
Candy Washington's latest article on self-love and power couple goals published in 'Where It Begins' Magazine

Entertainment, PressCandy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

Are you ready for love?

I share my 5 Steps to Self-love and Power Couple Goals, in my latest article published in ‘Where It Begins Magazine.’

Get ready to learn how to love your life without apology while cultivating a happy, healthy, and empowered relationship.

Read it here:

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Creator Lab Spotlight Series: Candy Washington

PressCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

I just had the pleasure of being interviewed by Creator Lab in their Spotlight Series! You can read the full spotlight here:

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L.A. Style Magazine Features Candy Washington in the "Women In Power" Issue

On-Camera, Press, Speaking Engagement, LifestyleCandy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

I was humbled and honored to be featured in L.A. Style Magazine’s “Women in Power” issue. You can grab a print version, here.

Want to read it now? Read it on L.A. Style here or below!

The Warmth of Your Inner Voice  featured in

L.A. Style Magazine

   It’s a warm Sunday morning in West Hollywood, and I can feel the sunbeams peeking their way through my blinds, determined to interrupt my sleep. As an entrepreneur, Sunday’s are one of the few days of the week that I let myself sleep in, so I’m holding a playful grudge against the sun. I roll over and stretch my entire body and then I set my intention for the day, “Today, it is my intention to relax, release, and enjoy my day off.” I’ve quickly learned over the years of building up my own on-camera, blogging, social media, and consulting business, from the ground up, that if you don’t take the time to slow down, enjoy the process, and allow yourself to relax, then you’ll inevitably burnout, breakdown, and extinguish the flame that once ignited your soul. Setting my intention for every morning allows me to be grounded and focused throughout the day and serves as a guiding force for my actions. If I need to buckle down and pitch brands, catch up on emails, or create a strategy for a campaign, then I set the intention for productivity. On the days that I need to edit and shoot photos, write, design, or record a podcast, I set my intention for creativity. I let my intention be the wave that I ride throughout my day. I also make sure to periodically check-in with myself to ensure that I’m present in what I’m actually doing at the moment and not operating on auto-pilot. This ensures that I’m paying attention to my intuition and gut feelings, which is one of the most powerful resources we have as human beings and is what I’ve always based my most important life decisions upon. 

   Never underestimate or ignore the power of your inner guide, that little voice of your higher self that whispers in your ear, because it’s there to gently guide you to the next right direction of your life. I’ve found that meditating, focusing on your breath, practicing mindfulness, and being present in your stillness are transformative ways to tap into discerning the voice of your inner guide. Journaling is another powerful way to get in touch with how you’re feeling and use it as a tool to take inventory of what themes are recurring in your life. As I’m lying in bed, basking in the warmth of the sunbeams that are now dancing on my sheets, still not quite awake yet not quite sleep, I send unconditional love, support, and protection to my mind, body, and soul. I can feel the warmth of my inner thoughts wash over my body and penetrate my subconscious mind. Bathing myself in self-affirming mantras is how I cultivate a healthy and loving relationship with myself. 

   Consciously elevating your self-belief is fundamentally one of the most effective ways to live a more fulfilled and complete life, because every relationship that you will ever have is a direct reflection of the relationship that you have with yourself. This means the relationship that you have with your family, friends, lovers, spouses, and to your career, is just a manifestation of the relationship that you have with yourself. If you don’t love yourself, you cannot love others, and if you don’t respect yourself, others cannot respect you. 

Once I internalized this principle, everything changed for me. My validation and self-worth came from me, my internal source, rather than some external person or perceived success, therefore nothing and no one could ever take away my inherent value as a human being. I am here, therefore, my life is meaningful, and who I am matters. 

  This was the essence of why I wrote my first book, Sugar Pills: 10 Days to Awaken Your Inner Power, because it’s imperative to know that our work is what we do and it does not define who we are. The book is an interactive journal and guide that shares actionable insights on how to elevate your self-esteem and self-confidence through self-love. 

   I wanted to share how I learned how to separate being my authentic self with the public persona that we often take on as ‘the parent of,’ ‘the spouse of,’ ‘the sibling of,’ ‘the boss of,’ ‘the founder of,’ ‘the creator of’ and so on. Once we are able to tear back the layers of the titles that we wear, it’s revealed that we are all intrinsically the same and inherently connected. 

   It’s extremely humbling and empowering to know that we are not in it alone, but that we are all the same shadow and light versions of ourselves, dancing our way through life. I now know that I have the power to set my own intentions. I have the power to determine my level of self-love, self-esteem, and self-worth. I have the power to choose the trajectory of my life and create my own destiny. I have the power to wake up every morning and to choose joy. I have the power – and so do you. 

Candy Washington shares an excerpt from Sugar Pills: 10 Days to Awaken Your Inner Power. The book is an interactive journal and guide to shifting your mindset to unlock your inner creativity, confidence and power. Each chapter features a motivational and informative journal entry that guides you in observing your own thoughts, actions, and feelings along with an interactive guide where you can journal along with each actionable insight. *You can find Sugar Pills: 10 Days to Awaken Your Inner Power, on Amazon and on Amazon Kindle.

