
Adult Bullies Do Exist: Here’s How Not to Be One

MindCandy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

It was your typical Tuesday in the life of an influencer. I was sitting at a fancy blogger brunch, surrounded by the familiar faces of my writer, editor, and blogger friends and acquaintances. As we pushed around the food on our plates and sipped on Rosé, I noticed the mumblings of a conversation between, Nina* and Jane*. 

Nina, “Yeah, the Kardashian’s made curves cool, but that trend is so over.” She then turns, laughs, points to me and says, “Haha, I mean, Candy has the biggest ass here!” My mouth went dry when the meaning of what she said had sunk in. Was she making fun of my body? Was she low-key calling me fat? Was she trying to make the others girl laugh at my expense? Was she exerting her position as the Alpha at the table? Is this was body-shaming felt like? It was clear that the answer was, ‘Yes to all of the above.’

I suppose she had expected the rest of the table to erupt into laughter with her, but when her mean-spirited dig was met with silence, she responded, “Oh, I mean, I wish my butt was bigger!” This back-handed follow-up comment really solidified her mean girl status. 

My friend Eva* looked at me and mouthed, “Are you okay?” I nodded that I was but that was a lie. Even though the other girls didn’t join in on making fun of my shape, I felt a hot wave of shame wash all over my body. I bit my lower lip in an effort to stifle the tears that were threatening to break free from my eyes. 

Here I was, an accomplished content creator surrounded by my industry peers at a professional event being reduced to feeling like a 12 year old girl in the cafeteria lunchroom that no one wanted to sit with. Weren’t we as adults, and especially as women, supposed to be evolved enough to not take pleasure in inflicting emotional and physical pain on others? Weren’t we supposed to know that bringing someone else down doesn’t bring ourselves up? Apparently not. 

When I got back home after the brunch, I started to think about the roots of adult bullying and what was causing another accomplished woman to feel the need to belittle another accomplished woman in the presence of others. But more importantly, I thought of tangible ways to ensure that I never became like her. That I never projected my own pain, hurt, and insecurities onto other people as a way to temporarily elevate my own feeling of being less than. After all, ‘hurt people, hurt people.’ 

So in an effort to repurpose the pain, shame, and embarrassment that I felt that day, I’ve pulled together a few key insights on how not to become an adult bully. 

Identify your own triggers and get some perspective

Getting clear on who you are and what makes you tick is imperative to harnessing your true strength and inner peace. When you’re able to be self-aware enough to know what areas in your life you still need to heal, then you’re able to identify when those triggers are being activated and address them with grace, love, and compassion, rather than lashing out at the nearest target. 

Usually people bully other people because something about that person or experience triggers a pre-existing insecurity or wound within that person. Until we are able to heal our own wounds, we’ll keep wounding others. Actively working on your own self-awareness can be scary, tough, and at-times exhausting, but healing your wounds and taking back your power to choose differently when triggered is the work that we must do in order to become whole, healed, and healthy human beings. 

Key Exercise: Mindfully notice when you feel shame, embarrassment, anger, resentment, and any negative feelings. Then journal about what was said, what happened, and what memories were brought up from past trauma that triggered those same emotions. Getting clear on the correlations between past trauma and present triggers will help you mature and grow emotionally. This way, you’re able to check yourself and moderate yourself, rather than project your own pain onto others.

Practice gratitude 

I know, I know. Gratitude has been a wellness buzzword for the past few years, but there’s a reason for that. When you are full of gratitude for what you have and for what is on its way to you, you cannot simultaneously hold space for jealousy, envy, or feeling less than, which is another root cause of bullying. 

We tend to want to tear other people down because we feel that there isn’t enough love, praise, money, attention, friendship, or whatever, to go around, so we want to make sure that we get it which means someone else has to go without. The feeling of scarcity or the feeling of being less than is a root cause of this faulty mentality which leads to the destructive behavior that manifests itself as bullying.

Getting clear on the fact that who you are is enough, that you have intrinsic value and meaning, is the first step to healing the faulty mentality that you have to compete with others for love, attention, affection, friendship, and success. It’s the first step to focusing on our own life in a healthy way so that you no longer feel the need to bring others down in a false attempt to elevate your own ego.

