4 Ways to Juggle Working from Home while Managing a Household

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Since the pandemic began, there have been more people than ever who are working from home. While working from home has many benefits such as working in your PJs, sleeping in, or skipping the commute, there are some downsides to it. It can be a challenge to stay productive while juggling all the demands that your household has such as chores, caring for children, and other home concerns. These tips will help you in managing your tasks at home while meeting your deadlines at work.

Create a designated workspace
While the idea of working from your couch or bed is incredibly tempting, it’s best to not do that.  If you’re sitting in an area that’s meant for relaxing, you’re going to struggle to keep at work because your mind will wander and will want to relax. Instead, try to look into creating an official setup. This could be something such as working from a dining room table, having your own desk, or maybe getting yourself a home office.

Whatever you do, you should have a door in this workspace so you can close it and lock it. It’s important that you block out any distractions that come your way. Your workspace should also be well equipped with items that you need for your jobs such as a computer or laptop, stationery, printer, a good microphone, webcam, and headphones. You’ll want these things within arms reach so you won’t have to constantly get up to get these.

Figure out a good schedule
Is your partner working from home as well? Are your kids old enough to go to school? Are they old enough to make their food? There can be struggles if your children are still too young for school or are doing school from home. You’ll need to make a clear schedule with your family, especially your partner about this. You all will need to accommodate each other. This includes accommodating child care, chores, errands, and many other things. This also needs to include quiet time. If you or your partner will be in a lot of meetings, then boundaries need to be set on who needs to be quiet as All Clean Pressure Washing LLC can be quite loud. Just in general though, you and your household will need to figure out a balance.

While it’s not fun to do, one way to handle work and doing things around the house would be through multi-tasking. This could include walking your dog while you’re waiting for a client to get back to you, running to do a load of laundry before a long meeting, or maybe putting dishes in the dishwasher during a phone call. You could always try to outsource some of your home chores if you and your partner are just far too busy to get any work done.

Meal prep
Meal prepping can be wonderful, but there are downsides. If your spouse and children rely on you to make food, you can always meal prep the day before or maybe even on the weekends. However, since meal prep can be a lengthy process on its own, you’ll still be glued to the kitchen. The plus side would be the fact that you’re not having to worry about it during work. A downside to meal prepping would be feeding yourself or your children something that none of you were in the mood to eat. 

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