Discover How To Fix These Embarrassing Beauty Issues

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

If you are interested in beauty then you might already be aware of some of the most common embarrassing issues that you can face. You might however be unaware of the fixes and that’s what we’re going to focus on today. 

Bad Skin 
Perhaps you are dealing with a case of acne. Many people assume that acne is an issue that tends to go away when you reach a certain age. The reality is that’s not always the case. It’s quite possible that acne follows you well into your adult years, haunting you. The good news is that there are ways to deal with this. For instance, you can think about exploring treatment from a professional dermatologist, such as blue light therapy for acne. You might also want to think about changing your diet. Various research does suggest that certain things in your diet will always make issues with acne significantly worse. 

Finger Nail Woes
You might even find that you have an issue with your fingernails or toenails. This can make wearing sandals a disaster and ruin your fun in the summer. The good news is that you can get fungal nail treatment which treats one of the most common issues with nails. The most typical sign you are suffering from this issue is that the bail will be pulling away from the skin. 

Stretch Marks 
Since we mentioned the summer season, it’s perhaps worth exploring one of the problems that do commonly stop people from enjoying bathing suit season. We’re of course talking about stretch marks. Many people incorrectly assume that stretch marks are always caused by putting on fat. While this can be an issue, they can also be triggered by putting on muscle or any weight too fast. That’s why you should always think about regulating your rate of exercise and don’t try any shortcuts to success. Stretch marks can be deal with using lemon juice, a trick the celebs rely on. 

Thinning Hair
Thinning hair is a problem that is far more common than most people realize. It can have a range of different causes. For instance, you might find that your hair is thinner if you have used certain medications. It’s also possible that this has been a side effect of stress. Regardless of the cause, there are a few different ways to deal with it. If it’s due to damage to your hair, you could be brave and shave it off. It’s a well known fact that if you shave the hair off then it tends to grow back thicker. You might also want to think about using a shampoo that heals your hair. Alternatively, if the problem is severe enough then you could also consider covering it with a wig. There’s no shame in this. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the best ways to handle the most embarrassing beauty issues. These problems could be causing massive drains to your self confidence. Luckily, there are options on how you can tackle each one and ensure that you feel far better when you look in the mirror. 

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Great Hair, Don’t Care

Candy WashingtonComment
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Image Credit: Pixabay CC0 License

Hi lovelies,

“A woman who changes her hair is about to change her life.” - Coco Chanel

There’s no doubt that looking good makes a woman feel good. Beauty rituals and fashion choices can boost your self-confidence . They simultaneously influence the views of others. There are many contributing factors to consider when building your new look, but hair deserves even greater attention.

Follow these steps to master your new hairstyle, and 2021 will be a far happier year. 

The Cut & Color
Not every woman wants to pay hundreds of dollars for their haircut, which is fine. Nonetheless, you deserve a professional cut, especially when opting for a new style. For starters, an expert will be able to discuss the latest trends with you in detail. Crucially, their advice can extend to what solutions will suit your hair thickness and general look.

The right hairstyle will help shape your face and provide definition. Moreover, the best cut will also provide the versatility to be quickly changed to other styles. This will allow you to match any recreational or professional setting. In turn, you’ll feel far more confident with your appearance day after day.

In addition to the style, you should consider the color. Whether it’s a tried and tested classic or a modern trend is up to you. Either way, you can express a lot about your personality with the right selection. Likewise, you may want to think about your natural complexion, as well as your go-to fashion and beauty choices.

The Home Care & Styling
It’s one thing to leave the salon feeling like a million dollars. However, the benefits are significantly reduced if you cannot maintain the look. Therefore, it’s crucial that you think about the home care and styling elements too. With the right purchases, it will be possible to reduce your frequency of salon visits. In turn, this will save ample time and money.

Finding the perfect blowout curling iron puts you in control of beautiful locks day after day. Meanwhile, a reliable hair dryer is advised for most women too. This should be complemented by shampoos, conditioners, and mists that are matched to your hair type. Natural ingredients are preferred too.

The home styling and hair care rituals can make all the difference to your winning hairstyle. Aside from keeping the color and shine, the right steps will slow the presence of split ends and damage. Furthermore, the move can actively reduce the long-term regression to your healthy hair. If that doesn’t inspire you to take charge, nothing will.

The Accessories
When creating your new hair look, it’s vital to remember that the hairstyle isn’t your only concern. In truth, it’s equally important to think about the accessories that may be worn. From simple headbands to more telling braids accessories, you must ensure that the impact of those items is taken into account.

Of course, you can adapt to the situation if the initial results don’t work. Still, hair accessories should be more than an afterthought. When they are able to unlock the true potential of your hair, you’ll have all the more reason to smile.

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Beauty Treatments You Might Want to Give a Go

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Considering beauty treatments? While it’s extremely important to remember that we are constantly sold beauty ideals by industries that aim to sell us products that alter our image, dabbling in beauty treatments for your own sake and because you enjoy it is fine too! Now, there are countless beauty treatments out there that can leave you feeling fresh and relaxed, here are just a few that you might want to take into consideration!

Eyebrow Threading
There are always going to be different trends when it comes to eyebrows. From pencil thin brows to thick and fluffy brows, the types of eyebrows that have been on trend have changed year by year. Now, whether you want to try out the latest trend or whether you simply want to neaten up or enhance your natural brow shape, chances are you’ve dabbled in a few eyebrow treatments at some point or another. Plucking. Waxing. But nowadays, one of the most popular eyebrow treatments out there is eyebrow threading. Threading is by no means new. It’s derived from ancient Easter practice. When you get your eyebrows threaded, a professional will use a piece of cotton thread to gently pull hairs from your brows, accurately shaping them as you please. This is a great treatment for those with sensitive skin who value precision!

Now, you may not have heard of coolsculpting before, but this non invasive treatment can have great results. During the treatment, a hand-held applicator will be used to gently draw excess fat and skin in the suction cup. You may feel a slight pull and pressure and will begin to feel cold quickly and within 5-10 minutes the areas treated will feel numb, so you needn’t worry about the treatment being uncomfortable. The aim? Moving fat cells. But Does CoolSculpting really work? Yes! Why not give it a go?