Key Exercise: Forget about having ‘an attitude of gratitude’ actually practice and implement a lifestyle of gratitude into your daily routine. This means going beyond keeping a gratitude journal, but to changing the way you think, speak, and act both to yourself and others through the lens of gratitude. 

See below for a few tangible examples:

Old way: “I’m sorry I was late, I’m always running behind.”

Gratitude way: “Thank you for waiting for me.”

Old way: “I never have enough time to stop and fully take in what’s going on around me.”

Gratitude way: “I always have enough time. I’m thankful for all of the abundance around me, from the trees, the birds, the sun, and everything else in -between.”

Old way: “There’s only room for one person like me in my workplace/friendship group/etc.”

Gratitude way: “I’m thankful for surrounding myself with people who accept and include me as I am and I love doing the same for others.”

Old way: “Nothing ever works out for me. I have such terrible luck.”

Gratitude way: “Everything is always working out for me. All that comes to pass is for my greatest good. I consciously create my own luck.” 

Old way: “Who does she think she is? I’ll show her!”

Gratitude way: “I love seeing other women own their power in a clear and confident way. I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn from her and do the same.”

It is my sincere hope that you found value in my story and in my insights. If so, please comment and share. 

*Names changed to protect both the innocent and the guilty. 

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Swisse Australian Multivitamin Ultiboost Jelly Sticks Make US Debut

Body, Mind, LifestyleCandy Washington1 Comment

Hi lovelies,

I’m still on a natural high from a day full of wellness with Swisse Multivitamin! We enjoyed an invigorating workout with  celebrity trainer Luke Milton where we worked out our bodies through intentional movement.

Then we enjoyed a nourishing lunch followed by a nutrition panel with international model and yogi Ashley Hart, registered dietician Erin Palinski-Wade, and celebrity trainer Luke Milton. One of my favorite experiences was the guided meditation where we focused on our breathing and being comfortable in stillness.

We also got to enjoy the Swisse Australian Multivitamin Ultiboost Jelly Sticks in Beauty, Focus, and Immune. The jelly sticks are perfect for a boost while on-the-go and even when traveling. The flavored jelly sticks taste great and for more info on the jelly sticks, read below:

Swisse Ultiboost Jelly Sticks: Beauty Boost

  • Get the support you want, when you need it

  • Helps support healthy, radiant skin

  • Contains collagen, goji Berry Extract, Manuka honey, and Aloe Vera

  • Raspberry Rose flavor

Swisse Ultiboost Jelly Sticks: Focus Boost

  • Jellies are a fun and convenient way to get the support you want, when you need it. Just tear off the top and enjoy!

  • Helps support memory recall, concentration and focus

  • Contains cera-q, Yerba Mate & Green Tea extract

  • Blueberry Cherry flavor

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Episode 10: Ten Things Every Healthy Person Does Alone

Podcast, Self-CareCandy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

As an introvert, I love my alone time at-home, with just me, my books, tea, and a warm blanket. Taking time off to recharge my batteries and be with myself fills me back up and reignites my creativity.

But being alone in your apartment is pretty easy, but what about doing things on your own outside the comfort of your personal space? Are you able to do things that are usually reserved for social occasions without the security blanket of your squad?

If not, then I challenge you to do one thing on the list below each week to grow outside of your comfort zone and learn how to be comfortable in your skin while owning the space that you take up.











As always, I’m honored that you’re joining me on our journey to self-love, self-care, self-worth, and self-discovery. It is my hope that this podcast adds some joy, love, happiness, and actionable insights to your life.

If you haven’t already, be sure to pick-up a copy of Sugar Pills: 10 Days to Awaken Your Inner Power on Amazon, here:

Or grab it on Amazon Kindle, here:

You can also enjoy all of my favorite things to get your joy back with my “Self-Care Starter Kit,” here:

For more on practical self-care:

Join me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter: @candywashington and check out my site,

Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes, here.

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Episode 9: Five Ways to Stop Caring About What People Think

Podcast, Self-CareCandy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

Tired of letting comments, criticism, clap-backs, and shade get you down? Then listen to this episode of Sugar Pills: A Practical Guide to Self-Care and get your power back.

