Practical Tips For a More Zen Everyday Life

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

The idea of living a more “Zen” life naturally conjures up all kinds of mental images of going with the flow, being calmer, and savouring the present moment.

All of these things are likely to sound appealing to many people, to various degrees — particularly with many people reporting being under chronic stress, and with some needing to seek out American Addiction Centers reviews and skilful counselling to help them move past particular issues.

Fundamentally, living a more Zen life doesn’t need to mean withdrawing from the world and joining a monastery at the top of some mountain.

Here are a handful of practical tips for living a more Zen everyday life today.

View basic acts like household chores and beautifying your space as acts of self-care
In the book “Zen: The Art of Simple Living” by the Japanese Zen Buddhist monk “Shunmyo Masuno,” the author points out several times that for Zen monks, cleaning is a kind of a sacrament — a thing that all of the monks have to do each day, and that contributes to spiritual and mental harmony and wellbeing.

In addition to household chores, he also suggests that simple ways of beautifying the home or workplace, such as by lining up pens on the desk at the beginning and end of each day, can have the same sort of powerful effect.

A big part of a more Zen approach to everyday life is finding ways to live that encompass and promote a deep sense and appreciation of harmony, day by day. Small shifts in how you relate to and interact with your daily environment can be very impactful in this regard.

Be present to experience and savour things in the here and now
A core part of a more Zen approach to daily life is to avoid being excessively caught up in anxieties about the future and rumination about the past, and instead maintaining a perspective that keeps your awareness primarily focused on the present moment.

To be more present-focused, regularly “check in” with yourself during the day and notice what’s happening around. Take the time to savour your meals and experience every bite. And when you step out of your front door and feel the crisp morning air, breathe it in mindfully and enjoy the sensation.

Take up a meditation practice
No matter how little you may know about the lifestyles of Zen Buddhist monks, it more or less goes without saying that you’re aware of one thing: they meditate a lot.

A meditation practice can have a powerful impact when it comes to helping you to be more present. It can reduce the degree to which you stress about things. And it can help you to greet each day in a more optimistic and positive frame of mind.

The traditional Zen method of meditation — Zazen — involves sitting on the floor with a straight back and meditating with the eyes open. But you could just as easily take up the kind of meditation practice promoted by popular platforms such as Headspace and Calm.

Three Health Areas You Didn't Realize Could Be In Jeopardy On A Daily Basis

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

When you think about your health being in jeopardy, there are probably certain things that you think of. Heart attack, broken bones and things like this are the common perceptions of what being in jeopardy means, but it’s wrong. Of course we are all at risk of this, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other things that are consistently at risk too. As such, you need to know as much as you can about them so that you can take measures to protect them. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

Mental Health
The first thing that we are going to look at is mental health. Your mental health is in danger on a daily basis. Whether you work with people who stress you out to the max, or you feel as though you are all alone so you isolate yourself, this will be impacting your mental health. Mental health is one of the most misunderstood and uncomfortable topics to talk about when really it should be taken front and center. 

Protect your mental health by removing yourself from situations and scenarios in which you are either uncomfortable or where you feel as though it is going to be bad for you. This can be for a short time or a long time, as long as you need to calm down and realign yourself.

Hearing Health
Of course, there is also hearing health and this is constantly in danger. Are you in the washing room with the washing machine when it is on a cycle? This is dangerous and contributes to hearing loss and tinnitus. Or, if you make a habit of frequenting music concerts, this is another thing that could be potentially dangerous. Make sure that you wear earplugs here as you will still be able to hear everything that is going on but you are also reducing your risk of tinnitus. 

You can learn more about hearing loss, it’s causes, and how it is treated by speaking to a professional. They will be able to give you the information that you need  and help you come up with a plan to look after it.

Muscle Health
The final thing that we are going to look at is the health of your muscles. If you aren’t using particular muscles, they aren’t going to be as strong as the others that you do use regularly. As such, you should be completing a workout to ensure that you are getting all of them. The reason is that if you are not careful, you will end up with muscles that find it difficult to stand, let alone anything else.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the areas that you didn’t realize could be in jeopardy on a daily basis. It’s important that you know as much as you can about this so that you can take the right measures to ensure that it doesn’t get to a point where your health becomes impacted. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you have found this advice helpful.

Practical Self-Care Tips For Seniors

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

When you think of self-care, you may think of a young person catching a break from the stresses of life in a nice bubble bath. But what about the elderly? Well, the practice of self-care has no limits. Both young and old need to take time to take care of themselves. It is what you do to ensure your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is in a good place. So, what self-care habits can you indulge in as an older adult? Here are a few.

Socialize with friends and family
Socializing is a part of human nature, which is why spending time with friends and family is usually a great way to improve your physical and mental health. However, the sad truth is as you get older, the more likely you are to live alone. Although this may mean living independently, it also means dealing with the feelings of loneliness that negatively impact your health. Therefore, it is advisable to connect with loved ones often. Studies have shown that being in the presence of people and being in physical contact with them can increase the body’s production of oxytocin, the happy hormone, and reduce stress. 

Take your physical health seriously
Physical health is important, but it is even more so with older adults. Remember that you are what you eat. It is important to treat your body to good healthy food. This would ensure you are fuelled on the right nutrients, have enough energy, and provide your body the strength to fight off various diseases. In addition to a healthy diet, you must consider exercise. Being active also helps your body fend off various age-related diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, and colon cancer. 

Regular visits to the doctor are also another way of taking your physical health seriously. Schedule monthly appointments with your health professionals to ensure that you are in good shape. Being consistent would help doctors try your progress, give you the right advice, and even detect option health threats or resolve others on time. During such visits, be sure to get various upgrades if necessary. For example, if you wear hearing aids, you may want to consider using the new and improved smart hearing aids that connect to your phone (you can learn more about that here). 

Go outside
Being outside of the walls of your home to enjoy some fresh breeze or the warmth of the sun can do a lot for you! According to research, spending time outdoors can reduce your blood pressure and reduce the creation of the stress hormone cortisol. Therefore, you should consider setting up a backyard garden to spend some time outdoors. You can also create an outdoor lounge area to enjoy a book outside in your home. 

Practicing self-care is a vital aspect of senior living. It helps manage various chronic illnesses, improves mental and physical health, and improves one’s quality of life. Therefore, if you are a senior, you should consider practicing a few of the above routines or recommend them to a family member or friend. 

