Let's Talk About Ears

Candy WashingtonComment

Pixabay - CC0 License

Hi lovelies,

When you consider the potential health issues that you may have to confront later on in life, the chances are that you don’t consider your ears. However, as you age (and we all do) your senses naturally degrade a little. Your hearing is no exception. The TV may have the volume increased, you might have to ask people to speak up a little more, and you may begin to suffer from a constant ring or ache in your ears. While the pain may not be acute, the effect of hearing issues can be chronic and have a detrimental impact on your quality of life. Take a look at why we should all be talking more about ears.

For some of us, tinnitus is acute, but for an unlucky few, tinnitus can become a chronic and annoying condition. While not painful, the constant ringing, buzzing, or muffled white noise sound that can develop in your ears over time can be frustrating. People with severe tinnitus often feel depressed and isolated. To combat any tinnitus that you may suffer from, think about distraction methods to eliminate the noise. Try a white noise machine to take your thoughts away from the ringing. Ensure that you keep warm in your ears to a minimum. If you need your ears syringing, have it done regularly to prevent the seashell noise from developing. Don’t allow yourself to feel isolated and remain social to help boost your mood.

Ear Infections
Some of us are predisposed to ear infections. Those of us with narrow ear canals or dry skin inside our ears can find that ear infections are more prevalent. People who enjoy swimming can develop a condition called swimmer’s ear. This is, in effect, a middle ear infection caused by a bacterial infection. This can cause soreness, temperature, and even nausea in sufferers. You may begin to suffer a muffled sensation in your ears. If you don’t seek medical attention, your eardrum can become stressed and even develop a hole. This can cause acute pain. To prevent ear infections, don’t put q-tips in your ears, and wear a cap if you go swimming.

Suffering from hearing loss is not necessarily painful but it can be soul destroying. It’s not uncommon when talking to older people to have to speak up and talk more loudly. If you begin to find your hearing diminishing, you could feel like others are becoming frustrated with you if they need to shout or if you misunderstand what others are saying. Suffering from hearing loss can mean that you don’t feel like leaving the house and you don’t feel safe outside your four walls. To combat this, head to a clinic and take a hearing test. Specialists will assess the tones and pitch that you struggle to hear meaning that you can wear a hearing aid that can result in you achieving near-perfect hearing once again. These can be very discreet meaning that those people around you don’t even know you are wearing one. This means you can feel confident when out and about.

Follow this simple guide and let’s talk about ears!

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