
Why Every Healthy Girl Is Trying the Flat Tummy Shake Program

LifestyleCandy Washington1 Comment

Hi lovelies,

Summer has officially kicked-off and it’s no secret that I’ve been working on my summer body, but not in a “get super skinny” kind of way, but in a “get strong, healthy, and confident” kind of way. 

My personal goal for my summer body is just to feel 100% comfortable in my own skin and whatever that looks like for my specific body. It’s a nice change from trying to force my body to look like someone else’s to honoring my body and wanting it to be at its best. 

That’s why I was super excited to try the Flat Tummy Shakes by Flat Tummy Co that’s vegan, dairy-free, soy-free, and gluten-free, and also is fortified with 20 grams of plant-based protein, 22 vitamins and minerals, & over 50 fruits and veggies. Which means it’s clean and good for my body, without just being a quick way to slim down, but more a new lifestyle to build a strong body. 

Plus, the name of the shake says it all, because the name makes me smile and do a little jig when I know that I’m taking care of my body from the inside-out. Since the shake is created as a meal replacement for women, it fits perfectly into my busy lifestyle, but was filling and healthy so I didn’t feel guilty about not “eating.” It’s a great way to add to my already healthy diet because I try be a conscious eater and I also make sure to workout a few times a week. 

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I whip up my morning shakes, that I drink once a day, Monday-Friday, with around 10oz. of my favorite Vanilla Almond Milk and I’m obsessed with the Matcha Tea Flavor. It goes down smoothly and isn’t chalky like other shakes that I’ve tried. I also make sure to drink a lot of water during the my day to stay hydrated and it also helps with not feeling bloated and clear skin. The shakes include a digestive blend of enzymes and probiotics and an omega blend of 6 grams of fiber, to keep my entire body energized along with tummy relief.

I’m still on my Flat Tummy Shakes journey, but I already feel lighter, more energized, and stronger from the inside-out. My tummy is flatter and tighter, which gives me the boost to keep going. 

If you want to be confident with your summer body, then try Flat Tummy Shakes Four Week Program here, and don’t forget to share your journey with us! 

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*Although this is a sponsored post by Flat Tummy Co, all opinions are my own.*

Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center x Candy Washington

LifestyleCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Just because summer is winding down, that doesn't mean that we still shouldn't be working on our summer bodies. I love feeling happy, healthy, and strong all year round, which is why I'm committed to eating consciously, consistently exercising and moving my body, and making sure that I go in for my Exilis Ulta 360 treatments at the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center.

Exilis Ulta 360 is at the intersection of diet and exercise to achieve your body goals. Besides the amazing, warm, and friendly staff at the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center, my favorite part of the treatment is that it's non-invasive, there's no downtime, and it doesn't hurt.

After receiving my second treatment, this time with the lovely Sara Fowler, I saw results even quicker than the first time. Sara was kind, professional, and made me feel at ease during my entire treatment. She took the time to talk to me about my past experience and my future goals with Exilis Ulta 360. The treatment uses the power of radio-frequency and ultrasound to get rid of stubborn fat and bulge while tightening the skin.

My personal areas that need tightening and fat dissolving is my lower tummy and my inner thighs so that's what I've been focusing on during my sessions. I only have four more sessions to go before I complete the full cycle of Exilis Ulta 360, and I cannot wait to see the full results from my treatments.

Missed my experience during my first session? Then check it out here.

Let me know, what are your target areas for fat removal and tightening?

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Physique 57 x Platform LA x Sweaty Betty

LifestyleCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Just because summer is winding down, that doesn't mean that there's still not time to sweat it out!

That's why this past Saturday morning I worked out with the lovely ladies from Physique 57 at Platform LA located in Culver City. We got fit, toned, and lean to an amazing DJ while sporting the latest designs from Sweaty Betty.

After our awesome workout that included using our own body weight along with a small ball, we were treated to Dream Pops, Juice Served Here, Evolve Protein Smoothies, and more.

What I love most about Physique 57 is that you can book a workout class and join in-person, or you can stream workouts so you can get fit from the comfort of your own home or while you're traveling.