Five Ways to Stop Caring About What People Think

  • Know the difference between an opinion and a put-down

  • Don’t give away your power to choose (accept vs. reject)

  • Your opinion trumps all

  • Be mindful of your perspective - create space and observe

  • Don’t internalize other people’s insecurities - Ask yourself: “Do I agree with what these people are saying about me?”

  • Bonus: Are you projecting your own thoughts, fears, and insecurities onto what someone else said?

As always, I’m honored that you’re joining me on our journey to self-love, self-care, self-worth, and self-discovery. It is my hope that this podcast adds some joy, love, happiness, and actionable insights to your life.

If you haven’t already, be sure to pick-up a copy of Sugar Pills: 10 Days to Awaken Your Inner Power on Amazon, here:

Or grab it on Amazon Kindle, here:

You can also enjoy all of my favorite things to get your joy back with my “Self-Care Starter Kit,” here:

For more on practical self-care:

Join me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter: @candywashington and check out my site,

Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes, here.

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Bad Habits You Can Break Today

Mind, Body, LifestyleCandy Washington2 Comments

Hi lovelies,

We’re all guilty of some bad habits - we’re only human after all. But when your energy levels are starting to suffer and your health isn’t what it should be, that’s when you know it’s time to make some important changes.

Breaking bad habits can take time, and it isn’t always easy. But if you’re willing to make some positive changes, you can get your health back on track and feel more energized and youthful than ever before.

Want to know more? Here are some bad habits you can break today.

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Always eating on the move

A hectic work and social life can mean that you tend to eat on the go, a lot. From a take-out lunch to constant snacking, you’re not doing your body or waistline any good by always eating out. If time is short, then some quick and healthy recipes you can turn to in a hurry are always good for helping you maintain a balanced diet. 

Staying up too late

Do you tend to burn the candle at both ends? All of those late nights will soon catch up with you. It’ll show in your eyes, your skin and your overall mood. Sleep is more important than you might realize, and by making an effort to go to bed earlier, you can help yourself restore your energy. If something’s stopping you from getting your eight hours a night, like work or going out too much, then it’s time to start saying no and making some important decisions for your health.

Things that are causing serious damage to your health

While some bad habits won’t have a serious effect in the short-term, there are others that can cause long-lasting damage. Drinking too much and smoking are two of the worst things you can do for your health, but they’re also some of the hardest to stop. Getting a Juul Starter Kit could be a good way to help you give up smoking cigarettes, while drinking less will also make a difference to your overall health. Remember that your doctor can advise you on some of the best ways to quit to help you benefit your future health.

Not moving enough

Exercise is incredibly important for maintaining your health. It helps to keep your heart and lungs strong, while also making sure you keep your weight within a healthy range. 30 minutes a day is all it takes, so take a look at some of the ways you can fit half an hour of exercise into your day. Your mood will improve, as will your energy levels, to help you live life to the fullest.

Breaking bad habits takes time, but some say you could form a new habit in as little as 30 days. Make some positive changes to your lifestyle to help you put your health first and give your future self the best chance at a long and healthy life. You control your own destiny, so start breaking those bad habits now.

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*This is a collaborative post.

The Essential Self-Care Starter Kit

Mind, Lifestyle, Personal Stories, Self-CareCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Since helping others in how to unconditionally love, support, honor, and protect themselves through self-care is a personal mission of mine, I wanted to curate my essential self-care starter kit for those unsure of where to start when it comes to growing your level of self-worth and self-esteem.

It’s crucial to remember that self-care isn’t about spa days and face masks, although those activities can be apart of your self-care routine, it’s truly about taking inspired and intentional action to honor who you are and the space that you take up in this beautiful world.

Self-care is the foundation for creating healthy boundaries with yourself and others, exercising your own autonomy, building your self-confidence, elevating your mind, body, soul, and spirit, and unlocking your inner peace, love, and joy that’s waiting for you.

Please enjoy some of my favorite ways to honor my life by taking intentional time to slow down, be still, and get present - plus, here’s more Self-Care Essentials.

