Change Your Life - Create Your Own Evening Wind Down Routine

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

When most people hear the phrase ‘change your life’ they think of doing something drastic. This could be moving to a new company, quitting your job to travel the world, or getting a divorce. However, you can change your life by making much smaller changes than that. You can change your life by simply creating your very own wind down routine in the evening, and sticking to it. How will this change your life? Well, you’ll have a better sense of wellbeing, a more consistent bedtime, a good quality sleep, and perhaps even more time to do the things you neglect, like reading. Here are some pointers you can use to help you create your very own evening wind down routine:

1. Figure Out How Much Sleep You Need

Knowing how much sleep you need can help you to perform far better the following day - not to mention feel great! Most people do well with 8 hours of sleep or more, but lots of people prefer to burn the candle at both ends and get nowhere near that. In general, getting less than 7 hours isn't a good idea. Less than 6 is even worse, although some people do attempt to survive on these pitiful sleep levels. Start prioritizing time asleep and you’ll get into a better routine.

Here are some pointers:

  • Start your wind down routine and get into bed at the same time each night - even on weekends.

  • Get up at the same time each morning - even on weekends.

  • Doing this on weekends ensures your routine is consistent. If you need lots of extra sleep on the weekend, your routine is probably lacking somewhere. 

2. Block Out Blue Light 

Blue light comes from phones, TVs, tablets, and laptops. Avoid this at least an hour before bed. Some will find it impossible to drop off. Others may be able to drop off, but find it hard to stay asleep. Blue light disrupts your sleep pattern, so make sure you’re vigilant with your screen time. 

3. Take The Right Supplements 

Supplements can’t make you healthy if your diet is poor, but they can help you. You could drink a nice cup of calming herbal tea before bed. If you do this regularly, it will become a part of your routine and help you get into the right mindset for sleep. You can also look at something like Yellow Vietnam Kratom for its calming properties if you really struggle to wind down. 

4. Make Your Bedroom The Ideal Place To Sleep

Make sure your bedroom is suitable. Block out outside light, make it smell great, and ensure the temperature is suitable. 

5. Do Something Relaxing

Do something relaxing if you’re not tired. Don’t lay there awake! Read, do some needlepoint, or try knitting.

6. Meditate

Meditation is a great tool and doing it before bed can help you get into the right headspace. It can be tough to get into the habit, but it’s worth it! 

7. Don’t Try Too Hard

See this routine as ‘Non striving’ and simply enjoy your wind down routine. Don’t focus too hard on the falling asleep part, or you could end up laying awake for hours. 

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