Facial Peels
The majority of us have used some sort of exfoliant or exfoliating scrub on our skin before. Generally, the aim is to remove dead skin cells and leave a glowing visage. But if you want to go all out and see potentially better results, you may want to consider a professional facial peel. This will see a specialist use an approved and safe peel on your face, removing dead skin and exposing a whole layer of new skin beneath.

Eyelash Extensions
Tired of using mascara to extend your lashes? Well, why not consider eyelash extensions. This semi-permanent treatment will see a professional apply individual fake lashes to your own, giving you a fuller bodied look. Just make sure to fully discuss the type and style of lashes you’d like with your practitioner before the treatment to ensure perfect results.

Sure, there are an endless number of other potential treatments out there to try. But here are just a few! We’ve tried to keep things varied. If any appeal to you, why not find a specialist in your area and book in?

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Dressing for Success: How to Feel Confident When Working From Home

Candy WashingtonComment
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Image Source:

Hi lovelies,

When you purchase a new dress or a fresh tube of eyeliner, you likely feel confident and sexy. This encouraging feeling radiates throughout your entire body, giving you a glow and a rejuvenation that helps you to feel like the best version of yourself. Throughout the period of time that many individuals have been working from home, there has been an increase in people who feel gloomy, isolated, and depressed. Although clothes cannot heal everything, they can help you get out a funk and remember the beauty that you embody. On top of your style, your self-care rituals can help you see success in all of your daily endeavors. In this article, we will share the ways that dressing for success can improve your level of confidence each and every day.

1. Self-Empowerment
When you take the initiative to get dressed up, even on a lazy day, you are showing yourself love. You will likely feel proud of the motivation that you have to get up and look great even when nothing is on the calendar. This empowerment allows you to have energy towards the tasks on your to-do list.

2. Encouragement
During the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have lost control of their hair cut schedule, dentist appointments, and shopping habits. Although these activities are now performed differently, they are still important. When you are not taking care of yourself, you will likely feel lonely and discouraged. By gaining the momentum to put on a fresh pair of jeans and schedule a telehealth appointment with your dentist, you will feel encouraged by your productivity. It is important to practice self-care by taking the time to care for yourself.

3. Excitement
Getting ready for a big party or date is often an exciting part of an evening. By taking the time to get dressed up, you can gain excitement about the day ahead. This energy may give you a renewed sense of energy while getting on a call or talking with your coworkers. If you need motivation to dress for success, consider getting a beautiful new skirt designed by Dainty Jewells.

4. Boundaries
When you dress for success, you can set necessary boundaries between your work life and your personal life. As you get up and get dressed for the day, you can settle into your work schedule. After work, you can choose to get back into your comfy clothes for the evening. When you set this physical boundary between your work life and your personal life, you will see an increase in productivity both professionally and personally.

5. Power
When you are dressed well, you feel empowered to get the job done. In a t-shirt and sweatpants, you may feel that disempowered or incapable. In heels and a bomb hairdo, you feel the agency to get a job done well.

Being comfortable is a huge benefit to working from home. Although this is beneficial to your comfortability, it can be a huge disadvantage to your productivity. Instead of looking like a hot mess all day everyday, dress for success and experience success in your role.

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Beauty Secrets That Improve Self Confidence

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Beauty is a physical and psychological interpretation of what looks good to or on a person. In most cases, what classifies as beautiful lends credence to building and maintaining self-confidence. Did you know attractiveness goes beyond how you look? It is also about how to take care of yourself and how you feel about your looks. Self-confidence boosts the emotional and mental capacities of an individual, which reflects on their overall outlook. In a study, 81% of women admitted to practicing regular self-care routines. Out of this, 45% revealed their self-confidence is a result of beauty routines. Here are some beauty secrets you can use to boost your self-confidence.

1. Regular steam facials
Steam unlocks your pores and helps to loosen and deep cleanse any dirt accumulation on (and under) the skin. By opening up the skin pores, the steam begins to soften black and whiteheads. Ultimately, these are easier to remove after such self-care treatments. The combination of warm steam and perspiration improves blood circulation in the face as the warm mist dilates blood vessels, making it easier for blood to flow with ease. To reduce the risk of scalding your epidermis and causing complications such as scarring, dermatologists recommend using steam facials once a week if you have normal skin. However, if you are battling acne, pimples, and clogged pores, it is advisable to do so twice a week.

2. Stay hydrated
In all the beauty treatments you may add to your routine, increasing your water intake comes with many advantages. Water keeps your skin supple and gives it a constant glow. As you go about your day, you shed dead skin cells. Your body requires moisture, which you get from water, to regenerate these dead cells. In addition to increasing your water intake, you should form a habit of moisturizing your skin regularly. A moisturizer helps the outermost part of the skin to hold water for longer, which prevents dryness. Also, an excellent moisturizing base helps bring out the fiercest eyeshadow in the most pigmented eyeshadow palettes.

3. Indulge in professional skin treatments
Sometimes, professional skin treatment is what you need to give your appearance that needed  self-confidence boost. Admittedly, not all your beauty routines are home regimens; a professional is well-trained to diagnose and treat those skin concerns you hide under makeup. For example, Rosacea, sun spots, acne scars, among others, require expert help. In addition to the specialized care, you should endeavor to eat a well-balanced meal regularly, have adequate sleep, and hit the gym. Your entire body will benefit from the excellent results of altering your lifestyle to boost appearance and confidence.

Beauty plays a role in your level of confidence. Being happy with your appearances builds your self-esteem, which in turn builds your confidence. Making deliberate efforts to have a healthier and more radiant body gives you the power of a thousand suns and all the confidence you need to make yourself a better you. 

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5 Principles That Guarantee You'll Dress Well The Whole Year

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

It’s Saturday night, and you’re rummaging through your wardrobe looking for something to wear. But no matter how many clothes you have - and you seem to have a lot of them - nothing looks quite right. It doesn’t matter what combination of shirt you wear with pants or dress with shoes, it all looks terrible. 

If you’ve been through this experience, you’re not alone. It turns out that there’s some good science to explain why bigger wardrobes aren’t necessarily better ones. And it all comes down to complementarity. You might have a lot of clothes that are individually stunning as garments. But if they don’t suit each other, the season, or your body type, you’re going to struggle. 

With the right principles, though, you can turn this sorry situation around and make it work for you. So what should you do? 

Get Rid Of The Old

Over time, your wardrobe can become a little stale. Outfits that once looked great on you no longer have the same appeal. 

