Create The Beautiful Low Maintenance Home You Deserve

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Living in a beautiful home is about more than just aesthetics. It's about occupying space that nourishes us emotionally and mentally as well as physically. It's about having somewhere we can use as a retreat from the world, a place where we can rest and recharge and fill up our empty metaphorical cups. Of course, if we are spending all of our time tending to, cleaning and taking care of such a space, we will have little energy or time left to enjoy it. The good news is that we can create a home that is at once beautiful, and easy to take care of. Keep reading to find out how. 

Go minimal 
It's obvious really, but if you want a home that is easy to take care of, keeping the interior as simple as possible is the way to go. After all, clutter is not only harsh on the eyes but can sap your time as well—both when it comes to it clean and organized. 

With that in mind, minimalism is a beautiful trend to adopt because it allows for the things you need. Still, it also encourages you to consider this very carefully, while ridding your life and your home environment of unnecessary things. 

Of course, for many of us getting our living space to a place where they can be considered genuinely minimal is a bit of challenge. Fortunately, you don't have to get there overnight. Instead, you can use some of the popular declutter techniques such as Kon Marie to gradually reduce the number of items. Indeed, the process of decluttering can be a beneficial form of self-care, because clutter is often a physical manifestation of procrastination, living in the past and decisions that have been left unmade. Therefore by attending to these decisions, you can reap the emotional benefits and the extra space decluttering will create. 

However, it is essential to note that decluttering is only one aspect of keeping your low maintenance and simple. After all, clutter does tend to collect if we do not monitor it all of the time. With that in mind, it is also a smart idea to institute a 'one in - one out' policy when it comes to new items. That means if you buy or are given something new for your home, you need to get rid of something old, therefore stopping clutter building up and keeping your home as low maintenance as possible. 

Keep your decor simple 
Another way that you can make your home low-maintenance is to opt for simple decor. Yes, that does mean avoiding things like large Rococo mirrors and things like coving and moulding on the walls. 

You can even apply this principle to the bedding you choose. After all, washing, drying and ironing comforters and sheets, especially for king size beds, can be a time-intensive job. With that in mind, why not choose gorgeous, comfortable linen bedding that doesn't have to be pressed, and it is much better for your body and skin because it is a natural fabric that breathes? 

Keeping things simple may not sound like a big deal, but, it truly is because the more ornate the items in your home, the more difficult and time consuming they are to clean and maintain. With that in mind, choosing the simplest version with the cleanest lines is an excellent way to ensure your home stays as low maintenance as possible. 

Install low maintenance essentials 
While most of the low maintenance tips you will find here are about your home's decor and interior, it is essential also to apply this philosophy to your entire home. Therefore, if you can find a lower maintenance option for your property, you should grab it with both hands! 

The good news is that manufacturers and retailers are getting wise to the fact that we want these types of options. Therefore it's now possible to get everything from plants to lawn grass, to septic tanks that require only minimal maintenance. Something that means you can spend more time enjoying your home, rather than taking care of it. 

Opt for stain-resistant materials
One of the best ways to make sure your home is as low maintenance as possible is choosing materials, particularly fabrics, resistant to spill and stains. Leather is perfect for this, as stains can be easily wiped away very quickly. 

Of course, not everyone will want real leather in their home, and if you are following a vegan lifestyle, you can get some excellent leather replicas now. Another great thing about leather and leather-like materials is that they age well. This means their not just low maintenance in terms of effort but will last for a lot longer and save you money

 No problem if leather isn't your thing, as there are other options to consider as well. Indeed, you can now get all sorts of specialized fabrics that are resistant to training, or you can use products like Scotchgard to treat fabrics you already have.

Look out for the new types of carpet too, that are very thick piles but can also be very easily spot washed, even with bleach while doing no damage to them at all!

Opt for easy care floors 
While we are on the subject of flooring, there is much that can be done to keep things low maintenance in this area. In particular, wooden floors are a good choice here, because you can give them a quick brush and they will look great even without having to use a vacuum. 

However, it is also vital that you look out for flooring that doesn't give dirt and dust the chance to settle and collect. That means anything that has no significant gaps such as larger tiles, or vinyl flooring. 

Finally, before you make your flooring choices, check what needs to be done to them for maintenance and cleaning. After all, some floors can look gorgeous but need all sorts of work like buffing and polishing to keep them looking their best. Therefore they are not low maintenance at all! 

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