Need additional guidance in harnessing the power of self-care? Then check out my self-care sessions, here, grab a copy of the Sugar Pills: 10 Days to Awaken Your Inner Power guide and journal, here, and don’t forget to subscribe to the Sugar Pills: 10 Days to Awaken Your Power podcast, here.

***Just click the images below to get started.***






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5 Ways Self-Care Helps to Increase Your Bottom-Line

Business, Entrepreneurship, MindCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

As an entrepreneur who’s built profitable and purposeful companies through my lifestyle brand, Actress with Style, and my personal branding consulting service, The Billionaire Blogger Society, the single most important lesson that I had to learn to ensure the success of my businesses was to take care of myself first.

If I wasn’t full within myself then I would have nothing to give to my audience and to my clients, and before my business could flourish, I had to learn how to first flourish from within. Through building an arsenal of self-esteem building and self-care practices, I was able to show up for myself and my business in a more healthy, productive, and effective way.

What was born of this newfound mindset, is my first book, Sugar Pills: 10 Ways to Awaken Your Inner Power. From this experience of personal and professional growth, I wanted to share with you how to grow your bottom-line through healthy self-care practices. Be sure to comment on which insights speak to you and share your own story of self-care and securing the bag.

5 Ways Self-Care Helps Secure the Bag

#1: Secure the bag through inspired action

The only way that you’re actually going to make money doing what you love, is by doing it! One of the biggest hindrances to building a profitable business is by being paralyzed by fear and never getting started or by starting and then stopping the moment you hit a road bump. The way to get over this business building block is by building up your accountability, both to you self and to your team.

Self-care Tip: Awaken the Power of Accountability

The way to transform your vision, dreams, plans, and strategies, into a real life manifestation and accomplish your goals, is by holding yourself and your team accountable. Be accountable to show up for yourself, to think out of the box, to take risks, to learn from your mistakes, to not be afraid to fail, and to make sure that you surround yourself by people who are really there to support you and to cut dead weight when needed.

At the end of the day, the only person responsible for your success is yourself, so you have to take accountability and responsibility for your actions and decisions, and most importantly, for how you spend your time.

#2: Secure the bag by not settling for less than what you deserve

You have to remember that you’re running a business and not a charity. One of the biggest obstacles that I faced when building my brand was people asking me to work for free or at a discounted rate. If I had continued to devalue the work that I did for my clients, I would have never been able to quit my “survival job” and become a full-time entrepreneur.

The trick to not settling is to build up your self-esteem and self-confidence so that you’re so secure and grounded in who you are and the value that you provide for your clients, that you’re unwilling to disrespect yourself and your business by working for free.

Self-care Tip: Awaken The Power of Having Standards

Having and enforcing standards and boundaries is one of the most effective ways to activate your power. We condition people on how they treat us, so if you don’t have standards and boundaries in both your personal and professional life, then you can find yourself being stretched too thin, not fulfilled, exhausted, and worn out, because people will take from you as much as you’re willing to give, so you need to establish boundaries in order to protect your time, energy, and space. The best way to show people how you to treat you, is by example. The way you treat yourself is the number 1 indicator of how other people think that they can treat you.

Questions to ask yourself: What do I expect of myself, in terms of honesty, trust, respect, and accountability? What do I expect from other people, in terms of honesty, trust, respect, and accountability? Then make sure that your actions are in alignment with those expectations.

#3: Secure the bag by building an unstoppable team

The quickest way to manifest your professional goals and dreams is by building a team that believes in your vision and is equipped to do their jobs efficiently and effectively. The bottom-line is that your business and your brand is only as strong as your people so it’s imperative to be mindful of the employees that you hire and the friends and associates that you surround yourself with, because they will determine how far and how quickly you grow.

Self-care Tip: Awaken the Power of Your Circle  

Beware of the company that you keep. There’s a reason why the saying, “Birds of a feather, flock together,” always rings true. If you want to know where you’re at in your life and more importantly, where you’re going, just look around at your inner circle of friends. It’s super important to be able to trust the people that you surround yourself with and also make sure that you are surrounded by people that not only encourage you, but also are at a level that you aspire to be at.

