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6 Reasons Why You'll Come Out of Lockdown a New You

Hi lovelies,

While the world has gone into a spin, and many people are suffering, it can be hard to find the positives. Even if you do find the positives and are enjoying lockdown, there is guilt which comes with that. Still, it’s essential that while you are aware of what is going around you and feel compassion for those who are affected, you try and make something good come out of this situation - if you can. It might be that you now have the time to learn how to sew, or that you get to spend more time with your children. Try to think of the positives and make the most of it. Here are a few more ways you could come out of lockdown a new you. 

You’ll be more grateful
With thousands of people suffering all over the world, you can have a look at what you have and how lucky you are to have a place to live, enjoy running fresh water, electricity, and have the technology to stay informed and stay connected. Things could be so much worse right now. 

You’ll think about what you want
Perhaps before lockdown began, you had plans to start a business, get dental implants, or you wanted to move to another country? However, because these things are no longer available to you right now, you have more time to think about what you want and make sure you come out of lockdown sure of your decisions and with even better ideas. 

You’ll know what’s important
If you are like many others, you have probably spent money over the years, consuming things that you don’t need and not thinking about “why”. Because of this world pandemic, it is now very easy to identify what is essential and how material goods don’t always bring happiness long term.

You’ll value your health
Many people have never even heard of the immune system until now, how it fights disease and keeps your body strong and able to enjoy life. Now we know that a killer-virus could come out of nowhere and be a threat to your life - yet if you are healthy and look after yourself you have a better chance at being able to fight and beat it. 

You’ll have appreciated exercising
Suddenly when you’re told you can’t go to the gym or swim in a pool, it makes it seem all that more attractive. Given that you are allowed an hour to exercise a day, you can use this time to do that. You might not have had the time to do this before, but now there is no excuse. Hopefully getting out for an hour a day and enjoying it will get you into good habits for when the lockdown is over. Not only will you appreciate being able to exercise but you will have had time to kickstart your exercise regime and be fitter than ever before. 

You’ll have plenty of sleep
Sometimes all we need to reset ourselves is a decent sleep, and with lockdown, this has given us the chance to do just that. Even if you are still working from home, you have the weekends and if you need to have a good lie in or take a nap, then you can. Don’t feel guilty about it, appreciate the time you have and do what you want with it, even if that is sleep. 

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