Do You Want To Lose 10 Pounds?

Candy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

There is no shying away from the fact that if you want to lose ten pounds you are going to have to put in a lot of hard work and determination. To put this into perspective, ten pounds is the equivalent of 32,000 calories. However, do not let this deter you as the results will be well worth it. 

Train your brain to acquire a new and loving taste for diet foods
Learn to control all the thoughts of food that pop into your head. This will be hard on the beginning but as time goes on you will find it increasingly easy. Do not eat merely the first food that pops into your mind e.g. brownies or chips. Take time to select a food that tastes good, will satisfy your hunger, and will also be healthy and low in calories. 

Whenever you feel hungry, have a glass of water first, as it could simply be that you are dehydrated. We recommend installing an under-sink water filter to ensure the water you consume is healthy. This one from Filtap is a good choice.

By learning to limit your snacks to certain foods you are training your brain to acquire a new and loving taste for diet foods. Training your brain is vital if you want to lose ten pounds. 

Take multivitamins if you are going to start a diet program
You also need to make sure you are taking multivitamins if you start a diet program. By taking multivitamins you are guaranteeing that you are getting all the nutrients you need whilst you are changing your food habits. It is recommended that you take calcium supplements as these will ensure you are not short of micronutrients whilst on your quest to lose ten pounds.

Exercise should be a crucial part of losing weight
As stated losing a big amount of weight takes dedication and commitment. Along with dieting you need to make sure you are getting a substantial amount of exercise. A mix of cardiovascular training alongside weight training is highly recommended. Whilst selecting a diet program make sure you are reducing your carbohydrate and fat intake. Make sure that the carbohydrates you do eat are mainly consumed in the morning as they are vital in order to provide energy.

Add plenty of protein to your diet
Make sure your diet is high in protein. This is because protein builds and repairs muscle fibres that break during your cardiovascular training and weight training. In regards to exercising I would recommend doing a thirty-minute session before breakfast as this will boost your metabolism. If possible also try and fit in a thirty-minute exercise in the evening as this will burn any leftover calories.

Don’t cheat!
Finally, make sure you do not cheat, as even the slightest stray could dent your hopes of losing ten pounds. If you put in the time and effort you are ensured to get the results you desire. Remember to drink lots of water during the day, and most of all; good luck.

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