How to Use Your Standing Desk Like a Pro

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Standing desks are becoming increasingly popular among workplaces and home offices. It’s mostly thanks to the benefits they provide, including an increase in focus and productivity, as well as physical benefits. They provide an effective solution to combat the problems that come from sitting in an office setting all day. 

But, did you know you may not be using your standing desk to its full potential? 

Thankfully, Autonomous has put together a few tips for using your standing desk like a pro, and getting the most benefits you can from this unique and innovative item. 

So, how can you use your standing desk like a pro?

First, create intervals between sitting and standing. You don’t need to stand up all day long. Start slowly and work your way up to standing for longer periods of time. It’s also okay (and encouraged) to move while you’re at a standing desk. Tap your feet, take small steps, etc. 

You’ll feel a lot better at the end of the day if you’re standing the right way. Make sure you’re standing straight and not slouched over, and don’t put all of your weight on one leg. If you’re sore at the end of the day, consider putting something soft beneath your feet while you’re standing at your desk. 

It’s also important to take breaks! Most people are surprised to find out just how tiring standing for long periods of time can be. It’s okay to sit down and relax your feet throughout the day. Doing so will help you to stay motivated without getting burnt out. 

If you have a standing desk or you’re thinking about getting one, keep these ideas in mind to keep yourself safe, pain-free, and to make the most of your desk each day. 

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