Making A "Bolt" For The Door: Ways To Secure Your Home

Home DecorCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

If you've recently purchased your first home, it's that big adventure with a new life in a new neighborhood that feels incredibly exciting. But with these new and exciting journeys, we have to remember that we need to look after our home. When we live in a neighborhood that we don't really know much about, or we had to make some sacrifices to get a good quality property in a rundown area, you might want to think about adding a bit more security to your property. What are the best ways to do this?

Don't Advertise Yourself!
As tempting as it is to really show off the grandiosity of our property, if we live in an area that is prone to burglaries, we have got to tone it down a bit. A good example is the driveway gate. We all know that when we see a driveway gate, that if it looks pretty shiny, and incredibly sophisticated, that the person that lives just up the driveway has quite a bit of money, and is more than prime opportunity for a burglary. It's important to choose the right sort of driveway gate. Suppliers like Tulsa Home Guard can help you with this, so you don't over advertise yourself and show yourself to be incredibly posh.

Removing Hiding Places From Plain Sight
The exterior of the property, especially if you've got a big garden, needs to be as plain as possible. Burglars and the like hide in shrubbery and concealed areas. What you need to do is trim down the plants and trees that could be used for cover on and replace them with bushes or smaller flowers. As well as this, ensure to lock things like outdoor buildings, as well as gates.

Install A Security System
Sometimes we spend too much money on renovating the property we don't think there's any point in purchasing a security system, because they are so expensive. In fact, you don't have to spend above and beyond. You can choose a sophisticated security system, especially those that link to your phone but it's important to choose one that you are comfortable with. Before you said up the security system, it's worth getting some statistics for the crime in your area, as well as evaluating the overall weaknesses of your home. When finding the right security system, think about the cost, but also consider the brand, the installation methods, and even the customer service.

Get A Bunch Of Locks
From deadlocks to window bars, locks work wonders. You'll be surprised as to how many people don't have a good quality front door lock. You can upgrade to smart locks, to ensure that your burglar doesn't come in through the front door. And when it comes to securing things like the doors and windows, you have to remember that if they aren't strong enough in the first place, the lock won't work anyway. Installing strong doors, windows with reinforced glass, as well as having some due diligence in terms of the overall sturdiness of the property, work wonders.

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