You don’t want to be the most successful person in your circle and you also want to be with people that add value to your life. Take an inventory of who you have in your life and involved in your business and write-out what value they add to your life, business, and bottom-line.

#4: Secure the bag by having a vision for your life

If you don’t know what you’re going or what your endgame is, then you’ll continually to be lost and unproductive in both your life and career. Set goals and milestone for where you want to take your business and actually see yourself succeeding in those areas. You won’t be able to grow your business if you don’t have a clear understanding of what you’re trying to create. The trick here is to dream big and not limit yourself and the expectations that you have for your business because the only boundaries that your business has are the boundaries that you create for yourself.

Self-care Tip: Awaken the Power of a Vision
“Before the world can see it, the mind must imagine it.” You must know what you want your life to look before you can create it. The power of visualizing your success and life is paramount to manifesting those things into your reality. The best part is, visualizing and having a vision is 100% free and you can do it right now and start transforming your life.

Also, the vision you have for you life is a great checkpoint for how you move through your current circumstances and the decisions you make, you can ask yourself, “Is this in alignment and in service to what the greater vision for my life is?” Use your vision as a compass for daily actions.

When visualizing your life be sure to feel it. Feel what it feels like to cross the finish of your goal, to buy your dream home, ride in your dream car, have healthy and happy relationships, making your first million, or whatever it is.

#5: Secure the bag by respecting your elders

Just because we live in a digital savvy world, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and insights from those that came before us. The best way to implement a profitable plan to build your brand is by creating a blueprint based successful strategies from established entrepreneurs and business leaders. This means being strong and vulnerable to ask for help, advice, and guidance when needed.
Remember: even though it is your business, you do not have to build it alone.

Self-care tip: Awaken the Power of Mentorship

Learning from someone who is has done what you’re trying to do is one of the most invaluable resources that you can have. The trick is to find someone that you can trust and that genuinely wants to help you win and achieve your goals. You can learn from their triumphs as well as their mistakes and they can insights on how to reach your goal quicker, how to adjust your mindset, and how to up-level your circle.

I’ve had trouble finding someone to be my mentor. I would reach out to people and for whatever reason, it never really worked out. So I turned to YouTube and watch people that I admired during their interviews, masterclasses, documentaries, and videos. If you can’t find someone to be your mentor in-person, then search for their personal and professional stories online.

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5 Things Every Healthy Person Does Alone

MindCandy Washington2 Comments

Hi lovelies,

As an introvert, I love my alone time at-home, with just me, my books, tea, and a warm blanket. Taking time off to recharge my batteries and be with myself fills me back up and reignites my creativity.

But being alone in your apartment is pretty easy, but what about doing things on your own outside the comfort of your personal space? Are you able to do things that are usually reserved for social occasions without the security blanket of your squad?

If not, then I challenge you to do one thing on the list below each week to grow outside of your comfort zone and learn how to be comfortable in your skin while owning the space that you take up. And grab your copy of Sugar Pills: 10 Days to Awaken Your Inner Power, on Amazon, here.

5 Things Every Healthy Person Does Alone

#1: Take your self to the movies

Get some popcorn, sit back, and relax. Head to the movie theatre alone to watch the latest flick. Laugh, cry, and everything in-between soaking in the newest blockbuster.

#2: Take your self out to dinner

Grab your favorite book or journal and take your self out to dinner. Dining alone can be one of the most liberating experiences that you can have. Allow your self to be your own best company and enjoy a meal at a restaurant that you’ve been dying to try.

#3: Take your self on a staycation

Book a hotel or an AirBNB for the weekend and take a solo mini-vacation. Take a dip in the pool or explore local places that you usually don’t have time to experience.

#4: Take your self to a party

Some people have trouble going out to events or parties without a +1, but I have found that is when I meet the most people and expand my social circle when I head out solo. Instead of standing around chatting it up with my bestie, I’m forced to introduce myself to people that I don’t know and create new social connections, so if there’s a party, event, or networking opportunity that you want to go to, RSVP solo and show up ready to meet new people.

