Happy New You - 2021 Is Coming!

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

There is something so special about the New Year. Most people don't realize just how special the turn of the year is, and then there are those who truly feel that magic as a new page turns off their story. It feels like stepping over a line, limbo-ing under a rope - even taking a breath of new air. A New Year often brings hope, comfort and the promise of wonderful things to come. Sure, 2020 didn't exactly turn out the way in which any of us hoped. No civilian could have foreseen a pandemic ruining their plans or locking down their Christmas. No one could have seen the airlines closing and even Disney World closing. However, here we are about to embark on a whole new year, a whole new chapter in the story of you, and you need a plan.

Well, no one *needs* resolutions, of course, but that doesn't mean that you can't have some. Sometimes, a plan is what you need to frame your year, but not necessarily what you follow to the letter. Having resolutions is almost always associated with giving things up but it doesn't have to be. Sure, you can click here to learn how you can stop drinking and make it your focus for 2021, but there's no pressure on you to do anything you don't want to do. So, how do you plan to spend your year? Do you think you can grab it with both hands? Let's dive into the resolutions that'll make for a happy new you.

  • Learn To Budget. Everyone thinks that they know how to budget, but many need to take some lessons in it. Checking out some of the many videos online to teach you how to budget your cash is going to make a big difference to the way that you spend your year. Even if most of it is spent in lockdown, you're going to be able to get on top of your spending and saving and it'll feel good to know that you're doing something about it. When you are stuck in lockdowns or unable to travel, save the cash and leave it in a savings account until you're able to spend it. 2021 could be the year for financial freedom; all because you chose to keep your money to one side.

  • Be Kind to Your Liver. We've just mentioned learning how to stop drinking, but it's not just about your budget and how much alcohol can cost you. Drinking less ties directly into your health. This is your year, and as you're turning over a new chapter, you can choose to leave excessive alcohol consumption behind and you can get yourself feeling your very best by the end of the year. Drinking less helps your liver, your skin, your mood - even your sleep. Your immune system will thank you for the effort that you make!

  • Quit Bad Habits. Are you smoking right now? We all know the health risks of regular smoking, and if you're not on top of your health in this way, you're going to end up feeling worse. Giving up such a bad habit is not easy - we won't pretend it is! However, a step in the right direction is going to be a big deal for you and you can save your money for every pack of cigarettes and have a cushion of cash by the end of the year, and much healthier lungs for it!

  • Switch Your Eating Habits. You do not need to go into the year with the view to lose weight, so we'll be clear about that going in. However, you could use this year to switch around your eating habits and start to eat well. You can enjoy better foods, healthier meals and you could even learn to cook. You don't have to go to culinary school to learn to be an excellent cook, either: you can do it just by logging into YouTube and following recipe videos here, too. You can eat less processed foods and more fruit and veggies this year, and make it a point to enjoy every single bite!

  • Hydrate Your Year. It's one of the hardest things to do, but keeping up with your daily water intake is a must. Water is necessary so you should make it a resolution to buy a water bottle to encourage yourself to keep drinking and keep your water intake up. Your water consumption will improve your digestion, the way your body detoxes, your skin - you need to remember to drink. Drinking 2-3 litres of water per day is going to go a long way to making you feel healthy and energized this year.

  • Start Exercising. You don't have to immediately join a gym, but you should find a workout routine that works for you and then stick to it no matter what. Habits are created after 21 days, so figure it out and stick to that habit. Not only will you improve the way that your body looks and feels, you're going to be able to indulge in physical activity and stimulate the brain as a result.

  • Vow To Sleep Better. You want a new year, new you, right? Well, you need to make time to sleep. Every single person out there needs a good amount of sleep per night to be able to be a whole, happy person. Prioritize your sleep this year. Get a new bed and splash out for pillows and blankets. It's a New Year, so why not have a new bed to settle into? Sleep changes the way that you feel, and you need to have a good, positive night of it if you want to have an energetic, happy year.

Lastly, just feel good. This is a new year but that doesn't mean that your personality has to change. Enhance your life and make sure that you come out of 2020 in one piece. When you do this, you can spend your time doing what you want to do rather than what you feel you have to do.

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