Developing The Right Mindset to Start Taking Care of Yourself

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Virtually everyone is aware that some degree of self-care is highly important in order to live a thriving and happy life.

There are many different steps that can be involved in properly taking care of yourself, ranging from things like taking the time to learn more about hearing tests, to ensuring that you are getting enough sleep on a nightly basis.

Ultimately, though, any self-care practices that you might potentially undertake will generally need the right mindset in order to be effective and sustainable.

If you don't have the right mindset to support a self-care-oriented approach to life, you may end up struggling.

Here are some tips for developing the right mindset to take care of yourself properly and consistently.

Get moving and take action instead of allowing yourself to get caught up in your thought cycles and low moods

One of the worst things that people do when they are feeling down and disheartened – and unfortunately also one of the most common things that people do in this situation – is to try to battle against their own negative thought cycles and moods, while lying in bed or sitting on the sofa.

The bottom line is that it almost never works to actually try to internally debate yourself out of a negative state of mind. Although challenging negative self talk is important, taking care of yourself relies on getting up and taking action first and foremost.

In many cases, you can expect to find that when you begin taking action, you begin feeling better, and end up in a better and more proactive position to properly take care of yourself.

Remember that even small positive actions can make a big impact

People sometimes fail to take proper care of themselves, in part because they have let themselves fall into the belief that doing so will be very difficult, and will require a huge effort.

While certain elements of self-care may involve a good deal of effort, however, it's important to realise that even relatively small everyday actions can make a very big impact, in many cases.

If your routine has become topsy-turvy, and you aren't feeling like you have a foothold to work from, something as straightforward as tidying up your home may give you a lot more energy, and can help you to feel more positive, as well.

Other examples include things like making a phone call to a loved one, or going for a stroll in the park.

Realise that taking care of yourself benefits the people around you too, not only you

A very important mindset shift when it comes to taking care of yourself, is to realise that self-care is not usually at all “selfish."

When you're taking good care of yourself, this will also tend to benefit the people around you, and especially those who love you, not just yourself.

After all, don't we all feel happy when we see someone we love taking care of themselves, being happy, and thriving?

Effective Ways To Boost Your Confidence For Good

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Being confident isn’t all about being happier with your appearance, it entails deeper connections and emotions. Sometimes, people are not confident due to a lack of happiness or simply feeling like they haven’t achieved their goals in good time. 

Knowing that other people lack confidence too can help, as can these tips.

Find a community
Being in a community of like-minded people can help you feel comfortable with who you are as they will accept you, as should you. Therefore, a top tip for boosting your confidence for good is finding yourself a community. 

For example, you might lack confidence due to a hearing loss issue. If so, you can find online communities and help to help you realize that other people have the same issues and it isn’t anything to be shy of. 

You can learn more online about how hearing loss can affect your communication. You will pick up some tips and also realize that you are not alone.

Practice self-love
Self-love is an amazing way to boost your confidence. It isn’t something you should do once, as you likely won’t attain long-term results. Instead, you should make time almost every day to practice self-love. It helps us focus and balance our minds in order to acknowledge how amazing we are. 

Some ideas for practicing self-love to improve your confidence include:

  • Write down something positive about yourself. Writing down positives about yourself might seem strange, as many of us talk about our negatives. However, writing down positives will make you realize how incredible you are. 

  • Move your body. Although not everyone enjoys exercise, it can offer incredible mental health benefits, which can help with confidence. Finding an exercise that you enjoy is key. It could be walking, swimming, HIIT, or yoga. Moving your body can help your mind and body connect, which is a stepping stone for improved confidence. 

  • Believe that thoughts are not reality. We can all have negative thoughts. Yet, understanding that they are imagination tricks and not reality will help you realize that most thoughts are in fact, not going real. 

Surround yourself with positive people
Just like finding a community of like-minded people, it will also help to surround yourself with the right energy. Whether it is your parent or close friend that surrounds you with negative energy, it is important to remove yourself from it. The negative energy will only hinder your confidence. 

Therefore, surround yourself with positive people and energy in order to attain a positive attitude. A more positive outlook on life will help you build your confidence. 

Don’t accept failure
There is always a way around mistakes. Therefore, it is important to not accept or give in to failure. If you fail once, there will always be an opportunity to try again. 

Hence, always make sure to pick yourself back up and try again. You never know, the second time around you might succeed and you will forget all about the mistake. The more you try, the easier it will become to succeed and feel more confident in yourself and what you have achieved. 

How to Stay Positive while Trying to Conceive

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

The process of trying to get pregnant can be long and exhausting, but it doesn't have to be. The best thing you can do is try your best to stay positive. This article will give you tips on how to stay positive while trying to conceive in order for you and your partner to enjoy the process more!

#1 Support one another
The first thing you can do is to support each other and make sure both of your needs are met. This means that if one partner starts feeling down or frustrated, the other steps up and supports them (or tries their best). Even though this may be difficult at first — especially if one person feels like they're doing all the work — it's worth it in the end! If both partners feel satisfied with how things are going, then there will always be a positive outcome. You can even do some research on things your partner may be going through, like does trt raise cholesterol levels, even if it’s just to put yourself in their shoes for a minute.

However, sometimes it's hard for couples to find ways on how to stay positive while trying to conceive because they forget about themselves. They focus too much energy on making sure their significant other isn't stressed out and neglect taking care of themselves as well. It might not seem like a big deal, but it can actually backfire in the long run.

So make sure to take some time for yourselves, even if it's just 15 minutes every day, where you can relax and not think about anything else related to conceiving. This will help both of you recharge and feel more positive when you're around each other again.

There are also plenty of support groups out there that can be helpful in staying positive while trying to conceive. Sometimes it feels good knowing that others are going through the same thing as you are, and they understand what you're feeling! Also, it can be really encouraging to hear their stories and advice on how they've stayed positive throughout the process.

#2 Take things as they come
Another great way on how to stay positive while trying to conceive is by taking things as they come. This means that you shouldn't put too much pressure on yourself and just let the process happen naturally. This can be difficult, especially if you're a planner or like to have everything under control, but it's important to remember that not everything goes according to plan. 

So try your best not to stress out about every little thing and just go with the flow! It's also helpful to give yourselves some time off from trying to conceive. If you've been trying for a while and haven't had any success, take a break for a month or two and relax. This will help clear your mind, and when you come back, you'll be more relaxed and positive about the whole process.

