One For The Men - The Ultimate Gift Guide For Your Other Halves

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Whether it’s a birthday or Christmas present buying a gift for the woman in your life is not easy. We can be hard creatures to please at times. However, men over complicate matters. It can be hard to buy the perfect gift, that's understandable, so why not look for some inspiration? With that in mind, here are some of the best ideas that could help you out. 

A bouquet of flowers
Many women love receiving flowers. But, for a lot of women, they don’t get them as much as they would like. A bouquet of flowers can speak a thousand words to that special lady in your life. They can say someone cares, they have thought of them, and even I love you. So why don’t men buy them more? In All seriousness, if you are choosing a bunch of flowers might I suggest that you figure out which flowers are her favorites. It would go down a treat. It’s a simple gift to buy, all you have to do is head to your local flower shop, and they will do the work for you. 

A surprise date night
Many women love a good surprise. They also love a chance to dress up and enjoy a night out. So why not combine the two and arrange a surprise date night. The lady in your life would love the idea of excitement and nerves. It could almost feel like a first date all over again. It could be a special meal out or something simple like a cinema trip and popcorn. Your special woman will love the effort you have made to get this organised. 

A weekend away
Just as special could be a weekend away. Perhaps whisking that special someone off somewhere romantic for a weekend escape. With lot's of opportunity for quality couple time, what is not to love? However, it doesn't need to be so extravagant. You could stay local and book a hotel nearby. The chance of a change of scenery will be just as exciting. 

A piece of jewelry
Jewelry always goes down well and often investing in couch pieces can help you to have other ideas for the future gift giving occasions. Whether you choose something timeless like a Used FP Journe Watch, a necklace of a pair of earrings, you are bound to find something that they will treasure for many years to come. 

Something personal
Let’s face it! Women love gifts that have the personal touch. It shows thought and effort have gone into choosing the gift. A personal gift could be something engraved with a special message. Perhaps a watch or a piece of jewelry. Or is could be something more specific to their interests. Whatever you decide I’m sure they will love it. 

A spa afternoon
Finally, I don’t know many ladies who would turn down the opportunity to have a spa afternoon. The options of a massage, manicure, pedicure or even all of them. It can be the ultimate indigent gift. You could decide to book something yourself, or provide gift vouchers so that your special lady can book something in whenever it suits. A spa is a lovely way to unwind on a special occasion. 

Let’s hope this has provided you with some inspiration on what to get that special lady in your life. Keeping it simple is the best advice anyone can give you. 

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