Do you want to make your home energy efficient

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Do you want to make your home energy efficient? Upgrading to a new boiler is one of the things you can do, but if you want to take things to that next level then you can combine this with other upgrades. If you want to find out more then all you have to do is take a look below.


Insulation can give you the biggest benefits when it comes to heat retention. It helps to reduce the need for heating, and it can also reduce the possibility of damp as well. As if that wasn’t enough, it can boost your home’s value. Insulation makes it way easier for you to keep your home cooler in summer too. If you have poor-quality insulation in the loft, then now is the time for you to change that. Installing quality loft insulation can reduce heat loss and it can make a major difference to your bills.  Mineral wool insulation is a popular method, but polyurethane foam is often used if you have areas that are difficult to access.

Smart Meter

Smart meters are one of the best ways for you to keep track of all the energy you are using.  If you can see accurate and real-time information regarding your energy use, then this will put you in a stronger position over the long run.

Fit Double Glazing

A lot of heat is lost through your home’s windows. If you want to do something about this, then you need to try and install double or triple glazing. This may cost you initially but the benefits over the long run are undeniable. Not only will you be able to limit heat loss, you’ll also be able to reduce external noise while gaining a much higher level of protection from the elements. External windows can be installed with ease if you go through a professional service, and they can also add a small fortune to the value of your home. If you want to install some new windows in your home, then click here.

Draught Proofing

This involves you filling any gaps where cold air can enter your home. Think about the gaps around your windows, doors, floorboards, fittings and more. There are all kinds of materials you can use to fill gaps here, such as shaped rubber, flexible filler and even silicone sealant. Expanding foam can be used to fill larger gaps too. Just make sure that you are using the right material so you can get a good bond. If you don’t then you may end up making a mess that you need to clean up later.

Solar Panels

If you install solar panels, then you will be able to capitalise on free energy from the sun. The great thing about solar panels is that they work even when it is cloudy outside. Solar panel systems are also known as photovoltaics and they help to convert sunlight into electricity within the home. You can use this to power your lighting as well as any household appliances you may have. The initial cost may be a little high but in the long run, you will be able to cut your electricity bills significantly. It also means that your carbon footprint will be lower, and this can work in your favour. It is possible for you to install energy feedback displays too so you can optimise how much renewable energy you are using.

LED Lighting

If you want to make the most out of your home’s energy efficiency, then one thing you can do is try and install some LED lighting. When you do, you will soon find that you can capitalise on huge savings across your home. If you have never given much thought to LED lighting before then you may want to look into smart bulbs as well. You can turn these on and off by using your phone and you can also connect them to a timer, so you don’t have to worry about leaving the lights on again. This is great, to say the least as it means you won’t be draining your budget through simple mistakes.

So, as you can see, there are a huge number of ways that you can capitalise on making your home more energy efficient and if you follow this guide you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to see an improvement in your bills. Why not see what works for you today? After all, sometimes it is the smallest changes that end up having the biggest impact.