#3 Don't force anything
Something that can really kill the mood and make it difficult on how to stay positive while trying to conceive is when you or your partner start forcing things. This means that you're not taking things slow and enjoying the process but instead are trying to do everything as fast as possible.

This often happens when people get impatient and want to see results right away. But, unfortunately, this isn't always how things work, so it's important to be patient! And if you find yourselves getting frustrated with one another, take a break from trying to conceive until both of you have calmed down. There's no need to rush anything — especially since stress can actually hinder conception. So try your best to relax and let nature take its course.

#4 Be open about your feelings
Lastly, it's important to be open about your feelings while trying to conceive. This means that both of you should feel comfortable talking with one another and letting the other person know if something is bothering you or bringing down your moods.

Sometimes things can get tricky when trying to conceive because partners may start taking little comments too personally. So make sure not to let these kinds of things bother you since they're usually out of context anyway! Instead, focus on being supportive towards each other, which will help make conceiving a lot easier in the process.

In addition, it's helpful to have a positive outlook on trying to conceive. It doesn't help anyone if one partner is negative! So try your best not to worry too much and stay calm when you're around each other so that both of you feel comfortable in expressing yourselves openly.

4 Ways to Become Happier With Your Appearance

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

How you look is not who you are. In the modern world of advertising and social media, too much emphasis is placed on appearance. Marketing campaigns make us feel like we are not beautiful enough in a bid to drive purchases of makeup, perfume and moisturisers. Instagram feeds are awash with gorgeous influencers with toned bodies and perfect smiles. It’s no wonder then that 61% of adults today have a negative body image.

But it shouldn’t matter what you look like. Your complexion or the size of your thigh gap is not important in the grand scheme of things. What really matters is your character: the kind of person you are, your values, and your actions. Looks come and go, but character is an immutable part of your being.

If you are unhappy with your appearance, you would do well to remember this fact next time you start to obsess over your looks. To help you boost your confidence and mental health, here are four ways to improve your body image.

Turn off your phone
With advances in modern technology over the past two decades, almost every child in the Western world has their own smartphone with unfettered access to the internet. Young girls are experiencing increasing pressure to look and act a certain way, leading to low self-esteem and mental health issues. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to spend less time on your phone, particularly on social media. Set timers to limit your use of apps, or turn it off altogether. Spend this time more wisely on activities that make you feel good such as socialising with loved ones, exercising or reading your favourite books.

Wear your favourite clothes
It’s time to stop worrying about what other people think, and be your own person. Wear the clothes that you want to wear. The ones that make you feel comfortable in your own skin. Style your hair in whatever way you like and wear your favourite Cap America hat whenever you wish. Ignore the haters and dress just for you.

Find a new focus
When the people who truly love you look at you, they don’t see the same flaws and imperfections that you do when you look in the mirror. They see all your strengths and positive attributes that make you who you are. They might see your intelligence, your shining personality, or your sharp sense of humour. Work out your best characteristics and focus on these rather than obsessing over the way you look. You will learn to look at yourself in a new light and gain a whole new level of confidence.

Avoid negativity
If there are people around you who make you feel bad about yourself, you should make a conscious effort to remove them from your life. These might be classmates, coworkers, or even overly-critical family members. You could have a word with them about their judgments and attitudes or you could avoid spending time with them altogether. Spend time with those who make you feel happy and confident instead. Life is too short to surround yourself with negativity. 

Try These Measures To Keep Your Feet Soft And Moisturized This Winter

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Chilly weather is known to make your skin dry. That’s why it is always important to keep your skin and lips well hydrated and moisturized. However, most people don’t know that it also affects your feet, especially heels. 

No matter how many socks you wear to keep your feet warm and protected, chilly winds tend to make them dry. And, if you have cold feet, it can further cause crack heels, frostbite, toenail fungus, chilblains, and other issues.

Therefore, it is essential that you pamper your feet a little extra this season. Believe it or not, but your feet will thank you for it. 

That being said, let’s look at the measures that you can try to keep your feet soft and moisturized! 

  • Begin With Scrubbing 

Typically it is suggested to exfoliate your feet at least once a week. It helps in removing dead skin cells, roughness and impurities. The coarse particles of the scrub also ensure soft and supple feet. 

If you don't want to use foot scrub, you can also try a pumice stone. It also offers the same results. However, it is suggested to use pumice stone at least twice a week for effective results. 

  • Keep Them Moisturized (Always!)

After thoroughly cleaning your feet, you should moisturize them. It is especially essential if you have cracked heels. You can easily find crack heel creams in the market. However, it is always better to use natural, non-toxic, and cruelty-free products. 

You can also look for foot creams that include natural products such as manuka honey and mineral oils. It will create a protective layer on the skin that will prevent moisture loss while nourishing the foot at the same time. 

  • Wear The Right Type Of Sock

Speaking of the obvious, you should wear socks in winter to keep your feet warm. However, what material of sock you choose to wear has a significant impact on the condition of your foot. It is essential that you feel comfortable in the socks. Therefore, it is recommended to go with natural materials such as cotton or wool instead of synthetic socks. 

In fact, if you are suffering from hyperhidrosis, you should wash your feet often and wear cotton socks. It will help reduce the sweat and also soothe your feet. 

  • Hot-Water Soak Is A Must 

Hot water soaks are proven to provide relief to sore feet. It helps in reducing inflammation and improves blood circulation. It brings congested blood to the lower legs' dilated vessels, providing relief to the whole body. 

Soak your feet for about 5 to 10 minutes, at least once every week. After that, wipe the excess water with a clean towel and apply a generous amount of moisturizer. If you follow this routine regularly, you’ll get soft and beautiful feet in no time. 

Wrapping It Up!
Protecting your feet in winters is as essential as any other body part. Regular pampering helps remove dead and rough skin cells- leaving you with soft and beautiful feet that you’ll surely love. So, try out the measures given above and enjoy nourished feet this season! 

4 Frequently Asked Questions About Adenomyosis

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Adenomyosis is a condition that affects many women though it might not manifest any symptoms. Well, it is a condition where the inner lining of the uterus breaks through the muscle wall of the uterus. With adenomyosis, the endometrial tissue grows into the walls of the uterus, enlarging and thickening it even 2-3 its normal size. Let us delve in deeper and tell you everything you need to know about Adenomyosis.

What causes adenomyosis?
Sadly, there is still not enough data on what causes adenomyosis. But according to statistics, around one in ten women are affected by it. Data also shows that the problem is common in women who have been pregnant before, those who have had a C-section or fibroid removal, and those approaching menopause.