#5: Take your self to a museum or a pottery class

Take in some culture at a local museum or take a pottery class or art class and opt to go it alone. Going alone will give yourself the space and time to enjoy the art and activity on your own terms, it also opens you up to meeting new people that you may not have normally connected with if you were with your usual crew.

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PODCAST: 5 Ways to Live a Happier Life

Mind, PodcastCandy Washington1 Comment


Hi lovelies,

In case you missed my blog post, 5 Ways to Live a Happier Life, you can listen to it while on-the-go, on the Sugar Pills Podcast, here.

Don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review, and share!

And grab your copy of Sugar Pills: 10 Days to Awaken Your Inner Power, on Amazon, here.

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5 Ways to Live a Happier Life

MindCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

My main goal in life is to simply enjoy it. If you’re not happy and fulfilled, then what’s the point? Of course there will be ups and downs, ebbs and flows in life, but overall, you can create a blueprint of happiness and joy from which to build your life experience upon.

The most important lesson to know is that you, and you alone, are responsible for your happiness. This allows you to fully embrace your power. No one can take your power unless you give it to them, so read below for five ways to lead a happier life that creates a foundation and mindset to be in a place of power.

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5 Ways to Live a Happier Life

1: Practice Self-Compassion

One of the biggest life lessons that I had to learn, and remind myself of on a daily basis, is to be gentle with myself. To show myself the same love, grace, and understanding that I would to my best friend or to the person that I loved the most in the world, because the person that we love the most in the world and honor the most in the world, should be ourselves. We’re human and we’re allowed to make mistakes and we’re inherently imperfect beings. So embrace your imperfections and be easy on yourself and allow yourself to find your way through compassion.

2: Learn to Relax

As an entrepreneur, I used to feel like I always had “to be busy.” That it was my life to be pitching, posting, hustling, grinding, etc., and that rat race just got exhausting, uninspired, and just led to burnout and fatigue.

I had to retrain my brain and body to relax, destress, and unwind. I was so busy being busy that I had stopped enjoying my journey and the process. That’s when I started implementing an intentional self-care plan. I started to have a cut-off time from work, where I would go offline and read, watch my favorite TV shows, take an epsom salt bath, or go for walk and listen to a podcast.

3: Meditate and Journal

This shouldn’t be a shocker, but meditating and taking a few moments to journal your thoughts and feelings is a powerful way to reclaim your power and establish a foundation of peace, joy, and self-awareness.

The best way is start with 3-5 minutes a day and then increase from there as your grow in your journey. Set a timer on phone, create a safe and comfortable space, and focus on your breathing. Don’t worry about thoughts popping up in your head, just do your best to observe them and not interact with them, and like all things, it gets easier with time. You can also do guided meditations to help you relax and focus. You can search for guided meditations on YouTube for free.

For journaling, you don’t have to be a great writer, just a pen and pad or even on your computer or phone. If you’re having trouble thinking of what to write, use journal entry prompts and questions to get your started. Or simply ask yourself, “What am I feeling right now? What am I struggling with right now? What am I excited about right now?”

4: Date Yourself

Take the time to get to know yourself when no one else is around. Take yourself to the movies, out to dinner, to a comedy club, for a hike, or whatever your interests and passions are, do things that make you authentically happy and fulfilled.

Spend a night alone and get comfortable in your own skin and in your own company. Become your own best friend and your own perfect partner. Rediscover what makes you tick and what turns you on as an individual. Forget the societal labels of wife, father, husband, daughter, best friend, boss, co-workers, etc., and focus on the simplicity of just being your Self.

5: Mind Your Business

This might sound simple, but believe, minding your own business can be tougher than it seems. I had to learn to only worry about what was my business, what was in my control, and what was truly my responsibility. As a recovering ‘people pleaser’ this was harder said than done and something that I work on a daily basis, but learning to only take on what is actually my business and problems has fundamentally elevated my level personal happiness, peace, and stability.

This makes you the center of your own well-being and you’re not responsible for saving other people and other people aren’t responsible for your well-being which gives you the ultimate power to enjoy your life and relish in all of the beauty and joy that’s available to you now.

