
5 Ways Self-Care Helps to Increase Your Bottom-Line

Business, Entrepreneurship, MindCandy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

As an entrepreneur who’s built profitable and purposeful companies through my lifestyle brand, Actress with Style, and my personal branding consulting service, The Billionaire Blogger Society, the single most important lesson that I had to learn to ensure the success of my businesses was to take care of myself first.

If I wasn’t full within myself then I would have nothing to give to my audience and to my clients, and before my business could flourish, I had to learn how to first flourish from within. Through building an arsenal of self-esteem building and self-care practices, I was able to show up for myself and my business in a more healthy, productive, and effective way.

What was born of this newfound mindset, is my first book, Sugar Pills: 10 Ways to Awaken Your Inner Power. From this experience of personal and professional growth, I wanted to share with you how to grow your bottom-line through healthy self-care practices. Be sure to comment on which insights speak to you and share your own story of self-care and securing the bag.

5 Ways Self-Care Helps Secure the Bag

#1: Secure the bag through inspired action

The only way that you’re actually going to make money doing what you love, is by doing it! One of the biggest hindrances to building a profitable business is by being paralyzed by fear and never getting started or by starting and then stopping the moment you hit a road bump. The way to get over this business building block is by building up your accountability, both to you self and to your team.

Self-care Tip: Awaken the Power of Accountability

The way to transform your vision, dreams, plans, and strategies, into a real life manifestation and accomplish your goals, is by holding yourself and your team accountable. Be accountable to show up for yourself, to think out of the box, to take risks, to learn from your mistakes, to not be afraid to fail, and to make sure that you surround yourself by people who are really there to support you and to cut dead weight when needed.

At the end of the day, the only person responsible for your success is yourself, so you have to take accountability and responsibility for your actions and decisions, and most importantly, for how you spend your time.

#2: Secure the bag by not settling for less than what you deserve

You have to remember that you’re running a business and not a charity. One of the biggest obstacles that I faced when building my brand was people asking me to work for free or at a discounted rate. If I had continued to devalue the work that I did for my clients, I would have never been able to quit my “survival job” and become a full-time entrepreneur.

The trick to not settling is to build up your self-esteem and self-confidence so that you’re so secure and grounded in who you are and the value that you provide for your clients, that you’re unwilling to disrespect yourself and your business by working for free.

Self-care Tip: Awaken The Power of Having Standards

Having and enforcing standards and boundaries is one of the most effective ways to activate your power. We condition people on how they treat us, so if you don’t have standards and boundaries in both your personal and professional life, then you can find yourself being stretched too thin, not fulfilled, exhausted, and worn out, because people will take from you as much as you’re willing to give, so you need to establish boundaries in order to protect your time, energy, and space. The best way to show people how you to treat you, is by example. The way you treat yourself is the number 1 indicator of how other people think that they can treat you.

Questions to ask yourself: What do I expect of myself, in terms of honesty, trust, respect, and accountability? What do I expect from other people, in terms of honesty, trust, respect, and accountability? Then make sure that your actions are in alignment with those expectations.

#3: Secure the bag by building an unstoppable team

The quickest way to manifest your professional goals and dreams is by building a team that believes in your vision and is equipped to do their jobs efficiently and effectively. The bottom-line is that your business and your brand is only as strong as your people so it’s imperative to be mindful of the employees that you hire and the friends and associates that you surround yourself with, because they will determine how far and how quickly you grow.

Self-care Tip: Awaken the Power of Your Circle  

Beware of the company that you keep. There’s a reason why the saying, “Birds of a feather, flock together,” always rings true. If you want to know where you’re at in your life and more importantly, where you’re going, just look around at your inner circle of friends. It’s super important to be able to trust the people that you surround yourself with and also make sure that you are surrounded by people that not only encourage you, but also are at a level that you aspire to be at.

You don’t want to be the most successful person in your circle and you also want to be with people that add value to your life. Take an inventory of who you have in your life and involved in your business and write-out what value they add to your life, business, and bottom-line.

#4: Secure the bag by having a vision for your life

If you don’t know what you’re going or what your endgame is, then you’ll continually to be lost and unproductive in both your life and career. Set goals and milestone for where you want to take your business and actually see yourself succeeding in those areas. You won’t be able to grow your business if you don’t have a clear understanding of what you’re trying to create. The trick here is to dream big and not limit yourself and the expectations that you have for your business because the only boundaries that your business has are the boundaries that you create for yourself.