Getting rid of the old is, therefore, a great way to help simplify matters. It won’t improve your ability to dress well. It will at least show you the current state of play - the clothes you have to work with right now. 

Buy Dress-It-Up Accessories
Sometimes shirts and blouses can look a little “flat.” When you saw them on models, they looked trendy and stylish. But when you finally come to wear them yourself, there’s just no passion or life. 

However, look a little closer, and you’ll notice that most brands “dress up” their clothes with accessories. If your dress isn’t playing ball, try adding a waistband to show off your figure. If your blouse is doing nothing for you, try adding a bow tie - you get the picture. 

Dress For The Season
Wearing ladies Christmas t shirts over the holiday season is fine, but by the time it gets around to Easter, they should be back in your drawers. The same goes for your hotpants in the summer. They’re great when the weather is warm, and the sun is shining, but in deepest, darkest December, they’re no good at all. 

Dressing for the season can be a lot of fun because it allows you to be more adventurous. You don’t have to stick with tried-and-tested styles. 

Learn The Rules Of Showing Skin
When it comes to showing skin, you want to focus on showing one body part at a time. For instance, if you have a lot of cleavage on a dress, try leaving the arms and legs covered. Likewise, if you expose the arms, leave the chest and lower neck covered.

Get Your Jeans Adjusted
Finding the perfect pair of jeans is a massive challenge. Usually, you can have stylish or well-fitting, but not both at the same time. And that isn’t very pleasant. 

Getting your jeans adjusted, however, is a great way to sidestep this problem. Tailors can adjust the stitching, and the hems to baggy jeans hug your body better. 

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How Braces Change Your Face Shape And Make You Look Younger

Candy Washington1 Comment

Hi lovelies,

If you have crooked teeth, you may be considering braces to correct them. But did you know that braces don’t just straighten your teeth, they can also completely change the shape of your face? If you are unsure whether braces are right for you or not, it’s worth considering the impact that they have on your face as a whole and how they can improve your face shape. These are some of the ways that braces can change your face shape. 

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Source - Pixabay CCO License

Correcting Overbite And Underbite 
Although braces are a common treatment option for people that have crooked teeth and want to perfect their smile, they are often used to treat overbite and underbite as well. Overbite is when your top teeth extend far beyond your bottom teeth, while underbite is when the bottom teeth stick out further. If you have an overbite, it gives you an undefined lower jaw and a weak chin. If you have an underbite, it makes your cheeks look very sunken. However, if you have braces to correct this, it will also improve your facial shape and make your jawline far more pronounced. 

Improving The Jawline
Even if you don’t have an overbite or underbite, braces can sometimes improve your jawline. As long as they are fitted by an experienced orthodontist, your braces can alter the shape of your jawline by straightening your teeth. In some cases, extra treatments can be used to make bigger alterations to the jaw to give you a stronger facial shape. 

Changing The Shape Of Your Mouth 
The shape of your mouth is directly affected by the way that your teeth sit. Many people with crooked teeth find that their mouth is quite stretched and it is often difficult to close your mouth fully, especially if you have an overbite. Getting braces to straighten your teeth and correct your bite will make a huge difference to the shape of your mouth and make it look a lot more natural. Braces change the shape of your lips as well. Many people find that, as their teeth move into better positions, their lips become fuller

Making You Look Younger 
If you are looking for ways to reverse the signs of aging, there are so many products and treatments out there that family & cosmetic dentistry professionals can recommend. But having braces might actually be the best thing for you. By fixing your crooked teeth and improving your facial shape, you give yourself a more youthful appearance. The changes to your jawline also help to tighten the skin around your chin and mouth, which irons out wrinkles.

If you are not sure about getting braces, it’s important to remember that it will change your overall facial appearance and make you look younger as well. You will also feel a lot more confident and that has a big impact on the way that you look too because you won’t be afraid to show off your smile. As long as you have your braces fitted by an experienced orthodontist, they will completely transform your look. 

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Try These Tips To Look Naturally Beautiful Without Makeup

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

There is no argument that the beauty industry is flooded with so many makeup products and brands that we forget it is possible to achieve that flawless look without using them. Sometimes, putting aside the makeup kit for a few days comes with many benefits, especially when you adopt natural ways to make your face look beautiful. Are you tired of relying solely on your makeup kit to enhance your beauty? Then take a look at the following tips to look naturally beautiful without makeup.

Drink a lot of water
When it comes to skincare, the importance of water cannot be stressed enough. Apart from the fact the human body is made of about 70% water, every system in the body requires water to function correctly. Water is also essential to achieving glowing skin, as it ensures that the latter is hydrated at all times and looking healthy. You should always carry a bottle of water with you everywhere you go to keep you from dehydrating. Ensure that you drink at least eight glasses of water every day to help get rid of toxins from your body. Also, make it a habit to drink at least one or two glasses of water on an empty stomach every morning.

Prep your skin
There are several ways to prep your facial skin to keep it looking smooth, healthy, and radiant. One of such methods is to exfoliate. The skin always sheds dead cells from its surface to renew itself with healthy cells, and this natural exfoliation process helps to promote radiant skin. You can support this process by using a mild exfoliator, which helps eliminate excess dead cells that may end up clogging the pores on your skin, causing acne and blackspots. Alternatively, you can also use the OmniLux Contour FACE treatment to help correct redness and dark spots on your face.

Eat healthily
The kind of food you eat directly affects your skin’s health and appearance- you are indeed what you eat! Therefore, make it a point to add a lot of fruits and veggies to your diet. Foods like sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and oranges are rich in vitamin C, which plays a huge role in promoting healthy skin. Combining such foods with sufficient hydration will ensure that your body stores enough vitamin C to use. Also, foods like flaxseeds and walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids that help moisturize the skin, eliminate skin itch caused by dryness and other skin disorders.

Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep helps to promote radiant skin. Anytime you sleep, your skin’s blood flow increases and gives your skin the chance to repair any damages caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays while rebuilding its collagen. This process does not only help to rejuvenate the skin but also reduces age spots and wrinkles. It is essential to ensure that your body gets at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. And if you have time in the day, you can also enjoy an hour of beauty sleep.