Things that are your business:

  • Your self-care practices

  • Your mental health

  • Your physical health

  • Your emotional well-being

  • Your boundaries

  • Your standards

  • Your self-worth

  • Your self-esteem

  • Your self-respect

  • Your standards

  • Your self-confidence

  • Your happiness

  • Your relationships

  • Your career

Things that are not your business:

  • Other people’s happiness

  • Other people’s relationships

  • Other people’s careers

  • Other people’s opinions of you

  • Other people’s sense of self

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The 10 Power Principles to Transform Your Life (Part 2): How Steve Harvey Saved Me

Personal StoriesCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Ok, so maybe the title of this article is a bit sensational, after all, Steve Harvey didn’t physically save my life, but his words of wisdom, the example that he set, and his personal story of struggles and triumph, inspired me  to continue on my path of building the life that I envisioned for my self.

Taking the leap from Corporate America to pursuing my passion of being a storyteller through writing, acting, and social media, wasn’t easy and there are still times that I get stuck, but now that I have the 10 Power Principles to Transform Your Life that I learned by listening to Steve Harvey’s wisdom, insights, and words of motivation, I’m empowered with a game plan and strategy to ensure my success both personally and professionally.

I wanted to share those power principles with all in hopes that they are of value to you too while you’re on your journey to creating the life that you deserve.

Below is Part 2 of my list! Read this article for Part 1!  

#6: The Power of Mentorship

Learning from someone who is has done what you’re trying to do is one of the most invaluable resources that you can have. The trick is to find someone that you can trust and that genuinely wants to help you win and achieve your goals. You can learn from their triumphs as well as their mistakes and they can insights on how to reach your goal quicker, how to adjust your mindset, and how to up-level your circle.

TIP: I’ve had trouble finding someone to be my mentor. I would reach out to people and for whatever reason, it never really worked out. So I turned to YouTube and watch people that I admired during their interviews, masterclasses, documentaries, and videos. If you can’t find someone to be your mentor in-person, then search for their personal and professional stories online.

#7: The Power of a Vision

“Before the world can see it, the mind must imagine it.” You must know what you want your life to look before you can create it. The power of visualizing your success and life is paramount to manifesting those things into your reality. The best part is, visualizing and having a vision is 100% free and you can do it right now and start transforming your life. Also, the vision you have for you life is a great checkpoint for how you move through your current circumstances and the decisions you make, you can ask yourself, “Is this in alignment and in service to what the greater vision for my life is?” Use your vision as a compass for daily actions.

TIP: When visualizing your life be sure to feel it. Feel what it feels like to cross the finish of your goal, to buy your dream home, ride in your dream car, have healthy and happy relationships, winning your Oscar, or whatever it is.

#8: The Power of Your Circle

Beware of the company that you keep. There’s a reason why the saying, “Birds of a feather, flock together,” always rings true. If you want to know where you’re at in your life and more importantly, where you’re going, just look around at your inner circle of friends. It’s super important to be able to trust the people that you surround yourself with and also make sure that you are surrounded by people that not only encourage you, but also are at a level that you aspire to be at. You don’t want to be the most successful person in your circle and you also want to be with people that add value to your life.

#9: The Power of Meditation

Don’t fret, this isn’t super religious or anything, but there are so many leaders, innovators, and super successful people that attribute a part of their accomplishments to the power of meditation. Silencing the mind and learning to observe your thoughts is an extremely effective way to transform your life and harnessing your inner power and guidance. It’s a great way to tap into your inner intuition to guide you.

#10: The Power of Perseverance

Steve Harvey was homeless and lived in his car for 3 years. But he didn’t give up. He kept going and he kept fighting the good fight. If your dream is worth having, it’s worth fighting for even when things get tough. You can’t let perceived failures or setbacks stop you from pursuing what you are called to do in this world. Often times what we think is a setback is actually the biggest set-up for something amazing to manifest in your life, you just have to keep going in order to get it.

TIP: The majority of the time, you need to learn the lesson that failures and setbacks are meant to teach you in order to prepare you and equip you the necessary wisdom and experience to handle your success. It’s strengthening you so your successful becomes a blessing and not a burden.

Listen to the Podcast here.

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