“Awakening the Power of Perseverance”

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”– Maya Angelou 

When I decided to make my fateful leap from my cushy, yet stifling, corporate job in New York City, to embark on my journey to becoming a full-time, self-sustaining creative professional in Los Angeles, I never knew how wildly fulfilling it would be, but I also never imagined how challenging and down-right petrifying it would get. 

   There were days where I would sit in my car and just cry. First, I hated driving, I hated my car, and I hated being stuck in gridlock traffic. It was the physical manifestation of the gridlock and overwhelm going on my mind and life. I would get completely frustrated with trying to juggle paying bills, booking gigs, staying true to myself, trying to make new friends in a big city, staying fit and healthy, being mind-blowingly homesick, and struggling with whether or not I had made the right decision.

   But even though I had those moments of crying, screaming, and yelling like a mad woman in my car while at a red light, I was also blessed with moments of utter elation, peace, and comfort knowing that I was in exactly the right place, at exactly the right time.



   I was able to experience these moments, not because I’m manic, but because I learned to accept that in life, we will inevitably encounter highs and lows, especially when you are moving toward your goals and dreams without a societal safety net. The trick is to embrace change and knowing to let go of the things that you cannot control, because there is a lesson in every experience that we go through in life.

   Looking back at the moments that I felt like giving up and that all was lost, I learned a few key insights that helped me make it through the tough times and empowered me with the wisdom to make and future challenges easier to face.


The Power of Perseverance: “Steve Harvey was homeless and lived in his car for 3 years, but he didn’t give up. He kept going and he kept fighting the good fight. If your dream is worth having, it’s worth fighting for even when things get tough. You can’t let perceived failures or setbacks stop you from pursuing what you are called to do in this world. Often times, what we think is a setback is actually the biggest set-up for something amazing to manifest in your life, you just have to keep going in order to get it.”

Power Tip: “The majority of the time, you need to learn the lesson that failures and setbacks are meant to teach you in order to prepare you and equip you the necessary wisdom and experience to handle your success. It’s strengthening you so your successful becomes a blessing and not a burden.”

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Good Morning LaLa Land: Special Guest Candy Washington

Entertainment, Entrepreneurship, Lifestyle, On-Camera, Press, Self-Care, Speaking EngagementCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

I had the honor of being a guest on “Good Morning LaLa Land,” with the amazing co-hosts, Jezlan, Dr. Erin, and Robert Mack.

We discussed all things #TuesdayTransformation and I go deep on the Sugar Pills podcast and book, how to get rid of self-doubt, and what’s new at 1214 Media Productions.

You can watch my segment below and head over to Good Morning Lala Land for the full interview!

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On-Camera, Personal Stories, Press, Podcast, Speaking EngagementCandy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

I was honored to be a special guest on the show, Life Stories hosted by Joanna Garzilli for EverTalkTV. The interview is up on as well as Apple TV and Roku, and you can watch below.

We cover how your childhood can play a role in your current success and my plans for my new company, 1214 Media Productions.

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Average Socialite x Candy Washington

PressCandy Washington1 Comment

Published in Average Socialite

How to Live a Champagne Lifestyle on a Boxed-Wine Budget 

by Candy Washington 

Love living in LA but hate how deflated your wallet feels once the bubbly from your Frosé fizzles out? 

Here are some great hacks for living your best life without breaking the bank. 

Get Out For Girls’ Night 

Let’s start with one for the ladies. Want to have a V.I.P. night at the club with bottle service and beautiful people—on someone else’s tab? The Girls Night Out Meetup group is your ticket! Drink, dance, and take selfies with celebs for free. The group is for women who want to make friends, have fun and party in style. There's no fee to join and you receive invites for fun nights out at exclusive L.A. nightclubs. 

Free Classics at The Hollywood Bowl One of L.A.'s best kept secrets is that its most iconic destination, The Hollywood Bowl, opens its doors to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the summer rehearsal sessions of the Philharmonic—at no cost. Even the parking is free, which is virtually unheard of in L.A. Get there early and grab your seat—doors open at 9:30am. Also, if you have a group of 10 or more, you can book a free tour of the Hollywood Bowl Museum. 

Hang With the Gettys 

Invite your friends over to binge-watch Trust, FX's smash hit mini-series set in 1973 that recounts the abduction of John Paul Getty III, then-heir to Getty Oil, then head over to the real-life Getty Center to take in the J. Paul Getty Life and Legacy Installation. According to the Getty: “The installation includes three objects collected personally by Mr. Getty and a digital interactive experience in the form of touch screens that visitors can explore to learn about Getty's art collection, his personal life, business dealings, and establishment of the Trust and the Museum.” The best part is that you don't have to an heir to a rich estate to attend because the tickets are free until August 1. 

Eat, Drink and Play at Grand Central Market 

Get your group together or head out on a solo mission and eat, drink, and play your way through theGrand Central Market in historic Downtown Los Angeles. On Thursday it's free game night and food prices may vary, but there's no entry fee. 