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Why Beauty Influencers Trusts Their Skin to the StemCell Revive At-Home Facial

SkincareCandy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

If there’s one thing that I love it’s supporting other women founders and the fact that I get healthy, clear, and glowing skin at the same time is just an added bonus.

That’s why I’m excited to use StemCell Revive Skin Solutions at-home Stem Cell Facial created by the beautiful and intelligent Majara Belisle. She’s a female founder with the mission of empowering women from the inside out through inner confidence and beautiful skin.


What makes the at-home StemCell Revive facial the essential part of your skincare self-care routine is that you can get a professional-grade facial in the comfort and safety of your own home without going out during these uncertain. You’re taking care of your skin while protecting your health and the health of the facialists. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

The at-home kit comes with their proprietary Intensive Allograft Skin Serum that includes growth factors and polypeptides. It also provides a reusable StemCell Revive Pen that you use to apply the serum onto your skin. But in order to keep your glow and get the most of your facial, it also comes with a 30-day supply of Hyaluronic Essence for continued skincare.

I just started my StemCell Revive skincare journey and I can’t believe my results! My skin is already smoother, clearer, and plumper than ever. Being able to treat and protect my skin at-home has been a game-changer when it comes to the health and vitality of my skin. I look and feel younger, more vibrant, and my joy is shining from the inside-out.

If you want similar results or if you suffer from acne scars, hyper-pigmentation, uneven skin tone, lack of firmness, dry/dehydrated skin, dull skin, and so on, then I highly recommend trying the at-home facial kit for yourself.



Step 1: Mix the serum together to activate.
Step 2: Transfer the serum into the cartridge and insert the cartridge into the Pen.
Step 3:  Apply the serum to your skin in gentle circular motions.


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4 Great Fabrics For A Sustainable Wardrobe

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Most of us are trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle these days, and that means making a lot of changes to the things that we buy. Cutting out things like plastic is the most obvious change that we need to make to our shopping habits, but have you thought about the plastic in your clothes? People don’t always realize it but a lot of clothes are made using plastics and they are not recyclable, which means a lot of plastic ending up in landfill.

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Image From Pixabay CCO License

But it doesn’t have to be that way because there are plenty of eco-friendly alternatives and there is a growing market for sustainable clothing. If you want to reduce your impact on the environment and start making more sustainable clothing purchases, you need to know how to recognize the different eco-friendly fabrics that are available. 

Hemp is one of the best known and most versatile sustainable fabrics there is. It can be used to make all sorts of different items, which you can buy from an online hemp store or eco-friendly clothing retailer. It’s a completely biodegradable, natural fiber that doesn’t require much water to grow. It’s a very durable fabric that is machine washable, so it’s perfect for clothes and bags. The only downside is that it’s not legal to grow hemp in the US, but you can still get it imported. 

Organic Cotton 
A lot of cheaper clothes are a cotton and polyester blend and the polyester isn’t biodegradable. But the cotton is perfectly sustainable, so it’s better to look for 100% cotton clothes instead of a polyester blend. Cotton is a very comfortable, breathable fabric that helps to remove sweat, so it’s perfect for the summer. It’s not quite as sustainable as hemp because it requires a lot of water to grow, but it’s still much better than any plastic based clothing. If you are willing to pay a bit more for organic cotton clothes, you will notice a big difference. 

Lenzing Tencel 
Lenzing Tencel is a brilliant sustainable fabric made from wood pulp, so it’s completely biodegradable. Although some of the chemicals that are used to process the wood into fibers can be harmful to the environment, it is made in a closed loop cycle and all of the chemicals are recycled. It is often blended with cotton to stop it from wrinkling and give it a silk-like feel. 

Silk is one of the most sustainable materials there is and it’s incredibly comfortable and luxurious. You can get some beautiful silk clothes and you don’t need to worry about damaging the environment. However, it is the most expensive of the fabrics on this list and it can’t be machine washed, so it’s not ideal for everyday wear. If you are a vegan, you need to double check that the silk is vegan and the worms are not killed during the manufacturing process. 

If you want to make your wardrobe more sustainable, you should look out for these fabrics next time you buy clothes. 

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How To Look Good While Working Out

Candy WashingtonComment
Pexels. CCO Licensed.

Pexels. CCO Licensed.

Hi lovelies,

Many of us get anxious about the way we look while exercising – especially when at the gym surrounded by perfectly-sculpted fitness enthusiasts. This anxiety may even cause us to avoid exercise. Truth be told, if you’re giving yourself a good workout, you’re never going to look your best. However, you don’t have to feel like an awkward, sweaty mess. Here are just a few great ways to look fantastic while working out.

Wear clothes that are a comfortable fit

If clothing is comfortable and fits properly, you’ll feel better in it – and this will help you to look better in it too. Avoid materials like denim, vinyl and polyester that aren’t particularly breathable. Meanwhile, make sure that clothing isn’t too tight or baggy. Take your time to look for sports bras and leggings that feel snug while also looking stylish.

Consider shapewear

If you’ve got lumps and bumps that you’re embarrassed about, you could consider wearing shapewear to help smooth these out and create more flattering curves. From bust-boosting crop tops to muffin-top-concealing leggings, there are all kinds of shapewear options out there. Good quality shapewear should feel comfortable while also improving your figure.

Choose vibrant colours and designs

Vibrant colours and designs are in. Dressing in these vibrant clothes could help to lift your mood while working out, making you look good and feel better. Sites like Curves N Combatboots have some great eye-catching options to choose from. Certain colour combos and patterns may not always be flattering on everyone – while black can be boring, those wanting to look slimmer may find that it has more of an impact.

Put your hair up

While many of us feel more relaxed with our hair down, it can get sticky and unruly after a workout – which isn’t generally a good look. Styling your hair into an updo such as a high ponytail or a bun will keep it under control and stop it from getting in your face. This guide at Simple Most offers a few examples of great hairstyles for your next workout.

Go easy on the makeup

Makeup while exercising is generally not a good idea as it can lead to blocked pores and spots. If you do need that extra confidence boost, you’re best off sticking to mineral makeup, which tends not to have this effect. Try to keep makeup natural so that it doesn’t look like you’re trying too hard.

Take a towel

If you sweat a lot, make sure to take a towel that you can dab yourself with. You could even try a sports sponge to help soak up the sweat. This should stop you from getting too sticky while working out.

