How Braces Change Your Face Shape And Make You Look Younger

Candy Washington1 Comment

Hi lovelies,

If you have crooked teeth, you may be considering braces to correct them. But did you know that braces don’t just straighten your teeth, they can also completely change the shape of your face? If you are unsure whether braces are right for you or not, it’s worth considering the impact that they have on your face as a whole and how they can improve your face shape. These are some of the ways that braces can change your face shape. 

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Correcting Overbite And Underbite 
Although braces are a common treatment option for people that have crooked teeth and want to perfect their smile, they are often used to treat overbite and underbite as well. Overbite is when your top teeth extend far beyond your bottom teeth, while underbite is when the bottom teeth stick out further. If you have an overbite, it gives you an undefined lower jaw and a weak chin. If you have an underbite, it makes your cheeks look very sunken. However, if you have braces to correct this, it will also improve your facial shape and make your jawline far more pronounced. 

Improving The Jawline
Even if you don’t have an overbite or underbite, braces can sometimes improve your jawline. As long as they are fitted by an experienced orthodontist, your braces can alter the shape of your jawline by straightening your teeth. In some cases, extra treatments can be used to make bigger alterations to the jaw to give you a stronger facial shape. 

Changing The Shape Of Your Mouth 
The shape of your mouth is directly affected by the way that your teeth sit. Many people with crooked teeth find that their mouth is quite stretched and it is often difficult to close your mouth fully, especially if you have an overbite. Getting braces to straighten your teeth and correct your bite will make a huge difference to the shape of your mouth and make it look a lot more natural. Braces change the shape of your lips as well. Many people find that, as their teeth move into better positions, their lips become fuller

Making You Look Younger 
If you are looking for ways to reverse the signs of aging, there are so many products and treatments out there that family & cosmetic dentistry professionals can recommend. But having braces might actually be the best thing for you. By fixing your crooked teeth and improving your facial shape, you give yourself a more youthful appearance. The changes to your jawline also help to tighten the skin around your chin and mouth, which irons out wrinkles.

If you are not sure about getting braces, it’s important to remember that it will change your overall facial appearance and make you look younger as well. You will also feel a lot more confident and that has a big impact on the way that you look too because you won’t be afraid to show off your smile. As long as you have your braces fitted by an experienced orthodontist, they will completely transform your look. 

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