Why You’re Still Single (When You Don’t Want to Be)

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Are you trying to find someone to spend your life with? Want to create a meaningful relationship that can stand the test of time? Have all the intention there but finding it hard to actually get yourself off of the market and into the taken club?  

If you are wondering why you are still single, even though you don’t want to be, here are some things you could be doing wrong, a guide if you like. Designed to help you to understand why you are single and give you some advice on what you can do to change things for yourself in the future.  

You are not using all your resources 

One reason you might not find love is that you are not using all the resources that are open to you. There are various ways that you can meet people and date them these days, so make sure that you are using them to your advantage. Apps, websites, social media, and even chat lines including gay chat, divorcee chat, and black chat line dating are all available to you and all could lead you to find the person that you are looking for.  

You think that you don’t deserve love 

You might not realize it, but how you feel about yourself can often impact your dating history and whether or not you find the right person. You need to try and boost your self-esteem and find ways to ensure that you feel that you deserve love and that the love you receive should be the best quality possible.  

You are not coming across well 

You might be desperate to make a love connection, but this doesn’t mean you should come across as desperate when you date people. When you give off desperate vibes, then the other person is likely to be put off wanting to know more about you and what you have to offer them.  

You are not open 

Everyone has certain types of people they are more attracted to, as this is how attraction works most. However, just because someone might not be the type of person that you would usually go for, that doesn’t mean that you should automatically discount them. When it comes to long-term love, sometimes you need to match someone’s personality more than their looks, as looks fade.  

You find it hard to trust 
We have all had bad things happen in the past, which has meant that we trust a little less than we might have done before. This is okay and a normal part of dating and learning about love. But, one of the worst things that you can do is trust so little that you end up not meeting the right person.  

You may have been burnt in the past, but this doesn’t mean that everyone is the same and that you have to give up on the idea of dating altogether. It just means that you need to take it carefully and take the time to meet someone who shows you that you can trust.  

Are you not liking the single life? Want to try and give yourself the best chance of meeting someone to spend your life with? If this is true for you, then make sure that you take the time to work out what might be going wrong and how you can fix it for the future. 

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