Keep it all clean

Make sure that you’re washing your sports clothing and towels after every workout. Wearing grubby clothing or using a grubby towel will do nothing for your appearance – start every workout in a freshly-washed kit. 

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Must-Have Accessories for a Capsule Closet

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

With the rise of Marie Kondo and her minimalist approach to decluttering, more and more of us are finding that we are giving away our old clothes. If they no longer fit, look good, or spark joy, then it is time to throw them out. Instead, many people are choosing a capsule closet instead, which is all about having a seasonal selection of clothes, that you curate with only a certain number of pieces. They all go together, and that is what you choose each day. For example, you will have shirts that will match all of your pants, and dresses that will match all of your jackets or sweaters. Having your clothes done in this way, really helps you to get the most out of it, but with very minimal effort.

What about accessories, though? Is less more when it comes to your capsule closet and accessories? Here are some of the key pieces that are a must for a capsule way of dressing. They are stylish and look good, but they aren’t pieces that will quickly go out of style; timeless is what you are looking for, if you want to make the most of it.



Black backpack
There is something practical yet stylish about having a backpack in your collection. Not a hiking-style backpack, though. It is all about having a sleek leather (or faux leather) backpack, that can help all of your outfits to look much better. It can work with more casual outfits, and serves a practical purpose too. 

There are a number of scarves out there, that can do a variety of things for your outfits. A thick scarf is a must for winter, but having a lighter option works for all year round. Lighter, more sheer scarves can be tied into hair, around the neck, onto bag straps, and even used as a belt. It can be a good way to jazz up a more plain outfit, so look for one that is fairly bold, but still a little subtle. 

Everyday necklace
Some people love to wear a necklace, whereas for others, it isn’t something that bothers them. If you like to have a necklace to wear, then it is best to choose a necklace that is going to work for everyday. You could choose a sleek, fine chain to wear each day, or perhaps something more like a 14k gold rope chain. When you keep it simple, rather than chunky costume jewelry, then it helps to go with the other items in your capsule closet. 

Quality belt
Having a faux leather belt is one of the things that is another good essential for your closet. Belts can be worn in a number of ways, and they are a practical thing too. With the popular look of tucking in a white shirt with blue jeans, and having a belt on show, it can really be a good look. 

There are a number of items that you could also add in, like sunglasses, or a cross-body bag. But these four essentials are a good place to start, if you’re planning to have a more minimalist or capsule closet.

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Why Every Beauty Influencer is using SeneGence's Advanced SenePlex+® Renewal Serum with Retinol

Beauty, SkincareCandy Washington1 Comment
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Hi lovelies,

One of the things that have kept me grounded and joyful during this quarantine has been having a solid self-care routine in place that included taking the time to care for my skin in an intentional way.

This means making sure that the products that I use are effective and contains ingredients that are good for my skin from the inside out, because that’s when I feel the most confident, when I’m shining from within and with radiant and smooth skin.

That’s why I love incorporating the new Advanced SenePlex+® Renewal Serum with Retinol by SeneGence into my nightly skincare routine.

Since I’m new to using retinol, the new serum is perfect since it uses the optimal percentage of retinol in its formula so it won’t cause irritation on my skin.

I’m also easing into using the serum by using it once a week to start, then I’ll add in more days as my skin adjusts to the retinol. Using a daily broad spectrum SPF is also highly recommended and I like using a lightweight SPF 50.

So if you’re like me, and you’re ready to add in an extra boost of self-care to your skincare routine, then check out the beauty scoop below on the new Advanced SenePlex+® Renewal Serum with Retinol by SeneGence.

Key Performing Ingredients

SenePlex+™ Complex: proprietary complex that helps decrease visible signs of aging and skin rejuvenation.

Nano Retinol: micro encapsulated delivery system offers sustained-release throughout the night during the skin’s renewal cycle. Visibly improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, texture, and radiance.

Nephoria: retinatural active from the leaves of rambutan super fruit helps to rejuvenate the skin in a similar pathway to that of retinol, thereby complementing retinol’s activity.

Matrixyl® 3000 OS: is the complex of Palmitoyl Tripeptide-1 and Palmitoyl Tripeptide-7. These peptides help to support the skin’s elasticity and texture for a supple & firm appearance.

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BIO-Placenta: a synthetic blend with five major growth factors and peptides that work to target the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin.

Hymagic-4D™:  Sodium Hyaluronate complex with four different types HAs to deeply moisturize the skin.

Meadowfoam Seed Oil is sustainably sourced oil from Oregon that helps to moisturize & soothe and support the skin’s ability to maintain a healthy-looking glow.

Supporting Beneficial Ingredients
Rice Extract:
 conditions and softens the skin.

Aloe Vera Leaf Juice & Kelp Extract: moisturize, soothe and calm the skin.

Rosemary Leaf Extract, Sunflower Extract, and Vitamin E: Effective antioxidants that help protect skin from environmental factors.

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7 Tips To Make Your Clothes Last Longer

Candy WashingtonComment


Hi lovelies,

With more and more people discovering the negative effects of fast fashion, some people will now be looking for ways to keep their clothes in excellent condition for longer. To be able to maintain clothes, it all starts with having clothes that you love. This means that when you do buy clothes, think about how much you like them, their practicalities and if they fit into your wardrobe. No matter if you like to have a comfortable wardrobe, a smart wardrobe, or something in between, there are things that you can do to keep your clothes looking great.

Stain removal pen
A great tip is to carry a stain removal pen with you in your bag. This means that you can remove stains on the go as soon as they happen so that the stain has less of a chance of ruining your favourite piece of clothing.

Air dry your clothes
If possible, you should try to dry your clothes outside on a clothesline, or on a drying rack. Not only will not using a dryer reduce your energy bills, but it will also ensure that your clothes aren’t getting overheated. Drying some clothes in the dryer can cause them to shrink, and can even break down the elasticity of other clothing items, making them stretch in unwanted places. 

Regularly clean wardrobes and drawers
Having clean wardrobes and drawers can help keep your clothes smelling fresher for longer. You could even put dried lavender in your drawers to keep them smelling nice. 

Keeping wardrobes clean is also the best way to prevent moth infestations. If you think you have a moth infestation you can read more about how to stop moths eating your clothes

Read clothing labels
Most garments have care labels sewn into them. Before you wash or dry an item of clothing, you should read the care label and follow the instructions. This will be the best way to keep them in the best possible condition, so try not to ignore them.