The black, blue, and floral design of my Sweaty Betty leggings motivated me to keep going! Who doesn't love looking cute while working out? Plus, the leggings are specially designed to help sculpt your bum, so two birds with one fashionable stone.

Let me know, how are you staying fit these days?

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Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center: Say Goodbye To Body Fat

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Even though the sweet days of summer are quickly winding down, it's never too late to get fit and toned for a shapely summer body that's uniquely right for you. That's why I trusted the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center to help me on journey to my best body ever, which means it's healthy, strong, fit, toned, and lean, all without having to have any invasive surgery.

When I got to the BHRC, I was greeted by the lovely Alessandra, and was quickly made to feel at home which made me feel comfortable and confident for my upcoming Exilis treatment, Exilis combines radio frequency and ultrasound in order to tighten skin, reduce fat, and tone your body in a safe and non-invasive way.

I was lucky enough to have Brita perform the treatment and she talked me through each step. First we had a mini-consultation about my body goals and areas that I wanted to upgrade. I normally eat healthy and I lead a very active lifestyle of running, hiking, and working out, but there's a still a few areas that no amount of crunches or squats could fix, so we decided to focus on my tummy and inner thighs.

The Exilis treatment uses specific heating and cooling methods to penetrate deep in your tissue with minimal pain. The treatment never hurt but it does get pretty hot! Brita guided me throughout the entire process and really checked in to make that I was doing ok during the session. She educated me on how the process worked, how the skin temperatures are measured, and what was happening to my body during the treatment.


What I love most about Exilis is that there's no downtime or recovery time needed since the treatment is super safe, non-surgical, and non-invasive. It also wasn't too time consuming as each targeted body area takes around 15 to 30 minutes to treat.

I can't wait to see how my results progress over time as it's recommended to receive 3 – 7 treatments every 7 to 14 days for maximum and long-lasting results. So be sure to follow me on Exilis Journey with the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center!

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3 Ways to Get Fit with Wrigley's Orbit Gum

Candy WashingtonComment

Thank you Orbit Gum for sponsoring this post. Get into the action and pick up some Orbit at your favorite retailer!

Hi lovelies,

Since kicking off the New Year, I've been maintaining my health and fitness goals by following three fun and easy guidelines while adding in the super flavorful, but never too sweet, Orbit® Gum by Wrigley's.

True to my belief that everything starts from within, having a healthy, strong, and fit body, starts with being happy and whole from the inside out while having a balanced and healthy mindset. Thus, I strive to be mindful of how I treat my body and what I put into my body.

Orbit Gum helps me to easily maintain this balanced lifestyle by being my fitness and health partner-in-crime whether I'm hiking Runyon Canyon, going for my morning run down Santa Monica Blvd., or curbing my sweet tooth in-between meals. Check out below for my health and fitness secrets to staying on-track.

3 Ways to Get Fit with Orbit Gum

#1: Run with Orbit
If you know me, you know that I live for my daily runs. Whether I'm hitting up the treadmill or the pavement, I try to get in a few miles a day to clear my mind, strengthen my body, and give me an energy boost throughout the day.

In addition to having my power-house workout playlist to motivate me throughout my, I also pop in one of my favorite flavors of Orbit Gum to chew on while I let my mind flow and my feet fly. Enjoying the gum allows me to take my mind off of how many miles I'm tracking and focus on just being present in the moment and enjoying the experience.

#2: Opt for Orbit To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
Even though Orbit Gum is sugar-free gum is available in some yummy flavors including Spearmint, Peppermint, Wintermint, Bubblemint, Strawberry, Citrus, Sweet Mint, and Orbit White, the gum satisfies my sweet tooth when I'm craving a treat. It's a healthy way to treat myself without consuming empty calories, sugars, and fats, from my guilt pleasures that include cookies, cake, cheese, and brownies. Especially since gum is a flavorful treat with only 5-10 calories per serving, plus sugar-free gum also provides oral care benefits.

