Two-Day Workout Fatigue: What Is It And How Do You Beat It?

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Two-day workout fatigue is a common problem that can affect beginners as well as seasoned athletes. The technical term is delayed onset muscle soreness and it usually sets in 12 to 24 hours after you finish your workout. You might not feel too bad immediately after your workout, but the next day, your muscles ache and you feel very fatigued. This makes it so tough to keep up with a routine and it is often the reason that people let their exercise goals slip. If you are going to keep up with a long term fitness plan, you need to follow these steps to beat two-day workout fatigue.

Never Skip Your Stretches 
The most obvious reason for two-day workout fatigue is damaged muscles. Stretching is one of the most important parts of your post-workout routine, and if you skip the stretches, you will damage your muscles and experience aches and pains for days afterwards. Even though you are exhausted after your workout and you just want to take a shower and relax, it’s important that you take the time to cool down and stretch properly

Slow Down 
Pushing yourself too hard is another easy way to damage your muscles and cause two-day workout fatigue. You need to challenge yourself when working out if you want to see results, but it’s important to find a good balance. If you do long workouts every single day, you don’t have enough time to recover and your muscles will constantly be sore. So, make sure that you take rest days and do low impact exercises, like swimming or walking, on some days. 

Eat More Protein 
When you exercise, your muscles are damaged and they need to repair themselves. In order to do that, they need protein and if you don’t have enough protein in your diet, you are likely to suffer from two-day workout fatigue. After every workout, make sure that you eat plenty of protein rich foods, and consider getting some protein supplements from as well. It’s especially important that you eat plenty of protein if you do strength training. Many people also get fatigued because they simply don’t eat enough. If you are burning a lot of calories, you need to eat more to account for that or you will feel fatigued. 

Use Hot And Cold Treatments 
It is believed that inflammation of the muscles is the cause of two-day fatigue, so finding ways to reduce inflammation is the best way to deal with it. Cold treatments are great for this, so consider having a cold shower or bath the morning after a tough workout. It’s not the most pleasant experience, but it will reduce inflammation and soothe your muscles. It has a lot of other great health benefits too, like reducing stress and boosting your immune system, so it’s a good habit to get into. Muscle tightness may also cause aches and pains and you can use heat treatments for this. A warm compress will soften the muscles and relieve some of the pain. 

If you find that none of these tips work, you are probably not taking enough rest days, so consider slowing down a bit and reducing your workouts. 

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