Adenomyosis can occur to anyone who has started their menstrual periods and will naturally stop after menopause.

What are the symptoms of adenomyosis?
Most women who are diagnosed with adenomyosis usually don’t present any symptoms. However, some common symptoms of adenomyosis are:

  • Abnormal periods-can show on an irregular schedule and last for a very long time

  • Pelvic pain pressure

  • Heavy and painful periods

  • Pain during intercourse or when going to the toilet

  • Difficulty getting pregnant

These symptoms can often be confused with another condition that affects the uterus known as endometriosis, hence making it difficult to diagnose. In fact, research suggests that these two conditions can co-exist. In other words, adenomyosis can be found in over 40% of women having endometriosis. It is also possible to have adenomyosis and fibroids at the same time. Challenging, right? So how can it be diagnosed?

How do you definitively diagnose adenomyosis?
As earlier suggested, diagnosis of adenomyosis can be challenging given that patients with fibroids and endometriosis present almost similar symptoms. This means misdiagnosis can be incredibly common. For adenomyosis, the specialist will send you for a pelvic ultrasound and, in some cases, an MRI. It takes the skilled eye of a gynecologist specializing in the treatment of both fibroids and adenomyosis to give the correct diagnosis.

What is the best treatment for adenomyosis?
There are several treatment options available for adenomyosis, all of which depend on the symptoms and severity of the condition. You cannot choose the treatment. You will need a specialist near you to recommend the best option. If you are in New York for example, you can speak to Adenomyosis specialist NYC for a proper diagnosis. A specialist will do the test and take you through the treatment options available from the minimally invasive options and the surgical interventions.

If your symptoms are mild, over-the-counter medications prescribed by your doctor will suffice. 

Hormonal therapy. If the symptoms consist of heavy or painful periods, hormonal therapy can control it. Well, hormonal medications and non-hormonal medications can also be used to reduce pain and bleeding.

Anti-inflammatory medications- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed to relieve mild pain associated with adenomyosis. 

Endometrial ablation is another form of treatment used if the adenomyosis has not penetrated deeply into the muscle wall of the uterus. The procedure destroys the lining of the uterus and effectively relieves symptoms associated with adenomyosis.

Another short-term treatment option that can be used to treat adenomyosis is called uterine artery embolism. The procedure helps shrink fibroids and block the blood vessels that provide flow to the adenomyosis. The adenomyosis shrinks when the blood supply is cut off.

Hysterectomy- This is a definitive cure of adenomyosis as it involves the removal of the uterus. This treatment is recommended if the problem causes serious quality of life issues. Hysterectomy is the only way to find permanent relief.

Wrapping up
Adenomyosis is usually considered a non-life-threatening condition. However, the frequent pain and heavy bleeding associated with it take a toll on one’s quality of life. Seek help if your symptoms correlate with those discussed above. A reputable adenomyosis specialist should be able to find a solution that suits your situation.

6 Ways To Detox and Rejuvenate Your Body

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

The air we breathe and the detergents we interact with daily are likely to be packed with toxins that build up in our bodies. These toxins lead to conditions such as obesity and damage crucial organs responsible for detoxification. Fortunately, there are effective ways to help detoxify and rejuvenate your body. Keep reading to find out ways to detox your system. 

Get enough sleep 
Your body has a way of healing itself while you sleep. Getting adequate sleep also allows your brain to reorganize itself and promote the removal of toxic waste products for the body, such as beta-amyloid. When your body is sleep-deprived, it cannot detoxify your body, leading to the accumulation of harmful toxins. Poor sleep has led to stress, heart disease, anxiety, and obesity. The expert recommends sleeping for at least eight hours each day. 

Consume less alcohol
Your liver converts 90% of the alcohol you drink into acetaldehyde, which is known to cause cancer. The liver converts acetaldehyde into acetate, which is non-toxic and is passed out of the body. However, excessive alcohol consumption can cause severe damage to the liver, preventing it from ridding the body of toxins. Ensure you minimize your alcohol consumption if you cannot abstain from alcohol altogether.  

Reduce your intake of salt
Detoxifying removes unwanted waste products and eliminates excess water from your body. When you consume too much salt, your body produces an antidiuretic hormone that prevents you from urinating, causing excess fluid buildup in your body. As a result, you start to feel bloated and uncomfortable in your clothes. An excellent way to reverse the effects of consuming too much salt is to drink plenty of water to reduce the production of the antidiuretic hormone. 

Avoid sugar and processed foods 
Consuming highly processed foods leads to the deterioration of organs such as the kidney and liver, responsible for detoxification. When you ingest processed foods and foods high in sugar, you also increase your likelihood of developing conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart diseases, and obesity. These conditions limit your body’s ability to get rid of toxins naturally. Limit your junk food intake and opt for cold pressed shots, whole foods, fruits, and vegetables. The wellness shots will detox your body and ignite your immunity.

Hydrate thoroughly 
Water is essential in the body as it aids in digestion, lubricates your joints, helps in nutrient absorption, and regulates your body temperature. It also facilitates efficient transportation and elimination of waste products through urination and sweating. It would be best not to wait until you are thirsty to drink water. The recommended daily water intake should be at least eight glasses of water per day, depending on your diet and activity level. 

Drinking enough water can be challenging for people with busy schedules or in very hot or very cold climates. If you’re finding it difficult to meet your daily hydration goals, IV therapy in Washington DC can fully rehydrate your body in less than an hour.

Eat foods rich in antioxidants
Excessive free radicals in the body lead to a condition known as oxidative stress. Antioxidants keep your cells from being damaged by these harmful free radicals. By consuming foods rich in antioxidants, your body is in a better position to fight the free radicals and prevent oxidative stress. Examples of foods rich in antioxidants include cocoa, nuts, berries, vegetables, and coffee. Focus on getting your antioxidants from foods instead of taking supplements.

Final Thoughts
We hope this article has been insightful and that you have learned ways to detox and rejuvenate your body. Don’t just eat well but also have enough rest, take water daily, use wellness shots and avoid sugary foods.