Another healthy trick is to drink a ton of water. Usually when I have a craving or feel hungry before it's mealtime, I drink a glass of water and that cuts my craving and fills me up. A lot of the time we mistake hunger for thirst and dehydration.

#3: Meditate with Orbit
I know, I know. You're probably tired of me incorporating mediation into my posts, but it has fundamentally changed my life and I want nothing more than to share this life-changing experience with you all.

Since healthy bodies start with healthy minds and balanced lifestyles, starting your day from a grounded place of peace through meditation is crucial in making and keeping your fitness goals. I like to enjoy Sweet Mint Orbit Gum right before I settle in for my meditation session. It leaves my mouth feeling clean and fresh, which just opens me up and puts me in relaxation mode.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Altar'd: Before Saying “I Do,” These Couples Must Say, “I Lose”

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Altar'd, one of the new break-out shows on Z Living, a television network that's dedicated to bringing us the best in health and wellness entertainment, follows the journey of soon-to-be-married couples that must shed the wedding weight before saying, “I do.”

The riveting show separates the couples for a full 90 days while they each work with fitness experts and television hosts, Chris Marhefka and Erin Stutland, to transform their lives from the inside-out before walking down the aisle. The huge twist of the show is that the couples won't be able to see each other's amazing transformations until their big wedding day.

Even though I'm single, I can still relate to needing a partner-in-crime to support me through life-changing transformations. Just like your soon-to-be husband or wife should be your best friend, I turned to one of my best friend's, Adria, to be my accountability partner as I embarked on a 30-day long body and mind transformation for the month of January. I said no to cocktails, upped my workout routine, meditated daily, and started journaling. But what kept me going through the days that were tough to stay focused and dedicated, was knowing that I could call or text my bestie anytime and she would be there to give me words of encouragement.

Even though my 30 days of transformation is complete, I plan to keep staying motivated and staying true to my new mind and body routine. I also plan on watching Altar'd so I can laugh, cry, and cheer on the couples as they find new levels of strength from the inside-out before embarking on one of the biggest journeys of their lifetimes, marriage!

Altar'd will air on Tuesday's 8-9pm on Z Living. Check out below for a behind-the-scenes sneak peek at the debut episode, couples, and hosts, and tune in on Valentine's Day, Tuesday, February 14th, at 8pm!  

Natifah & Reggie

Natifah and Reggie’s unhealthy eating habits are beginning to cause tension in their relationship. With a history of high-blood pressure and diabetes in both of their families, they both feel that this challenge will greatly improve their relationship and have a massive impact on their overall quality of life.

Chris Marhefka

Chris Marhefka is the founder of B3 Gym in Gainesville, FL and co-founder of Eat the 80, a healthy meal delivery service in Florida. He has worked with more than 2,000 clients and has 10+ years experience as a personal trainer, CrossFit instructor, and nutrition and lifestyle coach. He holds a Certified Personal Trainer certification from the American College of Sports Medicine and is a CrossFit L1 and L2 certificate holder.

Erin Stutland

A mind-body wellness and fitness expert, Erin Stutland is the creator of several fitness programs that reach thousands of people around the world, including her signature Shrink Session workout and Soul Strolls.

Pique Tea Crystals: Tea Re-Imagined

Candy Washington7 Comments

“Tea crystals are the biggest innovation in tea since the invention of the teabag.”

- Founder of Pique Tea Crsytals, Simon Cheng

Hi lovelies,

Since tea is one of the healthiest beverages in the world, sharing a cup of tea with others is also one of the best ways to connect and form bonds in an authentic way. Through conversations and collaborations over a hot or cold cup of rejuvenating tea, we are able to create genuine relationships. 

Thus, one of my most beloved rituals in life, is enjoying a warm, soothing cup of tea. So much so, that I created a series, "Tea with Candy," where I shared with you all the latest in fashion, style, beauty, health, fitness, and relationships, all over a hot cup of tea.

Because enjoying and sharing tea is such a meaningful part of my life, I was truly honored when I was first introduced to Pique Tea Crystals, a new and revolutionary way to enjoy tea, and I couldn't wait to share my experience with Pique Tea Crystals with you all.

