Cleaning Tips For A Sweet Scented Home

Home Decor, LifestyleCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Sometimes despite your very best efforts, cleaning can only get rid of the dirt in your home and not introduce a refreshing smell. This could be down to many reasons, but it can also be changed very easily with little effort when you think outside the box. So, if you’re in the mood to pull on your gloves and get scrubbing, then read on to uncover some of the best top tips to help you create the sweetest scent ever.

Lay Great Foundations
Though it may seem you’ve got rid of absolutely all of the grime in your home, it's likely that some still lurks hidden, potentially in plain sight. The quality of your equipment does influence the standard of your clean, so do some research with regards to one vacuum vs another to find the best make and model. Invest in some antibacterial wipes to clear all surfaces of dirt, and use a duster and some polish to finish off. Don’t be afraid to clean the same place twice, and get in between every nook and cranny to get all of the awkward places too, as the build up of dirt usually encourages the strongest bad smell. 

Invest In Scented Items
There are several different things that can make a really sweet addition to your home, and they even add points to your interior design aesthetic value too. For example, incense comes in so many flavours, from vanilla to musk and patchouli, and the slow burning smoke can be so relaxing to watch. As well as this, scented candles come in many forms, with shapes like flowers and skulls so common in any good home interior store, and the smells that are produced as the wick burns can really wake the senses. Even cleaning products come with different smells, with dedicated brands offering products like cherry bakewell flavoured bleach to toffee apple surface spray. Just get online and start searching for your favourite scents and see what wonders appear on your screen. 

The Importance Of Fresh Air
Even on the coldest of mornings, it’s so important that you open your windows wide and let in some fresh air. The air in your home can easily get stale after cooking several meals and sleeping through the night, so it’s vital you can change the oxygen and start afresh each morning. Leave your bedsheets off your bed while you do this, as the warmth inside your bed is the perfect atmosphere for bugs and bacteria to thrive, so in doing this you destroy their habitat. 

Getting a sweet scent in your home needn’t be as tough as you might think with these top cleaning tips! Lay strong foundations by freeing your home from dirt, dust and grime with the best equipment, and invest in scented products that can boost your chances of a long lasting aroma. Burn incense and candles for a delicious smell and a decorative feature, and don't forget to open your windows wide each morning to get some fresh air.

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