet too. 

Wanna know what's healthy? Load up on healthy carbs with low GI ratings such as brown rice instead. 100 g of cooked brown rice contains 45 g of carbs which is only slightly more than the recommended 200-350g per day (it also contains about three times more fiber...).

It's healthy for kids, healthy when used in moderation as a healthy cooking ingredient and healthy in healthy desserts; even though 10 years ago the experts advised us to stay away from sugar (it was pretty healthy back then), today sugar is healthy again - provided we keep it under control. But what is moderation? 

For most of us, one cookie or candy bar is not considered 'too much' while two cookies are 'a bit too much'. How convenient! This means that if you eat sweets every day (or even just 2-4 times per week) it's hard to tell if they're healthy or not unless you have a severe sweet tooth... 

By eating a few treats here and there instead of having them all week long, will you lose weight? Not likely. However, if you replace healthy treats with healthy alternatives (a healthy protein bar instead of a candy bar, fruit instead of cookies) you're on the right track to healthy living without being too strict about your healthy lifestyle!

It's not healthy unless it's beer AND consumed in moderation... One drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men is considered healthy by nutritional experts; even though that 'one drink' can have as many calories as a dessert thus canceling out all the healthy food you ate during the rest of the week. 

However, studies show that no amount of alcohol is good for us because we can't break down alcohol efficiently - this means that most people get drunk with just a few drinks. The good news is that healthy alternatives exist such as healthy supplements (ok, it's not beer but hey nobody said healthy living is easy!).

High fat cheese
It might be healthy and tasty but the high calorie content of real cheese means you need to get your hands on some healthy supplements if you want to lose weight! 1 slab of processed American cheese weighs in at about 170 calories per 100 g which isn't bad compared to an average slice of cake (about 450 calories)... 

However, because there are very few people who can eat a single slice of cake without eating more than one serving (and most cakes contain 3-4 servings), you could easily have 300-400 calories in a single sitting by eating a healthy cake; and healthy cookies to balance out the healthy diet...

Natural milk 
It's healthy but should be consumed in moderation due to its high calorie content (200 calories per cup). This means that one glass of natural milk is healthy while drinking 2 glasses of natural milk is not healthy because it provides 400 calories - about half your daily caloric intake. The same can be said for 'low fat' milks with just as many calories per cup than regular milk... 

Again, healthy alternatives exist such as healthy supplements so you can enjoy your healthy diet without consuming over 600 calories per sitting!

In conclusion, you don't have to give up tasty treats or favorite foods if you know what's healthy:
A low GI rating, fiber, healthy carbs, healthy sweets and healthy treats.

Healthy drinks 
Your healthy diet includes healthy alternatives such as healthy juices (watch for added sugar). Drink plenty of water each day to stay healthy and maintain your weight!

Balance Is Key
Your healthy diet shouldn't be too strict or contain too many restrictions: A little fudge from time to time won't affect your progress unless you eat a different unhealthy food every day - then it's hard to tell if the fudge is healthy or not without some serious dedication training...

And no matter what you eat or drink, always make sure they fit in with your healthy lifestyle choices; just because something is considered healthy today doesn't mean it will be considered healthy tomorrow...

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Self Care Guide: The Biggest Need of the Hour

Candy WashingtonComment

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Hi lovelies,

Do you often feel exhausted after a tough day at work? Or feel uninspired? This post is for you!

The importance of self-care - 
Every individual is living with a set of responsibilities and dreams in their heart. And to accomplish all of them, you need to stay fit as a fiddle. It’s common for people to limit their concept of good health to a healthy body. But when you sneak into the details, you see good health is something more than that. 

Self-care is all about preserving your mental state while keeping yourself fit to conquer any life challenge. This should include - learning how to plan a healthy diet, exercise daily, keep your mind in a peaceful state, and reduce stress. All of these practices can be considered as the secret to happy living forever. It’s not rocket science but a set of healthy practices demanding determination. 

How to engage in self-care practices?
Fortunately, there are plenty of self-care practices available to choose from and try from. All it takes is full-proof determination to see desirable results. If you are clueless about where to begin this journey, consider self care strategies or a program offering you the proper guidance. No matter which self-care approach you follow, the ultimate goal is to change yourself. 

Here’s how to do it. 

Sleep matters the most - 
Believe it or not, sleep can have a massive impact on your physical and emotional state. Not getting enough sleep can lead to many health problems like stress, irritation, severe mood swings, and much more. To escape it all, begin a healthy nightly routine. This should include- taking a shower before going to bed, not consuming more than required food, skip heavy meals, avoid caffeine or sugar-enriched foods at nighttime, and much more. All of these will help you fight stress as well. 

Take help of natural herbs - 
Since CBD has gotten a legal nod, people have started to rely on CBD components for different health issues, including - depression, stress, headache, chronic body pain, and much more. This has accelerated the demand for broad spectrum cbd products in the market. Such products are extracted using nanotechnology to ensure the best benefits. Moreover, you can consume it in different ways. 

