It's Time to Stop Neglecting Your Ears

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

For the majority of us, health and wellbeing is key. Sure, there are countless areas of your life you can focus on - from your career to your family, relationships, hobbies and much more - but at the end of the day, without your health and wellbeing, you won’t be able to achieve everything you want to or lead as simple and straightforward an existence as possible. Now, there are basic factors of health and wellbeing that we’re all more than familiar with. We know that we should be eating healthy balanced diets. We know that we should be exercising for roughly one hundred and fifty minutes a week (make that seventy five minutes a week if the exercise is vigorous). But that isn’t where your efforts should end. You need to focus on all parts of your body to ensure that you’re as well as can be. One body part and sensory organ you really should be taking care of is your ears and sense of hearing. Here’s a little more on the subject to help you achieve this!

Visit a Specialist
Let’s start out by letting you know where you should go if you are concerned about your hearing or experience any changes to your hearing at all. An audiologist is a specialist who can help you with absolutely anything to do with your hearing. They will be able to diagnose any issues, recommend treatment or therapy that could help, or recommend hearing aids or other auditory equipment that can minimise symptoms or resolve problems. When you visit, they will likely take you through a hearing test process and advise you as an individual from that point on. Their recommendations will depend entirely on your individual circumstances and conditions.

Turn the Volume Down
All too many people nowadays listen to things way too loud. This could be music through your earphones. It could be having the TV turned up too loud. It could be having headphones on with excessively high volume for video calls working from home or socialising throughout the pandemic. When things start to get back to normal and lockdowns end, it could be heading to bars, clubs or music events with excessively loud volumes. Wherever possible, try to turn your music down to a reasonable volume. If you are in a loud environment, you can also try wearing earplugs, which could help.

Avoid Using Cotton Buds
We all want to keep clean, but you should avoid using cotton buds to clean your ears by removing earwax. Really, you should be avoiding putting anything in your ear. Use of cotton buds can be invasive and, if used incorrectly (which is pretty easy), you could cause damage to your ears themselves. At the end of the day, ear wax is one of our body’s natural systems for cleaning our ears ourselves. Generally, you can simply leave your ears alone. If you find that you have an excessive buildup of earwax, you should visit your doctor, who will be able to advise you further.

As you can see, caring for your ears is simple. So, try out some of the steps above and get off to the best start with ear care possible!

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