Postpartum Self Care Tips & Tricks

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Indulging in self care is an absolute essential after giving birth, as you must spend some time and energy focused purely on yourself - you deserve it. Figuring out exactly how you can really relax and unwind postpartum needn’t be as difficult as you might initially believe, as there are just a few simple steps that you can utilise to rebalance your thoughts and revitalise your body in no time at all. So, if you would like to find out more, then read on to uncover some of the best top tips and tricks that you can make the most of now! 

Dressing Comfortably 
Trying to squeeze into your pre-baby wardrobe straight after birth is likely an almost impossible task, and this can mean that you need to invest in a few new items to stay as comfortable as possible. There are many different changes that your body experiences during and after the birth of a child, from the obvious change in weight and size to milk leakage too - failing to work around these occurrences will of course leave you in an uncomfortable situation. Luckily it’s extremely simple to find the right solutions, as there are adjusting outfits that can aid in giving you space to breathe in your clothes, as well as training bras and many other options that can create a more comfortable day to day. If you’ve ever wondered do postpartum belly bands really work then there’s lots of information online that can work as a guide. Though you may want to throw on a little black dress and a pair of heels, there’s really no rush to get back to your old lifestyle - focus on your true needs now, as although baggy sweatpants may not be as attractive as party wear, it functions far better for the task at hand. 

Eating A Healthy Diet
Changing your diet to consume healthy meals and snacks is another key step you must follow, as self care starts with the very basics. Failing to consume nutrient rich foods that are packed full of vitamins and minerals will cause you to feel tired and sluggish, along with many other issues too. Your body has to recover from the act of creating, caring for and giving birth to a child, and you’re going to need as many beneficial ingredients as possible. It’s a good idea to aim to consume more than 5 portions of fresh fruit and vegetables each day, along with complex carbohydrates and lean proteins. Filling up on fatty, salty or sugary foods will not provide you with the sustainable energy that you need to look after yourself and your child, and could even cause intense mood swings and trouble sleeping that will have a detrimental effect on your ability to perform to your full potential. 

With any luck, these tried and tested postpartum self care top tips and tricks will aid you in getting back to your regular happy and healthy self in no time at all. 

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