Enjoy the video below on Pique Tea Crystals:

Pique Tea Crystals merges the advancements of modern day science with the philosophical wisdom and processes of ancient tradition. The innovative tea company sources the world's top 5% of tea leaves from India, China, and Sri Lanka, and has created a unique slow brewing process that is able to harness the necessary nutrients, antioxidants, and fresh flavors of whole leaf tea, all in crystal form. 


As a way to share my love for Pique Tea Crystals with you all, enjoy $5 off your purchase when you use discount code TEAWITHCANDY. You can get your Pique Tea Crystals here.

*Although this is a sponsored post, all opinions are my own.

30 Days with Kura Nutrition: 3 Lessons Learned

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

It's been a month since I started my personal journey with Kura Nutrition and I couldn't feel more happy, healthy, and whole. During my time of personal reflection, upping my gym game, and nourishing my body with fresh fruits, veggies, and Kura protein powder, I learned and rediscovered three crucial lessons to living a confident and fierce life from the inside out and I hope you all find value and inspiration in them as well. 

Lesson #1: Decide. Commit. Repeat. 

Once I decided to start my day from a place of power with Kura Nutrition and then incorporate the additional elements of working out, meditating, and keeping a journal, I then decided to commit to this routine.

It was through deciding to become a better version of myself, committing to my routine, and then repeating it on a daily basis, did I truly begin to see and feel an authentic transformation. It didn't happen over night, but day after day, I started to feel healthier and happier, but what really surprised me the most, is that it got easier and easier as the days went one. Week two was easier that week one, and so on.

Deciding to take care of myself empowered me, committing to it made it a habit, and repeating it gave me long-lasting results. 

Lesson #2: Nobody's perfect. 

Even with my plan in place and committed mind, there were days when I just didn't feel like working out or I wanted to cheat and eat some Taco Bell. What I learned was to not beat myself up for being human. We all have cravings, off days, and just want to Netflix and chill with a bowl of ice cream from time to time. 

When I truly embraced the fact that nobody's perfect and there is no "perfect plan" I was able to enjoy my journey a lot more and just let go of trying to seek perfection. Instead, I started to seek fun by creating mini goals for myself and then I was able to celebrate my accomplishments one milestone at a time. 

Lesson #3:  Don't forget to change it up.

One thing I really loved during the past month was discovering new recipes using Kura's Vanilla, Berry, and Chocolate protein powders. I would usually just add in some vanilla almond milk, whip it up, and call it a day, but I decided to stretch myself and create new recipes and incorporate fresh strawberries, peaches, and blackberries. 

I also loved switching up my exercise routine. I love running and started running a new path that incorporated more hills and more residential streets. The change added an extra challenge for my body and the new scenery of the residential streets with trees, less people, and less traffic added a more serene and peaceful experience for my mind.

So when things get stagnant and you get a rut, just switch things up and try something new to get your groove back!

Let me know how your journey has been to getting happy, healthy, and whole!

In case you  missed it, don't forget to check out the video above for five ways to get happy, healthy, and whole in five days with Kura Nutrition at the core of how to be the best version of your self. 

My favorite smoothie recipes with Kura Nutrition

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

I've been enjoying my morning Kura Nutrition protein smoothies and I wanted to share with you my favorite recipes. Try them out below and let me know some of your favorite recipes too!

I also wanted to quickly share with you guys some exciting news that Kura Nutrition will be in over 3,000 CVS Stores starting at the end of May!

In the meantime, you can get your Kura protein smoothie powder here.



5 Ways to Get Happy and Healthy with Kura Nutrition

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

As I continue on my journey to happiness, health, and wholeness, I wanted to share with you my 5 Ways to Get Happy & Healthy in 5 Days.

I've outlined the 5 ways below, but be sure to watch the video in order to get the insider details on how to achieve happiness and health in just 5 days.






Share your questions, comments, and journey with us @KuraNutrition and @CandyWashington.