How To Push Through Difficult Times In Life

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Unfortunately, as much as we wish it were, life isn't all rainbows and daisies. Life throws us a lot of unknown and sometimes unpleasant things, but how we deal with them is what makes us unique. Do we put up the effort to get through it and emerge stronger on the other side, or do we yield and end up feeling even worse for no reason? Fear and anxiety can develop as a result of tragedy, therefore it's crucial to see the bright side of things. If you injure yourself, it get's easier; do you want to look forward to it and be optimistic, or do you want to be pessimistic and dwell on the unpleasant aspects? How you tackle these situations and your thinking will determine how you spend your entire life.

Have You Been Involved In An Accident? 
When it's something that wasn't your fault and that you can't control, it's one of the most irritating occasions. It's possible that you were involved in a worse situation from medical malpractice or medical professionals dismissing you. You may even find yourself unemployed for an extended amount of time, affecting your ability to pay expenses and care for yourself and your household. If this occurs, go to professionals like medical malpractice attorneys who could well be able to assist you. They can inform you on what you may be owed to and assist you in obtaining the compensation you need to get by until you recover.

Setbacks On The Financial Front 
Things happen, and we may lose our employment or have our hours decreased, putting us in challenging circumstances. If the past year is any indication, things can change so rapidly and severely that we barely have time to react. There are choices available in these instances, such as looking for self-employment opportunities that you may pursue alongside work or while you get life back on track. Or, seeking affordable help for the care of a loved one. Using senior in home care services will ensure that you do not have to send your loved one to a hospital or pay extortionate fees, which might hinder your finances, their personal comfort, and both parties' happiness. Hence, in-home care can maintain or improve the health and happiness of a loved one while being in the comfort of their own home and not setting you financially. 

Plus, there is always something you can do to make a little extra money or even save money in a variety of ways. This is especially useful if you need to pay money for extra care. 

When negotiating the more difficult periods of life, looking for the beauty in things and maintaining a positive outlook will make a world of difference and help you recover much faster. We all go through difficult times in life which is why we need to always support each other how we will want to be supported when we experience it. 

Increase your Overall Sense of Well-being with these Tips

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Our sense of well-being is essential to how happy, fulfilled, and content we are in our lives. By concentrating on ways to enhance well-being, we can increase our happiness. Because happiness is so subjective, it may be difficult to find things that make you happy, but well–being is something else entirely. It is about quality of life and doing things that add value and doing what is in effect, good for you. It is almost a process by which we can become happy. So, let’s take a look at some ways we can take care of our well-being.

Learning to meditate can have so many benefits, from helping you cope with chronic pain to teaching you to live in the present moment and avoid negative thinking patterns. It can reduce stress and help you prioritize your life too. If you have never tried it, you don’t know how relaxed it can make you feel. All you need are a few minutes of no distraction in which to practice. Deep breathing techniques are a great way to begin. So, by concentrating on your breath, inwards and outwards, and ignoring your thoughts, just letting them float away. The better you get at this, the more you can quieten your mind and feel better.

Clutter can have a seriously negative effect on your mental health, that physical clutter, and mental clutter. Starting with the physical, as that may be easier to do, take a look at your living spaces. Are they full of old or redundant things that no longer add value to your life? Most living spaces have at least a few things like this. Start getting rid of all these things. The more you can get rid of, the more stress and anxiety you are removing from your life. In some cases, objects are loaded with memory. This means that you are transported back through time by glancing at an object and not being present in the moment. This can have a negative effect on your mental health by not allowing you to move on. Decluttering can also mean getting rid of other things in your life, too, like toxic friendships that do nothing but bring you down.

Your overall sense of well-being is not just about your mental well-being it is about your physical well-being too. And to be honest, these things are fundamentally linked. If you have a healthy body, your mind will feel healthier too. Exercise has so many positive benefits, and everyone should be getting at least thirty minutes of exercise a day. Exercise can also boost the immune system and help you deal with pain better. It can enable you to cope better if you ever need urgent care. Exercise can also increase your mood by flooding the body with feel-good chemicals known as endorphins. Ir also physically reduces the stress in your body by getting rid of the stress hormone called cortisol. Exercise also has a physiological effect. Just knowing you did something good is a great natural boost.

Dental Tips To Keep Your Holiday Smile Healthy And Bright

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Finally, the most awaited time of the year is here- The Holiday Season. 

With glowing lights, Christmas trees, gifts, and, best of all, delicious snacks, the holiday season is undoubtedly everyone’s favorite. 

But did you know that the holiday season can actually wreak havoc on your dental health? 

While you delight your taste buds and relish every moment of eating candies, it is paving the way for cavities. This, in turn, elevates your chances of tooth decay and other periodontal diseases. 

The good news is that by taking proper precautions during the holiday season, you can keep your smile healthy and bright. This means that not only can you ensure a cavity-free smile but also enjoy your favorite festive treats. 

Follow along to learn more about the dental tips that can keep your teeth jolly and healthy all season long. 

  • Go for light-colored beverages

You invested all your time in getting your teeth all white and bright. You wouldn’t want to deal with discolored teeth after your holiday parties. 

In order to avoid that pale-ish pink color on your teeth, it would be best to steer clear of drinks such as red wine and cranberry juice. 

Such drinks are potent teeth-stainers and can take all your hard work down the drain right away. The staining properties of such drinks can end up leaving a sugary residue in your mouth. This, in turn, can lead to enamel erosion. 

For this, try to reach out for clear or light-colored beverages at all your holiday parties. This way, you can enjoy drinking without leaving your teeth stained thereafter. 

  • ALWAYS schedule a post-holiday dental appointment

There might be a good chance that you are all swamped with the festivities and merriment during the holiday season.

Thus, no matter how much you try to keep up with your regular oral hygiene, you might not get the time to floss, brush or gargle. 

And it is needless to say that not keeping up with your regular oral hygiene can end up creating an opportunity for the cavities to expand. Not to mention, your gums could suffer in the process too. 

So, make sure you have a post-holiday dental appointment to get your teeth all cleaned and cavity-free. The experts will take a complete look at your dental health and help you repair all the holiday damageIf you are having trouble finding a good one in your area, then there’s something that can help you. Use keywords such as dentist near me and look for a specialist in your area. 

The experts will also look into if there are any underlying dental problems so that they can be controlled before they get problematic. 

  • Stay away from the sticky stuff.

It may feel impossible to say no to those tempting sugary treats during the holiday season. But it is important to limit your consumption of sticky gums and treats

You should know that holiday staples such as candy canes and chocolates are no friend to your smile. 

They will do nothing but pave the way for several dental issues. So, it is better to stay away from sticky stuff than undergo expensive treatments. 

