Telltale Signs Your Home Is An Unhealthy Place To Live

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

We tend to believe that our homes are places that support our health and wellbeing. Living inside them certainly feels better than being in the office or walking down a diesel fume-filled street. 

Unfortunately, homes can be hazards. There are multiple factors that can make them unhealthy. Here’s a rundown.

You Are Using A Non-HEPA Vacuum
We like to imagine that vacuuming improves the condition of our homes and makes them better places to live. But that’s only true if the vacuum itself is capturing all the particles that it sucks up. And, many times, it isn’t. Standard vacuums actually suck up tiny particles from the carpets and then distribute them into the atmosphere when you empty them in the bin. The solution? Use HEPA-based vacuuming

You’re Neglecting To Clean All Your Vents
Here’s another issue that could be affecting your health: failing to clean your vents. It turns out that vents harbor all sorts of dust, bacteria and other nasties. When you turn on the air conditioning, it releases them into the atmosphere - bad for anyone with allergies or a weakened immune system. 

Fortunately, cleaning vents is easy. Just take off the front cover, remove the grill behind and dispose of it outside. You can also wash it if the model allows. 

Your Bathroom Has Poor Ventilation
Why do building regulations insist that all new bathrooms have extractor fans? It’s because without them, moisture can build up inside the room, leading to mold. 

Mold causes all types of problems. Not only does it damage your paintwork and walls, it can also be hazardous to your airways. You don’t want it in your home. 

If you don’t have an extractor fan in your bathroom, get a professional to install one for you. They’re not expensive.

Your Water Is Contaminated
Water contamination is a significant issue, particularly in older houses with lead pipes. Heavy metals and pollutants can get into your water and make you sick. If you think your water might be contaminated because of your piping, call a plumber. Get them to report back to you about your current plumbing system and how you need to modernize it to make it safe

Your Gutters Are Full Of Debris
Guttering full of debris is another reason your home could be an unhealthy place to live. When gutters can’t do their job they tend to overflow during storms. This excess water then seeps into the walls, causing damp which then, naturally, leads to mold. 

Your Bedroom Smells Bad
A bedroom that smells musty and nasty is usually a sign of two things: 

  1. You aren’t changing your sheets enough

  2. You’re allowing junk to accumulate under the bed

When you sleep, your body produces a lot of sweat. This then travels into the bedsheets, causing a buildup of bacteria that causes bad smells. 

Junk under the bed can also accumulate. Worse still, if your bedroom is close to the kitchen, you might notice a buildup of oil-like residue on top of the carpet which can turn rancid. 

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