How Humidity In Your Home Damages Your Skin

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

If you want to make your skin look amazing, you need to think about how your environment can have an effect. A lot of people don’t realize that high humidity levels can seriously damage your skin and cause a lot of problems. You are more likely to experience high humidity in the hot weather, so you need to take extra steps to combat it in the summer. Here’s everything you need to know about humidity and your skin. 

How Does Humidity Affect Skin?
There are a number of ways that humidity can affect your skin. We are more likely to sweat in humid conditions, which means that there are more oils on your skin. The humidity also causes our pores to open up more, letting in more dirt and making them more likely to get clogged up. So, if your home environment is very humid, you may have a lot more acne breakouts.

However, some people react differently and their sweat glands close up when they are in humid conditions, causing water to collect under the skin. This is how bumpy red heat rashes occur and they can be very difficult to deal with. 

Humid conditions are also a breeding ground for mold in your home. The spores from mold can then get onto your skin and cause itchiness, redness, and lesions. Mold is often caused by leakages into the home as well as humidity, so you need to keep on top of roof repair as well as managing the humidity in your home if you want to protect your skin. Mold can cause some serious skin issues, so it’s very important that you look out for it. 

How To Reduce Humidity In The Home
Luckily, there are some simple ways to reduce humidity levels in your home and improve your skin. Firstly, you should get a humidity monitor so you can check the levels and see if they are too high. If you notice that they are always very high, you should try to ventilate the house as much as possible. Opening a few windows can make a big difference, especially when you are cooking or showering because steam adds to the humidity in a big way. If opening windows isn’t enough, you can buy a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air. 

How To Protect Your Skin
During the summer when humidity levels are high, you need the right skincare products to counteract the effects of the moisture. Using a good quality cleanser is important for stopping acne breakouts and cleaning out your pores. Salicylic acid is a good ingredient to look out for, but be aware that it makes you more sensitive to the sun, so you should apply sunscreen more often. If you suffer from heat rashes, you will have to wait for them to fade naturally in a few days. 

Humidity can cause a lot of problems for your skin, but if you find ways to reduce humidity, you can keep your skin glowing. 

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