To sum it all up.
Holidays definitely have the ability to lift up spirits and add joy to your life. But they can also end up ruining your holiday smile. 

So, use the dental tips mentioned above and prolong the health of your holiday smile. 

Stop Being Fearful: A 3-Step Process to Getting Started

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Life has the ability, at times, to stop us from feeling good about ourselves. We can feel down and fearful of so many different components. And this idea of fear is something that can be harnessed for the power of good. But when we are feeling fearful, whether it's about something specific, like a phobia, or we are feeling this never-ending surge of anxiety within us, what does it take for us to stop being scared? 

Notice the Fears 
Being aware is the first step. Think about everything that is stopping you from feeling happy. For example, if you are fearful of getting behind the wheel of a car, you can start by observing that you are fearful of this. Many people would argue that being fearful of driving is about getting used to the skill, but we can always counteract this with the abundance of car accident attorneys out there! But when we are talking about something as common as driving, we have to remember that observing the fears is the first step to realizing this is something that's stopping us from being happy. When you notice them, you might come to the realization that these fears can be dismantled. Something like driving is quite a common anxiety, but the fact that a lot of people do this is a testament to the fact that it can be overcome. Fears are only powerful in your mind.

Admitting You Are Scared of Certain Things
Many people know what they are scared of but they do not want to admit it. But admitting to yourself is so important. Denial means you are running away rather than facing your fears. We can be in denial for many reasons, such as for fear of losing face or thinking that we can block it out of our minds. But after you observe and notice your fears now you can start to dismantle them. We have to remember that if we won’t admit we are fearful of something, we are putting up a blockade between us and a better outcome. Resisting this will only give the fear more power.

Making the Choice You Don't Want to Be Afraid Anymore
Some people are sick and tired of being sick and tired. So many people get fed up with living in fear of something, and when we understand where our fears are coming from, we are able to dismantle the process and make it less overwhelming or intimidating. But we also need to remember that we will have to make a choice to stop being scared. Sometimes, it's the barrier between us and our fear that is stopping us. While ripping the band-aid off is not always going to remove the fear instantly, it will push it in the right direction. Because fears can drive our lives, we need to examine where the fears are taking us, and if we decide that these fears are not going to overtake our lives anymore or this is the best start to being a whole new version of ourselves.

The 3 Things We Need To Do When We’re at Our Lowest

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Sometimes we can feel the odds are stacked against us. No matter how hard we try, the lack of things in life can feel like they are conspiring against us. We can be at our lowest due to a number of reasons. And while a lack of things like health and exercise can bring us down, these are our responsibilities. There can be things in our lives that are beyond our control, which means that when we get a rejection or we feel there is just no point anymore, there are things that we need to do to fuel ourselves.

Get a Dose of Reality
We are human and we've all got our crosses to bear. When we are struggling through a tough time, we need to avoid these negative thoughts and realize that everybody else has experienced their own struggles. They may not be the same as yours, but sometimes getting a grip is what we need to shake us out of the situation. 

Take a look at someone like an addict, they actually have to have a sharp dose of reality to make them realize that they now need support. Support comes in a number of ways, on you can look for yourself to see what can be done as far as treatment is concerned. but in order for any addict or someone who has hit their low point to actually do something about it, the pain has to hit hard. Sometimes, getting a grip is the best thing we can do for ourselves.

Show Your Teeth!
Sometimes we get complacent, but sometimes we've got to get angry. If we experience setbacks that are beyond our control and we feel that we've hit a new low, it's at these moments where we feel more than tempted to completely give up. But sometimes, this hefty dose of emotion can achieve something. We don't necessarily have to get angry to the point where we start throwing furniture around the place, but we have to remember that anger might be the distillation of a lot of emotions that we've been burying for so long. Anger is something that can fuel our passions. It can show people who we are and what something actually means to us. 

There are many rationales why it is actually good to get angry, shows many reasons. But arguably the best reason that we can get angry is that it helps us to connect with ourselves again. Sometimes we don't feel emotions like we should because we've buried them all we are unwilling to face up to the truth. But anger is an amazing way to harness raw human emotion. A lot of people think anger is a bad thing but if you are someone that seldom shows how you feel to others, anger can do a lot. As a wise punk once said, anger is an energy.

It's Time to Pull up Your Socks
We all go through low points in life and this is where we have to start climbing up to get out of the hole. When we experience failures, we may realize that it's not necessarily who we are that is getting in our way, but it's how we are approaching the task at hand. Sometimes putting in more work can help us achieve our goals, but also make us engage with why we have been hitting obstacles in the first place. 

There's a lot of people that talk about working smart rather than working hard. But when we are feeling at our lowest, we've got to put in the effort that will give ourselves as individuals the pay-off. People who experience obstacles in life are told they won't amount to anything or it's not right for them. But the people who succeed in creating new things or achieving their dreams didn't fall at the first hurdle. They stuck their heels in and developed sheer bloody-mindedness. So rather than waiting for the powers that be to realize your potential, you need to show them what you're made of. Whatever it is in life, whether you are looking for a new career or you want to achieve something, rather than telling your sob story you've now got to increase your work rate.

When we are at our lowest, the hardest thing that we can do is get started. If you are feeling at your lowest in life, these are some approaches that can not just give you a stepping stone but will help to reinvigorate yourself. After all, you are the one that's in control of your life, nobody else is!

5 Common Health Issues That Affect Men

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

As we age, we go through many changes in our lives. One of the most noticeable changes is that we start to notice changes to our overall health. Some of these changes are regular, such as hair thinning and fatigue. Others can be quite severe such as memory loss or declining mental faculties.

As you get older, it's essential to be aware of men's health issues. Take a look at what symptoms may be warning signs for what you need to pay attention to and how best to handle them.

It can be difficult for men to keep track of their health without visiting the doctor. It gets even harder when you are busy with work and have little time for yourself. With no one else around to do it, it is important for you to visit your doctor at least once a year.

Some signs that indicate that you need to visit your doctor include persistent aches or pains, changes in bowel or bladder habits, loss of appetite, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, vision changes. These could be an indication of some of the most common health issues that affect men's health. Here are five common health issues that affect men's health. 

Diabetes is a major health concern worldwide, and it has been gaining popularity among men. There are many factors that can lead to men getting diabetes, such as being overweight, lack of physical activity. But one of the most important risk factors is having a family history of diabetes.

