Try These Tips To Look Naturally Beautiful Without Makeup

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

There is no argument that the beauty industry is flooded with so many makeup products and brands that we forget it is possible to achieve that flawless look without using them. Sometimes, putting aside the makeup kit for a few days comes with many benefits, especially when you adopt natural ways to make your face look beautiful. Are you tired of relying solely on your makeup kit to enhance your beauty? Then take a look at the following tips to look naturally beautiful without makeup.

Drink a lot of water
When it comes to skincare, the importance of water cannot be stressed enough. Apart from the fact the human body is made of about 70% water, every system in the body requires water to function correctly. Water is also essential to achieving glowing skin, as it ensures that the latter is hydrated at all times and looking healthy. You should always carry a bottle of water with you everywhere you go to keep you from dehydrating. Ensure that you drink at least eight glasses of water every day to help get rid of toxins from your body. Also, make it a habit to drink at least one or two glasses of water on an empty stomach every morning.

Prep your skin
There are several ways to prep your facial skin to keep it looking smooth, healthy, and radiant. One of such methods is to exfoliate. The skin always sheds dead cells from its surface to renew itself with healthy cells, and this natural exfoliation process helps to promote radiant skin. You can support this process by using a mild exfoliator, which helps eliminate excess dead cells that may end up clogging the pores on your skin, causing acne and blackspots. Alternatively, you can also use the OmniLux Contour FACE treatment to help correct redness and dark spots on your face.

Eat healthily
The kind of food you eat directly affects your skin’s health and appearance- you are indeed what you eat! Therefore, make it a point to add a lot of fruits and veggies to your diet. Foods like sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and oranges are rich in vitamin C, which plays a huge role in promoting healthy skin. Combining such foods with sufficient hydration will ensure that your body stores enough vitamin C to use. Also, foods like flaxseeds and walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids that help moisturize the skin, eliminate skin itch caused by dryness and other skin disorders.

Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep helps to promote radiant skin. Anytime you sleep, your skin’s blood flow increases and gives your skin the chance to repair any damages caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays while rebuilding its collagen. This process does not only help to rejuvenate the skin but also reduces age spots and wrinkles. It is essential to ensure that your body gets at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. And if you have time in the day, you can also enjoy an hour of beauty sleep.

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