Try These Measures To Keep Your Feet Soft And Moisturized This Winter

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Chilly weather is known to make your skin dry. That’s why it is always important to keep your skin and lips well hydrated and moisturized. However, most people don’t know that it also affects your feet, especially heels. 

No matter how many socks you wear to keep your feet warm and protected, chilly winds tend to make them dry. And, if you have cold feet, it can further cause crack heels, frostbite, toenail fungus, chilblains, and other issues.

Therefore, it is essential that you pamper your feet a little extra this season. Believe it or not, but your feet will thank you for it. 

That being said, let’s look at the measures that you can try to keep your feet soft and moisturized! 

  • Begin With Scrubbing 

Typically it is suggested to exfoliate your feet at least once a week. It helps in removing dead skin cells, roughness and impurities. The coarse particles of the scrub also ensure soft and supple feet. 

If you don't want to use foot scrub, you can also try a pumice stone. It also offers the same results. However, it is suggested to use pumice stone at least twice a week for effective results. 

  • Keep Them Moisturized (Always!)

After thoroughly cleaning your feet, you should moisturize them. It is especially essential if you have cracked heels. You can easily find crack heel creams in the market. However, it is always better to use natural, non-toxic, and cruelty-free products. 

You can also look for foot creams that include natural products such as manuka honey and mineral oils. It will create a protective layer on the skin that will prevent moisture loss while nourishing the foot at the same time. 

  • Wear The Right Type Of Sock

Speaking of the obvious, you should wear socks in winter to keep your feet warm. However, what material of sock you choose to wear has a significant impact on the condition of your foot. It is essential that you feel comfortable in the socks. Therefore, it is recommended to go with natural materials such as cotton or wool instead of synthetic socks. 

In fact, if you are suffering from hyperhidrosis, you should wash your feet often and wear cotton socks. It will help reduce the sweat and also soothe your feet. 

  • Hot-Water Soak Is A Must 

Hot water soaks are proven to provide relief to sore feet. It helps in reducing inflammation and improves blood circulation. It brings congested blood to the lower legs' dilated vessels, providing relief to the whole body. 

Soak your feet for about 5 to 10 minutes, at least once every week. After that, wipe the excess water with a clean towel and apply a generous amount of moisturizer. If you follow this routine regularly, you’ll get soft and beautiful feet in no time. 

Wrapping It Up!
Protecting your feet in winters is as essential as any other body part. Regular pampering helps remove dead and rough skin cells- leaving you with soft and beautiful feet that you’ll surely love. So, try out the measures given above and enjoy nourished feet this season!