Self-care Tip: Awaken the Power of a Vision
“Before the world can see it, the mind must imagine it.” You must know what you want your life to look before you can create it. The power of visualizing your success and life is paramount to manifesting those things into your reality. The best part is, visualizing and having a vision is 100% free and you can do it right now and start transforming your life.

Also, the vision you have for you life is a great checkpoint for how you move through your current circumstances and the decisions you make, you can ask yourself, “Is this in alignment and in service to what the greater vision for my life is?” Use your vision as a compass for daily actions.

When visualizing your life be sure to feel it. Feel what it feels like to cross the finish of your goal, to buy your dream home, ride in your dream car, have healthy and happy relationships, making your first million, or whatever it is.

#5: Secure the bag by respecting your elders

Just because we live in a digital savvy world, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and insights from those that came before us. The best way to implement a profitable plan to build your brand is by creating a blueprint based successful strategies from established entrepreneurs and business leaders. This means being strong and vulnerable to ask for help, advice, and guidance when needed.
Remember: even though it is your business, you do not have to build it alone.

Self-care tip: Awaken the Power of Mentorship

Learning from someone who is has done what you’re trying to do is one of the most invaluable resources that you can have. The trick is to find someone that you can trust and that genuinely wants to help you win and achieve your goals. You can learn from their triumphs as well as their mistakes and they can insights on how to reach your goal quicker, how to adjust your mindset, and how to up-level your circle.

I’ve had trouble finding someone to be my mentor. I would reach out to people and for whatever reason, it never really worked out. So I turned to YouTube and watch people that I admired during their interviews, masterclasses, documentaries, and videos. If you can’t find someone to be your mentor in-person, then search for their personal and professional stories online.

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You Can Make Money And Nourish Your Creative Spirit! Here’s How

Entrepreneurship, BusinessCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies

Born to create! That is how many of us feel. However, when you are stuck behind a desk in a grey office, your dreams of living a creative life can seem very far away indeed. Happily, the good news is that you don't have to grind away at the typical 9-5 to survive in the world. In fact, there are plenty of ways you can use your creative passions and talents to earn money. Keep reading to find out what they are. 

Being a working artist used to be one of the toughest of professionals. In fact, it has a reputation for paying barely enough to live on. However, things have most definitely changed. Mainly due to the digital revolution, which means every artist has access to platforms that can market and sell their works to customers around the world. 

Of course, it's worth noting that such platforms will charge you for this privilege. Therefore, some artists prefer to create their own sites and sales funnels so they can maximize the profit on each piece they sell.

However, such fees are usually a great deal cheaper than those charged by IRL galleries, with the potential to sell work more consistently over the year too. Something that makes them an excellent option for any budding visual creatives looking for a way to monetize their skill. 

If your tool of choice is the pen (or should I say the keyboard?), then blogging may be the right creative money-making avenue for you. In fact, you will find that some of the more successful bloggers pull in not just a living wage, but some serious money each and every month. 

Before you work your way up to that stage, you'll need to know the basics of how to start a blog and make money from your writing. Although there is lots of great advice out there, that should allow you to craft your very own little corner of the internet and talk about issues that are important to you. All while making some moolah at the same time. 

Music, like art, has also gone through something of a democratization recently as well. In fact, in many cases artist works is no longer even purchased or downloaded, streamed instead. Of course, they do receive remuneration for each stream that occurs. Although, this does mean that the system is based around getting as many listens of your work as possible. 

In fact, to do this, you may need to go a bit beyond just putting out the best tunes and beats that you can come up with. With additional marketing strategies being used to get your work reviewed and in front of more people. Something that should help to boost revenue and allow you to keep pursuing your passion while making money while you do it. 

Does your creative talent lie in talking and interviewing people? Are you great at getting down to the nitty-gritty of a topic? Can you do all this, in an exciting and entertaining way? Well, then maybe the way you should use your creativity to make money is by setting up a podcast.

For the uninitiated, you can think of a podcast like a radio show, but one that isn't broadcast. Instead, it is up to the individual listener to subscribe and download an episode of the ones they like. With revenue coming from sponsorship, or via sites like Pateron.  