Men's health issues can be attributed to many different factors, from physical activity to dieting and weight control. Men also have more risk factors for type 2 diabetes than women do because they tend to put on more weight in their midsections and have a poorer metabolic profile.

There are different ways you can reduce the risk of developing diabetes, including getting exercise and losing weight. However, make sure to consult your doctor before trying out new lifestyle changes.

Liver Disease
Liver diseases are a group of conditions that includes fatty liver disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and even cancerous tumors on the liver. These diseases can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption or exposure to chemicals or other toxins that are harmful to the body. They are most often associated with cirrhosis which is an accumulation of scar tissue inside the liver's veins and arteries.

There are many types of liver disease, including hepatitis C, primary biliary cirrhosis, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Unfortunately, these men's health issues can be quite complicated to diagnose because they may not have any symptoms.

Liver disease affects men more than women. This is mainly due to the fact that men are more likely to drink alcohol than women. They are also more likely to be exposed to chemicals and other harmful substances.

Although liver disease doesn't always have visible symptoms during the earlier stages, it can still affect male sexual health negatively if left untreated.

Depression is a common health issue among men. It can affect their physical, social, and mental health leading to a range of issues. It can cause problems in normal daily life, relationships, work, and overall health. Depression can also affect men's sleep, moods, appetite, sex drive, energy levels, and ability to function.

The most common symptoms of depression are sadness or tearfulness for more than two weeks when there are no other physical or mental illnesses present that would explain the symptoms.

Heart Disease 
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women. While some cases are due to genetics, there are other factors that can cause heart diseases in men. These include excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure levels.

Cancer is a leading cause of death among men. The good news is that chemo can help to improve cancer outcomes in men. Many men are afraid of talking about cancer. They worry about the stigma associated with the disease. But, if you take these fears away, speaking to your doctor can make it easier to talk about cancer, who can help you prevent it. They can even offer TRT tailored specifically for your body and needs.  

Cancer can have a significant impact on male health, like any other disease. It can affect their psychological well-being and physical health in various ways. For example, certain cancers can cause gynecomastia, which men often don't talk about because it's more embarrassing than cancer. However, it is still essential that you speak with your doctor and voice your concerns to help you ease your worries. 

Feeling Deflated With Exercise And Weight Loss?: These Tips Will Help

Candy WashingtonComment

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Hi lovelies,

We all know that getting in shape is difficult. We all have different motives for getting into shape, but we all confront the same issues. There are a lot of fad fitness trends that claim to make the journey easier, but only a few of them work. In reality, unwavering devotion is the only way to attain your objectives. Traditional workout methods, however, do not work for everyone. For some of us, putting up the effort never pays off. It's critical not to give up hope if this describes you. There are paths you can take to make fitness more accessible. While none of these options can replace exercise, they can provide the motivation you need to keep going. Here's what you need to do if that sounds appealing.

Know Why You Are Doing What You Are Doing
You must first understand why you are exercising before you can make your path simpler. Do you want to get in shape, lose weight, or do both at the same time? You won't know how to make the voyage simpler unless you know this. In fact, this realisation will be beneficial in and of itself. Unguided exercise can be difficult to master. If you don't know what you want to achieve, your routine may be all over the place. To be honest, it's possible that's why you haven't seen any outcomes. Take some time to make a list of your objectives. You might be surprised by the outcomes. Reconsider your routine once you've made that list. If you want to lose weight, look to the online community to find out which exercises are ideal for you. If you want to get in shape, a study will show you what works. When deciding what you can do to make things easier, keep your goals in mind.

Learn About Your Options
It's time to investigate your possibilities once you've decided on a goal. If you want to lose weight, try altering your diet or after doing research you could consider learning how you could shed some pounds with the gastric sleeve revision surgery. Losing a little weight at the start will motivate you to keep going. It's not easy to get into shape if you want to be fit. That isn't to imply there isn't assistance available. Improving your diet will assist you once again. Taking vitamin supplements to boost your energy levels may be beneficial as well.

Remember The Importance Of Exercise 
It is critical that you continue to exercise, regardless of what other tactics you employ. Otherwise, all of your other efforts will be for nought. Nothing beats dedication and hard effort. Nothing will change if you do not maintain your workout routine. Remember that these non-traditional strategies are meant to supplement rather than replace exercise. Remember that having a clear goal in mind will make it simpler to stick to your regimen. Make a plan that works using the list you've made. Maintain your weight-loss routine to keep the fat you've lost at bay. Make sure you put those vitamins' energy to good use by exercising on a daily basis to increase your fitness.

Choose A Plan That You Enjoy
Now that you know what you need to do, it's time to come up with a strategy that you enjoy. Never go to the gym without a game plan. Some people choose random classes, and while they can be fun on occasion, they will not help you get the style you want. In general, a combination of weights/resistance workouts and some cardio can keep you healthy and get you where you want to go.

Allow yourself to experiment with several types of training until you find one that you truly enjoy.

Ensure That Your Diet Is 80/20

It's good news. Your diet doesn't have to be perfect, and you don't have to eliminate any foods. You should, however, aim to use an 80/20 strategy. Make wise decisions. Choosing veg, lean protein, and very healthy selections 80% of the time can help you achieve your goals. Then, 20% of the time, enjoy a little bit of whatever you want. Just be sure you don't overdo it! Certain MD health supplements may help speed up the procedure, but you should read reviews first to make sure they're good for you. Supplements are a complete waste of money if you don't know why you're taking them or if you just want to try something new.

Keep Track Of Your Progress
Make sure you keep track of your progress each week by taking measurements, taking pictures, and weighing yourself. Pay special attention to how you seem and feel in the mirror. Keep track of how much stronger you're becoming!

Ways You Can Embrace Self-Care

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Practicing self-care does not come naturally to everyone. If you are busy with a job, a family, and a home to run, your wants and needs may be pushed aside for the greater good. In fact, in this scenario, people may actually feel guilty for dedicating a little bit of time to themselves. However, this is not a life strategy that can last very long without causing a lot of stress, anxiety, and potentially burnout. If you are pushing yourself to the extremes, you will no longer be thinking rationally all the time, you may even be making less effective decisions for everyone. That means your self-care is vital for everyone concerned, especially your own mental health and wellbeing. So, let’s have a look at some ways you can dedicate a little bit of time to yourself:

Say No
The best way to make more time for yourself and your family is to stop doing favors for other people and getting involved in things that are not a priority for you. If you can learn to say no and create more time for yourself, the level of stress you will be feeling will diminish very quickly. Although it may be difficult to refuse things at first, once you start to feel the benefits of it, you will know you have done the right thing.

