5 Ways To Practice Self Care At Home To Improve Your Wellbeing

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Self-care is an essential aspect of people’s everyday lives. After long stressful hours at work, an emotional week, or even taking care of your children all day, it is essential to take some time off to unwind. Practicing self-care may seem like indulging in your guilty pleasures; however, it does more than that. Taking the time to treat yourself right and giving yourself extra care improves your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. The great thing is, you can do some of these activities from the comfort of your home! If you’re wondering how you can, check out this list of a few things you can try now!

Take a relaxing bath
Scented candles. A bubble bath. Rose petals. A cold glass of wine. Yes, the whole works. Taking a relaxing bath may seem like a cliche self-care activity that shows up on every self-care list, but that’s because it is very beneficial. Scientifically, taking a bath has been proven to come with great benefits that improve your health. For example, baths improve the functions of your chest and lungs, helping you breathe better. It also improves your heart health and takes care of your brain and nervous systems. 

Therefore, be sure to put a relaxing bath on your list after a long day to enjoy some pampering while taking care of your health. If you prefer taking showers, consider a refreshing cold shower after washing yourself with warm water. Doing this improves your blood circulation, gives you extra energy, and releases endorphins which have an antidepressant effect. 

Clear your space
Decluttering may seem more of a chore than a way to take care of yourself. Research has shown that a cluttered space tends to increase stress levels and decrease your self-control. It also leads to chronic procrastination and reduces your productivity around the home. This is as bad as it sounds. If clutter causes all these adverse effects, decluttering produces the opposite results. According to psychologists, decluttering offers an opportunity to gain some self-control. 

After cleaning and clearing a cluttered room, you will likely feel a sense of productivity and accomplishment. This, in turn, improves your mental health. Also, the sense of organization and order that comes with decluttering puts you in a good mood. Therefore, if you have had a long tiring day, you should consider getting rid of the pile of clothes you have left on your dressing chair or that room you have been dreading to clean to put in a good mood. Remember, however, that if your clutter-challenge is a big one, you should declutter in bits and pieces to avoid overworking yourself. If possible, get someone to help so that it doesn’t feel too overwhelming. 

Stay hydrated
Somewhat unsurprisingly, it is pretty easy to go for hours without drinking a drop of water. This is because you may quench your thirst with fizzy drinks and other alternatives. In some cases, although you may drink water, chances are, you are not drinking as much as you should. The recommended amount of water to be consumed in a day is eight glasses. But why is staying hydrated a part of a self-care list? Water aids several physiological functions and chemical reactions in the body. 

It regulates the body’s temperature, aids in digesting, absorbing, and transporting nutrients, supports skincare, amongst other benefits. Dehydration can cause health issues such as confusion, constipation, dizziness, and low blood pressure. Keeping a habit of drinking more water can be difficult. So you can try keeping a water bottle that you refill hourly throughout the day. This way, you can keep track of how much water you are consuming.  

Get active
Exercise plays a significant role in self-care. It improves your physical and mental health. However, being active isn’t just about following an intense workout routine at home. There are so many activities you can do around the house to keep you on your toes. You can create a vegetable or spice garden in your backyard or take some time to connect with your loved ones over the phone and through video calls. 

You can also get lost in a book or binge-watch your favorite series. Starting a DIY project is also another great way to keep yourself active and practice self-care. How so? Well, the appearance of the space you are in affects your mood and motivation levels. And naturally, over some time, you would want to make some changes. So, pick a room or part of a room and start an upgrade project. Where necessary, hire Annapolis Propane and other professionals to service various devices and prevent accidents. 

Sleep early, wake up early
On average, you are required to get about six to eight hours of sleep. However, it can be challenging to get the prescribed hours of sleep. Getting enough sleep at night is vital to your self-care. Good sleep boosts your immune system, improves your cognitive functions, and improves your mental and emotional health. Therefore, it is crucial to cultivate good evening habits to ensure you get sound sleep. 

You can try making your room more sleep-inducing and make your room darker by getting thicker curtains or play calm white noises in the background. You should also avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine before bed. More importantly, you should develop a sleep routine. Set a bedtime that is early enough for you to get the required amount of sleep and wake up early to tackle the day ahead. Waking up early in the morning gives you a chance to start your day without feeling rushed or sluggish. This way, you can create a morning routine that would start your day on a high note.

Practicing self-care is not encouraging selfishness. Instead, it is taking the time to take care of yourself and ensure that your wellbeing is in top shape. When you are in good condition mentally and physically, you become a pleasure to be around. Therefore, incorporate these practices into your daily routines to improve your well-being significantly. 

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