Hi lovelies,
The great thing about being an entrepreneur and calling the shots is that you get to choose your schedule. If that means booking a flight to another state to conduct business, then so be it. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!
Of course, flying and business travel, in general, come with adverse health risks. This is especially true if you travel a lot as the effects are concentrated since your body doesn’t get a break. If you want to put your wellbeing before your bottom line, you’ve got to try and maintain a healthy lifestyle while out of state or the country.
You can do that by following these fantastic business travel pointers.
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Prepare For The Plane
Flying is one of the unhealthiest forms of transport. Not only are you thousands of feet in the sky, confined to a tiny space, but there is no moisture in the air and the food is processed. Entrepreneurs who have to travel for extended periods leave themselves open to a poor diet and dehydration, which is why it’s vital to prepare for the flight beforehand. Simply buying extra water and healthy snacks should be enough, as should packing a light moisturizer and trying to catch some Zs.
Stay Active
You have a lot on your plate during a business trip, and the last thing on your mind is exercise. If the deal doesn’t go through, you might not have enough money to afford a gym membership! Thankfully, staying active doesn’t mean working out every day. Instead, you can choose to walk to a meeting by leaving the hotel in plenty of time, negating what can be a sedentary lifestyle. Plus, there are tons of mobile apps with short HiiT sessions you can exploit while you’re away. As long as you plateau for the duration of your trip, you can get back to basics when you return home.
See An Emergency Professional
Another trait of a business trip is to spot the symptoms of a health problem and leave it until you arrive at home. Among other reasons, it makes sense not to bother too much as the hassle of finding a doctor, dentist, or audiologist is usually worse than the pain. On the flip side, a routine checkup or hearing exam could nip the issue in the bud and stop it from escalating. There are lots of emergency facilities across the country, and you should lean on them when you feel unwell. For international travelers, the key is to buy a comprehensive insurance policy previous to flying.
Business trips are not the warm, fuzzy vacations that the majority of people assume they are when they hear you’re away on business. They’re fast-paced situations that are loaded with pressure, and this can prevent you from sleeping properly. Aside from ruining your balance and making things worse for the rest of the trip, working all night and not sleeping is pointless. No matter how much you try, you won’t be prepared for a meeting or presentation if you study the night before.
Do you travel for business? How do you maintain a healthy routine?