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The Art Of Simplistic Living

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Hi lovelies,

Simplicity is a concept that can be applied to everything in life. Some use simplicity for organization, others may find peace of mind through simplicity; It's all up to the individual. Simplicity applies to clothing, food, games, schedules, and even technology.

Simplistic living does not mean one can live like an impoverished person with nothing but a pot and utensils (although the option is always available if wanted). Simplistic living means one has found ways in which they do not need every possession in front of them to function in daily life.

The benefits
Many people struggle to simplify their lives due to boredom or fear of giving up what they have become accustomed to. However, simple living can provide a person with many benefits, the most important being time. With fewer distractions and stress from material items to occupy one's time, simple living can improve productivity.

Technology today
A big issue in today's society is the separation of oneself from technology. Technology is a crucial part of daily life that everyone needs to accomplish even minor tasks, such as paying bills or shopping online. Many people have become obsessed with their cell phones due to apps for games and social media sites, causing them to be out of touch with those around them. When simplified, however, there is an improved quality within relationships through better communication because more attention is paid to those around you rather than behind a screen. Another benefit of simplified living is better posture due to less time sitting in front of a screen.

Many times technology can work for you rather than against you. Like the speedometer on your car's dashboard, it is meant to assist you while driving to measure distance and help increase awareness of how fast one is going. Technology can also aid when living more minimally by forgetting essential tasks such as laundry or grocery shopping.

Busy schedules
By simplifying life, busy schedules are easier to manage due to fewer distractions and fewer material items that need organization. Living simply allows one to live with fewer responsibilities, be more independent, and appreciate what they have accomplished in their day versus what they didn't get done at home because chores were left for later. Simplicity can improve your mindset by being aware of how much good you are doing for the world through recycling, volunteering, or donating to the less fortunate in the process.

Overcome obstacles
Living simply is not easy in today's society because it involves effort and willpower. Everyone in society is used to different conveniences to function in daily life, making it challenging to hire movers and give up material possessions in simple living. However, when challenges are conquered within simplistic living, one becomes more prepared to overcome obstacles when they arise in their life, necessitating additional changes. Simplistic living creates a vision for an ideal future that allows individuals to become lifelong learners who are better equipped for change emotionally, physically, and spiritually.           

Beautiful journey
The art of simplistically living is not easy to master but can become a beautiful journey when understanding the true meaning behind simplifying one's life. By removing distractions in our lives, we learn who we are and how nothing should be more important than the time spent with family and friends.

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