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6 Reasons Why You’re Terrible at Dating

Hi lovelies,

You’ve watched scenes in the movies where a couple go out on their first date and there is an instant connection. The entire process seems smooth, seamless and quite unrealistic to be honest.  If you want to start living the life you have always wanted, you need to step outside your comfort zone and get to grips with the life of dating. If you have had some horrible experiences in the past, here are a few home truths that might resonate with you.

1. You’re Expecting too Much
When you go out on a first date with someone, you need to lower your expectations. Are you the type of person who thinks they are going to meet the love of their life after one drink? So many people do this so you’re definitely not alone! Have some fun and try or a dating app if you haven’t had much luck with relationships so far. Don’t take anything too seriously or expect too much; just enjoy it! 

2. You’re Never Truly Yourself
Have you ever pretended to like something just to impress the person you’re dating? So many people do this, but this isn’t the way to go about pursuing an honest relationship. Eventually the other person will find out that you’re not who you say you are and then your road to single town will begin again!

3. You Catch Feelings Too Quickly
Falling in love too quickly can cause a lot of issues when you’re in the dating game. You need to take every day as it comes rather than getting too serious. 

4. You’re Looking in the Wrong Places
If you think you’re going to meet the love of your life in a pitch black club then you’re probably mistaken. This may have worked for people in the past, but it’s not something you should actively be doing. Stop looking in the wrong places and think about where your ideal partner might hang out.

5. It is Your Sole Focus
I’d you have tunnel vision with regards to finding your soulmate you need to shift your focus. When you’re looking for something it won’t find you; it’s really that simple!

6. You’re Impatient
The truth is, you need to stop rushing love and just let it happen. One of the main reasons why you’re terrible at dating is because you want everything to happen right away. Even if you do want to meet someone in the end, you can’t force the process. Take the pressure off and relax; it will happen if it’s meant to be.

The truth is, so many people are terrible at dating, but most are afraid to admit it. It is very easy to blame the people you’re dating rather than blame yourself, but your habits and outlooks might be the issue. The good news is that you don’t have to be terrible at dating forever. Consider the advice provided above and you will soon be one step closer to a happier dating life.

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