Take a Hike at Runyon Canyon. Grab a group of your people and gear up for a celeb-spotting workout. Runyon Canyon is free and open to the public and you're pretty much guaranteed to spot one of your favorite celebrities or reality stars walking their dog up one of the trails. But bring plenty of water because the only thing hotter than the celebs is the blazing L.A. sun. 

Relive Spring Break at Cabo Cantina 

With all drinks at 2 for 1 prices from 4-8pm every day, how could you not relive your glory days atCabo Cantina? Taco Tuesdays, which features all you can eat tacos for a mere $7, is a surefire way to get the gang together and create lasting memories over extra gauc and margs. Did I mention that bottomless Mimosas and Bloody Marys start at just $12 on Saturday and Sundays until 3:00pm? 

Go Wine Tasting at Silver Lake Wine 

Love wine but don’t have the time or money for a long weekend in Napa? Instead of pairing your credit card with a big bill, pair it with a minimal fee of $15 to taste three reds and three whites, paired with Cookbook bread and farmhouse butters at Silver Lake Wine. Featured bottles will be available to take home at a discounted price. Bonus: grab some yummy Guerilla Tacos from their food truck after.

Spend an Evening at the Drive-In 

There's nothing more romantic than hanging out old-school style and catching a movie at the drive-in. For just $19 bucks you can watch classics and new releases at the Street Food Cinema. Your ticket also gives you access to an array of yummy food trucks and you can pick-up a few beverages to enjoy as well. Discount packages are available and what makes the carefully curated experience really worth it is the musical acts that also perform—from noted stars of rock to smaller local bands. 

Break Up With Your Bank 

When was the last time you sat down with your bank for a heart-to-heart? If it’s been a while, you might need to talk about those monthly checking fees, foreign transaction fees and barbaric overdraft fees. Especially when you’re a young thing pursuing the dream, the last thing you need is a bank that profits when your coffers are low. Instead, check out a local credit union or a digital banking startup like Varo Money that doesn’t charge any fees (overdraft included!) and has tools in place to help users save.

Sidebuy Influencer Feature x Candy Washington

Press, On-Camera, EntertainmentCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

I wanted to thank Sidebuy for a lovely feature on my journey as an influencer, blogger, and actress. You guys can enjoy the full feature here, and below. 

At Sidebuy, we are always on the lookout to discover inspiring content creators and influencers who are openly and authentically sharing their unique voices. Today, we are putting the spotlight on a truly inspirational influencer, blogger and actress Candy Washington who is discussing her experience as an influencer and sharing some tips for those who are starting out.

Sidebuy: Please share a little bit about yourself and your blog:

Candy: “I’m Candy Washington, an actress, fashion and lifestyle influencer, writer, and on-camera host for Disney Style. My blog is Actress with Style, a digital destination for all things fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and entertainment geared toward the active millennial.”

Sidebuy: What prompted you to become an influencer?

Candy: “I always knew that I wanted to do something creative and something that would give me a platform to help others. Being an influencer is the best of both worlds. I’m able to work with amazing brands, share my experience with my audience, and inspire others to live happier and more fulfilled lives. For me, it’s the perfect way to be a creative professional.”

Sidebuy: If you can name one of the biggest challenges of being an influencer what would it be?

Candy: “Creating residual and sustainable income. Depending on what stage you’re at as an influencer, it can be a lot of chasing projects and campaigns. But to truly be a professional in the field, you have to find a way to generate income that goes beyond one-off paychecks.”

Check out our 5 Etiquette Rules every influencer must be aware of!

Sidebuy: If you can name one of the biggest rewards of being an influencer what would it be?

Candy: “Sharing my voice, ideas, and experiences with others. It’s the most rewarding thing when someone messages me that my content inspired them to start their own business, try a new look, or it just made them smile that day. Truly connecting with others makes it all worth it.”

Sidebuy: If you can share one tip to those who are starting out as influencers, what would it be?

Candy: “Know your worth. Whether you have 2 followers or 2 million, your voice, your perspective, and your reach are valuable. Also, try to silence the negative thoughts in your mind that don’t serve you or your dream. The biggest obstacle that we have is to get over is self-doubt.”

Also check out How much to charge for Sponsored content?

Sidebuy: Can you describe one of the best collaborations you had with a brand? How did it look like

Candy: “I loved working with Pretty Little Thing on a campaign with their collaboration with Olivia Culpo. I got to style her pieces my own way and then share them on my blog and social media channels. They also dressed me for an event they had while launching their collaboration with Kourtney Kardashian. Another dream collaboration I did was with Mercedes-Benz and we created mini-videos highlighting our favourite things about living in Los Angeles.”

Need more tips on how to reach out to brands and stand out? Check out our post on this topic

Sidebuy: Where do you think is the future of influencer marketing is going for both influencers and for brands?

Candy: “I think it’s going toward more video content, and Instagram Stories will be really important as a way to work with brands. For brands, I think they will start to hire influencers as consultants on the business side as well. As long as we have social media, influencer marketing is here to stay, but I think influencers will start to get savvier about their strategies and create their own brands to promote.”

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