Hi lovelies,
If there is one thing that we learn during difficult times, it is that we need to make the most of every opportunity that comes our way. This may mean that it is finally time to quit that job you hate. Whether you feel underappreciated by your boss and colleagues or are simply looking for a challenge, do not be afraid to reach for your dreams - no matter how ambitious they may be.
With that in mind, here is a quick guide to getting your dream job in 2021!
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash
Put a plan together.
The first step towards obtaining your dream job is putting together a plan. If you aren’t sure exactly what industry you want to enter, you may wish to consult with a career counselor who can help you decide exactly what positions are right for you. You may want to consider the following:
Your professional qualifications
Your work experience
Your interests
Any skills that you have
How many hours you want to work
What kind of workplace culture you want to enter
Whether you want to work alone or as part of a team
Once you have narrowed down your choices, it’s time to put together a clear plan. For example, you may need to save money or provide your current employment with notice. You should also determine if you need to participate in any training courses and schedule time for this into your plan.
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash
Complete any necessary training
If you are entering a new field, it may be that you need to retrain to obtain a job. For example, if you wish to work as an occupational therapist, despite previously working in office administration, you might need to attend occupational therapy school. This will allow you to gain all of the necessary skills you need to thrive and look excellent on your resume. Though the cost of the course may seem steep, consider it an essential investment in your future.
Prepare for your interview.
Job interviews are always going to be difficult. However, as we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, it may mean that you have to interview for your new position online or in person. While this may save you from having to master your handshake, there are other skills you will need to focus on in order to be able to make a great first impression online.
Before the interview, set up an appropriate space. Ensure that it is clean, tidy, and well-lit. Try to find a room in your home with a strong internet connection to not risk getting disconnected. Even though it is just a video call, dress in the same outfit you would wear to a regular interview. This demonstrates commitment and professionalism but can also help you get in the right mindset. This means it will feel less like a conversation and more like a traditional job interview.
Furthermore, focus on your communication skills. Speak clearly and calmly throughout. When asked a question, don’t rush to find a response. Think carefully about what you want to say and what you need to convey.