Common Causes Of Unhealthy Weight Gain

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Sometimes, weight gain is beneficial and essential, especially for underweight people who actively adopt healthy practices to achieve this target. However, weight gain can also be detrimental, especially when the underlying practices don’t support good health. Unhealthy weight gain increases your body’s fat, increasing your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, respiratory issues, and other health conditions. Statistics indicate that approximately one in three adults is obese, accounting for 36% of the American population. Knowing the common causes of unhealthy weight gain can be instrumental in addressing the issue. Here are a few you should know about. 

Imagine being predisposed to gaining more weight than others due to genetic makeup. Indeed, research indicates that some people have over 70% of genes that causes obesity. Also, people whose parents were obese are likelier to experience weight gain. Your genes affect cravings, metabolism, appetite, and body-fat distribution, determining how quickly or slowly your body burns excess calories. However, this doesn’t mean you’re fated to be overweight for the rest of your life. Despite your genes, what you eat and do also affects your weight. 

Therefore, making healthier lifestyle choices ensure that you’re always fit. You can begin by loading your plates with healthy food options like lean protein, nuts, veggies, fruit, and whole grains. Consequently, you want to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Instead, exercise regularly- moderate-intensity for approximately 2 hours and weight training twice weekly can be beneficial. 

Food addiction 
Food addiction occurs when you eat highly palatable (foods with much sugar, salt, and fat) foods excessively, although you aren’t hungry. Indeed, research indicates that these meals trigger the release of feel-good chemicals like dopamine, causing the eater to crave more. People with food addiction spend more time overeating as they lose control over their eating behavior. Also, they may not stop eating, even if it damages their relationships or causes them to add weight rapidly. They are also likely to hide their meals or make excuses for overindulging. Aside from obesity, food addiction can cause heart disease, digestive problems, isolation, depression, and low-self esteem. Fortunately, you can overcome food addiction with the right strategies. 

You can begin by eliminating junk food and unhealthy snacks from your home to prevent you from breaking your resolve. You also want to avoid fad diets to make up for overeating. Instead, replace unhealthy practices with better ones. For instance, you should eat only when hungry and aim for more nutritious meals. You can also get professional help if it’s challenging to overcome your food addiction alone. Alternatively, bariatric surgery can help you overcome food addiction, so keep this in mind. However, speaking with your doctor is essential for learning about popular bariatric surgeries and other helpful advice post-surgery. 

Insulin resistance 
Insulin regulates blood sugar levels by determining how your body stores fat and glucose. It signals your fat cells, muscles, and liver to use blood glucose as fuel. However, the body can become resistant to insulin, affecting your body’s ability to maintain a normal sugar level. Excess sugar in your bloodstream can be stored as fat, leading to weight gain, prediabetes, and diabetes. Reducing sugar intake, sleeping well, and avoiding stress can improve insulin sensitivity, so feel free to consider these.