Making Your Health Affordable

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Joining a gym, following a health plan - it all begins to add up, doesn’t it? Living a healthy lifestyle takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but it doesn’t have to cost the earth too.

Many people associate being healthy with having to spend a lot of money, but this simply isn’t the case. There are plenty of affordable ways you can enjoy being healthy, helping you to change your habits and get the results you’ve been looking for.

Want to make your health more affordable? Take a look at some of the following tips.

Image Credit: Unsplash under Creative Commons

Image Credit: Unsplash under Creative Commons

Plan and prep your food
One of the main things you can do to be healthy is to eat a balanced diet. A diet that’s rich in protein and features a lot of vegetables and fruit can help fuel your body with what it needs. But stocking up on lean meats and fresh produce can increase the cost of your weekly grocery shop. But it is possible to eat healthy on a tight budget, and some of the things you can do to make that possible are to plan and prep your food.

By working out exactly what you need to buy and prepping your meals at the beginning of the week, you’ll be much more in control of your diet. Prepping in advance means you’re less likely to eat out or call for takeout too, helping you save a little bit more towards your grocery spend.

Find cheaper ways to exercise
You don’t have to join an expensive gym or use a personal trainer to enjoy effective exercise. Running, as an example, costs nothing except for the cost of your running shoes! And there are plenty of free ways you can exercise at home too.

If you still prefer to workout in a gym or do classes, why not look at a more affordable gym? Budget gyms are often large, with a lot of equipment and classes thrown in, making them excellent value for money! Check out Fitness 19 for a gym that can cost less than $10 a month. It’s what you do in the gym that counts, not the gym itself.

Be an active traveler 
Being an active traveler means using active ways of getting places - mainly walking, running and cycling. Instead of relying on your car or a train to get to work, why not start making your own way there? Commuting to work by bike is an excellent way to get fit while saving money and helping the environment, so why not give it a try? It costs money to run a car, but you can make some amazing savings by finding active ways to get to where you need to go.

Being healthy is all about taking care of yourself. From making sure you sleep better to eating a good diet, it’s those little changes that will make a difference. A healthy lifestyle doesn’t need to add to your monthly budget; you just need to make it work for you. 

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