Stitch holes
If a button comes loose, or a small hole starts to develop in a clothing item, try to mend it as soon as possible. Not only will the fix be more straightforward when it is smaller, but it will also prevent the garment from becoming unfixable. It may take you a few practices to become neat with your stitching, but sewing with a needle and thread isn’t too hard if you take your time.

Buy quality hangers
The type of hanger that you use to hang your clothes can make a big difference to how long a garment lasts. Using a thin wire hanger can put stress on the garment at the shoulders, and even rip or damage more delicate fabrics. Wooden or quality plastic hangers are a better option as they will give your clothing the support they need.

Zips and buttons
Before you wash your clothes, make sure that you do up all the zips, buttons, drawstrings, velcro, and any other fastening so that they don’t snag on other pieces of clothing.

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How Technology Is Changing Our Definition of Beautiful

Candy WashingtonComment
Image credit.

Image credit.

Hi lovelies,

Beauty. It's a market that is responsible for countless jobs, endless branding, and a whole lot of self-consciousness. Everybody wants to be beautiful, and through the ages, the definitions of beauty have shifted through cultures, societies and periods. In 1950s America, the ideal version of female beauty was all about curves; voluptuous women held the keys to the beauty kingdom. Look forward to the 1990s, and it was the exact opposite - it was all about being supermodel skinny. But whichever way the pendulum swings, there have always been standards that are impossible to meet. 

Now, in the 21st Century, we can look at beauty with more trained eyes. Women have stood up to ridiculous beauty standards, breaking down what makes us miserable about the beauty world. While there are still barriers to overcome, women are encouraged more than ever to embrace their own version of beautiful - and it's mostly down to technology.

Embracing disabled beauty
Disability activists have made disabled beauty a priority in recent years, with the help of incredible technology. Although having a disability has previously come with stigma and low self-esteem, significant steps are being taken to change that. Wearing a hearing aid, for example, is being embraced as a beautiful addition to a woman's body. Deaf entrepreneur Jenni Ahtiainen is the creator of DEAFMETAL jewellery, designed to embellish hearing aids as a beauty stamp. She writes on Instagram, "The Joy Collection is changing the attitude and lifestyle of hard of hearing people." The modern technology of slimmer, more subtle hearing aids combined with stunning embellishments, has enabled deaf women to embrace their disability as a thing of beauty. 

The power of social media
Everyone knows that social media is something of a double-edged sword. It can be easily used as a tool for bullying, and can be addictive too. However, our online lives can be a force for good when we harness social media's connective power. Using platforms like Instagram as a way to boost up other women, rather than bringing them down, has allowed body positivity to flourish. You can use social media to find tips on healthy eating and exercise, and by following other women who inspire you day to day, this technology can transform your idea of beauty. By tapping into the wealth of different shapes and sizes, beauty can come in; you unlock the key to your self-love. It's not about wanting to look like a perfect model influencer, but rather finding peace because there are a million different ways to be beautiful. When it's used right, social media is a powerful tool for helping women feel at their most confident. 

In the end, it's all about stepping out of your comfort zone and looking at yourself with loving eyes. Saying no to the voices in your head who try to bring you down is an uphill battle, but with the aid of technology, we're one step closer to embracing our beautiful selves, just as we are. 

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Why Every Beauty Influencer Trusts Their Lashes to GrandeLASH-MD Lash Enhancing Serum

Beauty, Skincare, Make-upCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

When it comes to loving my natural beauty and as a beauty and skincare blogger, my number one skincare goal is to wear nothing but moisturizer and sunscreen on fresh clean skin with my eyes being the hero of my face. In order to achieve my ultimate look, this means trusting the health, length, and strength of my lashes to GrandeLASH-MD Lash Enhancing Serum.

GrandeLASH-MD Lash Enhancing Serum lets me wear my real lashes with confidence without the need for added lashes, eyeliner, or mascara. But even when I am ready to get all dolled up, I love how my lashes are strong and long and my make-up just enhances my natural beauty rather than trying to cover up or hide anything.

So if you’re looking for a way to let your inner beauty shine from the inside out and let your lashes do the talking, then check out the beauty scoop on how to enhance your natural lashes with GrandeLASH-MD Lash Enhancing Serum.

GrandeLASH-MD Lash Enhancing Serum

Shop: here

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The Influencer Stay-at-Home Skincare Routine with BCBGeneration

Beauty, SkincareCandy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

I hope everyone is bunkered down and staying safe during our global quarantine. A part of my self-care routine is redefining the what it means to be safer-at-home and I refuse to call it a lock-down, but rather, I choose to embrace it as a reboot. It’s time to reboot my routines, how I take care of myself, how I run my business, and how I take care of my relationships with friends and family.

Another way that I’ve maintained a sense of joy and consistency during this reboot is by implementing a daily skincare routine that gives me the time and space to slow down, focus on myself, and reconnect with my body.

I wanted to share a few of my go-to products from one of my favorite brands, BCBGeneration, because to me, being intentional in those moments to feel my skin, smell the scents of the products, and enjoy them feel against my skin. It’s my personal time to reconnect with myself and I hope you enjoy them as well. Stay safe and healthy.

The Influencer Stay-at-Home Skincare Routine with BCBGeneration



  • Our detoxifying peel off mask purifies clogged pores, resulting in a revitalized, uplifted appearance to tired, dull, dry looking skin. The coconut and aloe vera help to hydrate, rejuvenate and revive skin, revealing an improved skin tone and texture.

    • 150 mL

    • Coconut extract: helps moisturize and smoothe skin

    • Aloe vera extract: helps cool and calm skin irritation and redness

    • Hyaluronic acid: rehydrates skin helping to reduce signs of aging

  • Suggested Usage:

    • Clean and dry face

    • Spread mask evenly over face, avoiding contact with eyes and lips

    • Leave on for 15 minutes or until dry.

    • Starting at the outer edges, gently peel off mask

    • Rinse off any excess residue with warm water

    • Use 1-2 times per week on all skin types

This set of 5 sheet masks are infused with collagen, chamomile, and aloe vera to help hydrate and calm dry, cracked skin.