Of course, some folks fulfill their creative urges by making things IRL rather than online. That doesn't mean they can use an online platform to sell them and make money, though. In fact, if crafting such as sewing, modeling, or crocheting is your thing, there are a range of ways you can monetize this. 

The first is selling in real-life stores. There is even a trend for vintage and handmade style venues where you can rent a booth or a shelf for a certain amount a week. Additionally, there is plenty of craft sites online like Etsy. Even Amazon has its own handmade section now. 

Finally, don't forget that there is another way to monetize crafty talents as well, and its by offering tutorials or pattern instructions on how to make such things.  

After all, many people love to craft, and as a skilled person in this field, you can offer them guides that will enable this. In fact, selling multiple patterns and guides can be a very cost and time-effective way of making sure that your craft skills pay.

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3 Things That You Should Not Do In Order To Save Money

Business, EntrepreneurshipCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

We all want to save money, it is great to have more money in our pockets than we have to pay out on bills each month. As such, there are so many brilliant ways of saving money and cutting your costs that we would recommend to you, but then there are also those ways that might seem like a good idea at the time but can actually cause you more problems in the long run. That’s why today we are sharing with 3 things that you should not do in order to save money. 

Buy fake items
This is one that seems so harmless and tempting, and yet it can actually do us more harm than good. There are so many fake products flooding the market now that it can seem like you are just getting a good deal, when in fact you are getting cheated.

You will want to avoid buying fake sunglasses as they are unlikely to offer the UV protection that the genuine article would, fake car parts could be very unsafe and fake baby products can harm your child in some cases. 

If the price seems too good to be true, then there might well be a reason for that. Pay attention to trusted websites and brands and people’s reviews of products in a bid to avoid inadvertently buying fake products. 

Cancel your insurance policies
We know that it can be frustrating to pay out for months, often years, on insurance policies that you have yet to claim on. We can see why this would be a tempting area for you to cut your costs. However, you really do need to weigh up the risks if you plan to do this.

Some insurances are compulsory anyway, so you definitely do not want to cancel those unless you want to be in trouble with the law. Aside from those, do be realistic and honest with yourself about the potential repercussions if you do not have insurance in place. 

If you have no pet insurance, are you willing to have your pet put down if they need expensive medical care, or can you actually fund it? If your home is burgled, can you really afford to replace anything taken?

Cheap home improvements
Many of us carry out home improvements every year and in most cases they add value in terms of our own satisfaction in our home and in the monetary sense. 

Of course you should shop around before purchasing and you should get a few quotes from tradesmen before committing to your project. You might also be able to carry out some of it yourself and can substantially reduce the cost that way. However, it can sometimes be tempting to cut costs in other ways on home improvement projects and we would not recommend that.

Where we would advise caution is in cutting any corners on your renovations. You might find that your home then no longer meets regulations, aside from being unsafe for you, it will result in your home being devalued. If your builders are suggesting working in this way, tempting as the prices might be, walk away and find people that will carry out the work complying with all regulations. 

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Photo credit for this collaborative post: Image Pixabay - Pixabay License

Run Your Own Business? Here’s How to Make Your Life Easier

Entrepreneurship, BusinessCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

No matter what industry you’re in, running your own business can be difficult. With long hours and complete responsibility, it’s not surprising that business owners feel the pressure. However, there are ways to make your life easier.

By working smarter, not harder, you can increase your downtime, operate more efficiently and increase productivity. In turn, you’ll be happier at work and be able to grow your business at a faster pace. 

Plan in advance
When there’s lots to be done, it makes sense to just get on and do it. Indeed, working hard is a key part of being a successful business owner. However, working without a strategy can limit your output and mean you miss out on important areas. 

By planning your day in advance, you can determine what tasks are really important and which ones can wait a little longer. Ranking tasks by importance and urgency is a good way to see what really matters and it will help to ensure that core business functions are always prioritized. 

Take a break
No-one can work 24/7 without suffering ill-effects, so don’t think you’ll be any different. Whilst starting a business does require long hours and almost constant availability, it’s important to schedule breaks too.

Whilst you may not want to take a full day off, ensure you have some downtime throughout the week. Business owners can often miss out on time with family and friends, so remember that your personal life matters too.

When you are at work, don’t try to work straight through. Not only will you lose focus, it will take you longer to get things done too. Instead, take a break every hour or two or schedule a break in between tasks to ensure you’re adhering to your schedule. 