Cook at home - 
We understand your hectic schedule may have been restricting you from consuming homemade meals. But that’s the real challenge of living a healthy lifestyle. Your self care guide checklist should have ‘cooking at home on the top as it creates a huge difference. Homemade meals are considered much more beneficial and nutritious than the junk you eat outside. 

Enjoy spa - After struggling throughout the week at work, you deserve to have a relaxing weekend. Thus, book a relaxation session or body massage appointment for yourself. This can be a perfect rejuvenating time to boost your body energy and help you live healthily. 

The last word - 
Living quality of life is one of the main things to have in the current world, especially after surviving a deadly global pandemic. All such factors make it necessary to work on self care practices.

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4 Winter Activities to Center Your Mind

Candy WashingtonComment
Image sourced from Pixabay. CC0 License

Image sourced from Pixabay. CC0 License

Hi lovelies,

Although we are still in the crazy, hazy days of summer, before we know it, the seasons will change. Summer will give way to autumn, and before you know it, winter will be in season. With all the hectic running around that comes with the holiday season, we may find ourselves feeling a bit foggy and a bit worn down mentally. Instead of hibernating this winter, get out into nature with these four ways to center your mind and spirit. 

Physical activities are great for the mind. Physical activities help you concentrate on what you are doing and help you get lost in your activity. A sport like skiing or snowboarding can be a great way to be in nature and take in all that is around you at the moment. As you are going down the slope, you can take your time and be in the cold, be on the mountain, and focus your mind on getting to the bottom safely. It’s a proven method to clear your mind and settle it at the same time.

Nothing is better than sitting in nature and being still. Hiking is a productive pathway to exert yourself physically then find a quiet space to rest the body and mind. Hiking allows you to get off the beaten path and see things differently. By taking the time to look at a tree differently or to see a lake differently can do wonders for your mood. Hikes also allow us to get closer to nature by seeing animals we may not normally see, or we get to see animals in their natural habitat. Hiking is an open door to release your mind as you come to be quiet. 

Climbing can only be successful if you use your mind strategically and you hyper focus on what you are doing. If your mind seems to feel like a runaway freight train, climbing is the ultimate way to stop the noise, halt the traffic, and get yourself centered. With your mind focused on one activity, and an activity that requires your full attention so that you don’t get hurt, you will be able to silence the constant film that is going on in your mind. If you are looking for durable gear, sites like AdventureMedia give great advice on what works. Your safety will be at the forefront blocking everything else out. You will also reach the summit of your climb and feel proud of yourself. 

Camping is a natural way to get away from everything and leave everything at home. Technology, work, responsibilities, and daily hassles all disappear once you get yourself into the woods or into the desert and become one with your surroundings. Leaving behind all the things that cause the stimulation of our brains allows us to quiet down, settle down, and release. Getting great camping gear is a perfect way to ensure that you are comfortable as you unwind with your people and spend quality time together.

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Crafting Your Own Mental Health Refuge

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

This world can be amazing and incredibly life-affirming if you do your best to work hard, put yourself out there, and challenge yourself from day to day. Yet it’s also true that sometimes, it can feel confusing, a little tough to deal with, and unpredictable. These are natural responses that everyone has to deal with in their lives, and thankfully, they make our successes and willingness to never give in translate to sweeter, more appreciated rewards.

Yet in order to get out there and make the best of your life, it’s important to recharge when you need to, and that you pay attention to self-care in the best way that relates to you and your needs. A good way to achieve this is to craft your own mental health refuge, a place you can return to when necessary to restore your energy and help you once again understand what your priorities are.

Of course, our homes are the best place to craft space like this, but how else should you consider this process and to what degree will it help? In this post, we hope to discuss all of that and more:

A Peaceful Room With No Screens
Giving your mind a little bit of a break can be tremendously healthy when hoping to seek some refuge and feel more connected than you otherwise might. However, it’s a good idea to make sure this space is free from television screens and that you place your smartphone or other devices a little out of reach. This might be a little offline reading corner in your living room, or perhaps a yoga/meditation area in your bedroom. If you have a spare room, that can be even better. A place where you can connect to yourself in total privacy, and perhaps listen to some calming music while you relax, can truly help you feel more peaceful.

Calming Ambience
Curate a little ambience in your mental health refuge, so that you feel calm, safe, and able to think. As we mentioned, some meditation music can work wonders if played at a nice volume. You may also find potential in lighting a few candles around the room to give it a comforting sense of presence, and perhaps an activity you can focus on, like reading a book, pruning a bonsai tree or curating a portable zen garden can be very calming. This way, you can think and restore yourself as necessary. Calming ambience can also come from being in nature. Caring for your lawn with sprinkler repair and regular mowing can make this green space a place to retire to in the calming summer sun, should you need it.

A good means of feeling comforted is to engage in self-expression as necessary. This helps you focus on getting your thoughts out there, not necessarily by journaling or creative writing (this can be a great form of expression though, of course), but also by painting, or drawing, or even something as raw and connected as dancing and singing in your own space, totally alone and comforted. Little efforts like that can make a tremendous difference in helping you get negative energy out, and feel a sense of calm you may not have had prior.

With this advice, we hope you can craft your own mental health refuge for the better.

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