  • Collagen: tightens, tones, and smoothes skin

  • Aloe vera extract: cools and calms irritation and redness

  • Cucumber extract: moisturizes and soothes skin to even skintone and reduce puffiness

  • Chamomile extract: calms and reduces skin irritation

  • Licorice extract: reduces skin irritation to prevent signs of aging

  • Suggested Usage:

    • Clean and dry face

    • Gently tear open the sachet, remove mask and unfold

    • Place mask directly onto face and smooth out to ensure skin contact

    • Leave on for 15 minutes

    • Once complete, remove mask and rub in remaining liquid

    • Dispose of mask in trash receptacle (do not flush)

    • Gentle enough for daily use on all skin types


Our firming day cream replenishes dry, rough skin while helping to minimize dark spots. Provides all-day hydration while tightening and toning skin.

  • 50 mL

  • Collagen: tightens, tones, and smooths the skin, improving elasticity

  • Aloe vera extract: cools and calms irritation and redness

  • Cucumber extract: moisturizes and soothes, evens skintone and reduces puffiness

  • Suggested Usage:

    • Apply every morning to a cleansed face and neck area.

Features: Our firming night cream is an intense skin treatment that helps restore the skins natural elasticity while you sleep. Collagen and cucumber hydrates, brightens, and restores the skin's natural elasticity.

  • 50 mL

  • Collagen: tightens, tones, and smoothes

  • Aloe vera extract: cools and calms irritation and redness

  • Cucumber extract: moisturizes and soothes, evens skintone and reduces puffiness

  • Suggested Usage:

    • Apply every evening to a cleansed face and neck area.


A light-weight firming under-eye cream, infused with collagen, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C, that helps hydrate, brighten, tighten and tone under eye area.

  • 50 mL

  • Collagen: tightens, tones, and smooths skin, resulting in improved elasticity

  • Aloe vera extract: cools and calms irritation and redness

  • Cucumber extract: moisturizes and soothes to even skintone and reduce puffiness

  • Vitamin C: repairs damaged, dry, cracked skin

  • Suggested Usage:

    • Gently pat along the orbital bone and under eye area from your temples towards the bridge of your nose.

Features: These firming under-eye masks contain collagen, the same natural protein found in the skin. Added coconut and vitamin C hydrates, brightens, and de-puffs under eyes for a glowing complexion.

  • Collagen: adds elasticity for firmer-looking skin

  • Vitamin C: helps repair damaged, dry skin

  • Aloe vera extract: cools and calms irritation and redness

  • Cucumber extract: moisturizes and soothes skin to even skintone and reduce puffiness

  • Suggested Usage:

    • Clean and dry face

    • Tear open pouch and remove masks

    • Place one mask under each eye, be careful to avoid eye contact. Leave on for 15 minutes.

    • Once complete, remove and gently pat in remaining liquid

    • Dispose masks in trash receptacle (do not flush)

Features: Transform your lips from dehydrated to nourished, instantly. This set of 5 lip masks hydrate and repair damaged lips while firming and shaping to leave lips looking full and plump.

  • Collagen: helps plump, firm and shape lips

  • Vitamin C: helps repair damaged, cracked, dry lips

  • Cucumber extract: moisturizes and soothes to even skintone and reduce puffiness

  • Aloe vera extract: cools and calms irritation and redness

  • Suggested Usage:

    • Clean and dry lips

    • Tear open pouch and remove mask

    • Place mask on lips, smoothing out to ensure skin contact. Leave on for 15 minutes

    • Once complete, remove mask and gently pat in remaining liquid

    • Dispose mask in trash receptacle (do not flush)

Features: A trio of creamy liquid shadows with pigmented shimmer finishes. Eyeshadow glides on flawlessly and dries quickly for shimmering color that lasts. The lightweight formula can be layered with other shadows or worn alone.

  • Paraben-free

  • Includes Mica: “nature's glitter” - a mineral ingredient used to add shimmer and sparkle

  • 3 Shades: Bronzed (metallic bronze), Bubbly (pale light gold), and Magic (purple with a silver shimmer)

  • Suggested Usage:

    • Apply to eyelids for lasting color

    • Mix, match, and blend as desired

    • Use the lighter shades to highlight: Apply over entire eyelid, along brow bone, and inner eye corners

    • Use neutrals and mid-tones to blend: Apply to eye crease to crea


Features: Featuring 12 versatile pressed pigment shades in romantic hues. Each shade is buildable and blendable for a limitless color combinations and a variety of looks. Mixed textures including matte, shimmer, and metallic finishes. Includes a built-in mirror for easy use at home or on the go.

  • Paraben-free

  • Talc-free

  • Suggested Usage:

    • Apply to eyelids for lasting color

    • Mix, match, and blend as desired

    • Use the lighter shades to highlight: Apply over entire eyelid, along brow bone, and inner eye corners

    • Use neutrals and mid-tones to blend: Apply to eye crease to create depth

    • Use darker shades to sculpt: Apply along lash line for definition

*Descriptions and features courtesy of

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The Influencer Stay-at-Home Skincare and Beauty Guide

Make-up, Beauty, SkincareCandy Washington1 Comment

Hi lovelies,

First and foremost, I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe. Please know that you are not alone and we’re all in this together. Regardless of what’s going on in the outside world, I always like to find the purpose, positivity, and silver lining, so that’s why I pulled together a list of my favorite skincare and beauty brands that are giving me a little joy while being safer at-home to share with you all.

One of the ways that I’m mindfully taking care of myself while sheltering in place with my family is honoring the private moments of taking care of my body with skincare and beauty products that are not only gentle on my skin but also kind to the Earth as well.

Please enjoy the list below and don’t forget to take a little time to take care of yourself first.

The Influencer Stay-at-Home Skincare and Beauty Guide

Mineral Air Skin Renewal Serum Skincare System

This touchless, simple-to-use, two-piece working wonder gives you rapid response hydration for the lightest sheer glow on the go.

Our Renewal Serum contains renewing (EGF & Apple Stem Cell), hydrating (Hyaluronic Acid), brightening (Vitamin C & B3) and balancing (Sea Salt & Seaweed Extract) ingredients for more radiant, youthful looking skin.

The ElixerMist Device delivers the Renewal Serum as greaseless, micro-sized drops enabling faster, efficient absorption.

Luxuriously soft and totally touchless, this cool serum mist works instantly to restore the look of radiant, youthful looking skin.

