Actions That Promote A Happy Life

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Happiness isn't just a fleeting feeling. It's also something that we can promote in our lives. If we take the right actions, that is. Fortunately, such efforts tend to be pretty straightforward. In fact, you can find out about 4 of the most effective happiness promoting actions below. 

The first action that you can do to promote happiness is both simultaneously the most simple and the most challenging. For most people, that is! It's meditation, and there are a whole slew of benefits associated with practising it. Such as better emotion regulation, more self-compassion, and more empathy for others. 

There are many different types of meditation that you can do as well. With one of the most popular being mindfulness. That is the practice of getting quiet and just observing what is happening in the mind. Without judgment or without being carried along by any particular train of thought. Something that practitioners point out allows you much more control over the actions you choose to take. Thus preventing you from being stuck in a situation where you are always responding in a knee-jerk way. 

Then there are movement meditations like Tai Chi and Yoga. Which folks that have trouble sitting still for an extended period can often find more comfortable to do. 

You may even want to lose a practice called transcendental meditation which is centred around a specific personal mantra. With those people regularly practising it, suggesting that it can really help to boost their energy levels and improve their mood. 

Another almost instant way to boost mood is to exercise. In fact, there have been plenty of studies that show vigorous exercise can be as effective as antidepressants for those suffering with mild to moderate depression. 

Of course, sometimes getting off the couch and moving is challenging in itself. Although finding a friendly gym with workout machines and equipment where you are surrounded by others, exercising can certainly help. Then you won't feel so alone on your happiness boosting quest.

Detox your body
Next, if you are looking to be happier, you may want to take a more long term approach. That is one that may cause you a little short term pain for a long term game, namely detoxing your body. 

Now, I'm not suggesting that you need to do anything as extreme as juice fasting here. Instead, cutting down on refined sugar and processed products may be just enough to help bring equilibrium to your physical body. Something that can mean mood swings reduce, and promotes a calm happiness as the dominant state. 

Detox your mind
Finally, it's not only our bodies that can benefit from a detox but our mind as well. Especially in this age of constant online connection. To that end, allowing yourself some time away from stimulating input and your devices each day can be a precious technique for boosting your mood indeed. 

In fact, you may wish to set aside some time in the evening just before you go to bed for this. Then you can wind down from your day, read a book, and nod off into a peaceful sleep. The latter is also essential if you are looking to maximize the feeling of happiness in your life. 

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