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3 Essential Ear Care Tips

Hi lovelies,

When people think about bodily health, they rarely ever think about caring for their ears. Good hearing is often taken for granted, especially by young people. Unfortunately, as most of them grow older, their poor ear care habits catch up with them. Some become hard of hearing, while others lose their hearing altogether.

Image by Ksenia via Pexels

To avoid such an unpleasant occurrence, you must take good care of your ears. Here are a few tips on how you can go about it.

3 Essential Ear Care Tips

1.    Avoid Loud Noises
The leading cause of hearing loss is exposure to loud sounds. If you work in an environment where there is loud noise, like a factory, you should wear protective earplugs to prevent damage to your ears.

Headphones and earbuds can also lead to ear damage, especially if you use them for extended periods. Earbuds, in particular, are very harmful because they fit right next to the eardrum. A great rule to live by is the 60/60 rule, where you only listen to music at 60% of your device’s volume, for only 60 minutes a day.

Entertainment venues, such as clubs, also pose a risk to your ears, owing to the loud music played there. If you are ever in a place where you need to shout for the person near you to hear, you should take precautions to protect your ears.

Start by wearing earplugs. Then, leave the venue for a few minutes every so often to give your ears a break. When you get home from a night at the club, give your ears at least 16 hours to recover from all the noise.

2.      Don’t Use Ear Swabs

If you often clean your ears using cotton swabs, you should reconsider this habit. Ears have wax for a reason: to trap dust and other particles that could be harmful to the ears. If you remove ear wax frequently, you leave your ears exposed to damage by foreign substances.

Moreover, introducing sharp objects to your ears can potentially harm your eardrum. This can negatively affect your hearing ability.

If ear wax is causing you significant discomfort, consult your doctor. They may prescribe ear wax removal medication that will ease the irritation.

Additionally, always ensure that your ears are dry, particularly after swimming. If you feel that some water is trapped inside, tilt your head to one side and tug at the ear to remove it. This will help prevent the infamous swimmer’s ear and other bacterial infections.

3.      Go for Checkups

The easiest way to catch ear problems before they develop into serious issues is to regularly go for ear checkups. Additionally, if you experience any trouble with your ears, don’t hesitate to bring it up with your doctor. This includes any pain, discomfort, or difficulty hearing. The earlier you undergo a hearing testing, the better for you.

Ear care is an essential part of keeping your body healthy. Strive to form good ear care habits to keep them in good condition. This includes avoiding exposure to loud noises, getting regular checkups, and keeping your ears dry. If you follow these footsteps, you will preserve your hearing for years to come.

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