Tips For Introducing A Pet To The Family

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

There’s a saying that states no family is complete without a pet and if you’re looking to add a furry friend to your home, it could be one of the best things you ever do. It’s important though, to remember that pets can be a lot of work and you want to do what you can to ensure a smooth transition. The last thing you want is to find you’re unable to make the time to look after them properly, or they are too much of a financial burden. If you’re considering adding a pet to your family, we’ve put together some top tips to make it that bit easier and more fun along the way.

Consider the best pet for your family
When it comes to choosing the best pet for your family, you need to consider a few things. Think about the ages of your children and what they will be able to cope with. Do you have very young children? If so, will you be able to take the time to look after them and also train a new pet to join your household? Or would something like a hamster be better? If you want a dog or a cat, be sure to look into the best ones for families and their qualities. Do you want one that requires minimal walking? Or one that you can take on long hikes? How big do you want them to be? Will you need to look into a boarding school for dogs to train them? These are all things to think about.

Ensure they have proper training
If you get a dog in particular, you are going to want to ensure they have proper training. There are many dog daycare and training services you can make the most of and they can help you to take care of your pet. These training companies can teach your canine things such as how to walk on and off the lead without running off, how to play nicely and how to do tricks such as rolling over. 

Think about the financial implications

Different pets cost more to have than others, depending on how hard they are to look after and how complex their needs. If you have a pet such as a fish, you need the initial outgoing of the tank and the equipment, but after that, the costs are pretty minimal. If you want something like a dog or a cat, you need to pay for food, toys and their insurance going forward. This can soon add up and you want to make sure it’s financially viable for you to get the pet you want. You’ll also need to think about what you do with them when you go on holiday for example. Will you find a dog friendly hotel? Or have to pay to put them in a kennel or cattery? These are all costs to consider. 

Teach your children how to look after them
As you are introducing a pet to your family, you need to make sure everyone knows how to and is comfortable taking care of them. It’s important to take your children’s ages and capabilities into account with this and adjust responsibilities as necessary. There are many jobs you can assign to your kids when it comes to looking after your pet, such as cleaning them, feeding them and taking them for walks. Be sure to explain why they need to do each thing and the importance of taking care of your pet. This is a great way to help them learn responsibility and independence.

If you have another pet already, take the introduction slowly

If you already have a pet such as a cat or a dog in your house, you need to be careful about introducing the new member to them. This is because they can feel territorial and might get jealous. Introduce them slowly and don’t be afraid to consult an expert for the best way to introduce them without them reacting negatively towards your new addition. If you do it slowly and correctly, they should be best of friends in no time at all!

These are just a few top tips that should help make introducing a pet into the family a bit easier. An animal is one of life’s greatest blessings and can make for a really fun and exciting addition to your life, but you need to do it realistically. By being prepared it will ensure you save a lot of hassle further down the line. Have you got any pets? Or are you considering adding one to your household? If so, let us know your top tips and things to think about in the comments below, we would love to hear from you.