Alone Time 
Finding time to be alone is a great way to practice self-care. Think about having a hot bath, with oils and candles, and maybe some relaxation music. Ensure that you are not going to be disturned, so your partner is downstairs with the kids. Another way to embrace a bit of alone time is to do a little meditation. Meditation is a great way to destress and bring about a new focus in your life. If you are strapped for time, all it takes is around ten minutes too. The idea is to try and maximize the time you have, as the quality alpine time is better than quantity.

Not sleeping enough can have a hugely negative effect on your mental and physical health. Mosy adults require at least seven hours a night, and if you are consistently having less sleep than that, you are actually practicing self-harm. Sleeping is the body and mind’s chance to rejuvenate, repair, and protect. The immune system is boosted, memories are recorded on a long-term basis, and any damage that was caused that day is repaired as we as it can be. Beauty sleep has that name for a reason. 

This may be a particularly delicate subject for some people. However, if you work hard all the time and never buy yourself anything, you will feel run down and worthless. Neglecting yourself does not give a good message to your children either. You deserve a relaxing spa day; you deserve that new dress of that beautiful arabic jewellery you have been eyeing up. Remember that by treating yourself every now and again, you are subconsciously telling yourself that you are doing a good job.

Tired Of Stubborn Body Fat? Try These Fat Busting Methods

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Firstly it is important to note that not all body fat is bad. Your body needs a certain amount of body fat to survive and chasing a size zero isn’t always healthy. That is not the purpose of this article, this is for those who may feel uncomfortable with certain areas of their body, for those whose self-esteem may be affected as a result.

Of course, the first and foremost way to reduce body fat is to undertake a balanced diet and regular exercise, keeping your body at a sensible calorie deficit. But if you have tried that and still consider yourself to have certain so-called ‘problem areas’ then there are other ways in which you can address unwanted body fat. If this is you if you are looking for some non-invasive ways to reduce body fat then consider these tips below.


The Lumen fames itself as the first handheld divide to hack your metabolism. A Lumen is a small machine that you breathe into that measures your metabolism. It is a science that used to be reserved for athletes and clinicians but is now being rolled out to the public. The Lumen tracks your metabolism and how it may be affected by sleep, activity, and nutrition. The Lumen can help provide you with a daily plan to reach your goals, be it fat loss, improved fitness, or overall better health. Over time the Lumen can help train your body to use food more efficiently and this, in turn, can help you to better burn fat instead of carbs ultimately leading to weight loss. The Lumen focuses on your metabolism, not fad or restrictive diets. 


Coolsculpting uses a procedure known as Cryoliopolysis. This is essentially a treatment that uses cold temperatures to break down fat cells. A roll of fat is placed in between two panels that cool the fat to freezing temperatures. Coolsculpting is so popular because it is seen as a non-invasive alternative to liposuction and can reduce body fat by 20-25%. take a look at some Coolsculpting before and after photos to see the results for yourself. 

Laser Lipolysis 

Laser Lipolysis takes the opposite approach to Coolsculpting in that it uses heat to kill fat cells as opposed to freezing them. Laser Lipolysis uses light-based technology to rupture fat cells and ultimately destroy them and remove fat deposits from areas such as the stomach, flanks, inner and outer thighs. It is said to be a good solution to those ‘problem spots’ and visible fat bulges 


This method uses ultrasound-created energy to liquefy fatty tissue. Once liquified a doctor will use a thin cannula to remove the fat. This differs from liposuction and is not considered to be as invasive because liposuction removes dense and un-liquefied fat. It is less aggressive than liposuction and the after-effects and recovery time are considerably reduced. The purpose behind this procedure is not to enable weight loss to reduce the build-up of fat deposits in particular areas such as the stomach, thighs that can be commonly resistant to exercise.

Giving Your Body the Nutrients It Needs

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

We all know the importance of a balanced diet. This is something we’re taught from a young age. But still, so many adults don’t give their bodies the nutrients and energy they need to perform to their maximum potential. Whether you’re a budding athlete or an office worker, you need to make sure you’re eating right to maximise your health and wellbeing. Here are just a few different things you can do to help yourself with this.

Hit Your Recommended Calories
People tend to associate calories with something negative. This shouldn’t be the case. Put simply, calories are just a unit of measurement to let you know how much energy different foods supply your body with. Every person’s body needs fuel to function well, and by eating roughly your recommended calorie intake each day, you can ensure that you’re giving your body the fuel it needs. You shouldn't under fuel your body and you shouldn’t overfuel it. Both can result in health problems. For a recommended calorie count specific to you, consult your doctor. For now, the guide below should give you some insight into the right calorie count for you.

  • Children aged 2 to 8 - 1000 to 1400 calories

  • Girls aged 9 to 13 - 1400 to 1600 calories

  • Boys aged 9 to 13 - 1600 to 2000 calories

  • Active women aged 14 to 30 - 2400 calories

  • Sedentary women aged 14 to 30 - 1800 to 2000 calories

  • Active men aged 14 to 30 - 2800 to 3200 calories

  • Sedentary men aged 14 to 30 - 2000 to 2600 calories

  • Active adults over 30 - 2000 to 3000 calories

  • Sedentary adults over 30 - 1600 to 2400 calories

Eat a Varied Diet
Sure, there are plenty of fad diets out there telling you to cut out different foods and food groups, but these aren’t good for you. The healthiest diet is a balanced and varied one, so make sure that you’re eating plenty of different foods that are good for you. Your body needs carbohydrates for energy, protein for strength and vegetables for vitamins and minerals. If you’re struggling to get specific vitamins or minerals, you may also want to consider supplements. Omax Health offers a variety that will tick your boxes.

Avoid Junk Foods
Junk foods taste good and are convenient. Whether that’s takeaways, fast food, ready meals or junk snacks. But they’re no good for you or your body. The majority are not only nutritionally devoid, but they also tend to be packed with saturated fats, excess salts and excess sugars too. Sure, they’re not awful as an occasional source of food. But you should avoid eating them on a regular basis. Instead, make sure to plan and prepare meals for the week, so you always have healthy meals on hand and don’t end up resorting to these unhealthy offerings.

These steps are simple, but you do need to put a little effort into implementing them into your lifestyle. Once you have, your body will thank you for it!