Use automation
There are numerous ways to automate your business functions, and these are often the best way to make your life easier. With dedicated options for start-ups and SMEs, automating your advertising, bookkeeping or marketing is simple and straightforward. 

When you use Google Ads automation for enterprise agencies, for example, you can plan your PPC campaigns well in advance and monitor performance as and when you need to. Managing online marketing manually can be time-consuming, so why not take advantage of automation tools to streamline your workload?

Be prepared to say no
When you’re launching a new business, it can be tempting to say yes to every offer or proposal that comes in. However, you can’t please everyone all of the time. Furthermore, not every offer you receive will benefit your business. 

Learning how to say no is an important part of being a successful business owner and it will certainly make your life easier in the long run.

Enjoy yourself
Running your own business gives you the freedom to be creative and follow your dreams. Despite the difficulties and setbacks you’ll face, remember to enjoy your journey and make the most of being your own boss! 

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We’ve Gone App Crazy

Business, EntrepreneurshipCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

iOS app development companies are in high demand, and it is not difficult to see why. You only need to look at the dominance of Apple products to see that there is a massive market out there for iOS apps. 

When it comes to iOS apps, the standards tend to be higher. This is because mobile app developers need to adhere to the strict standards that are in place. The Apple App Store has very stringent guidelines in place regarding user experience, as they want to create a premium app store. A lot of people also prefer the improved security of the software and the firmware when it comes to iOS. iPhone app development can accommodate features such as integrated data handling systems, measures implemented against the loss of data security, data encryption, and measures implemented to prevent data duplication. Of course, security is something you need to carefully discuss with your app development team – don’t just assume that because it is an iOS app it is going to be secure. You need to make steps to reduce identity fraud like never before. You also have a great platform to grow with iOS apps, as they offer great scalability, which is important for most businesses. All in all, Apple offers many benefits, however, other operating systems have their advantages too, which is why you need to discuss what operating system to use with your app developers. Their expertise is invaluable

In-App Ads

App developers may recommend that you use in-app ads as a way of making money from your application. If you are a regular app user, you will know just how common these ads are. They provide a welcomed alternative to charging outright for your app, which can put people off.

The best business app developers know how to incorporate in-app ads without having a negative impact on user experience. They do this by selecting the best type of ads for your application. We are going to take a look at five of the most common ad types in further detail to give you a better understanding. Firstly, we have banner ads, which aren’t a popular choice with most app development firms. These ads are placed at the bottom or top of the app during use. Banners can be somewhat irritating to the user, as they are distracting. If your developer is advising this approach, make sure they have a good reason why. After all, it does work in some cases! Another popular ad type is advanced overlay, which involves interactive adverts when transition points are used, i.e. when there is a natural pause in the app. Next, we have capture form, which involves offering incentives for users who enter their mobile number or email address, meaning these ads rely on user opt-ins. You also have notification ads, which is when a notification pops up in the smartphone’s status bar, and interstitial ads, which are very popular, as they are designed to generate clicks without causing frustration because they appear during natural pause points.

Factors Impacting App Store Ranking

Ranking highly in the app store is of huge importance for app development firms. They want to ensure that as many people as possible see your app and engage with your brand. So, what factors really influence your app store ranking? Firstly, we have positive ratings. Basically, the better the app; the more exposure. If an app has a five-star rating, it is going to be featured much higher in the app store than an app that only has a two-star rating. This highlights the importance of developing a winning app using the assistance of experts in mobile app development. The number of downloads you receive will also impact where you feature in the app store. Of course, this is somewhat of a catch 22, as you need exposure to get downloads. Developers will use alternative methods to increase downloads while your app is still working its way up the app store rankings. Your targeted keywords also play a big role. You need to select your keywords wisely, as you are restricted to a limited character amount when describing your app in the store. Finally, your title is also important. Titles with keywords in them result in apps ranking 10.3 per cent higher on average.

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Things Your Small Business Needs

Entrepreneurship, BusinessCandy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

When it comes to running a successful small business, the truth is a success is relative! It is always essential to think about what your version of success is and try not to compare that with other freelancers or small companies. You are unique, and your selling points are different, and what you need in terms of cash per month is different too. 

The next thing that you should be aware of is that there are some things that all businesses need.

