How Can You Start Living The Life That You Dream Of?

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

In a bit of a rut and wanting to make a change in your life? Perhaps you’re fed up of seeing everyone else achieving their goals and living life to the fullest, while you sit back and do nothing. It’s easy to fall into this trap, but there are ways to get out of it and make the most of the time you have on earth. Here are some ideas!

Write down your goals
If you’re ready to make real changes in your life, once of the best ways you can go about doing this is by writing down exactly what you plan on doing. Start with the end goal, then you can break this down into more manageable chunks and work out the path you’re going to take to get there. Writing things down rather than simply keeping them in your head can be surprisingly powerful, once you’ve got them in black and white it makes everything much more real. When it comes to our goals, they can sometimes change a little, and the path we take to reaching them can certainly be different to the way we first imagine. But by writing down that initial plan you have something to go off; it becomes a plan rather than just a pipedream. It might be helpful if you sit and work out how long each step of your plan is likely to take you, that way you have a realistic idea of how long it will take you to get there, and you won’t get fed up and quit when everything doesn't happen right away. For example, if you wanted to get your dream job you’d perhaps first need to improve your education, then get an entry level job working in a relevant position and work your way up from there. You could do your research and figure out roughly how long each step would take you. Whether your goal is to lose weight for good, buy a house, travel the world or anything else, this method is useful to work from. 

Take the first step
Often it’s taking that first step which really is the scariest. If you’re doing something new in life it involves stepping out of a comfort zone that you’ve carefully curated for yourself over the years, which can be incredibly daunting. While doing these sort of things can feel scary, overwhelming and downright unpleasant at the time, when you look back on your life, it's those moments that really stand out because they’re the ones that spark change. Once you’ve pushed through the negative emotions, you’re often flooded with relief ,and huge feelings of pride for what you’ve done which can make it all worth it. Have a look at the goals you’ve broken down, and just take that very first step. It could be phoning a driving instructor to book your lessons. It could be speaking to a mortgage advisor to buy a house, a personal trainer to assess your fitness goals or anything else at all. Once you’ve taken the plunge with that very first step, the rest will follow easier than you might think. 

Don’t let rejection put you off
At any step of the way along your path to your goal, you might experience failure or rejection. When you’re not in the right mindset you might use this as an excuse to back out, see it as a ‘sign’ that you never should have tried or otherwise wallow in self pity. It can be really hard when you get knocked back in life, if you fall off the wagon or don’t meet your own expectations in some way or another. But it’s absolutely not an excuse to quit! There will often be bumps in the road and the path to success is rarely a smooth one, so be prepared. If you suffer failure or rejection, you might need to either get back to it, or figure out a new path to your goal. 

Visualise, meditate, use the law of attraction
One of the most powerful things you can do to reach any goal in life is to be in the right mindset. Seeing things in a clear and positive way will always help you in getting where you need to be. Simple tasks you can do each day such as deep breathing while meditating, visualising your end goal and using the law of attraction to call in what you want can all help to make you feel calm and picture exactly where you’re going to be. Take a hot bath and then relax in a chair or on your bed, breathing deeply and using these techniques to picture yourself reaching your goal. Once you’ve seen this in your mind, it can be a lot easier to push forward in what you need to do to get there.

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