*My favorite thing about the Mineral Air Skin Renewal Serum Skincare System is how soft, plump, and hydrated my skin feels after each use. Plus, the serum is clean, cruelty-free, and vegan.

Serum Kind: Black Blossom Drop

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Royal Skin Barrier
from Black Tulip 'Barrier Serum', a highly concentrated powder extracted from the Dutch Black Tulip, provides healthy and firm skin care.

Serum Kind: Youth & Glow

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Double anti-aging promising light and vitality
Double anti-aging 'shining serum' that maximizes synergy by encapsulating the root oil and wild fruit oil effective for antioxidant.

Alleyoop Slow Your Roll All-Natural Deodorant - Pomegranate

Details: As ambitious as you are, Slow Your Roll is more than just an aluminum-free, all-natural deodorant. With a unique blend of 100% natural essential oils, it keeps you fresh and slows hair regrowth over time. Plus, it’s small enough to go where you go. It’s basically deodorant with superpowers.

In case you’re wondering: cruelty-free, vegan, paraben-free, aluminum-free

*My favorite thing about Alleyoop All-Natural Deodorant is it’s sweet and fresh pomegranate scent. Aromatherapy is a powerful way to calm and soothe your mood and I love the feeling I get when I deeply inhale the pomegranate scent.

Rahua Omega 9 Hair Mask

Crafted from plant-based ingredients, this intensive, professional-strength conditioning hair mask is designed to work like an in-salon treatment, deeply penetrating the hair shaft and fortifying it from root to tip, leaving hair strong, soft, shiny, and hydrated. Naturally scented with calming lavender and uplifting eucalyptus. Best for all hair types.

*My favorite thing about the Rahua Omega 9 Hair Mask is how strong and thick my hair feels after I rinse it out. I also like to leave it on a bit longer, for about 15-30 minutes. Their tagline, “Beauty is Power” also really speaks to me as I believe beauty comes from within.

Iris&Romeo Best Skin Days + Lip Balm
Shop 5-in-1 Skincare + Dewy Coverage Broad Spectrum SPF 25:
Shop Power Peptide Lip Balm:

This 5-in-1-breakthrough formula is a serum, moisturizer, sheer coverage, sunscreen, and blue light/pollution protector.

An instant skin beautifier that gives natural coverage and a dewy, glowy finish.

Also while protecting against UVA and UVB sunlight and oxidative stress caused from blue light.

Dot a small amount on forehead, cheeks, nose and chin and smooth over face with fingertips, beauty blender, or foundation brush.

Melts into skin just like a moisturizer. For extra dry skin, apply over a freshly moisturized face.

We set out to make a lip balm that doesn't dry you out, and this is a game changer. The 3-in-1 rich, buttery balm is also a plumping and hydrating treatment with buildable color. Made with clinical levels of collagen-boosting biomimetic triple-peptides that increase lip volume and firmness, while deeply hydrating. Our exclusive rose wax is blended using nutritious oils and moisturizing butters including Bulgarian rosa damascena, rosa centifolia, shea butter, rose hip oil, and camellia oil.

What It Does
Makeup: Buildable pigment and long-lasting formula.

Skincare: Collagen-boosting peptides increase lip volume and firmness, while deeply hydrating the lips. Biomimetic Peptides at "active" levels stimulate collagen production.

*My favorite thing about Iris&Romeo products is that they are all vegan and cruelty free.

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The Ultimate Blogger Guide to Finding Your It-Girl Style Spirit Animal with eBay

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

It’s Wednesday, which means I’m on the hunt for the picture perfect image to represent my choice for my “Woman Crush Wednesday” shout out on Instagram and Twitter. But the selection of super cool girls that are currently killing the game can be a bit overwhelming with each girl offering their own unique style elements that make them #wcw-worthy. 
Cara Delevingne’s snarky sense of humor is equally matched to her chic and effortless style while Kendall Jenner’s on-the-go outfits are always on-point. Let’s not forget about Gigi Hadid, who has the most enviable closet from NYC to LA, and Chanel Iman’s arsenal of designer, vintage, and street style pieces would make any fashionista drool with envy. 
Even though it was a super tough choice, I’ve decided to show some social media love to Chanel Iman for this week’s #wcw since she’s the coolest party girl that’s dominating “the scene” and is definitely my style spirit animal when it comes to being both boho-chic and stylishly sophisticated.  
But beyond style, these girls exude an inner confidence and intelligence that elevates them to #girlboss spirit animal status. So if you’re like me, and need a little guidance in determining who’s your style spirit animal and #wcw, then check out my guide below and easily start to unleash your inner it-girl. 
And don’t fret, just as the trends come and go, we have plenty of #wcw’s to showcase and share our many it-girl style spirit animals. 

KENDALL JENNER: "Model Off Duty" It-Girl Style

Kendall is your style spirit animal if you love to wear the runway the real way and if you’re able to rock high-waisted jeans, a crop top, and loafers with effortless ease. You also love to look casually chic while running errands, coming from Yoga class, or grabbing your favorite beverage from Starbucks. 

Get the look: 
Crop tops 
High-waist jeans 
Ankle combat boots

GIGI HADID: "The Icon" It-Girl Style

Gigi is your style spirit animal if you want to reach icon status when it comes to your look. You’ll love wearing timeless and classic pieces while always adding in a bit of your own personal style aesthetic. You also like to be seen everywhere, photographed all the time, and are known for having an enviable signature style. 
Get the look: 
Designer sunglasses 
Camel trench coat 
Nude silk dress 
Beige heels

CHANEL IMAN: "Life of the Party" It-Girl Style

Chanel Iman is your style spirit animal if you love being the center of attention in the best way. Your style is care-free and whimsical and you’re known for posting videos on Instagram of you dancing the night away or singing along to your favorite tunes while on a road trip with your bestie.  
Get the look: 
Boho-chic mini-dress 
Motorcycle bag 
Black booties

CARA DELEVINGNE: "Rocker Chic" It-Girl Style

Cara is your style spirit animal if your uniform is cross between New York chic and London sophisticate which is all black with a sprinkle of white and grey. You also know how to accessorize any outfit which elevates it from basic to blinged out without blinking a perfectly #eyebrowsonfleek eye. 
Get the look: 
Leather jacket 
Boyfriend tee 
Black skinny jeans 
Satchel bag  

Don't forget to check out the other eBay Spring Style Guides here.