Ideas to Maintain Your Home as a Sanctuary

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Your home is your safe space, your comfort, and your peace - it’s important that you keep it that way. 

Not feeling at home can have drastic effects on your life: it can show up in your focus on work and your relationships without you realizing it. 

To keep the peace, you’re going to have to make some changes. You have to make your sanctuary. 

This can be as simple as some blankets on the sofa and a rug on the cold wooden floors to warm up your rooms. Small homey changes can really change the feel of a place.

Here are some ideas to get you going;

Set the Mood
A sanctuary is a place that feels like your own. 

To set the mood, making some worthy investments will help you to feel at home. Having other people’s furnishings remove the sense of personalization, so bringing your own in will re-set this. 

Little additions like pictures or big ones like your own furniture will set a tone of pride in your home space. 

When doing activities in your home, take the time to set a mood that will make you feel at ease. This can be anything from opening all the windows to welcome some air in, to playing music or getting some lamps for the evening time. 

It may not feel like much, but these subtle adjustments will quickly make you feel like your place is yours. 

Keeping It Clean
You may be surprised how the cleanliness of your home affects your comfortability, particularly when you move into a new home. 

Having your possessions in a new space is not always enough! Cleaning your home your way is a simple yet very effective way of adding a sense of belonging to your house - it belongs to you. 

When you move into a new home, it is difficult to know how long it has been since the house was lived in. The longer that it has been unattended, the more likely it is for pests to find their way in.

To avoid any unwanted guests, looking into some pest control tips and tricks and working out any problems with your home early on will offer a little peace of mind and let you settle in.

Scents and Smells
Your sense of smell is one of the most important senses. You can attach memories to them, and most importantly, a smell can change the way that you feel. 

If you have not tried essential oils before, this could be an opportunity to do so. 

Starting with something subtle, such as peppermint or pine oil in your cleaning products to create a sense of freshness. 

The evening is when you are at home the most; therefore, this is when you should have that sanctuary feeling in your home. Candles or oil burners with your favorite smells can create intimacy, safety, and serenity as you settle in for the night. 

You deserve to feel safe and comfortable in your home. Welcoming in your personal items and taking time to make a space feels like it is yours will set the mood. Similarly, cleaning a place your way and filling it with smells that put you at ease will make this sanctuary yours to enjoy. 

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