Importance Of Retaining Muscle During Weight Loss

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

More and more people today are concerned about their health. They understand the importance of being fit.  And this inevitably leads to a conversation around weight loss. But it is crucial that you focus on fat loss and don't lose muscles in the process. 

If you are also looking to lose weight by shedding fat and retaining your muscle, you have come to the right place. Read on to know some easy tips on saving your muscle while losing weight.

What is the difference between Weight Loss and Fat Loss?
Weight loss means losing your body weight, including fat, water, and muscle. In contrast, fat loss is more specific to only the reduction in fat from your body. When you intend to lose body weight, focus on losing fat alone instead of fat and muscle.

But then you may ask, why so…

Importance of maintaining muscle during weight loss
Losing muscle while on your weight loss journey can affect your overall health. Below are a few reasons why muscle is so important:

  • Higher muscle mass in the body will give you more stability and agility to do daily tasks.

  • Muscle mass in the body helps regulate your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. 

  • Muscles also help reduce inflammation in your body. 

  • A higher amount of fat in your body than muscle mass can result in chronic health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. 

  • Your muscle mass needs to be maintained to improve your overall health.

How to retain muscle when losing fat?
Preserving your muscle mass while losing weight through fat loss can be achieved in the following ways.

1. Strength training

When you focus on strength training, your body builds muscle. Opt for pilates, tai chi, yoga, or weight training to preserve muscle mass. Start slow and go with the flow for lifting weights. This ensures that you build muscle mass and lose fat. 

Focus on getting a pre-workout drink in, to nourish your muscles for the workout routine.

2. Muscle recovery

Your muscles need to rest after every workout. When you are on a calorie-deficit diet to aid fat loss, your muscles need adequate time to rest and repair. So ensure a warm-up and a cool-off session before and after your workouts.

3. Avoid drastic diets

If you wish to lose weight correctly, you must focus on your diet and workouts. Eating a calorie-deficit diet will help you lose fat. But reducing your calorie intake too much can result in muscle loss instead. When you follow an extreme, temporary diet, you cannot sustain it for your long-term goals. So, focus on eating a healthy, balanced, nutritious diet to get your macro and micronutrients. 

Another way to avoid drastic diets is by focusing on your calories and not the type of foods you consume. Consume a higher protein diet whilst also including other nutrients like carbs and healthy fats.

4. Say no to over-exercising

Working out daily will help you lose weight. But overdoing it will injure your muscles and drain you out. When you push yourself too hard, your muscles tend to go into overdrive and are easily fatigued. 

Alternate between strength training and cardio exercise routine on a home elliptical with incline or budget elliptical to maintain the fitness regime.

5. Hydration is key

Water forms up to 60% of your body. When you wish to lose weight through fat loss, drinking adequate water helps reduce your appetite and increase your metabolism. 

The electrolyte imbalance caused during a workout can also be replenished by drinking water mixed with electrolytes.

6. Proper nutrition

Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. So, what you put into your body matters a great lot when you are trying to lose weight. 

To ensure fat loss while preserving your muscle mass, include a good portion of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and fiber-rich foods. 

7. Adequate sleep

Your body needs to rest and recover every night. While you are asleep, your body pushes for muscle growth and repair. Studies have shown that lack of sufficient sleep compromises your weight loss journey. The lesser sleep you get, the lesser weight you lose. Get 8-9 hours of sleep every night to lose fat and repair muscles.

Build muscle, lose fat!

Focus on eating right and exercising daily to boost muscle growth and repair. You can also consult a health expert to fulfill your fitness goals and achieve fat loss while preserving your muscles.