The reason that so many small businesses close month on month is that they just can’t manage their money. When a lot comes in, they spend too much on new stock and don’t put enough away. And, this isn’t all about profit either - it is a lot about just merely not having cash to hand when you need it. If you aren't great at cash planning, then you are going to find yourselves closing shop very early. So, invest time in cash flow planning and always put some of your profits into an account to save for a time that you need it. 

Mailing List
If the world of social media when kaput tomorrow - what would you have left? Your mailing list. There are many software choices that you can use to manage your mailing list - you should look to find one that you can control with ease. It is always worth remembering that you need to have your address on each newsletter that you send out. If that isn't something you are comfortable with then, you might like to invest in a virtual office or a business address with physical office. So you are protecting your home address but still compliant with the rules. 

No person is an island, and some projects are just too big. When you are starting out, it might be helpful, and something that helps in the long run, to think about recruiting some freelancers to help when you take on larger projects. You can use online software like Trello, or Evernote to keep track of who is doing what, and when work has been submitted - and neither of them takes too long to master. This also means that you will be able to work at a much faster rate and produce a more diverse project outcome. 

Marketing Maketh The Company
Your marketing should always be driving your message. Who you are, what you do, where you can be found, and how you can help people. And, don’t worry - every business has more than its fair share of marketing faux-pas. You have time to learn how to get it right, and if you really can’t get to grips with it, there are thousands of freelancers and small companies that are fantastic at it.  If you want to see an example of someone who has started up their own E-Commerce site, that has done extremely well with the marketing and business, check out Dan Bilzerian of Ignite. Everything they do is based on executing it at the highest level.

Now, with all of that said, one marketing tool that can truly elevate your small business is professional video production. Actually, high-quality videos not only make your brand look polished but also help capture attention across platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and even your website. Just think about all the options out there, like a product showcase, a behind-the-scenes look at your process, or even a brand story, but overall, working with a professional video production team ensures your message is delivered with clarity and style.

Peaks and troughs. There will be moments that everything becomes clear, and it feels like smooth sailing, and there will be moments that you feel like you aren’t getting anywhere. Both of those are essential in a small business. And, typically the harder stages are the ones where growth is happening!

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Photo for collaborative post by Remy Baudouin on Unsplash

3 Easy Ways To Improve Your Productivity At Work

Business, EntrepreneurshipCandy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

Do you ever feel a little bored or uninspired at work? Some days does it feel that however hard you try, you just can’t seem to get into the zone and get productive? The good news is that this is pretty standard. We will all go through phases from time to time, whereby our energy and creativity levels are a little low. If you can relate, you’ll want to try these super easy ways that you can improve your productivity at work. 

Continue Learning 
Often your productivity levels will drop if you become disinterested in your role. Perhaps you used to love your job in the beginning, but now the novelty has somewhat worn off? Even those with what appears to be a dream job will face these kind of lulls at some point. The best thing that you can do if you feel stuck in a rut is to keep on learning. Read some new books related to your industry, attend a lecture, or watch an inspirational talk online. You could attend a networking event to meet like-minded people, doing so may allow you to reconnect with your own passions and aspirations. Learning new things can allow you to rediscover creativity, generate new ideas, and improve your confidence within your job.

Get organized 
Your workspace will have more effect on your mood and productivity than you realise. If your space is cluttered, you may find it hard to concentrate and feel relaxed. Messy environments can often create a feeling of claustrophobia, so make it your mission to organise your workspace in the best way that you can. Keep things minimal and neat to help you to improve your concentration. It’s a good idea to use a Document Management System or a Digital Management System, to make the use of your sources, docs, and data easier and more productive. These two systems are different and which one you opt for will depend greatly on your business and the types of sources that you use. You’ll want to do your research on DMS vs. DAM to determine which one is best for you. These systems can also be useful security wise, to protect company data

Reimagine your breaks 
Your lunch break doesn’t have to consist of merely eating lunch, scrolling through social media, or making small talk with co-workers if this isn’t helping you to relax. Why not try to reimagine the way that you use your breaks to recharge, find a sense of calm, or boost your imagination. You could try using your break to have a quick gym session or yoga, have a relaxing walk in a park, or read a book in a coffee shop. If you’re the creative type, you could use your break to do some writing or drawing? If you practice something that will get the endorphins pumping, calm you or give you a zest of imagination, then you’ll be far more productive when you return to your desk. Lastly, ensure that you consume enough healthy food to keep your energy levels high! 

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Photo credit for guest post: Pexels