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Hi lovelies,
When you are an adult, one of the most isolating things is how it is harder to make friends. When you are at university, college or school it is much easier to meet new people and form those bonds as you are with them every day, but when you leave these places it can be harder and this can lead to you feeling isolated. This is particularly true if you have moved away or if your friends from your childhood have and you don’t know anyone. Yet making new friends as an adult doesn’t have to be as hard as you think. Here we have put together some top ideas for making friends when you are grown up.
Join a club to do with a hobby or interest you have
One of the best ways to find friends that share the same interests as you - and therefore might be more compatible personality wise - is to join a club to do with a hobby that you have. This could be anything from a sport you like to play, such as netball or football, to painting or crochet. Have a look on your local notice boards, online and in the local news to find out about clubs that might run or be opening in your area. If there aren’t any, you could consider opening up your own club and seeing the different people that turn up, you never know what great potential friends you could meet!
See your work friends outside of the office
Whether you have recently joined your company and not had a chance to connect with your colleagues yet, or you just haven’t ever really mingled out of the workspace, now could be a great time to start. Your colleagues and yourself already have the common denominator that you all work together in the same industry, so you will have conversation starters. You then might find that your interests and things you like runs deeper and a friendship can form. Why not organize drinks with a few people from your team so it’s nothing too high-maintenance?
Join groups online
There are many places online where you can meet others looking for friends in your area. It could be on social media such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or you might join an online app specifically for that purpose. These groups are a great way to speak to other like-minded people who live in a similar place to you and strike up conversation ahead of meeting up. Many often do local meet-ups which are arranged ahead of time and you can gather in a group.
These can feel like less pressure than one on one meetings and are also safer too. Be sure to always be extra vigilant when meeting people online and check they are who they say they are. Always also share your whereabouts with others before you meet for the first time and don’t be afraid to bring someone else with you to be on the safe side
Don’t be afraid to start up conversation when out and about
Any time you are out and about is a good time to try and make friends. Whether you are at your local dentist getting affordable dental implants to help with your confidence and you strike up conversation in the waiting room, or if you are at the supermarket, start seeing each trip as an opportunity. Don’t be afraid to start speaking to strangers, they could very soon turn to good friends and you will have a great story of how you first met each other!
Tips for activities with a new friend
Decide on something neutral and low-key
Meeting up with a new potential friend the first few times can feel a bit daunting, which is why you don’t want to do anything too complicated just in case you find you don’t get on! The same way as dating, you don’t want to be fifteen minutes in, find you are just not gelling, and have to endure another three courses in a restaurant. Instead pick something such as an activity like crazy golf or cocktail making, or just go for a walk or a coffee. These are much more low-key, good fun and if you don’t end up meeting again you haven’t been stuck with an awkward encounter!
Exchange numbers beforehand and be clear on the details
Once you’ve met someone, it’s a good idea to exchange numbers or contact details just in case you need to confirm details of your meetup or cancel ahead of time. You also want to clearly set out the details and check what you both want to do, if anything needs to be booked and budget if you’re going out somewhere. This can help to avoid any awkward encounters once you are there.
Consider meeting up as a group
It can be intense meeting up with someone for the first time, so it can be a good idea to meet up as a group so there is a bit less pressure. By meeting up as a group you can speak to those that you are interested more in, but others can also help carry the conversation and you have the opportunity to meet many types of people. Talk can flow more easily, there are multiple people to speak to and it can be a lot better for people who are shy or find it hard making chat.
These are just a few top tips for making friends as an adult. It can feel daunting doing this, but by putting yourself out there you will be able to reap the benefits and enjoy a new social circle. Once you have done it a few times, you will feel a lot better. Remember that not all friendships will work out but not to get disheartened and you could end up making some best friends for life. What are some top tips you have for making friends as an adult? Let us know in the comments yesterday, we would love to hear from you.