5 Sustainable Choices To Make Around Your Home

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

If you are looking to decorate your home in an eco-friendly way, there has never been a better time. More and more companies are seeing the benefit of creating eco-friendly products and are expanding their ranges to accommodate growing demand.

Keep in mind that replacing perfectly usable items isn't always as sustainable as you would like to think unless the things are going to be used by someone else. The key to sustainability is to make sure current items are used for as long as possible by yourself or donating to others so they can continue to use it for as long as possible.

So, what sustainable changes can you make to your home?

Give an item a new lease of life by giving it a fresh coat of paint to match a new color scheme. Or maybe if you are handy, you can take it apart and rebuild it into something fresh and new. Have you seen the garden bench made from an interior door? If you need some inspiration on upcycling around your home, head to Instagram to find some sustainable positive influencers or use popular hashtags to find like-minded accounts (#zerowaste #sustainableliving #recycle #ecoliving). Or head to interest to find some awe-inspiring inspiration.

Sustainable Materials
Bamboo and organic cotton are big in sustainable living, and for a good reason. They are kinder to the environment during manufacturing, plus they are designed to last and wear well for a variety of different uses. You can buy a wide range of natural wood products. For example, reclaimed wood is optimal if you want to push your eco-credentials, and cork along with glass are other excellent sustainable materials.

Eco Designs
While not all home decor items are made from sustainable materials, eco-friendly buying products is a great compromise. Think LED bulbs to reduce the energy you use when turning lights on and off; honeycomb blackout shades can help you to preserve energy and heat in your home by covering windows, rugs on hardwood flooring can heat a room, and reduce heat loss through wooden flooring and so on. Thinking about your purchase and how it can save you money on bills or assessing its useability can help you to make more sustainable choices.

Buy Plants
Carbon dioxide is taken up by houseplants and converted to oxygen by them. They also absorb a large amount of hazardous poisons and pollutants, which helps to purify the air. In order to improve your green credentials in a straightforward (and elegant) manner, consider adding a houseplant or two to each area of your home.

Avoid Carpets
If you want to be as ecologically friendly as possible when remodelling your home, you should skip carpeting entirely. Due to its high concentration of chemicals and pollutants, it not only hurts the environment when it is created, but it also releases a wide range of contaminants into your home over the course of its lifetime. Furthermore, even the most durable carpet will only last for about a decade before it will need to be replaced again.

When it comes to changing your flooring, real wood is always the best choice if you want to be as environmentally conscious as possible.

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