Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy, So It's Past Time To Install Your Own Security System

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

We’ve all heard that comparison is the thief of joy but, let’s get real - with social media platforms like Instagram, especially, it’s too easy to fall into the trap of comparative scrolling for hours every day. 

Akin to opening the door and letting thieves take what they will, this negative habit can let comparison right into your life to steal every shred of joy. The good (and kind of bad) news is that nothing you see on Instagram is as it seems. With that in mind, comparison here is quite literally an impossible goal. You’re never going to look as good as those women because those women don’t even look like that!

With that in mind, it’s time to take unrealistic comparisons out of the equation and work out what it is that you want. After all, there’s nothing wrong with toning down or even seeking procedures like submental liposuction if they’ll help you to love yourself. But, there’s no guarantee of that if you’re aiming to achieve the same as an airbrushed Insta image. 

With that in mind, we’ve got a few suggestions on how you can secure against comparison to find true personal joy at last. 

Redirect your social focus
We aren’t going to tell you to get off social media because, these days, that’s just not realistic. That said, the way you’re using it right now most definitely isn’t working, so some change is still necessary. 

Rather than deleting your accounts, simply think about redirecting your focus. After all, there are some amazing photographs on Instagram of travel, nature, and a whole lot besides. Fill your feed with these instead of fake, edited faces that make you feel bad. 

Assess your insecurities
Those pictures might bring up some feelings, but comparison is a sure sign that you’ve harboring insecurities. After all, if you weren’t feeling unsure about yourself, you’d be able to admire beautiful pictures without thinking twice.

Because you can’t do that, it’s time to ask yourself what’s really going on. Are there changes you could make to help yourself feel happier? Do you simply need to practice a little self-love or, as touched on above, would you benefit from more extreme action? While many such changes get a bad rep, they’re well worth your time if they help you to love yourself/stop comparing at last. 

Spend a little time on your own page
Most of us are very good at spending hours on other people’s social media feeds without once looking at our own. Change that by spending a little time on your page today. Try to look at those pictures as though you aren’t in them, and you may be surprised by what comes up. The chances are that your snaps, too, make it look like your skin is always radiant and your hair is just so. By acknowledging that, you can teach yourself a valuable lesson about what our social pictures look like vs reality. And, that alone could stop you from comparing yourself quite so much.

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